two groups by chi-square test. Therefore, the pe rso-
nal preference of comics was not thought to have any
effect on comics can attract their interest.
Table 6: Relationship between personal preference and in-
terest investigation.
N the number of ti-
mes they select four-
frame comic
Prefer comics 20 39
Not prefer comics 24 37
Based on the results of interest investigation, four-
frame com ic was not the method which attracted par-
ticipants inter est the most, which mea ns H1 was not
verified. However, based on the reason why they
chose the four-frame comic con te nts as the most at-
tractive, some situation such as characters talking
about the topics and humors used in story were
thought to attract particip ants interest. For example,
“The comic seemed humorous so that I wanted to read
it to know jokes (about Bowl meal)” , “It is easy to
see 4 steps at a time (about Rice ball sold in co n-
venience stores)”, “It was most understandab le with
some chats and illustration (about The way to hold
chopsticks)” and “This comic explained clearly what
the event food is and I want to know more about it
(about Event food)”
Based on these results, there is so me possibility
that four-frame comic can encourage viewers to k now
more ab out presen te d information by using charac-
ters’ chat of explana tion with moderate illustration.
Humorous expression could make viewers expect that
it may provide some information in pleasant way. In
addition, because viewers can read four-frame comic
freely in their own way such as reading speed or ima-
ging contexts, such fr e edom of reading four-frame co-
mic was thought to imp ress viewers favorably and in-
5.2 Memory Investigation
To determine the relationship be twe en personal pre-
ference and the r e sult of memory investigation, the
same analysis as the interest investigation was con-
ducted and its results are shown in Table 7. The re was
neither significant difference s between two groups by
chi-square test. Therefore, the personal preference of
comics was not thought to have any effect on whether
comics can be memorized.
Based on the results of interest investigation, H 2
was not verified. Although there was no signifi-
cant difference between fo ur information presentation
methods in memory investigation, four-frame comic
Table 7: Relationship between personal preference and me-
mory investigation.
N the number of times
they rememb e r four-
frame com ic
Prefer comics 20 23
Not prefer comics 24 21
was ranked as one of the most m emorized method as
well as video. In four-frame comic contents, th e story
was p resented where characters talk about the topics
in four frames, while in video contents, 15 second
movie was presented. Therefo re the amount of infor-
mation was larger in four-frame comic and video con-
tents than in illustration and photogr a ph contents, and
this difference of in formation amount might bring the
difference of memorization. Comparing video with
four-frame comic, video is dynamic inform ation so
that video is thought to include more informa tion than
four-frame comic though, four-frame comic contents
were memorized same times as video contents. It is
thought th at h umorous stor y of f our-frame comic in-
cluding the slip end or pun ch line, promotes elabo-
rative rehearsal in viewers’ cognition to be easier for
As the result of investigatio n experiment, H1 and
H2 was not verified. However based on the posi-
tive answers in the questionnaire of interest investi-
gation, four-frame comic’s humorous story and rea-
dability cou ld be effective to attract viewers’ interest.
Also ba sed on the results of memory investigation, the
amount of information include d in four-frame comic
and its humor expression could be effective to make
viewers memorize the information explained in pre-
sented contents.
There were some limitations in this study. The re-
ason why participants chose the method as the most
interesting was asked in interest investigation, howe-
ver, it is also necessary to know why other methods
don’t attract participants interest at the same time to
discuss from various viewpoints. In addition, this
study focused on just two contents’ types, proce dure
and variety types, however, there are many other to-
pic types of information what foreign tourists want to
know from digital signages. In future study, more de-
tail experiment is expected to investigate the effective
use of four-frame comic.