(3285+1200), that is a long consecutive test period of
decreasing of the inverted DJIA. This highlights that
the solution has also learned when it is better to re-
frain from trading.
In this work, we have analysed the predictive capa-
bilities on the DJIA index of a simple solution based
on novel deep recurrent neural networks, which in se-
veral research areas have shown superior capabilities
of detecting long term dependencies in sequences of
data, such as in speech recognition and in text under-
standing. The aim of our work was to move away
from the latest complex trends, in terms of stock mar-
ket prediction based on the use of non-structured data
(tweets, financial news, etc.), in order to focus more
simply on the stock time series. From this viewpoint
the work follows the philosophy of the ARIMA ap-
proach proposed in 1970 by Box and Jenkins but ex-
perimenting advanced approaches.
Our tests have shown that the proposed solution is
able to obtain a prediction accuracy of about 83% and
a profit of more than 5 times the initial capital, out-
performing the state-of-the-art. The tests have also
shown how the predictions benefit from a lower va-
riability compared to that obtained with an approach
operating random choices.
The work can be extended to a scenario of paral-
lel trading with multiple stocks, also investigating and
exploiting possible correlations among different mar-
ket indexes. Another possible improvement is to pre-
dict the best trading action according to forecasts of
stock price movements referred to two or more days
in the future. This strategy may lead to the identifica-
tion of additional recurring patterns able to exploit the
time lag in the reactivity of stock market as supposed
in (LeBaron et al., 1999).
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