Improved Effort Estimation of Heterogeneous Ensembles
using Filter Feature Selection
Mohamed Hosni
, Ali Idri
and Alain Abran
Software Project Management Research Team, ENSIAS, Mohammed V University Rabat, Morocco
Department of Software Engineering,
Ecole de Technologie Sup
erieure Montr
eal, Canada
Software Development Effort Estimation, Machine Learning, Ensemble, Feature Selection, Filter.
Estimating the amount of effort required to develop a new software system remains the main activity in soft-
ware project management. Thus, providing an accurate estimate is essential to adequately manage the software
lifecycle. For that purpose, many paradigms have been proposed in the literature, among them Ensemble Ef-
fort Estimation (EEE). EEE consists of predicting the effort of the new project using more than one single
predictor. This paper aims at improving the prediction accuracy of heterogeneous ensembles whose members
use filter feature selection. Three groups of ensembles were constructed and evaluated: ensembles without
feature selection, ensembles with one filter, and ensembles with different filters. The overall results suggest
that the use of different filters lead to generate more accurate heterogeneous ensembles, and that the ensembles
whose members use one filter were the worst ones.
Software Development Effort Estimation (SDEE)
aims at providing the amount of effort needed to de-
velop a software system. The estimates provided play
a decisive role on the success of a project manage-
ment, since it allows software managers to allocate
adequately the resources needed to build the software
system. Providing an accurate effort estimate has
been the subject of many studies for more than four
decades and a large number of techniques have been
proposed (Azzeh et al., 2015; Hosni et al., 2017c;
Hosni et al., 2017a; Zhu, 2010; Hosni and Idri, 2017).
This paper deals with ensemble techniques. Ensem-
ble techniques have been successfully applied to solve
many classification and regression tasks (Zhu, 2010;
Zhou, 2012). They consist of aggregating the outputs
of a set of single techniques by means of a combina-
tion rule. Ensembles techniques have been also ap-
plied in SDEE and will be referred to here as EEE
(Ensemble Effort Estimation). The literature distin-
guishes two types of ensembles (Idri et al., 2016c):
(1) Homogeneous EEE is divided into two subtypes:
ensembles that combine at least two configurations of
the same single SDEE technique, and ensembles that
combine one meta model such as Bagging, Boosting,
Negative Correlation, or Random Subspace and one
single SDEE technique; (2) Heterogeneous (HT) EEE
which combines at least two different SDEE single
The systematic review of Idri et al. (Idri et al., 2016a)
has documented that in general ensembles outper-
formed their members. However, some studies of
EEE have shown the opposite (Hosni et al., 2017a;
Kocaguneli et al., 2009). It has been observed that
the accuracy of an ensemble mainly depends on two
main criteria: accuracy and diversity of its members
(Idri et al., 2016a; Idri et al., 2016b). In other words,
the estimates of an ensemble are influenced by the es-
timates of its members, thus, they should be as ac-
curate as possible. Also, they should be diverse (e.g.
make different errors in the same data point). Con-
sequently, each ensemble member can cancel the es-
timation errors done by other members. Otherwise,
an ensemble that integrates non-diverse members may
produce a lower estimation accuracy than its mem-
bers. Although, there is no generally accepted for-
mal definition of ensemble diversity, there are some
mechanisms used to generate diversity among them
selecting input features (Zhou, 2012), which was in-
vestigated in this paper.
Within this context, we carried out an empirical eval-
uation of heterogeneous ensembles whose members
were K-nearest neighbor (KNN), Multilayer Percep-
tron (MLP), Support Vector Regression (SVR), and
Decision Trees (DTs) (Hosni et al., 2017a). This
Hosni, M., Idri, A. and Abran, A.
Improved Effort Estimation of Heterogeneous Ensembles using Filter Feature Selection.
DOI: 10.5220/0006929104050412
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT 2018), pages 405-412
ISBN: 978-989-758-320-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
study has dealt with: (1) accuracy of the ensemble
members by tuning their parameters using the grid
search optimization technique, and (2) diversity by
using two filters: Correlation based feature selection
(CFS) and RReliefF. The results obtained showed that
the ensembles whose members used filter selection
were less accurate than their constituents and ensem-
bles without feature selection as well. This paper
presents an improvement to the selection process of
the heterogeneous ensemble members of (Hosni et al.,
2017a); in particular, we deal with the diversity cri-
terion by selecting members using different filters,
while in (Hosni et al., 2017a), the ensemble mem-
bers used the same filter. Moreover, three instead of
two filters were used in this study: CFS, RReliefF,
and Linear Correlation (LC). The ensembles of this
study were compared to ensembles of (Hosni et al.,
2017a) and ensembles without feature selection in or-
der to evaluate the impact of using different filters for
ensemble members on the accuracy of the ensembles.
The ensemble members of this study were the same as
in (Hosni et al., 2017a): KNN, MLP, SVR and DTs.
As for combiners, three linear rules were used: av-
erage, median, and Inverse Ranked Weighted Mean
The main contributions of this paper are: dealing with
the diversity criterion of ensemble members by means
of three filters; and evaluating the impact of diversity
of ensemble members on the accuracy of EEE.
The rest of this paper is structured as follows: Sec-
tion 2 presents an overview of the three filters as well
as the four ML techniques used in this paper. Sec-
tion 3 presents the findings of some related work in
SDEE dealing with feature selection techniques for
heterogeneous ensembles. Section 4 presents the em-
pirical methodology pursued throughout this study.
Section 5 presents and discusses the empirical results.
Section 6 presents the conclusions of this empirical
2.1 Feature Selection Techniques
Feature selection aims at eliminating redundant and
irrelevant features in order to reduce the complexity
and to improve the performance of any learner. Sev-
eral feature selection techniques are proposed in the
literature and can be grouped into three categories
(Jovic et al., 2015): Filter techniques, Wrapper tech-
niques and Embedded techniques.
This paper used filter techniques since they are
less costly and are performed independently of the
learner. Three filters were used: Correlation based
feature selection (CFS), RReliefF technique, and Lin-
ear Correlation. CFS belongs to the multivariate fea-
ture selection family: it assesses the full feature space,
and select a subset of features. The other two tech-
niques belong to the univariate feature selection fam-
ily: they separately assess each attribute and provide
a ranking of the features which presents an issue in
selecting the number of features. Selecting log
attributes where N is the number of features available
in the dataset, was the solution proposed in the lit-
erature and was adopted in this study (Hosni et al.,
2017a; Khoshgoftaar et al., 2007).
2.2 Four ML Techniques and Their
Parameters Settings
This study uses the same four ML techniques investi-
gated in (Hosni et al., 2017a): Knn, SVR, MLP, and
It is well-known that the performance accuracy
of an estimation technique depends on its parameters
settings (Song et al., 2013; Hosni et al., 2017b; Hosni
et al., 2017c). In (Hosni et al., 2017b), we conducted
an empirical evaluation in which two optimization
techniques, Grid Search and Particle Swarm Opti-
mization, were used to set the parameters of four tech-
niques KNN, MLP, SVR, and DTs. The results ob-
tained showed that tuning the parameters by means of
optimization techniques have a positive impact on the
accuracy of these estimation techniques. Therefore,
this paper uses a grid search optimization technique to
set the parameters values of the four ML techniques.
It consists of performing a preliminary round of ex-
ecutions in a predefined range of values and there-
after selecting the optimal configuration that allows
the technique to generate the best accuracy with re-
spect to a specific measure (Hosni et al., 2017b). This
paper uses Mean Absolute Errors (MAE) as the per-
formance measure and the configuration that leads the
technique to generate less MAE was selected. Table 1
lists our predefined range of parameters values of the
four ML techniques.
The aim of feature selection techniques is to select
a set of features providing consistent information on
the instances of the data. Thus, the selected features
are used as inputs of a technique performing a knowl-
edge data discovery task such as classification, pre-
diction or clustering. Within this context, many stud-
ies in SDEE have investigated the use of feature se-
ICSOFT 2018 - 13th International Conference on Software Technologies
Table 1: Parameter Values For Grid Search.
Techniques Parameters with their search spaces
K= {1, 2, 4, 8, 12}
Similarity measure = {Euclidean Distance}
Complexity= {5, 10, 50, 100, 150}
Extent to which deviation are tolerated = {0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1}
Kernel Parameter= {0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1}
Learning rate= {0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04, 0.05}
Momentum= {0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5}
Hidden layers= {3, 5, 9, 16}
Minimum instance per leaf = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
Minimum proportion of the data variance at a node = {0,0001, 0,001, 0.01,0.1}
Max depth= {1, 2, 4, 6, 8}
lection techniques, and the overall results have sug-
gested that the use of feature selection improved the
estimation accuracy of predictors (Hira and Gillies,
2015; Jovic et al., 2015). For instance, Idri et al. (Idri
and Cherradi, 2016) studied the impact of two wrap-
pers: feature forward selection and backward feature
selection on the accuracy of the Fuzzy Analogy esti-
mation technique: their results suggested that the two
wrappers improved the accuracy of the Fuzzy Anal-
ogy technique.
As for the EEE, there are few papers that investigate
the use of feature selection for ensembles. For in-
stance, Minku et al. (Minku and Yao, 2013) showed
that the use of CFS feature selection fails to improve
the accuracy of MLP homogeneous ensembles (Bag-
ging + MLP) but it improves the Radial Basis Func-
tion ensembles (Bagging and Negative Correlation
Learning). Hosni et al. (Hosni et al., 2017a) car-
ried out an empirical evaluation of heterogeneous en-
sembles whose members were KNN, SVR, MLP, and
DTs. The members used two filters: CFS and RRe-
liefF. Each ensemble contains four members with the
same filter and uses one of three linear rules (aver-
age, median and IRWM). Thus, 9 heterogeneous en-
sembles were developed. These ensembles were as-
sessed using Standardized Accuracy and Effect Size
to check their reasonability; thereafter the Scott-Knott
statistical test was performed to check the significant
difference between the ensembles. The best ensem-
bles that share the same predictive capability were
ranked based on 8 performance measures through
Borda Count. These experiments were performed
over six datasets. The results obtained showed that
the filter ensembles underperformed ensembles with-
out filters (Hosni et al., 2017a).
4.1 Performance Measure and
Statistical Test
The first question raised when evaluating an SDEE
technique is whether the technique is actually pre-
dicting or only guessing (Idri et al., 2017; Shep-
perd and MacDonell, 2012). Thus, the Standardized
Accuracy measure (SA, Eq.(8)) was used to check
the reasonability of any technique with respect to a
baseline method, and the Effect Size test (, Eq.(9))
was adopted to assess if there is an effect improve-
ment over the baseline method. The absolute val-
ues of can be interpreted in terms of the categories
proposed by Cohen (Cohen, 1992): small ( 0.2),
medium ( 0.5) and large ( 0.8). Thereafter, a set
of accuracy measures were used to assess the pre-
dictive capability of a given technique: Pred(0.25)
(Eq.(3)), MAE (Eq.(4)), Mean Balanced Relative Er-
ror (MBRE, Eq.(5)), Mean Inverted Balanced Rel-
ative Error (MIBRE, Eq.(6)) and Logarithmic Stan-
dard Deviation (LSD, Eq.(7)). However, given that
the mean is very sensitive to outliers, the median of
these measures was also used: median of absolute
errors (MdAE), median of Balanced Relative Error
(MdBRE), and median of Inverted Balanced Relative
Error (MdIBRE). Note that the Pred(0.25) measure
was used in this paper even if it is an MRE-based cri-
terion: it was empirically proven in (Idri et al., 2017)
that the possibility to generate biased results is very
low in SDEE datasets compared to the other MRE-
based criteria such as Mean Magnitude Relative Error
Improved Effort Estimation of Heterogeneous Ensembles using Filter Feature Selection
Pred(0.25) =
1 i f MRE
0 Otherwise
, ˆe
, ˆe
N 1
SA = 1
and ˆe
are the actual and predicted effort for the
ith project.
is the mean value of a large number runs
of random guessing. This is defined as, predict
a e
for the target project i by randomly sampling
(with equal probability) over all the remaining n-1
cases and take e
where r is drawn randomly
from 1... nr 6= i. This randomization proce-
dure is robust since it makes no assumption and
requires no knowledge concerning a population.
mean of absolute errors for a prediction
technique i.
is the sample standard deviation of the random
guessing strategy.
= ln(e
) - ln(ˆe
is an estimator of the variance of the residual
To check the significance of the difference between
techniques, the Scott-Knott (SK) test was used (Scott
and Knott, 1974): the SK test performs multiple com-
parisons and take into account the error type I correc-
Concerning the evaluation method, the Jackknife
method was adopted in this paper.
4.2 Ensembles Construction
This paper evaluates three groups of heterogeneous
ensembles whose members are KNN, MLP, SVR and
DTs. These ensembles differ on the way on which
they were constructed. The members were selected
according to their accuracy values. The three groups
are defined as follows:
Ensembles whose members use different filters:
Ensembles whose members do not use filter fea-
ture selection: E0F.
Ensembles whose members use one filter (i.e. en-
sembles of (Hosni et al., 2017a)): E1F.
Methodology to construct the ensembles: the
steps followed to select the ensemble members of
ENF are described next. Note that before conduct-
ing the experiments, the three filters were applied over
the six datasets to select the relevant features that will
feed the four ML techniques.
The steps followed to construct the ENF ensembles
are as follows:
Step a.1. Build the ML techniques using the three
filters over the six datasets. The parameters set-
tings of each technique were determined using the
grid search technique with the range values of Ta-
ble 1. The best three variants of each technique
over each dataset were selected.
Step a.2. Evaluate the reasonability of the best three
variants of each technique over each dataset in
terms of SA and , and select the ones achiev-
ing a reasonability higher than the 5% quantile of
random guessing (high SA) and showing a large
improvement in terms of Effect Size (> 0.8).
Step a.3. Perform the SK test based on AE of the
three variants of each technique of Step a.2 over
each dataset. The aim of performing the SK test
is to cluster the selected techniques and to identify
the best ones (i.e. techniques that share the same
predictive capability). Note that before conduct-
ing the SK test, the distribution of AEs of all se-
lected techniques was checked to verify whether
or not it follows a normal distribution using the
Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistical test; this pre-step
is necessary since the SK test required that its in-
puts should be normally distributed. The box-cox
transformation was performed in order to make
the AEs follow a normal distribution.
Step a.4. Rank the members of the best cluster of
each technique over each dataset by means of
Borda count using 8 accuracy measures: MAE,
ICSOFT 2018 - 13th International Conference on Software Technologies
Pred, and LSD. The Borda voting system takes
into consideration the rank provided by each ac-
curacy criterion. The rationale behind using many
accuracy measures is that prior studies in SDEE
has showed that the selection of the best estima-
tion technique depends on which indicator of ac-
curacy used (Azzeh et al., 2015).
Step a.5. Select the best variant of each technique to
be used as the base technique of the ENF ensem-
bles. Therefore, for each dataset, three hetero-
geneous ensembles were defined whose members
are the four best variants of KNN, MLP, SVR and
DTs with the associated filter each. The three en-
sembles used the three linear combiners each: av-
erage, median and IRWM.
The steps followed to build the E1F and E0F ensem-
bles are as follows:
Step b.1. Return the best variants of the four ML
techniques (i.e. having the lowest MAE) using a
grid search with the ranges of Table 1. This step is
performed for each couple (technique, filter) over
each dataset (E1F). It is also performed for each
technique without feature selection (E0F).
Step b.2. Construct the E1F ensembles whose mem-
bers were the best variants of the four techniques
using the same filter. The three E1F (e.g. LC, CFS
and R) ensembles used the three linear combin-
ers each: average, median and IRWM. Construct
the E0F ensembles whose members were the best
variants of the four techniques without feature se-
lection. E0F ensemble used the three linear com-
biners: average, medium and IRWM.
Comparison Methodology: to compare the ensem-
bles (i.e. ENF, E0F and E1F) we used the same
methodology as in (Hosni et al., 2017a) which con-
sists of three steps:
Step c.2. Assess the accuracy of the ensembles with
regards to SA and Effect Size, and select the ones
that achieve SA values higher than the 5% quan-
tile of random guessing and show a large improve-
ment over random guessing in terms of Effect Size
(> 0.8).
Step c.2. Cluster the selected ensembles through the
SK test in order to select the ones that have similar
predictive capability.
Step c.2. Rank the ensembles of the best cluster in
each dataset according to 8 accuracy measures.
4.3 Abbreviation Adopted
We abbreviate the name of single and ensembles tech-
niques as follows:
Single techniques:
{Feature Technique}{Single Technique}
ENF: HT{Rule}.
E0F: OD{Rule}.
E1F: {Feature Technique}{Rule}.
Feature Technique: CFS, R, LC denote the Cor-
relation based feature selection, RReliefF, and
Linear Correlation respectively.
Single Technique: Knn, MLP, SVR, and DTs.
Rules: AV, ME, IR denote the average, median,
and inverse ranked weighted mean respectively.
HTAV denotes the heterogeneous ensemble whose
members are the four ML techniques using different
feature selection techniques and the average as a com-
CFSIR denotes the ensemble whose members are the
four ML techniques using the CFS feature selection
technique and IR as combiner.
4.4 Datasets Description
Six well-known datasets were selected to assess the
accuracy of the single and ensembles techniques.
These datasets are diverse in terms of size, num-
ber of features, and they were collected from dif-
ferent organizations around the world and from dif-
ferent software application domains. Five datasets
namely: Albrecht, China, COCOMO81, Desharnais,
and Miyazaki were selected from the PROMISE
repository while the other dataset came from the IS-
BSG repository (Release 8).
Note that, a cleaning and instance selecting steps were
performed on the ISBSG dataset in order to select
projects with high quality. This preprocessing stage
results on a dataset that contains 148 projects de-
scribed by means of nine attributes.
5.1 Feature Selection Step
Table 2 lists the features selected for each dataset.
While none of the feature selection method chose the
same subset of features, there is at least one common
Improved Effort Estimation of Heterogeneous Ensembles using Filter Feature Selection
attribute selected by the three filters, to the exception
of China dataset in which the R and LC filters chose
different features. Recall that the number of features
is the same for LC and R (i.e. log
(N) where N is
the number of features) since they are both univari-
ate filter techniques. We can conclude that the use of
different filters results in different subset of features
which, therefore, impact the accuracy of the single
and ensemble techniques. The common features be-
tween the three filters techniques are indicated in bold
in Table 2.
5.2 Selection of Best Single Techniques
This subsection presents the evaluations results of the
four single techniques using the three filters over the
six datasets. The best variant of each single tech-
nique with each filter was selected as a base technique
for the heterogeneous ensembles ENF. Therefore, for
each dataset, 12 best variants were selected (12 = 4
single techniques * 3 filters).
Step a.1 aims at building the single four ML tech-
niques using the three filters. Thus, several experi-
ments were performed by varying the parameter set-
tings of each technique over each dataset according to
Table 1. For each dataset and each single technique
using a filter, we retain the variant having the lowest
MAE value (i.e. best variant). Next, step a.2 con-
sists of evaluating the reasonability of the best single
techniques of step a.1 over each dataset by means of
SA and Effect Size in order to select the ones that
will participate in the further experiments. We select
the best single techniques having an SA value higher
than the 5% quantile of random guessing and a large
impact over random guessing (>0.8). The overall
results suggest that the SA values of all single tech-
niques are greater than the 5% quantile of random
guessing; thus, all techniques provide reasonable pre-
dictions and are selected for the further experiments.
The evaluation results are not presented due to the
limit number of pages and could be obtained upon re-
quest by email to the corresponding authors of this
Thereafter, step a.3 clusters the three variants of
each single technique over each dataset through the
SK test using the AE criterion. The purpose of this
step is to select the variants that have the same predic-
tive capability and do not have a significant difference
between them. Afterward, the variants of techniques
that belong to the best cluster were selected to par-
ticipate in further experiments. In fact, the SK test
identified one cluster 14 times (i.e. the three variants
of the technique have the same capability prediction),
two clusters 9 times, and 3 clusters once (i.e. Knn
technique in COCOMO81 dataset).
The selected techniques of step a.3 were, there-
after, ranked using Borda with 8 performance mea-
sures based on the ranking obtained through Borda
counting voting system no filter outperformed the
other in all situations. For example, the LC filter was
the best for DTs since LC was ranked first in ve
datasets; however, the R filter was the best for SVR
(ranked 3 times in the first position).
The best variant of each technique over each
dataset was therefore selected as a member of the pro-
posed heterogeneous ensembles ENF. Table 3 lists the
ENF ensemble members for each dataset. We observe
that each dataset has an ensemble with different filters
(e.g. ensemble of Albrecht dataset uses LC and R),
This means that the performance of a filter depends
on the characteristics of each dataset (size, number of
features, etc.). Hence, members of ENF ensembles
use different feature subsets, contrary to E1F ensem-
bles, which can lead to satisfy the diversity criterion.
5.3 Ensembles Evaluation
This subsection presents the evaluation of the hetero-
geneous ensembles ENF, E1F and E0F according to
steps c.1-c.3. We have in total for each dataset 15
ensembles (15 = 3 ENF ensembles (1 ensemble * 3
combiners) + 9 E1F ensembles (3 filters * 3 combin-
ers) + 3 E0F ensembles (1 ensemble * 3 combiners).
Step c.1 evaluates the SA and values of the 15 het-
erogeneous ensembles over the six datasets in order
to retain the ensembles that achieve SA values higher
than the 5% quantile of random guessing and show
a large improvement over random guessing (>0.8).
The results obtained show that all the ensembles gen-
erate better SA value than the 5% quantile of random
guessing and show large values; therefore, all the
ensembles were selected as participants in the next
experiments. The main findings are:
There is no best ensemble that achieved the high-
est reasonability across all datasets.
The E0F ensembles achieved the highest SA val-
ues in four datasets: Albrecht, China, Desharnais,
and Miyazaki.
The ENF ensembles generate the highest SA
value in two datasets: COCOMO81 and ISBSG.
None of the E1F ensembles was ranked at the first
position in all datasets.
The less reasonable ensembles were the ones of
the E1F ensembles.
IR and ME rules lead ensembles to generate better
SA values.
ICSOFT 2018 - 13th International Conference on Software Technologies
Table 2: Feature Selection Results: Common Selected Features are in Bold for Each Dataset.
Datasets CFS LC RReliefF
Albrecht Output, Inquiry, RawFP-
Output, file, RawFPcounts,
Output, Inquiry, RawFP-
counts, AdjFP
China Output, Enquiry, Interface,
Added, Resource, Duration
AFP, Input, File, Added Output, Enquiry, File, Duration
Desharnais TeamExp, ManagerExp,
YearEnd, Length, Adjustment,
Length, Transactions,
PointsNonAdjust, PointsAjust
ManagerExp, Transactions,
PointsNonAdjust, PointsAjust
Table 3: Members of the ENF Heterogeneous Ensembles.
Albrecht China COCOMO81 Desharnais ISBSG Miyazaki
Step c.2 clusters the 15 heterogeneous ensem-
bles through the SK test with the purpose of select-
ing the ones that are the best and share similar pre-
dictive capability. The SK test identified 4 clusters
in COCOMO81 dataset, 2 clusters in ISBSG and
Miyazaki datasets, and one cluster in the three re-
maining datasets. We notice that the RReliefF ensem-
bles were not selected by the SK test in two datasets:
ISBSG and Miyazaki. Similarly, the CFS ensembles
were not selected in the best cluster in COCOMO81
dataset. The results of SK test are not presented due to
the limit number of pages and could be obtained upon
request by email to the corresponding authors of this
The results obtained from the ranking provided by
Borda count are:
The ENF ensembles, regardless of the combina-
tion rules, outperformed the E1F and E0F ensem-
ble in 5 out of 6 datasets.
None of the ENF ensembles was ranked in the last
positions in all datasets.
The three E0F ensembles were ranked in the three
first positions in Desharnais dataset.
Most of the E1F ensembles were in general ranked
in the last positions in all datasets.
The IR combiner provides more accurate ensem-
bles in 4 out of 6 datasets, followed by ME in 2
out of 6 datasets. Note that the AV combiner did
not occur in the first position in any dataset.
Note that, the Table presenting the final ranking
is not presented due to the limit number of pages and
could be obtained upon request by email to the corre-
sponding authors of this paper.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the impact
of the diversity criterion on the accuracy of heteroge-
neous ensembles. The ensemble members were the
four ML techniques: KNN, MLP, SVR and DTs and
the combination rules were the three linear combin-
ers (average, median, and IRWM). In general, there
are three sources of diversity: sampling data, training
the same technique with different configuration in the
same sample, and using different features as input of
a technique.
This study investigated filter feature selection as a
source of diversity of ensemble members. To do that,
we improved the selection process of ensemble mem-
bers used in (Hosni et al., 2017a) by allowing the use
of different filters in the same ensemble. This led sin-
gle technique of an ensemble to use different subsets
of features. To assess the impact of this strategy, we
evaluated and compared the accuracy of three groups
of ensembles: ENF (members of an ensemble use dif-
ferent filters), E1F (members of an ensemble use one
filter) and E0F (members of an ensemble do not use
feature selection).
The results in terms of SA suggest that all ensem-
bles ENF, E1F and E0F were reasonable and generate
Improved Effort Estimation of Heterogeneous Ensembles using Filter Feature Selection
more reasonable results with respect to random guess-
ing. Moreover, none of the 15 ensembles was ranked
in the first position across different datasets. The E0F
ensembles were more reasonable than the other en-
sembles in four datasets; the ENF ensembles were
the best in two datasets (COCOMO81 and Miyazaki).
However, the E1F ensembles were the less reasonable
in all datasets.
However, the accuracy results in terms of 8 perfor-
mance measures suggest that the ENF, in particular
with the combiners IR or ME, outperformed the E1F
and E0F ensembles in 5 out of 6 datasets. This im-
plies that using different feature subsets by ensemble
members can lead to more accurate estimations than
when members use the same feature subset or all the
available features. In fact, the success of the ENF en-
sembles is mainly due to the fact that their members
were diverse and generate different estimations at the
same point (i.e. diversity) than the members of E1F or
E0F. Moreover, E0F ensembles generate slightly bet-
ter estimates than E1F. Therefore, we conclude that
ensembles without feature selection were better and
easier to construct than ensembles with one filter.
Ongoing work will focus on investigating the im-
pact of other feature selection techniques, including
filters or wrappers, on the accuracy of homogenous
and heterogeneous ensembles.
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for analogy-based effort estimation. The Journal of
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ICSOFT 2018 - 13th International Conference on Software Technologies