exist for the terminology, especially for the terms
Platform and Platform-as-a-Service, where this
paper has given an overview over the usage and
suggested a differentiation by listing and describing
common Platform characteristics with a mapping to
the several existing definitions. In addition to that,
strategic obstacles arise when starting as a cloud
service provider. An overview over the outset and
challenges was given, focusing on the core challenge
of the hosting problem which arises when providing
real cloud services regarding to rapid elasticity and
on-demand-self-service. Some additional aspects
such as possible business sector focus and the corre-
sponding relevance were also discussed. Regarding
possible solutions, joint ventures and contract-based
cooperation are presented in the context of more
familiar approaches such as consuming infrastructure
from a data centre provider examining the advantages
and disadvantages. For these alternatives, a rough
overview over the responsibilities and resources is
Whereat this paper is focused on giving an
overview and understanding the basics of strategic
decisions for entrants to the SaaS market, future re-
search could be more detailed investigations of the
strategic sub-challenges and grant specific recom-
mendations for action or decision-making aids. Es-
pecially for cooperation contracts many questions re-
main open such as legal responsibilities, shares and
best practises. Also statistics to give more precise in-
formation about the necessary resources required for
cooperation would add value to the topic of strategic
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