Mining Developer Questions about Major Web Frameworks
Zakaria Mehrab, Raquib Bin Yousuf, Ibrahim Asadullah Tahmid and Rifat Shahriyar
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Bangladesh
Mining, Web Framework, Stack Overflow.
Web frameworks are the de facto way to build web-enabled applications. Stack Overflow, being one of the
leading question answering sites available, has become a helpful resource in numerous software engineering
research. In this paper, we present a study of common challenges and issues among developers of two major
web frameworks namely Laravel and Django by mining questions asked on Stack Overflow. We extracted
the issues that the developers are most concerned about. We sorted these issues by popularity and difficulty
metrics and observed the contrasting nature of difficulty and popularity. We also noted an exception that
installation is a popular issue over both the frameworks and simultaneously it is also difficult to resolve.
Besides, we found that about 50% issues are common over both the frameworks. Our findings would help the
framework developers to understand better the need of the framework users by focusing most difficult and the
most popular issues.
Web development is a term comprised of develop-
ing websites, web services, and web application. In
recent years, web applications require aesthetic rep-
resentation as well as an efficient interaction be-
tween users and websites, leading to more complex-
ity. According to Hevner et al. (Hevner et al., 2007),
currently web engineers face three intractable prob-
lems: domain/system complexity, increased develop-
ment time and cost. Web developers feel the need
for modularization of concerns to accommodate big
and complex applications (Ginige, 1998). Web frame-
works help developers in this task by bringing a stan-
dard way to develop and implement web applica-
tions. These frameworks often help to decouple the
logic portion from the view portion, namely imple-
menting the Model-View-Controller(MVC) pattern.
Moreover, frameworks enable developers to reuse de-
sign and implementation by combining the proce-
dures of necessary tasks. According to J. Carlos
et al. (Fern
andez-Conde and Gonz
alez-Calero, 2002)
these frameworks have a positive effect on the project
with shortened development time, reduced complex-
ity, increased productivity, extensibility, and reliabil-
Since the first appearance in the late 1990s, more
than 5,000 frameworks have been released (Github,
2018d). While using these frameworks for creating
web applications, developers often find themselves
grounded with various problems. Developers often
post questions in Stack Overflow (Exchange, 2017a),
part of the Stack Exchange platform, to seek help and
guidance. According to Mamykina et al. (Mamykina
et al., 2011) Stack Overflow is larger than any other
social Q&A forum or programming forum. There-
fore, a thorough analysis of its posts can help us un-
derstand the problems faced by the web framework
Created in 2008 by Jeff Atwood and Joel Spolsky,
Stack Overflow is the flagship site of the Stack Ex-
change Network. It features questions and answers
on a wide range of topics regarding computer pro-
gramming and related technologies. The huge amount
of web framework related posts in Stack Overflow
shows the importance of studies related to the prob-
lems faced by web framework developers. In Fig-
ure 1, we have presented a graph with the percentage
of posts related to eleven popular frameworks. To-
gether these eleven frameworks measure up to more
than 15% of the total questions on Stack Overflow
each month in 2017.
We used Stack Overflow data dump (Exchange,
2017a) to explore the issues of web frameworks that
developers face.
We picked two web frameworks, Laravel, and
Django for our analysis. The reason behind choos-
ing Laravel and Django is that both are very popular
Mehrab, Z., Yousuf, R., Tahmid, I. and Shahriyar, R.
Mining Developer Questions about Major Web Frameworks.
DOI: 10.5220/0006929501910198
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2018), pages 191-198
ISBN: 978-989-758-324-7
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All r ights reserved
Figure 1: Stack Overflow trends of framework related post.
but not well studied, unlike Javascript frameworks.
Whereas Laravel and Django together have a little
over 45,000 stars on their GitHub repository (Github,
2018b) (Github, 2018a), one Javascript framework,
vuejs, alone has bagged over 95,000 stars on its
GitHub repository (Github, 2018c). There is also
the fact that searching with keyword ”javascript” in
(DBLP, 1993) shows 784 matches whereas ”django”
keyword produces 34 results (24 of which belongs to
author ”Django Armstrong”) and ”laravel” keyword
produces two results.
For studying the two frameworks, we extracted
contents from all the related questions. We used
them to train our model in MALLET topic modeling
tool (MALLET, 2017). We extracted the appropriate,
relevant topics of each question by Latent Dirichlet
Allocation(LDA). Once we were able to extract the
individual topic of each question, we started to an-
swer our research questions.
RQ1 What are the issues users of these two frame-
work face?
RQ2 What are the most popular issues asked by de-
velopers of these two frameworks?
RQ3 Which issues of these two frameworks are the
most difficult?
RQ4 Are the issues of these two frameworks differ-
From our experiment, we found 18 issues for Lar-
avel and 20 issues of Django; faced by the develop-
ers. We sorted these issues by different metrics and
ranked them based on their popularity and difficulty.
We observed the contrasting nature of difficulty and
popularity. We also noted an exception that installa-
tion is a popular issue over both the frameworks and
simultaneously, it is also difficult to resolve. Also, we
found that about 50% issues are common over both
the frameworks. Our findings can help the develop-
ers of the frameworks to better understand the need
of the users. They can categorize the needs of users
to focus on the most difficult and the most popular
issues. They can also find similar issues in multiple
frameworks those require major improvement.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. The
next section reviews the related works. The methods
for data collection, operationalization and analysis are
presented next. This is followed by our findings and
related discussions. The paper concludes by high-
lighting possible future extensions of our work.
Laravel is an MVC framework for PHP web lan-
guage, released in 2011. Olanrewaju et al. (Olanre-
waju et al., 2015) discussed the most famous MVC
based PHP frameworks, evaluated their performance
and found that Laravel outperforms other MVC
frameworks, dubbed Laravel as the most suitable PHP
framework for future web technology. Django is an
open source web framework built on Python program-
ming language. It was released in 2005 and quickly
gained popularity due to re-usability of components;
rapid development leads to the development of com-
plex web applications in shorter time.
2.1 Related Work
We looked into works which discuss the issues that
the developers face while using web frameworks. We
also went through several types of research for better
understanding the issues and trends among developers
from the empirical analysis of Stack Overflow data.
The empirical studies using Stack Overflow data
is now one of the growing trends of empirical soft-
ware engineering. Several papers using Stack Over-
flow data has been presented. Some of them use the
data to present behavioral research question about the
Stack Overflow users. Others use topic modeling to
categorize the discussions in the posts.
Allamanis et al. (Allamanis and Sutton, 2013) ap-
plied topic modeling on Stack Overflow questions.
After associating them with programming concepts,
they found that certain types of questions are asso-
ciated with specific programming concepts. Treude
et al. (Treude et al., 2011) analyzed data from Stack
Overflow to categorize the kinds of questions that are
asked and found that Q&A websites are particularly
effective in code reviews and conceptual questions.
Mamykina et al. (Mamykina et al., 2011) took the de-
sign lessons from Stack Overflow and found that the
success of Stack Overflow is because of the quickness
of a question getting answered. They also found that
WEBIST 2018 - 14th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
the high visibility and daily involvement of the design
team of Stack Overflow help increase Stack Over-
flow’s popularity. Barua et al. (Barua et al., 2014)
aimed to analyze the actual textual content of Stack
Overflow to help the software engineering commu-
nity to better understand the thoughts and needs of
developers. They found that the topics of interest to
developers range widely from jobs to version control
systems to C# syntax. They dictated that the topics
gaining the most popularity over time are web de-
velopment, mobile applications, Git and MySQL. Li
et al. (Li et al., 2013) performed an empirical study
with 24 developers to understand the needs and chal-
lenges developers face during the development phase.
Beyer et al. (Beyer and Pinzger, 2014) manually an-
alyzed 450 Android related posts to determine com-
mon problems developers face. Rosen et al. (Rosen
and Shihab, 2016) analyzed Stack Overflow data to
determine what mobile developers ask about by us-
ing LDA-based topic models. They also determined
what popular mobile-related issues are the most dif-
ficult, explore platform-specific issues, and investi-
gated the types of questions mobile developers ask.
Bajaj et al. (Bajaj et al., 2014) presented a study of
common challenges and misconceptions among web
developers by mining-related questions about client-
side code, written in JavaScript, HTML, and CSS
asked on Stack Overflow. They used unsupervised
learning to categorize the mined questions and de-
fined a ranking algorithm to rank all the Stack Over-
flow questions based on their importance.
The related works for this topic revolve around the
empirical use of Stack Overflow data to determine the
issues developers face, trends of asked topics and be-
havior by the users. These tasks require textual con-
tent analyzing which is done mostly with topic mod-
eling studies. Though several empirical studies have
been done with the Stack Overflow data, none have
tried to determine the specific issues faced by web
framework users. We aim to fill that void by look-
ing into the framework related posts and bringing out
the issues developers face.
3.1 Data Extraction
The data dump of Stack Overflow contains all the data
of the website in XML form. We obtained the data
dump of August 2016. Among the XML files residing
in the dump, we used only the files relevant with our
purpose, namely posts.xml, tags.xml and users.xml.
We ran a script to extract these XML files to cor-
responding MySQL database tables. The database
schema of stack exchange files is available in this
link (Meta, 2017).
3.2 Data Processing
Having built our database, we focused on retriev-
ing the Laravel and Django related questions from
the Post table. The Post table contained a whopping
32,209,817 entries. Among these entries, 12,350,818
are questions. From these questions, we used a tag-
based search to extract 59,360 Laravel related ques-
tions and 130,588 Django related questions.
After that, we targeted on extracting the body of
each question and preparing them for textual analysis
using topic modeling. The bodies can contain HTML
tags and several unwanted strings. We trimmed out
the HTML tags and unwanted strings from the bodies.
Then, we created separate files for each body and kept
them in a directory. These files will represent a corpus
of documents to be used in topic modeling.
3.3 Topic Modeling using LDA
Inference of topics from a corpus of documents is
performed by Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA). Ac-
cording to the LDA model, each document contains
a mixture of topics. Topics are also allowed to exist
across several documents. So it is easy to discover
themes and ideas that represents all the documents as
a whole (Rosen and Shihab, 2016).
To perform topic modeling, we used MALLET
version 2.0. It is a Java-based package for statis-
tical natural language processing, document classi-
fication, clustering, topic modeling, information ex-
traction, and other machine learning applications to
text (MALLET, 2017). The MALLET topic model-
ing tool uses LDA.
Running MALLET on a corpus requires two hy-
perparameters; namely: topic numbers and words per
topic. After assembling our data, we ran the MAL-
LET tool with different combinations of these hyper-
parameters. We performed the experiment with 20
topics and 10 words per topic, 20 topic and 20 words
per topic, 50 topics and 20 words per topic. After
each run, We manually checked the words in each
topic and through consensus, we concluded that the
result found with 50 topics and 20 words per topic
captures the theme of data better than the others. So
we retained 50 topics and 20 words per topic as our fi-
nal hyperparameters. The output is distributed among
two files. One, namely “key.txt”, contains word sets
of each topic along with their Dirichlet parameters.
The second file, namely “composition.txt”, contains
Mining Developer Questions about Major Web Frameworks
Table 1: Set of words, their merging and given name of Laravel topics.
Merged given name of set
of words
Set of words
email send password mail address message emails user laravel sending reset
code messages users function account hash link username sends
user users login admin laravel authentication logged auth password check
access username create profile role permissions system account log roles
date time date event time events format day dates month carbon days year current
database datetime timestamp set code timezone start fire
table user users model tables pivot relationship models user id company rela-
tion column eloquent list data relationships roles columns group role
table key migration error database foreign column migrations tables create
primary sql created add run constraint laravel seed migrate sqlstate
model models eloquent relationship relationships method relation related ob-
ject eager relations table collection property loading set tables attribute load
table database update data record insert row delete model field records column
code rows save laravel deleted method fields values
query eloquent laravel table sql result column results queries select builder
mysql join count order rows raw tables return database
database data laravel connection save mysql create store stored set mongodb
document created application databases default saved project settings con-
the probability of each topic for each document of the
Having analyzed the words for each topic, we no-
ticed that some of the word sets are similar in mean-
ing. So we merged word sets conveying similar mean-
ing and named the topics manually. Through this
merging process, we obtained 18 topics for Laravel
and 20 topics for Django. Thus we obtain the answer
to our first research question, the issues users of these
two frameworks face.
The naming of the topics was performed through
consensus among the authors and the peers. A few
samples of the naming and merging process have been
shown in 1 and 2. The full list could not be tabulated
here due to space constraints. The complete list can
be viewed in (Authors, 2018b) and (Authors, 2018a).
In both of the frameworks, we named a topic as ”Gen-
eral Issue”, which contains words which could not be
classified to any specific topic. However, the human
consensus is error prone. The naming and merging
process of the topics may vary depending on the per-
spectives of developers. We are not claiming it to be
anything concrete.
3.4 Finding Popular and Difficult Issues
With our topics identified by human understandable
names, we focused on answering our research ques-
tions. To answer our first research questions, we cal-
culated the most dominant topics of each post with the
help of the composition file generated by MALLET.
Next, We calculated total questions and total views
for each topics using these posts where that particu-
lar topic is dominant. Then we sorted the topics by
view per question ratio. Naturally, the topic that has
the most view per question is more popular.
To answer our third research questions, we deter-
mined the difficulty level of each topic by associating
with it the mean and median duration in minutes of
getting an accepted answer after a related question is
posted. We ranked the topics by median time as ac-
cording to Rosen et al. (Rosen and Shihab, 2016) the
mean is likely to be skewed by long latency responses.
3.5 Finding Common Issues
For answering our final research questions, we man-
ually checked the two sets of topics: The first set
being the topics generated from Laravel (L) related
posts and the second set being the topics generated
from Django related posts (D). Using these sets, we
obtained three other sets as follows:
L D (Issues only faced by users using Laravel
L D (Issues those are common for both users of
Laravel and Django)
D L (Issues only faced by users using Django
WEBIST 2018 - 14th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Table 2: Set of words, their merging and given name of Django topics.
Merged given name of set
of words
Set of words
file upload file image upload images files uploaded django save download path video
user photo uploading picture code media thumbnail imagefield uploads
form forms data fields field view user validation model submit save formset post template input modelform django create
page button ajax html view click code jquery javascript function form user
django template submit link load display call
form field select fields model widget list choices selected user values choice
option input dropdown add set forms django box
date time event day events model datetime month format dates year field days
current calendar hours django set number start
migration database django migration migrations run table south tables error created
model migrate data app create models syncdb command running
file line return usr/local/lib/python c:python usr/lib/python lib/python er-
ror traceback exception init pid call kwargs import recent request response
python tid
email user password login facebook authentication username django users
send account app token registration auth emails address oauth social google
user users model profile create permissions group add created django permis-
sion custom access userprofile username logged groups view user’s app
user login page session logged view django redirect site users log cookie set
authentication middleware url redirected sessions cookies access
4.1 Evolution of Framework Related
We looked into the trend of Laravel and Django re-
lated question in Stack Overflow quantitatively. First,
we measured the percentage of Laravel related post
to total post in each year. We measured the same
for Django related post. The public data dump we
used for topic modeling had was updated until August
2016. But for the trend of the Laravel and Django
related post, we used the Stack Exchange Data Ex-
plorer (Exchange, 2017b) which enabled us to run
queries online with the latest Stack Overflow data.
The trend is presented in Figure 2.
4.2 RQ1
To answer our first research questions, we analyzed
the word sets generated by mallets and manually
provided understandable human names for the top-
ics. The naming was done with consensus among
peers proficient in these two frameworks. The top-
ics for Laravel framework were named as Authenti-
cation, API, Date, Database, Documentation, Form,
Image, Installation, General Issue, Language, MVC,
Figure 2: Percentage of related post per total posts per year.
Application, Session, Syntax, Transaction, Unit Test-
ing, Elixir, and View. Similarly, the topics for
Django framework were identified by the following
names: Admin, API, App, Authentication, Cross-Site
Request Forgery, Documentation, Encoding, File Up-
load, Form, General Issue, Installation, Localization,
Migration, Model, Pep, Query, Server, Template, Unit
Testing and View. Collectively, these are the issues
that developers of these web frameworks face.
4.3 RQ2
Having named the topics, we attempted to rank them
by popularity. For that purpose, we calculated the to-
tal number of questions and total views for each topic.
Mining Developer Questions about Major Web Frameworks
Table 3: Popularity rank of Laravel and Django Issues.
Laravel Django
Topic Question View V:Q Topic Question View V:Q
1 Installation 5459 5814400 1065.1 Encoding 1962 3356472 1710.74
2 Documentation 1329 1302098 979.758 Installation 6610 9888933 1496.06
3 General-Issue 10337 9619519 930.591 Server 3633 4856344 1336.73
4 MVC basic 10766 9371661 870.487 Admin 5693 7372228 1294.96
5 Database 9638 8236913 854.629 CSRF
3117 3830184 1228.8
6 Session 2207 1837996 832.803 Migration 3062 3729092 1217.86
7 Syntax 3842 3195133 831.633 General-Issue 10207 12225460 1197.75
8 date time 680 531020 780.912 App 12187 14481413 1188.27
9 Form 3189 2451902 768.862 View 6922 8009187 1157.06
10 Image 652 482527 740.072 file-upload 3119 3566093 1143.34
11 Authentication 2838 2009346 708.015 pep 3343 3799548 1136.57
12 API 1118 772301 690.788 Template 11401 12633372 1108.09
13 View 4305 2817349 654.436 Documentation 1791 1971313 1100.68
14 Application 1140 743720 652.386 Query 6488 6638810 1023.24
15 language-translate 181 112114 619.414 Form 15615 15826055 1013.52
16 Elixir 430 240794 559.986 Model 20068 19028206 948.186
17 unit testing 448 242270 540.781 Authentication 9284 8680880 935.037
18 Transaction 801 342016 426.986 Localization 775 690861 891.434
19 unit testing 1235 1042258 843.934
20 API 4076 3003249 736.813
= Cross Site Request Forgery
Table 4: Difficulty rank of Laravel and Django Issues on basis of time to get accepted answer.
Laravel Django
Topic Mean Median Topic Mean Median
1 unit testing 16034.7 373 API 18763.1 133
2 Elixir 7812.91 171 Installation 18599.5 114
3 Installation 13118.8 105 unit testing 53229.6 114
4 API 15978.9 94 Localization 13841.3 110
5 Session 11696.4 61 Server 18771.6 101
6 Transaction 4502.43 55 Migration 17148.1 61
7 Application 10116.3 51 CSRF
13895.6 58
8 Authentication 8466.89 50 file-upload 11193.4 57
9 View 6251.58 45 Admin 17932.7 50
10 language-translate 5954.43 44 Authentication 12119.6 49
11 Database 5504.18 40 App 15416.5 47
12 date time 3156.09 39 Documentation 14462.9 46
13 Image 4565.55 39 General-Issue 14890 42
14 General-Issue 7311.93 38 Model 13844.1 41
15 Form 3314.9 37 Form 8715.9 39
16 MVC basic 6001.73 35 pep 10295.4 34
17 Documentation 4898.51 32 Template 13135.9 32
18 Syntax 6876.79 31 Query 11216.7 31
19 Encoding 7906.35 26
20 View 9458.15 20
= Cross Site Request Forgery
The ratio of view count by the number of question for
each topic has been taken as the ranking metric for
popularity. Table 3 presents the popular topics for
each framework, sorted from most popular to least
popular. From this table, it is evident that installation
is a major issue over both the frameworks. Installation
is the first step of adopting a framework. Laravel has
several installation alternatives which may get con-
fusing for beginners. Django users also face trouble
with installation. So it is no wonder that it is one of
WEBIST 2018 - 14th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Table 5: Common Issues between two frameworks.
Laravel Only Common Issues Django Only
Elixir Api Localization
Session Unit testing Server
Transaction View CSRF
Application Installation File Upload
Language Authentication Admin
Date time Documentaion App
Image DB/Model/Query/Migration Pep
MVC basic Form Template
Syntax General-Issues Encoding
the most popular issues for both the frameworks.
Among other issues of Laravel, we can infer from
the table that the framework is lacking in quality doc-
umentation or tutorial for new users. Moreover, the
changes between the version which are continuously
rolling for the betterment of the framework also create
confusion among the users. The beginners often find
Laravel framework as their first MVC pattern frame-
work and need to understand its underlying meaning
and implementation. So it is one of the most popular
topics with the highest number of question.
Similarly, we can infer that topics related to JSON
encoding, deployment and proper installment of a
server along with its possible errors and bugs are the
most popular topics related to Django framework.
4.4 RQ3
To answer our next research question, we attempted to
determine the difficulty level of the topics by associ-
ating with it the mean and median duration in minutes
of getting an accepted answer and ranking the topics
by median time. The topics for each of the frame-
work are presented in Table 4, sorted by their diffi-
culty measurements.
An interesting observation from the difficulty
ranking of the frameworks is the contrasting nature of
difficulty and popularity. More formally, Issues with
less popularity are difficult, which is somewhat intu-
itive. For example, the top two difficult issues of Lar-
avel are Unit Testing and Elixir which are also among
the least three popular issues of Laravel. The similar
phenomenon can also be observed in case of Django.
Another important finding by observing the two
tables is that issues related to installation are popular
as well as difficult to answer. This somewhat indicates
that, regardless of any framework, users face prob-
lems while installation and the problems are also diffi-
cult to resolve. This denotes lack of well-documented
installation guideline or confusing installation process
for both the frameworks.
4.5 RQ4
Having observed all the issues for both of the frame-
works, we separated the issues in 3 columns as shown
in Table 5. We find that about 50% of the issues are
common in both frameworks and the other 50% spans
over the unique issues for individual frameworks.
Stack Overflow is one of the largest question-answer
sites for the programmers and developers. We en-
deavored to bring insight into the web framework re-
lated question in Stack Overflow. We extracted bodies
from questions of Laravel and Django and used topic
modeling to find the topics. We ranked the topic ac-
cording to popularity and difficulty and determined
the common topics between these two. We found that
the most popular topics in Laravel are installation,
documentation, general issues, MVC basic, database,
session, syntax, date-time, form. The popular top-
ics in Django are encoding, installation, server, ad-
min, Cross-Site-Request-Forgery, migration, general
issues, app, and view. We found that the topics in two
frameworks are about 50% similar and both frame-
works have 50% of the topics as their unique topics.
In this way, we made a comparison between these two
frameworks that would help the developers to further
better their product and the developer community will
also be helped through establishing a statistical way to
find what web developers are talking about.
In future, we want to conduct an empirical study
involving developers from industry as a complemen-
tary of this study. Both Laravel and Django are
an open-source framework, and their source code is
available on Github for feedback, bug report, etc. We
want to analyze with Github statistic of the frame-
works’ repositories to find more about what the com-
munity is talking and contributing to these frame-
Mining Developer Questions about Major Web Frameworks
works. We want to extend our research to other frame-
works. Determining these frameworks’ issues will
enable us to conduct a comparative analysis, and we
would be able to establish a list of common issues
comprising almost all of the web frameworks. We
would also like to conduct a study which will pre-
dict the activity level of the frameworks in future,
e.g., how many users will keep using a framework or
switch to others. The impact of the version change on
the users can also be a significant study in this area.
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WEBIST 2018 - 14th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies