A Pipeline Supporting a Smart Access to Historical Documents based
on a Rich Semantic Representation of Their Content: A Case Study
on Time Expressions
Alessandro Baldo, Anna Goy and Diego Magro
Dipartimento di Informatica, Università di Torino, C. Svizzera 185, Torino, Italy
Keywords: Semantic Web, Web-based Intelligent Systems, Ontology, Web Services, Digital Humanities.
Abstract: This work is part of two ongoing projects whose main goal is to demonstrate how semantic technologies can
support an effective access to historical archives. In this paper we present a full pipeline, from rough texts
up to the final user interface, aimed at creating and exploiting such representations. The pipeline is
structured in three modules - handling information extraction, semantic representations, and queries - and
offers external applications the possibility of accessing, and thus re-using, the output of each module, by
providing a tagged text, a SPARQL endpoint, and a RESTful web service. In the paper, we describe the
details of a proof-of-concept implementation of the pipeline architecture that focuses on time expressions.
Moreover, we present an example application that exploits the pipeline to enable users to access historical
documents by searching and browsing events and time specifications, thus demonstrating the effectiveness
of an access to historical texts based on a rich semantic representation of their content.
This work is part of two ongoing projects,
Harlock'900 (di.unito.it/harlock900) and PRiSMHA
(di.unito.it/prismha), based on a collaboration
between Università di Torino (Computer Science
and Historical Studies departments) and Fondazione
Istituto Piemontese A. Gramsci (part of the Polo del
'900 foundation: www.polodel900.it), and funded by
Università di Torino and Compagnia di San Paolo.
Both projects, from slightly different perspectives,
aim at the valorization of historical archives and
their content through semantic technologies. The
main goal is to demonstrate how a rich formal
semantic representation of the content of historical
documents can provide historians, researchers,
journalists, students, and simply interested users
with an effective access to the information contained
in historical archives. In particular, within
PRiSMHA, we are investigating crowdsourcing
approaches to overcome the bottleneck represented
by the production of rich formal semantic
representations of the content of historical
documents (Goy et al., 2017).
With respect to this focus, in this paper we
present a complementary perspective: a full pipeline,
from rough texts up to the final User Interface (UI),
aimed at creating and exploiting semantic
representations of the content of historical
documents. In line with the major trend in the
research field, such representations are centered on
the notion of event, together with its properties, i.e.,
place, time, and participants (people, organizations,
collectives) with their roles (see Section 2).
The pipeline is structured in three macro-steps,
corresponding to its three main modules, namely:
Information Extraction module: Identification/
extraction of descriptions of events and related
expressions (referring to time, places, and
participants) in texts (see Section 3.2);
Semantic module: Construction of a rich
semantic characterization of the identified
events (see Section 3.3);
Query Support module: Definition and
implementation of an indexing data structure
supporting efficient queries (see Section 3.4).
Moreover, we implemented an example
application (see Section 4) that exploits the output of
the Query Support module) to enable users to access
historical documents by searching and browsing the
semantic representation of their content.
Baldo, A., Goy, A. and Magro, D.
A Pipeline Supporting a Smart Access to Historical Documents based on a Rich Semantic Representation of Their Content: A Case Study on Time Expressions.
DOI: 10.5220/0006929601990206
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2018), pages 199-206
ISBN: 978-989-758-324-7
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
The most notable aspect of the pipeline described
in this paper is the possibility of accessing, and thus
re-using, the output of its main modules: different
kinds of applications e.g., digital libraries, tourist
guides, education tools, citizen services could
exploit the knowledge offered by the different
mentioned modules, as we will describe in detail in
the rest of the paper: after a brief review of major
related works (Section 2), in Section 3 we will
introduce the pipeline architecture and its three main
modules. In Section 4 we will present a web-based
application exploiting the pipeline, while Section 5
will conclude the paper.
As already stated in Section 1, in this paper we will
present a pipeline, composed of different modules,
mainly handling Information Extraction (IE) from
historical texts and generation of formal semantic
representation of their content. It is clear, in this
perspective, that the related work is huge and spans
many research fields, preventing us from providing a
complete overview. In this section we therefore
survey only the most relevant approaches, without
any claim of exhaustiveness.
The core of the projects in which the pipeline is
grounded is represented by the ontology-based
semantic representation of events narrated within
historical documents. The exploitation of Semantic
Web technologies within historical research areas
has grown in the last decade (Meroño-Peñuela et al.,
2015), (Goy et al., 2015), as proven by large projects
such as Europeana (www.europeana.eu). Dealing
with the formal representation of knowledge about
cultural heritage, it is impossible not to mention
CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model (www.cidoc-
crm.org), an ISO standard that has been used in
many projects about cultural heritage e.g.,
WarSampo (seco.cs.aalto.fi/projects/sotasampo/en),
a project aiming at publishing datasets about the
Second World War in Finland as Linked Open Data.
CIDOC-CRM, as well as other ontologies in the
same domain, like SEM (van Hage et al., 2011), are
centered on the notion of event, usually
characterized by a set of properties describing "who
does what when and where", i.e., time, place and
participants of the event itself. The concept of event
plays a major role also within other projects
focusing on the historical domain, such as Agora
(van den Akker et al., 2010) and DIVE (de Boer et
al., 2015), supporting professional and simply
interested users in event-centric browsing of cultural
heritage items belonging to different collections. The
centrality of the notion of event is also demonstrated
by the significant research effort that has been
devoted to the task of automatically extracting
information about events from texts; see, for
instance, (Hogenboom et al., 2011), (Cybulska and
Vossen, 2011), (Segers et al., 2011), (Sprugnoli and
Tonelli, 2016). Moreover, events and their temporal
dimension play a central role in many approaches
aimed at providing an access to cultural heritage
collections based on narratives, i.e., paths of related
events and entities playing relevant roles in them
(e.g., famous historical characters); see, for example,
Storyscope (Mulholland et al., 2015), among others.
In the pipeline presented in this paper, the input
to the Semantic module is provided by the
Information Extraction module, aimed at identifying
information items within textual documents. With
respect to this task, the reference research area is IE,
and in particular Named Entity Recognition (NER),
with a specific attention to historical texts and to the
Italian language. Historical texts represent a peculiar
domain, where IE/NER tools show quite low
performances compared to other domains (such as
news, for example); see, for example (Ehrmann et
al., 2016), (Boschetti et al., 2014), (Moretti et al.,
2016), (Rovera et al., 2017). In particular, in (Rovera
et al., 2017) the authors present the usage of NER
tools to extract relevant information from historical
texts written in Italian (namely, memories of the
Second World War in Italy) and discuss the poor
performances of such tools on this specific domain,
probably due to the high specificity of the entities to
identify: in fact, if state-of-the-art tools have usually
good performances on well-known entities (such as
"Benito Mussolini"), they often fail with entities that
are relevant only in specific historical contexts (e.g.,
"Nicola Barbato").
Historical textual sources (biographies, narratives,
letters, etc.) abound with descriptions of events and
temporal expressions placing these events in time.
For this reason, the proof-of-concept implementation
of the architecture we are going to present focuses
on time expressions.
The most interesting aspect of such a prototype
is that it enables users and third-party applications to
access information about historical events narrated
WEBIST 2018 - 14th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
in textual sources by exploiting not only classical
calendar-based temporal references, but much more
flexible time interval specifications, that can be
described thanks to the expressive power of the
underlying semantic model (see Section 3.3). From
this perspective, the prototype represents a proof of
the feasibility and effectiveness of an access to
historical texts based on a rich semantic
representation of their content.
3.1 Overview of the Architecture
Figure 1 provides an overview of the pipeline
Figure 1: Pipeline architecture.
In the proof-of-concept implementation of the
Information Extraction Module, to identify temporal
expressions from historical texts, we relied on
HeidelTime (Strötgen and Gertz, 2013) probably
the most used multilingual, cross-domain, rule-based
temporal tagger that annotates the input text using
TimeML (www.timeml.org) (Pustejovsky, 2017).
HeidelTime supports the Italian language (Strötgen
et al., 2014) (Caselli and Sprugnoli, 2015), and its
performance in Italian processing was improved for
the participation in the evaluation contest EVENTI-
14 (Manfredi et al., 2014), where it achieved good
results compared to other systems (Caselli et al.,
2014). The identification of events, instead, was
based on a manual extraction performed in a
previous work (Caserio et al., 2017).
In line with the Semantic Web and Linked Data
principles (Heath and Bizer, 2011), the semantic
characterization of events and temporal intervals,
produced by the Semantic module, is stored in an
RDF triplestore (based on Apache Jena TDB:
jena.apache.org/documentation/tdb); it relies on the
HERO ontology (Caserio et al., 2017) and on a
declarative (configurable) mapping between
TimeML and HERO (see Section 3.3).
As discussed in Section 3.4, since the temporal
characterizations contained in the triplestore does
not support, at runtime, an efficient retrieval needed
to answer flexible temporal queries, the Query
Support module provides an efficient indexing data
structure, enabling temporal range queries.
The proposed pipeline offers third-party
applications a set of programming interfaces to
access the output of its main modules:
The output of the Information Extraction
Module is a text containing tagged temporal
expressions in TimeML format, provided as
an XML object;
The semantic representations produced by the
Semantic module and stored in the RDF
triplestore are accessible through a SPARQL
endpoint (based on Apache Jena Fuseki:
The data structure managed by the Query
Support module is accessible through a
RESTful web service that returns a JSON
object (a serialized tree of time intervals IRIs:
see Section 3.4).
To test the proof-of-concept prototype we used a
selection of texts extracted from two books (in
Italian) containing an autobiographical
chronological account of events of the "Resistenza"
(the Italian struggle against the Fascist regime and
the Nazi occupation) in Piemonte (North-West of
Italy) during the Second World War: Diena Marisa,
Guerriglia e autogoverno, Guanda, 1970; Diena
Marisa, Un intenso impegno civile, Lupieri, 2006.
3.2 Information Extraction Module
The task of temporal tagging can be viewed as a
particular Named Entity Recognition task, including
three main phases: extraction (i.e., identification of
temporal expressions), classification (i.e.,
association of the temporal expression with a class
of an ontology), and normalization (assignment of
the same value to all the time expressions referring
to the same temporal entity).
As already stated, the Information Extraction
module is based on HeidelTime, that annotates the
input text using TimeML. For the scope of this
work, the relevant TimeML tag is TIMEX3 with its
four main attributes: tid (a per-document identifier);
type (one out of DATE, TIME, DURATION, or
SET); value (the normalized value for the marked
temporal expression); mod (the normalized value for
the semantics of modifiers expressions, like for
instance the value APPROX for the modifier
around in the expression "around five o'clock").
After annotating the selected texts, we found out
some recurring errors that can be classified in two
A Pipeline Supporting a Smart Access to Historical Documents based on a Rich Semantic Representation of Their Content: A Case Study
on Time Expressions
categories: (a) errors due to the HeidelTime
heuristics; (b) errors due to incomplete and/or
erroneous rules.
Errors of type a are produced by the wrong
normalization of relative (under-specified) temporal
expressions (Strötgen and Gertz, 2013), such as
"July" ("luglio"), which require additional contextual
information to be correctly normalized. HeidelTime
anchors these expressions to the closest temporal
expression occurring before the under-specified one.
However, this heuristic is not very accurate, as
acknowledged also by HeidelTime authors
themselves in (Strötgen and Gertz, 2013): for
example, if the expression "born in Torino on
13/6/1918" ("nato a Torino il 13/6/1918") precedes
the expression "July" ("luglio"), the latter is
normalized as "July 1918", even though it is clear
from the overall context that it refers to "July 1943".
This kind of errors is not influenced by the language
of the input document and is deeply rooted in
HeidelTime internal heuristics: no modification to
the rules could, alone, solve this problem. Therefore,
we decided to manually correct these mis-
normalizations (which, in our case, occurred in
about 50% of the correctly identified temporal
expressions of that kind).
Errors of type b are related to the identification
phase: Temporal expressions like "the morning of
June 20th" ("la mattina del 20 giugno") were
recognized as two separate expressions instead of a
single one (the equivalent English expressions were
correctly extracted and normalized). The correct
behavior in this case is reported in the Italian
TimeML annotation guidelines (Caselli and
Sprugnoli 2015). This means that HeidelTime
resources for the Italian language were missing the
correct rules to handle these expressions: we thus
added them to the Italian rules file.
The output of the Information Extraction Module
is an XML object containing the original text with
TimeML tags identifying temporal expressions.
3.3 Semantic Module
To map temporal expressions identified by the
Information Extraction module to RDF triples
expressed using the vocabulary provided by the
selected ontology, we developed a Java-based
software, TimeML2RDF, that maps a temporal
expression tagged with (a subset of) TimeML to a
customizable set of RDF triples. In particular, the
target vocabulary used by TimeML2RDF is
completely configurable by defining mapping rules,
declaratively stated in a separate file.
Before presenting the mapping rules, we briefly
introduce HERO (Historical Event Representation
Ontology), a computational ontology written in
OWL2, developed within the Harlock'900 project. It
includes the following modules:
HERO-TOP is the top-layer of the ontology,
linking it to the DOLCE foundational
ontology (Masolo et al., 2003).
HERO-EVENT provides a class hierarchy for
events classification and properties for linking
an event to its participants, to the geographical
place where it occurred, and to the time
interval in which it occurred.
HERO-PLACE provides a characterization of
geo-referenceable entities.
HERO-TIME models time intervals, following
Allen's algebra (Allen, 1983).
HERO-ROCS defines the semantics of roles,
organizations, collections and sets.
A complete description of HERO is out of the
scope of this paper: we just sketch the main features
of HERO-TIME, and quickly mention the classes
and properties of HERO-EVENT used in the
prototype. Figure 2 provides a (simplified) overview
of the main classes and properties in HERO-TIME
and their relations with elements in HERO-EVENT.
Figure 2: Events and time intervals in HERO.
Following Allen's interval algebra (Allen, 1983)
HERO-TIME adopts a representation of time based
on time intervals (or time spans), enabling reasoning
about time at various levels of granularity and taking
into account the inherently under-specification of
temporal expressions typically found in historical
sources (e.g., "at the beginning of 1945").
WEBIST 2018 - 14th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
A time interval in HERO is characterized as an
instance of the TimeInterval class or, more often,
of its sub-class ProperTimeInterval, representing
time intervals with non-zero duration;
CalendarClockInterval, sub-class of
ProperTimeInterval, represents intervals referring to
some calendar or time convention (e.g., years,
months, days). Moreover, HERO-TIME models the
distinction between a time interval (e.g., an instance
of the CalendarClockInterval class) and the
expression denoting it (e.g., an instance of the
CalendarClockIntervalExpression class).
The main properties defined in HERO-TIME are
based on the 13 basic relations described by Allen
and representing all the possible relations between
two time intervals. The most relevant properties in
HERO-TIME are the following (in brackets the
corresponding relation in Allen's algebra): intStarts
(starts); intEnds (finishes); intIn (starts finishes
during equals); intBeginsIn and intEndsIn (the
relation between a time interval t and other two time
intervals, t
and t
, that contain, respectively, the
beginning and ending "instants" of t).
The HERO-EVENT module defines the class
Event (sub-class of Perdurant, corresponding to the
same class in DOLCE) to represent entities that
happen in time. As depicted in Figure 2, the property
hasTimeSpan associates a perdurant to a time
interval, with the following meaning: given an event
(perdurant) e occurring exactly in the time interval
, hasTimeSpan(e,t) implies that intIn(t
,t); in this
way we account for the intrinsic "fuzziness" (under-
specification) of time expressions used in natural
languages (e.g., when we say that "Archduke Franz
Ferdinand of Austria was killed on 28 June 1914" it
is clear that we do not mean that the event lasted the
whole day, but that it occurred in a shorter time
interval contained in that day).
In order to translate TimeML tags produced by
the Information Extraction module into RDF
statements, different vocabularies (ontologies) can
be used, by defining different mapping rules. Each
rule is composed of two parts:
a matching section, that defines a pattern of
features of a TimeML tag;
a mapping section, that contains all the
information needed to produce the
corresponding set of RDF triples.
For example, the following TimeML tag:
<TIMEX3 tid="t01" value="1943-09-10"
type="DATE">il 10</TIMEX3>
matches the rule labeled YYYY-MM-DD date
(day), that thanks to its mapping section
produces the following RDF triples (ids have been
simplified for the sake of readability):
a hero-time:Day ;
rdfs:label "1943-09-10" .
a hero-time:DoMMYDate ;
hero-time:gregorianCalendar ;
resource/time/id1> ;
"1943-09-10"^^xsd:date .
The produced triples say that the identified time
interval (id1) is a day (hero-time:Day) and the
expression denoting it (id2) is a date consisting of
three parts: day, month and year (hero-
time:DoMMYDate), according to the Gregorian
calendar (the hero-time: calCIExprDescrCalCI
property associates the expression, id2, to the
described time interval, id1; the
hasXMLSchemaGDateLex property connects the
date id2 to its lexicalization as an XML Schema
xsd:date, i.e., "1943-09-10").
As far as the proof-of-concept prototype is
concerned, the relevant events had been manually
extracted, and the corresponding RDF triples
manually generated, in a previous work (Caserio et
al., 2017): therefore, we simply linked (through the
HERO hasTimeSpan property) the already available
semantic representation of such events to the RDF
triples describing time intervals produced by
TimeML2RDF. In this way, the final triplestore
contains the information about the (relevant) events
mentioned in the input texts, together with a fine-
grained representation of the time interval in which
they occurred, and the references to the documents
in which the events are mentioned. This knowledge
is available for third-party applications through a
SPARQL endpoint.
3.4 Query Support Module
The temporal description of the events in the
triplestore, while completely characterizing them,
does not allow an efficient retrieval based on
temporal range queries, due to different factors:
Accessing the triplestore using SPARQL does
not specifically support temporal queries;
A Pipeline Supporting a Smart Access to Historical Documents based on a Rich Semantic Representation of Their Content: A Case Study
on Time Expressions
The time intervals contained in the triplestore
have non-homogeneous granularities
(spanning from hours to several years);
We cannot practically use, at run-time, an
OWL reasoner to infer additional temporal
information from the triples, due to the well-
known huge computational effort needed.
However, temporal relations defined in HERO
enable us to order intervals that cannot be placed on
a calendar reference system (e.g., "between
December 1943 and February 1944") by stating their
relation with calendar intervals.
Figure 3: Data structure for temporal range queries.
Figure 3 depicts, with some abstraction, the
indexing data structure that encodes the mentioned
relations, i.e., essentially a tree representation of a
calendar system where nodes represent either:
Intervals with a 1:1 mapping to a calendar/
clock system (labeled boxes in Figure 3),
corresponding to CalendarClockInterval
instances, directly added to the data structure.
Intervals related to a calendar interval via
HERO relations (black circles in Figure 3),
i.e., generic ProperTimeInterval instances,
added to the data structure by linking them to
a calendar interval through a HERO property.
Thanks to the described data structure, a
temporal range query generates a tree visit between
the two nodes delimiting the range, and the result
will contain both calendar intervals and intervals
specified using HERO relations.
Moreover, in many cases, it can be useful to
include in the result not only intervals completely
falling within the range, but also intervals partially
overlapping with it. For example, given the range
(selected by the user) spanning from 1942-12-04 to
1944-03-21, the time interval December 1942 has a
partial overlap with the query range, so an event
occurred in December 1942 ("fuzzy" specification)
may have occurred during the time-span selected by
the user. Events occurred in such time intervals can
be useful for a user querying the knowledge base
and can be retrieved by the Query Support module,
thanks to the indexing data structure just described.
This is particularly relevant in the historical domain
because, frequently, events described in historical
sources are placed in time in a rather "fuzzy" way
and at different granularities, depending on their
relative importance, the required precision, the
author’s preference, etc.
The knowledge encoded in such a data structure
is made available via a RESTful web service that
returns a serialized tree of the relevant time intervals
IRIs (linked to events, in turn linked to historical
documents) encoded in JSON.
As an example of application exploiting the rich
semantic characterization of historical events and
their temporal information, we developed a web-
based UI enabling the visualization and exploration
of historical events using temporal range queries.
The application exploits the RESTful web service
provided by the Query Support module to access the
knowledge about historical events and their temporal
properties and its ultimate goal is to provide users
with a smart access to the historical documents
where the events presented in the UI are narrated.
The UI enables the user to query the application
for events occurred in a given time period specified
by start and end time intervals. To support both fine
and coarse-grained searches, we allow the user to
express the query with different granularities. Figure
4 shows the input control and the interaction
sequence required to specify one extreme of the
query range. In order to keep the UI as intuitive as
possible, the control allows to specify only start and
end dates having the same temporal granularity.
Figure 4: UI for the specification of the query range.
The control starts in an empty state (1),
prompting the user to input a year; when the user has
inserted a valid year (2) the control shows a "+"
button that allows her to add the month granularity;
WEBIST 2018 - 14th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
she can proceed to specify a month (3) using the
date-picker appearing below the control. The same
steps can be repeated (5, 6) if the user wants to
specify the granularity of a day.
Historical time is often represented in graphical
form using timelines, i.e., geometrical mappings
from time to space. Timelines can offer an effective
overview of events in time and, when employed with
uniform timescales, they can provide an insight on
the relative duration of different events. However,
we decided to discard a timeline-based visualization
in our UI, mainly because the temporal data in our
prototype have very different granularities and the
described events are usually not related to a precise
time duration; for example, an event linked to
December 1943 and one linked to 1943-12-21 do not
have comparable relative durations. For this reason,
a simple geometrical mapping can be misleading,
since it can transmit the wrong mental model to the
user. Therefore, we opted for a representation based
on a chronological list of events, where events do
not possess any geometric dimension, but they are
simply chronologically ordered. This ordering plays
well with the vertical scrolling direction of a web
application UI compared to the horizontal
orientation typical of timelines. The resulting UI is
shown in Figure 5, that displays a portion of the
results obtained querying the system for events
occurred in the period 1943-1945.
Figure 5: Result page for the query 1943-1945.
On the top of the page there is a menu showing
the query made by the user. From these controls the
user can edit the temporal range and start a new
search. Just below there is a dynamic timeline that
allows the user to have a better overall grasp of the
time interval absolute position in the calendar and of
the relative distance with other intervals.
In the central part of the page there is the
chronological list of events occurred in time
intervals that can be positioned on a calendar.
Besides being chronologically ordered from top to
bottom, the events are horizontally aligned with a
calendar date (in year, month, or day granularity)
rendered on the left and allowing the anchoring of
the events in time. The hierarchical relation between
time granularities of the calendar is rendered using
spatial nesting from the left to the right.
The user can navigate through the list of events
by vertically scrolling the page: the calendar and the
list of events move outside the viewport to reveal
new portions of the results. When a calendar element
crosses the middle of the viewport, it is highlighted.
On the right-hand side of the central portion of
the page there is a graphical representation of time
intervals not expressed as CalendarClockInterval
instances and defined as time spans between two
calendar intervals (characterized using the
intBeginsIn and intEndsIn HERO properties). Each
interval is displayed as a rectangular bar, in which
the top and the bottom sides are horizontally aligned
with the start and end calendar dates delimiting the
interval. This section scrolls together with the
calendar and the events list. When an interval bar
intersects the middle of the viewport, the events
occurred in that time interval are listed on the right.
When the user pointer hovers over an event
description, the bar denoting the corresponding time
interval is highlighted, isolating it from other
possible overlapping bars.
Finally, the application exploits the possibility
that some events are characterized as occurring in a
time interval that only partially overlaps with the
query interval. In these cases we cannot be sure
whether or not to include these events in the result
set, so they are displayed with an appropriate
graphical distinction (italic font-face).
The application presented in this section
The possibility, for external applications, of
exploiting the knowledge provided by our
pipeline (namely, the RESTful web service
offered by the Query Support module).
The advantages of having a rich semantic
representation of the content of historical
resources (namely, in the current prototype,
events with a fine-grained representation of
temporal information).
The proof-of-concept prototype presented in this
paper shows the feasibility and the effectiveness of
our approach. However, in order to fully assess it,
we plan to integrate both the back-end and the UI
within a wider application, enabling users to
navigate by querying and browsing historical
A Pipeline Supporting a Smart Access to Historical Documents based on a Rich Semantic Representation of Their Content: A Case Study
on Time Expressions
events narrated within archival documents. Such an
application, besides time information, will take into
account places where events occurred (i.e.,
geographical information) and event participants,
together with their roles in the events. The back-end
integration will be supported by the HERO ontology
and the usage of Semantic Web standards, while the
integration of the UI represents an interesting
challenge, which is under study.
This work has been partially supported by Università
di Torino and Compagnia di San Paolo within the
PRiSMHA project. We are grateful to M. Rovera for
the valuable suggestions on IE from historical texts.
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