In this work we showed that routinely collected
EMR data has clinical utility in predicting future RA
flare probability in patients treated with biological
DMARDs in daily practice. Several predictive
machine learning models were developed and tested
with the best one having an AUROC of about 80%.
This relatively good predictive power could enable
decision support for physicians and patients to guide
tapering of bDMARDs once low disease activity or
remission is reached. This offers potential to lower
the risk of adverse events, meet patients’ desire for
drug holidays, lower the overall costs for expensive
biological drug treatment and retain good control of
disease activity in RA patients.
In the future we plan to validate, calibrate and
test the generalizability of developed models and
approaches using external patient data, coming from
different clinics.
This project was made possible by the Applied Data
Analytics in Medicine (ADAM) programme of the
University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, the
Netherlands. The authors would like to specifically
acknowledge ir. Hyleco H. Nauta and Harry Pijl,
MBA for their organizational support. Additionally,
the authors would like to acknowledge Arjan
Westrik from Accenture as well as Heike Bollmann
and Bas Idzenga from Siemens Healthineers for their
overall support to the ADAM-RA Project. We are
grateful to rheumatologists of the UMC Utrecht for
their valuable input regarding clinical definitions
and suggestions for implementation during the
project. Moreover, we thank the pharmacy of the
UMC Utrecht for their valuable insights in the
process of medication handling.
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DATA 2018 - 7th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications