Recommendation Systems in a Conversational Web
Konstantinos N. Vavliakis
, Maria Th. Kotouza
, Andreas L. Symeonidis
and Pericles A. Mitkas
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece
2, Greece
Personalization, Recommendation, Conversational Web, e-Commerce, RFM, Recurrent Neural Networks.
In this paper we redefine the concept of Conversation Web in the context of hyper-personalization. We argue
that hyper-personalization in the WWW is only possible within a conversational web where websites and users
continuously “discuss” (interact in any way). We present a modular system architecture for the conversational
WWW, given that adapting to various user profiles and multivariate websites in terms of size and user traffic
is necessary, especially in e-commerce. Obviously there cannot be a unique fit-to-all algorithm, but numerous
complementary personalization algorithms and techniques are needed. In this context, we propose PRCW,
a novel hybrid approach combining offline and online recommendations using RFMG, an extension of RFM
modeling. We evaluate our approach against the results of a deep neural network in two datasets coming
from different online retailers. Our evaluation indicates that a) the proposed approach outperforms current
state-of-art methods in small-medium datasets and can improve performance in large datasets when combined
with other methods, b) results can greatly vary in different datasets, depending on size and characteristics,
thus locating the proper method for each dataset can be a rather complex task, and c) offline algorithms should
be combined with online methods in order to get optimal results since offline algorithms tend to offer better
performance but online algorithms are necessary for exploiting new users and trends that turn up.
Personalization (or customization) systems focus on
tailoring a service or a product to accommodate spe-
cific individuals, sometimes tied to groups of indi-
viduals. They have become increasingly popular in
recent years and are considered key elements in a
variety of areas including e-commerce, movies, mu-
sic, news, research articles, search queries and social
tags. They are broadly used for improving customer
satisfaction, sales conversion and marketing results.
In specific, web personalization dynamically serves
the most relevant content, call-to-action elements, and
messaging for stakeholders’ unique interests. The im-
portance of personalization in e-commerce has been
undisputed, already from 1998 in an interview with
the Washington Post; Jeff Bezos made a visionary
statement about the web: “If we have 4.5 million cus-
tomers, we shouldn’t have one store. We should have
4.5 million stores”.
Nowadays it is state of practice for web compa-
nies some sort of personalization in their websites,
based on IP address, browser language, the referral
link and user’s history. The vast majority of them
employ customer profiles which sometimes may be
dynamic. This means that personalization targeted to
segments of users rather than individuals requires spe-
cific steps in order to launch an effective strategy, such
as to identify audience, understand visitors, plan and
create different experience for each audience.
Recently a new term has appeared, “hyper per-
sonalization”, defined as: “the use of data to pro-
vide more personalized and targeted products, ser-
vices and content”. Hyper-Personalization means to
rethink customer interaction on a one-to-one basis,
where we treat each and every customer uniquely and
design a customized experience for each one. The key
element for hyper-personalization is interacting one-
to-one with individuals, not the customer segments
they fall in. To anticipate an individual’s desires at
any point in time, however, requires having deep cus-
tomer insight, which comes from analyzing granular
and big data.
Hyper-personalization is the next era of digital
marketing; emails that change content based on where
a customer is and when the email is opened. Context-
aware messages and segments that are build for more
relevant communications with your customer, push-
ing only those messages he/she should like to receive,
this way targeting to increased revenue. Although of
Vavliakis, K., Kotouza, M., Symeonidis, A. and Mitkas, P.
Recommendation Systems in a Conversational Web.
DOI: 10.5220/0006935300680077
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2018), pages 68-77
ISBN: 978-989-758-324-7
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
added value, there are numerous reasons why hyper-
personalization has not yet been adopted by the ma-
jority of websites. Some of these are: a) the over-
abundance of non-actionable data, as most companies
have an abundance of data but cannot use it to person-
alize digital experiences, b) not knowing who to per-
sonalize first, as content is locked up in a content man-
agement system and controlled by developers, while
visitor data is not available for targeting in real time,
c) difficulties in measuring the impact of personaliza-
tion, as companies often lack a direct way to measure
the aggregate effect of that portfolio of customized
content across their site over time.
Alongside “hyper-personalization” another term,
“conversational web” has recently started to be used
in the context of user interfaces, also known as chat-
bots or virtual assistants, as well as in the context of
web services. Conversation interfaces interact with
users combining chat, voice or any other natural lan-
guage interface with graphical UI elements like but-
tons, images, menus, videos, etc. The new trend
to evolve from NLP (natural language processing)
to NLU (natural language understanding). On the
other hand, conversational web services (CWS) refer
to web services that communicate multiple times with
a client to complete a single task. Conversations pro-
vide a straightforward way to keep track of data be-
tween calls and to ensure that the Web Service always
responds to the correct client.
In this paper we redefine the term “Conversa-
tional Web” in the context of hyper-personalization.
Conversational Web refers to dynamic, multiple and
asynchronous interactions (implicit conversations)
between users and websites. These conversations al-
low both sides to understand each other and com-
municate efficiently. We argue that only in a truly
conversational system is hyper-personalization pos-
sible, as in order to be able to create absolutely tar-
geted messages, offers, interfaces, and recommenda-
tions that resonate and connect differently with each
individual, one must first listen the needs and wills
of each and every individual. This is only possi-
ble within a conversational web where websites and
users continuously “discuss” (interact). This discus-
sion takes place in the forms of clicks, mouse move-
ment, scrolling, purchases, back or forward move-
ments and time of each page on behalf of customers.
On the other hand, websites “hear” customer’s talk-
ing and respond in the form of personalized product
recommendations, offers, coupons, order appearance
in search, newsletters communications, popups and
push notifications. Users in turn react to these re-
sponses and a new cycle of communication begins.
In order to produce accurate predictions and rec-
ommendations, big data analysis is necessary for
identifying trends and patterns in data. This analy-
sis can only take place in offline mode as it is both a
time and resource consuming process. On the other
hand new customers, products and trends continu-
ously emerge, thus achieving hyper-personalization
requires more than just analysis of historical data. The
“discussion” between users and websites should con-
tinuously be analyzed for improving customer expe-
rience, and online analysis should also take place and
complement the results of the offline processes.
In this context, we propose a modular architec-
ture for conversational websites. We acknowledge
that the conversational web needs to adapt to various
user profiles and independent websites with varying
context, size and user traffic, thus there cannot be a
unique fit-to-all algorithm, but numerouscomplemen-
tary personalization algorithms and techniques are re-
quired, as well as a framework to decide when and
where to use each algorithm. For this reason, we pro-
pose PRCW (Product Recommendations for Conver-
sation Web), a novel hybrid approach combing offline
and online recommendations using RFMG (Recency-
Frequency-Monetary-Gender), an extension of the
well-known RFM method. Through PRCW, mod-
eling and partial matching recommendations can be
combined with existing deep neural networks and
provide improved results. We evaluate the proposed
methodology on two discrete datasets, with different
characteristics to test how the proposed method per-
forms. Then we combine the proposed method with
the deep neural network and we show that this com-
bination leads to improved results.
The remainder of this paper is structured as fol-
lows. Related work on personalization and recom-
mender systems, is discussed in Section 2. Section
3 describes in detail a framework for the Conversa-
tional Web, while Section 4 introduces a novel hy-
brid approach for recommendations, which is evalu-
ated in Section 5. Section 6 summarizes work done,
discusses future work and concludes the paper.
Web personalization implies tailoring a website to
accommodate specific individuals or groups of in-
dividuals. Recommender systems are key elements
in almost every personalization system and are di-
vided in online and offline systems. Offline recom-
mendation systems (Koren et al., 2009) either con-
sisting of content-based recommendations (Pazzani
and Billsus, 2007) or collaborative filtering (Sarwar
et al., 2001), have weaknesses. They require signif-
Recommendation Systems in a Conversational Web
icant training time; data updates usually require re-
training the whole model and cannot take into ac-
count frequent changes in interests and profile of
users. In more detail, the techniques used in the
field of recommendation systems can be categorized
into four general types: content-basedfiltering (CBF);
collaborative filtering (CF); rule-based approaches;
hybrid approaches (Ranjbar Kermany and Alizadeh,
2017). Collaborative Filtering techniques look for
patterns in the overall user activity to produce rec-
ommendations, and can be further categorized into
Neighborhood-based, Model-based, Clustering and
Association Rules methods. In recent years, with the
rise of big data, deep model-based approaches have
been applied in this field with promising results.
Although session-based recommendation was un-
til recently a relatively unappreciated problem, in the
last few years it has attracted interest (Hidasi et al.,
2015). This is because the behavior of users shows
session-based traits, or users often have only one ses-
sion. Recommendation systems widely use factor
models (Koren et al., 2009) or neighborhood methods
(Sarwar et al., 2001). Factor models are hard to apply
in session-based recommendation due to the absence
of user profiles, while neighborhood models, such as
item to item similarity, ignore the information of the
past clicks.
Drawbacks of offline recommender systems have
been acknowledged and for that reason various on-
line recommender methods (Ying et al., 2006) have
been proposed, which need less processing power and
do not require training. Nevertheless, online recom-
menders are less accurate than offline methods, thus
hybrid approaches (Burke, 2002) have been proposed
that combine the advantages of online and offline rec-
ommendation methods. Preference elicitation is also
a popular personalization technique. In the context
of preference elicitation, questionnaires, reviewing
pre-selected items, dynamic learning (Rubens et al.,
2011), entropy optimization (Salimans et al., 2012)
and latent factor models (Huang, 2011) have been em-
ployed. Nevertheless, preference elicitation is not al-
ways efficient and it is recommended only in specific
problems (Zhao et al., 2013). Interactive systems are
another popular group of methods relative to our case.
In interactive systems users play an active role, they
are usually based on reviews (Chen and Pu, 2012),
constrains (Felfernig et al., 2011), and questionnaires
(Mahmoodand Ricci, 2009). A common method used
in interactive systems, is when users are asked to re-
view a predefined selection of items, in order to cope
with the cold-start problem. These requirements may
frustrate users.
Recently deep learning and especially recurrent
neural networks allow sequential data modeling and
have shown remarkable results (Quadrana et al.,
2017). Embedding deep learning techniques into rec-
ommender systems is gaining traction due to its state-
of-the-art performances and high-quality recommen-
dations. Deep learning (Zhang et al., 2017) provides
a better understanding of user’s demands, item’s char-
acteristics, historical interactions and relationships
between them than traditional methods do. Recursive
Neural Networks (RNNs) (Goodfellow et al., 2016)
are a family of neural networks suitable for modeling
variable-length sequential data and can scale to much
longer sequences than other neural networks. Unlike
feed-forward neural networks, RNNs use loops which
allow information to be passed from one state of the
network to the next one. This way former computa-
tions and previous states of the sequence are remem-
bered and taken into account. Variants such as Long
Short Term Memory (LSTM) and Gated Recurrent
Unit (GRU) network are often deployed to overcome
the vanishing gradient problem.
Obviously a lot of progress has been made in per-
sonalization and recommendation systems; however
there is no integrated solution that can semantically
understand user’s intentions and dynamically evolve
based on them. Advancing the state-of-the-artwe pro-
pose the combination of state-of-the art deep learn-
ing techniques, which have shown impressive results,
with online recommenders, that use partial matching.
This combination not only achieves better results, but
is also more adaptable.
Although from the system point of view, creating a
truly conversational website involves a rather com-
plex multi-step procedure; from a user point of view
an e-commerce website supporting conversation web
technologies is just an ordinary website. The only dif-
ference is that somehow it seems so much easier to
use and find products and everything seems simple
and intuitive both in terms of UX elements and prod-
uct search.
3.1 A Use-case Scenario
Consider a customer, Irene that wants to buy the new
brand X1 night face cream. Irene performs a web
search and clicks the first result that redirects her to
an e-commerce site she has never visited before. At
this point the implicit conversation between the cus-
tomer and the user has already begun. The web-
WEBIST 2018 - 14th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
site “listens” that a new customer landed from an or-
ganic source, searching for brand X1 night cream, so
it responds with recommendations about other night
creams that are popular among users coming from this
source type, together with other Brand X1 products,
as the user seems interested to this brand. In addi-
tion, the site recognizes that this is a new user, so it
displays the “subscribe to our newsletter” banner in a
more prominent location. Next, Irene adds the prod-
uct to her basket and then hovers for some time over
a shampoo for oily hair, but finally clicks on a brand
X2 serum she noticed in a banner of the main page.
These actions alone comprise four discrete messages:
as the user has stated that she is actually a) very inter-
ested in the brand X1 night cream (with intent to buy),
b) she is also interested in general for brand X2 and
c) more specifically in serums, and d) she may need a
shampoo for oily hair.
The website once again “listens” and responds
with even more personalized results as it quickly
learns the interests of the user, for example it recom-
mends cheaper shampoos for oily hair as the ones dis-
played before are considered premium products and
are probably too expensive. In case Irene clicks on
a cheaper shampoo the website will classify Irene as
a customer interested in mid-level products (at least
until she starts showing interest for premium prod-
ucts). This is a continuous and everlasting process;
the website not only adapts to better serve Irene’s in-
terest but also learns from her behavior and the behav-
ior of other users, aggregating this collective wisdom
into actionable insights for improving the overall e-
commerce UX of the site.
3.2 The Proposed Framework
Next, we propose an integrated framework for creat-
ing a conversational website that consists of four py-
lons: a) behavior analysis; b) user experience analy-
sis; c) big data warehousing and d) personalization.
Figure 1 illustrates the overall proposed architecture,
detailed at a module level, as well as the data ex-
change means between subsystems.
a) The Behavior analysis module is responsible
for dynamically analyzing user behavior. Data from
analytics tools (e.g. Google Analytics, Yandex, etc.)
along with scroll maps and mouse gestures should
be combined in order to effectively recognize differ-
ent patterns and user groups, such as novice or ex-
perienced users, users that are just browsing or in-
tent to buy, and categories, brands or specific prod-
ucts users are interested in. For this task, classifica-
tion and support vector machines have provided em-
inent results in the past (Sun et al., 2002), while re-
cently deep learning and especially recurrent neural
networks have shown improvedperformance. Seman-
tic analysis is also required, as topic modelling and la-
tent dirichlet allocation are useful for analyzing user’s
b) User experience analysis is necessary in order
to better understand users and be able to adapt to their
needs. User experience is a multifactor parameter,
such as website structure, marketing, trust, interactive
and information elements, colors and ease of use. All
these factors are hard to be defined as they contain
strongly subjective elements, key performance indi-
cators, such as bounce rate, average time on site, con-
version rate, and depth of search can provide accurate
metrics for calculating user experience.
c) Consideringspecial requirements for data ware-
housing is necessary in order to build a conversational
system. Due to the nature of conversation, which
is continuous, lengthy and heterogeneous, data ware-
housing should be able to cope with big data and ex-
tremely low response times in queries that will allow
real time queries, as well as different type of informa-
tion, including product data, user click history, mouse
movements, scroll data, e-commerce data including
buys, add to cart, and favorites, visual elements and
statistics about their use. This information should be
combined in offline operations where intelligent mod-
els will be trained, as well as in real-time situations for
delivering personalized services and UI/UX. Luckily
there are plenty of open source tools able to handle
this type of data, including Apache Hadoop, Elastic
Server, and MongoDB.
d) Finally, the key module of our proposed frame-
work is the personalization module which is responsi-
ble for dynamically integrating information data and
user actions originating from user experience and
behavior and composing different recommendations,
website user interfaces and content tailored to the in-
dividual needs of every visitor. Time performance is
crucial for this step, as most operations are real-time.
This step also includes feedback and dynamic learn-
ing using user-website conversations, thus it’s a self-
improving process.
In this Section we propose a hybrid approach for
product recommendations in e-commerce sites that
we call PRCW (Product Recommendations for the
Conversational Web). As there is not a universally
good solution that can fit all circumstances and solve
any problem in product recommendation, different
Recommendation Systems in a Conversational Web
Figure 1: Overall system architecture in a conversational website (detailed at module level).
approaches have to be used depending on the dataset
and the kind of the target e-commerce site. One of the
main parameters that have to be taken into account
is the size of the e-shop in terms of traffic, number
of orders and available products. For this reason, we
propose a hybrid approach and we apply a deep model
to two different click stream datasets, one originating
from a small-to-medium e-commerce site and another
coming from a large European retailer’s website.
Recommendations need to satisfy two fundamen-
tal principles in a conversational e-commerce site, a)
must be relevant and b) must be provided in real-time.
Thus, hybrid approaches are required, that can pro-
vide recommendation in online-mode and date pro-
cessing for improvingresults in offline-mode. For this
reason, we introduce a new hybrid approach using of-
fline and online processing that combines a cluster-
ing algorithm with a rule-based method. Clustering is
applied to perform consumer segmentation based on
consuming behavior, using RFMG, a modified ver-
sion of RFM modeling that combines recency, fre-
quency and monetary with gender, whereas the pro-
posed rule based approach that uses four different par-
tial matching processes focuses on solving the prob-
lem of unknown user history.
4.1 Offline Phase
The offline phase consists of data preprocessing,
clustering via RFMG analysis and post-processing
analysis. Figure 2 depicts this phase. Data Prepro-
cessing: Data preprocessing is necessary to make
knowledge discovery easier and more accurate. In
this step, data are processed in order to follow the
desired format, attributes are selected, and auxiliary
operations like outlier detection, normalization and
discretization are performed. Users from whom
information is not of adequate value (e.g. users that
have only one or even no product views) are removed
from the dataset.
RFMG Analysis: RFM (Recency, Frequency,
Monetary) analysis is a marketing model that pro-
vides information about customers’ consumption be-
havior and widely used for customer segmentation
(Birant, 2011). The three variables are computed on
the transaction history and measure howrecently, how
often and how much do the consumers buy. These
three attributes are not only computed on the prod-
uct orders (RO, FO, MO), but on the product views
as well (RV, FV, MV), because of the more exten-
sive amount of information that page views provide.
In our work we extend the traditional RFM model to
the RFMG model, by adding the Gender attribute, as
gender is a major factor for decision making in almost
every e-commerce environment. The six attributes are
defined as follows:
RO/RV: the number of days passed since the cus-
tomer last viewed/purchased a product. Range
FO/FV: the number of purchases/product views
made by the customer in the last d days. Range
MO/MV: the summary of the prices of the prod-
ucts that were ordered/viewed by the customer in
the last d days. Range [0,m]
If an attribute value is higher than the maximum
upper threshold, the maximum allowed value is used
instead. Then, normalization is performed in the
range [0,1].
Clustering: Consumer segmentation is an un-
supervised machine learning process that allows
WEBIST 2018 - 14th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Figure 2: Offline phase of PRCW.
understanding consumer characteristics and grouping
consumers according to their behavior. Thus, it’s an
excellent start for designing personalized solutions
according to each customer group’s needs.
Preference Table Creation: A user’s preference
for an item is obtained by the number of times the user
has viewed or ordered the target product. Product list
extraction: For each consumer segment, a top list of
ordered products is extracted by finding the most pre-
ferred items of the users that belong to the particular
4.2 Online Phase
The proposed online phase of our approach is de-
picted in Figure 3. Prediction by Partial Matching
(PM), or else known as Markov Model, is a method
used to predict the next state of the model taking
into account the n previous states (Gellert and Florea,
2016). This means that the current state depends on
the previous n states. The number of previous states
determines the order of the PM model. Assuming that
is the state at time t, an R-order model is defined as
in Eq 1.
, ...,q
] = P[q
, ..., q
] (1)
In our case the states are represented by prod-
uct views. When the target user views the prod-
uct q
, partial matching can be used to find the pat-
tern < q
, q
> within the history of all the users.
The products found to follow the matched pattern are
saved and their frequencies are computed in order to
extract the topM products. Needless to say, when
the order of the model, R, increases, the possibilities
to find the desired pattern into the history becomes
lower. So, in our situation the second ordered model
is used.
However, because of the limited number of obser-
vations in smaller e-shops, the non-matching pattern
possibility remains high. In order to address this prob-
lem, we introduce two elastic variants of the partial
matching procedure:
The first one is called PM by intervals and looks
for the pattern < q
, ..., q
> within the history,
with the constriction that the time interval be-
tween the product views q
and qt is less than
a time period T. In this case, the topM list is com-
puted using the products that were viewed within
the time period T and after the product view q
The second one is called PM by session and looks
for the pattern < q
, ..., q
> within the history,
with the constriction that the product views q
and q
occurred within the same session. The
topM list is computed using the products that were
viewed within the same session and after the prod-
uct view q
Assume that the target user views the sequence
data < i
, i
>. If sessions [Session1-Session5] have
been extracted by the history, the topM recommenda-
tion list using the four algorithms is presented in Table
Session1: <i3><i5>
Session2: <i4>
Session3: <i6><i4><i9><i4>
Session4: <i4>
Recommendation Systems in a Conversational Web
Figure 3: Online phase of PRCW.
Table 1: Example of topM recommendation list using the different PM algorithms.
Method Recall@1Next Recall@AllNext PrecisionR
PM R=1 i2 40% i3 20% i4 20%
PM R=2 i3 20% - -
PM by intervals i3 20% i4 30% -
PM by session i2 40% i3 20% i4 20%
5.1 Experimental Setup
We evaluate the proposed hybrid recommendation
method on two different datasets. The first dataset
originated from, a small-medium (in
terms of traffic) retailer in Greece. The available click
stream contained data from a period of 9 months.
Data from the first 7 months were used as the training
set whereas data from the last 2 months where used as
the test set. Items with less than 5 views were filtered
out from the training set, as well as sessions with less
than two item views. Sessions with less than one item
view were also removed from the test set, as well as
item views that do not exist in the training set. After
the preprocessing, the training set contained 53,071
sessions of 875,366 events and 9,733 items, whereas
the test set contains 86 sessions of 585 events and 244
The second dataset is the RecSys dataset that
was provided for the RecSys Challenge 2015 (Ben-
Shimon et al., 2015). This dataset contains click-
streams of a big e-commerce site, organized in ses-
sions. The training set contains all but the last 10 days
of the dataset, whereas the test set contains the ses-
sions of the last 10 days. After the same preprocess-
ing phase, the training set contains 7,802,137 sessions
of 30,958,148 events and 37,331 items, while the test
set contains 71,060 sessions of 217,014 events and
10,829 items. The evaluation was performed by pro-
viding the events of each session of the test set one by
one and making recommendations applying the pro-
posed algorithm to the training set (Algorithm 1).
5.2 Evaluation Metrics
Precision and recall, two commonly used metrics in
the field of recommender systems were employed for
evaluating the performance of our algorithms. Sup-
pose that U is the set of users that are examined, R(u)
is the set of items recommended to user u, V(u) is the
set of items viewed by user u after the recommenda-
tion and V(u,1) is the first product that user u viewed
after the recommendation. We define PrecisionR (Eq.
2) as the percentage of recommended items viewed by
the user over the number of recommended products
and PrecisionV (Eq. 3) as the percentage of recom-
mended items viewed by the user
PrecisionR =
|R(u) V(u)|
WEBIST 2018 - 14th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Algorithm 1: Partial pseudo-code for “UserPersonomy”.
(test set: table Tx3 [user_id, timestamp, item])
(topM1, topM2, topM3, topP, topN, next_views)
1. Filter out products with less than 5 views
2. Filter out sessions with less than 2 products
3. Separate the dataset into training and test set
4. Filter out products from the test set that do not belong to the training set
each user_id-u:
each timestamp-t:
Find current item i
, previous item i
and the next items i
, .., i
Perform PM R2 using i
: topM1 list is returned
Perform PM by intervals using i
: topM2 list is returned
Perform PM by session using i
: topM3 list is returned
user_id[u] belongs to any clusterRFM
Get the topP[u,t] list from the corresponding element of clusterRFM
Add a score to topM[u,t] belonging to topP[u,t] and (topM[u,t] & topP[u,t])
Merge topM1[u,t], topM2[u,t], topM3[u,t] lists
Update (topN[u,t] list, next_views[u,t] list< i
, .., i
(topN, next_views)
PrecisionV =
|R(u) V(u)|
We define recall as the percentage of users
that viewed recommended items at next times-
tamps. Three variants of recall are defined: Re-
call@1Next (Eq. 4), the strictest one, which deter-
mines only the first next view after recommendation,
Recall@AllNext (Eq. 5), which determines all next
views after recommendation, and Recall@Positive
(Eq. 6), which considers only the cases the recom-
mendation list has at least one item. The evaluation
process is depicted in Algorithm 1.
Recall@1Next =
|R(u) V(u, 1)|
Recall@AllNext =
|R(u) V(u)|
Recall@Positive =
|R(u) V(u)|
|R(u) 6= 0|
5.3 Results
Tables 2 and 3 present the results achieved by the pro-
posed algorithm PRCW, the RNN and the combina-
tion of them using the and the RecSys
dataset, accordingly. For deep model evaluation we
used a GRU-based RNN model (Hidasi et al., 2015)
for session-based recommendations. The input of the
network was the actual state of the session represented
by a 1-of-N encoding, where N is the number of items
(a vector with 1 to the active items and 0 elsewhere),
and the output was the likelihood for each item to be
part of the next session. Session-parallel mini-batches
and mini-batch based output sampling were used for
the output.
Taking into account Tables 2 and 3 one can ob-
serve that the RNN model could not achieve good
enough results in a smaller and sparse dataset, while
the proposed approach not only demanded consid-
erable less RAM and CPU recourses, but also per-
formed better as PRCW achieved better results than
RRN for the Pharm24 dataset, both in terms of Re-
call and Precision. On the other hand, the RNN has
better performance in the RecSys dataset which con-
tains more data both in terms of quantity and den-
sity. Nevertheless, the combination of both meth-
ods (PRCW+RNN) achieves improved performance
in both datasets.
Comparing the results, one can better understand
the difference between the algorithms and datasets.
Bigger datasets have improved chances to get better
recommendations, due to the larger amount of infor-
Recommendation Systems in a Conversational Web
Table 2: Results of the Pharm24 dataset using the hybrid approach.
Method Recall@1Next Recall@AllNext Prec.R Prec.V Pos.Recall
PRCW 0.2880 0.5247 0.0518 0.1414 0.5247
RNN 0.1993 0.3101 0.0348 0.0936 0.3101
PRCW+ RNN 0.3901 0.6065 0.0734 0.1737 0.6065
Table 3: Results of the RecSys dataset using the hybrid approach.
Method Recall@1Next Recall@AllNext Prec.R Prec.V Pos.Recall
PRCW 0.0868 0.1711 0.0273 0.0229 0.1711
RNN 0.8120 0.8886 0.0998 0.6380 0.8886
PRCW+RNN 0.8366 0.9037 0.1139 0.7069 0.9037
mation that contain, and achieve worse results at the
PrecisionR metric, as there are too many products in
the dataset. On the other hand, smaller datasets have
shorter sessions and achieve worse results at the Pre-
cisionV metric. Deep learning can perform excep-
tionally well, as long as there are enough data and
processing power to feed the neural network. On
the other hand, the proposed method PRCW works
better on smaller datasets. In any case combining
both PRCW and RNN delivers the best results in both
datasets, which leads us to the conclusion that both
methods deliver useful results that should be com-
bined for optimal performance.
In this paper we redefined the concept of Conversa-
tion Web in the context of hyper-personalization. We
proposed a generic design for conversational web that
may be expanded in terms of hyper-personalization,
such as product recommendation, UI/UX personal-
ization, as well as individual messages and promos
per customer. We argued that in a high-demanding
and versatile environment, such as the WWW there is
not a unique fit-to-all solution, thus various solutions
have to be evaluated and blended in order to provide
relevant results in live environments. For this rea-
son, we proposed a novel hybrid method that extends
the RFM model by introducing the Gender factor,
combined with Partial Matching. The method pro-
vided improved results for small-to-medium datasets.
In addition, we combined the proposed algorithm
with a deep learning method and we showed that
they can work complementary as improved results are
achieved when combined of both methods.
Future work includes working on the decision
module for applying the optimum algorithm based on
the dataset characteristics. In addition, we plan to ex-
plore the possibility of further integrating our hybrid
approach with RNNs. Another issue for future con-
sideration is privacy concerns that may arise and how
to tackle them.
This work was partially funded by an IKY scholar-
ship funded by the “Strengthening of Post-Academic
Researchers” Act from the resources of the OP “Hu-
man Resources Development, Education and Lifelong
Learning” with Priority Axes 6,8,9 and co-funded by
the European Social Fund ECB and the Greek gov-
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