Analyzing Collaboration in the Gamification Process of
Ana María Chimunja
, Cesar Alberto Collazos
, Julio Ariel Hurtado
and Habib M. Fardoun
University of Cauca, Popayán, Colombia
Ahlia University, Bahrain
Keywords: Childprogramming, Collaboration Engineering, Collaborative Work, Children's Programming, Children's
Programming, Gamification.
Abstract: According to Jeannette Wing computational thinking involves problem solving, system design and
understanding of human behavior, making use of the fundamental concepts of informatics, thus, it means
that boys and girls acquire skills to solve problems in different contexts through informatics and software
programming in different devices. For the purpose of supporting the initiatives to strengthen the
development of computational thinking, the Software engineering research and development group (IDIS)
of the University of Cauca, in 2012 formalized the Childprogramming model to support the development of
software oriented to children, based on strategies of collaborative learning, agile software development, and
ludic learning. Since then, this model has been improved, such as, the Childprogramming-G model that
looks for the improvement of the ludic learning, offering gamification strategies for the software
development process carried out by children. This article presents an exploratory case study where the
ChildProgramming-G version was applied, taking some dynamics and game mechanics combined with the
previous sensitization of the importance of collaborative work in children's work teams. From this case
study it was possible to obtain more information about the collaborative processes involved in the teaching-
learning process of the software development carried out by children.
The case study presented in this article is part of the
research "Childprogramming-C: Extending
Childprogramming from Collaborative
Engineering", proposed by the IDIS Research
Group, as an improvement of the collaborative
dimension of the current ChildProgramming model
(Hurtado et al., 2012). This work is framed within
the research lines of Collaboration Engineering and
Software Engineering, and seeks to contribute in the
design of collaborative processes, contributing
significantly in the teaching of software
development at an early age, and encouraging the
resolution of problems Complex and the
development of computational thinking.
Since 2013 improvements have been made to the
Childprogramming model, such as the version of the
Childprogramming-G model (Garcia and Orejuela,
2014), which offers a more dynamic process for
teaching software programming for children in
different de-vices, with the help of techniques and
dynamics of gamification. In the search to improve
the collaborative component of the model, the
Childprogrammig - C project has developed case
studies to identify aspects that allow improving the
collaborative component from the Collaborative
Engineering approach from case studies. This article
analyses the collaboration of the software
development process from three fundamental
aspects, which are: positive interdependence, equal
participation, and individual responsibility as
essential elements that must be presented in the
collaboration, so that the Learning takes place
effectively (Collazos et al., 2007), also takes into
account the definition of team strategies and the
work of the leader.
Next, section two describes some conceptual
elements of the Collaborative Collaboration and
Engineering that guide the development of the
proposed work. In section three, a brief presentation
of the methodology is made; then, section four
analyses the results of the case study, and finally
section five shows the conclusions and future work.
Chimunja, A., Collazos, C., Hurtado, J. and Fardoun, H.
Analyzing Collaboration in the Gamification Process of Childprogramming.
DOI: 10.5220/0006942407940800
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT 2018), pages 794-800
ISBN: 978-989-758-320-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
This section describes some concepts necessary for
the contextualization of the article. The first of these
is Collaboration Engineering, attached to Software
Engineering as an area that promotes an
organizational philosophy of the development
process and that fosters teamwork, based on the
recognition of the individual skills and abilities of
the group Work (Jurado and Collazos, 2013), later
gamification is presented as a process of
incorporation of game elements in non-play
processes (Deterding, 2011), and finally the
ChildProgramming model and its version is
2.1 Engineering Collaboration
The field of Collaboration Engineering has emerged
as a focal point for research on the design and
implementation of collaborative processes that are
recurrent in nature and executed by professionals in
organizations, rather than collaborative
professionals(De Vreede et al, 2009). By
collaborating, individuals achieve greater results
than they could individually, however, achieving
effective team collaboration remains a challenge
(Vreede and Briggs, 2005).
From the need to design, execute and structure
collaborative processes within different groups,
Collaboration Engineering arises (Kolfschoten et al.,
2006), which is "a systematic approach to the design
of repeatable collaboration processes, which can be
used to Increase human efficiency and effectiveness
in organizations " (Kolfschoten et al., 2006).
Collaboration Engineering is an approach to the
design of reusable collaborative processes, therefore,
collaborative processes need to be explicitly
designed, structured and managed, in order to be
transferable to groups, using collaborative
techniques and technologies (Vreede and Briggs,
2.2 Collaborative Work
Collaborative work offers an option to overcome
limitations of traditional learning, under this scheme
the presence of different actors and their
coordination must be taken into account, since
situations require collaboration, communication and
exchange of information (Mendoza and Galvis,
1998), integrating aspects of collaborative work into
a given process, the goal is not only to improve
communication, but also to achieve greater
participation and commitment among the members
of a group working on a common activity, leading to
better quality Of the processed product (Collazos
and Mendoza, 2006).
Johnson and Johnson have developed several
statistical analyzes with students of different ages,
educational and social levels, and have demonstrated
the positive effect that collaborative learning has had
on their academic success and their social
achievements (Johnson and Johnson, 1994), thus
defining work Collaborative as (Johnson and
Johnson, 1994): "the set of methods of instruction or
training for use in small groups, as well as strategies
to foster the development of mixed skills (learning
and personal and social development), where each
group member is responsible both of their learning
as of the rest of the group".
Turban defines that group work has a number of
advantages over individual work, among them one
has: a group understands a problem better than a
single person, there is a shared responsibility, it
facilitates the detection of errors, a group presents
A greater knowledge than a single person, which
offers better alternatives for solving problems,
presents effectiveness and quality of production,
the effectiveness and quality of production of a
group is greater than the sum of what each member
can produce in Individual form, since this
individual knowledge is strengthened with the
group obtaining better results; In this way
collaboration is one of the main components of the
Childprogramming Model that seeks to be
improved (Turban, 1995).
2.3 Gamification
Gamification is defined as the application of basic
elements that make fun and attractive to things that
are not normally considered a game (Sridharan et
al., 2012). Similarly refers to "the adoption of
gaming technology and methods of game design
outside the video game industry" (Deterding et al.,
2011). "The process of using game thinking and
game mechanics to solve problems and attract
users" (Hagglund, 2012).
ChildPrograming in its gamified version has
taken into account gamification oriented in an
educational and collaborative environment,
incorporating elements of play in a classroom
context with the objective of engaging students
with learning through activities that provide fun
experiences of their own Games for children (Lee
and Hammer., 2011). Within gamification the
following concepts play a very important role:
Analyzing Collaboration in the Gamification Process of Childprogramming
Game mechanics: rules that aim to increase
the motivation and the commitment of the
players through the achievement of objectives
and with the purpose of obtaining recognition
(Beza, 2011).
Game dynamics: are the human needs and
concerns that motivate people and are the
result of using the game mechanics (Beza,
2.4 ChildProgrammig Model
Some discussions in the area of software
programming in children have focused on different
topics such as: identify how to create programming
languages with children, or whether children can
learn particular topics in software programming
(Sheingold, 1987); however, other issues have been
addressed in finding a strategy for small children to
create their own programs, this is the case of the
ChildProgramming model, which is born as a project
idea in the IDIS group, and formalizes a model to
support the development of software oriented to
Considering that collaborative learning is a set of
methods of instruction or training for use in small
groups, as well as strategies to promote the
development of personal and social skills (Gomez,
and Izuzquiza, 2015), the ChildProgramming model
also proposes the collaborative dimension, which
attempts to increase The quality of learning and
favors the acquisition of students knowledge through
interaction between them, through software
development (Cruz and Rojas, 2013).
Figure 1: Early Child Programming Process Life Cycle.
ChildProgramming consists of three dimensions
(Cruz and Rojas, 2013): the cognitive dimension,
considered as the effort that a child will make to
understand, analyze and appropriate situations
present in the tasks defined by ChildProgramming,
contributing to the process the main concepts for the
development of the same. The Agile dimension:
based on the promulgation of the manifesto values
of agile software development methodologies, the
agile dimension provides ChildProgramming with an
agreed form of work to achieve the objectives where
a team work is evidenced that allows the members of
the same stay together throughout the activity.
ChildPrograming defines three phases: pre-game,
game and post-game as shown in figure 1, and
proposes the following roles: teacher, team guide,
team and researcher.
The model has been evolving and its latest
version has incorporated improvements related to
gamification, obtaining the model ChildPrograming
- G (Garcia and Orejuela, 2014), presented in the
figure 2, where it can be appreciated a significant
improvement regarding tasks and the tutor role.
Figure 2: Childprogramming-G process lifecycle (Garcia
and Orejuela, 2014).
Currently working on Childprogramming-C to
strengthen the collaborative component from the
Collaborative Engineering approach.
3.1 CSACE (Case Study based Analysis
in Collaboration Engineering)
For the development of the ChildProgramming - C
project, the CSACE method has been followed,
IDEE 2018 - Special Session on Interaction Design in Educational Environments
which is based on case studies to establish the needs
of collaborative processes from the team
interactions, as well as the empirical evaluation of
the effectiveness of the resulting collaborative
process, see figure 3. It integrates the need to study
the phenome-none of collaboration in software
development teams and the case study as a
methodology to conduct such a study (Hurtado and
Collazos, 2014). The case studies are a research
methodology that has proven to be useful for
Software Engineering in the analysis of study
subjects that are easier to observe in group than in
isolation (Runeson and Höst, 2009), so they are a
viable approach to The analysis and evaluation of
collaborative pro-cesses (Hurtado and Collazos,
Figure 3: Fundamental structure of the CSACE method
(Hurtado and Collazos, 2014).
Following the CSACE method, exploratory case
studies have been performed to identify and
understand the interactions of children's teams while
developing software oriented with the
Childprogramming and ChildProgramming model,
using the Scratch 2.0 programming tool and the
process tracking tool Gamitool.
During the development of the case studies
applying the initial Childprogramming model,
several failures of the team work and the
collaboration of the members of the same one, for
which, an activity of sensitization was proposed on
the importance of the collaborative work in the
phase Pre-game model, where children are taught
the importance of collaboration before starting a
software development process.
In the figure 4 and 5, you can see some of the
dynamics made for children in the process of
awareness raising, the importance of positive
interdependence, individual responsibility and equal
participation in work teams to achieve goals.
Figure 4: Collaborative dynamics one.
Figure 5: Collaborative dynamics two.
Subsequently, a case study was carried out to
validate if there is an impact on the work teams by
raising awareness in children about the importance
of collaboration, combined with the structuring and
planning of mechanics and game dynamics
applicable in the pro-cess of software development.
3.2 Applying the
ChildProgramming-G Model
3.2.1 Pre-game Phase
Once the process of raising awareness about the
importance of Collaborative work was carried out,
the children organized the software development
teams, assigning a name and choosing a leader. The
teacher gave the team the mission that included a set
of programming challenges in laptops and mobile
devices. Initially in this phase the teacher and the
researcher chose the dynamics and game mechanics
that would be used, taking into account the
characteristics of the children and the environment
where the case study was developed, between the
eight game mechanics and five dynamics of Game
Analyzing Collaboration in the Gamification Process of Childprogramming
revised by Childprogramming-G, those presented in
table 1 and table 2 were selected.
Table 1: Selected game Mechanics.
Mechanics. Description (Garcia and Orejuela, 2014)
Seeks to provide desire for aspiration
and provide a comparison between
groups of children that leads to an
overview of the development of
activities and states of groups of
Mechanics that will give the user
motivation through a prize for their
positive participation in the
development of the activity, can be
tangible or virtual.
These are the indicators that contribute
to recognition once objectives
previously defined by the instructor
have been met. They serve so that the
children are motivated to conquer each
proposed level and can see a clearer
picture of how they are located in the
activity since there is a finite series of
Table 2: Selected game Dynamics.
Dynamics Description (Garcia and Orejuela, 2014)
It is one of the dynamics of
gamification important to keep children
motivated and committed. Depending
on the behavior or the points it offers
the rewards.
Commitment and enthusiasm for
participating in activities. The
achievements can be given at the end of
the activities and can be points, medals.
Competition generates an increase in
the enthusiasm to finish tasks before
others, to earn points, other
recognitions to be in first places.
3.2.2 Phase Game
In this phase of the rounds, which includes the cycle
of the strategy of the plan, the strategy of the game,
the budget and the strategy of the examination.
During this phase the children designed and
developed their task tables, in the same way they
defined the strategy to execute the challenges and
develop the applications. For each achievement of a
task received points, which are positioned in the
classification table of the gamitool. See figure 5.
Figure 6: Task boards.
The task board was very important for the
control and evaluation of the strategy of the work
On the other hand, teams received benefits and
points for helping other teams, which allowed the
collaboration that was intended to be achieved
internally in a team, transcending achieving a
collaboration in the classroom.
3.2.3 Post-game Phase
During this phase the children delivered their
mission and the teacher evaluated the software
products, and the points and benefits gained as a
team were analyzed, to later collect the information
that motivated the following programming
challenges. See figure 6 and 7.
Figure 7: Children Programming.
IDEE 2018 - Special Session on Interaction Design in Educational Environments
Figure 8: Challenge programming.
Table 3 presents the preliminary assessment of the
work teams that was carried out at the beginning of
the research in the first case study applying the
model Childprogramming, Table 4, shows the
assessment of work teams performed in one of the
last study of case using the model
Childprogramming - G, and giving greater relevance
to the dynamics and mechanical of game.
Comparing the tables can be seen a significant
improvement in the evaluation of the characteristics
of the collaboration, being the individual
responsibility and the work of the leader the
valuations that have varied significantly.
Table 3: Preliminary evaluation of the work teams - First
case study.
Characteristics of the collaboration
Definition of
Work of the
E1 3 2 3 1 2
E2 3 2 1 1 3
E3 4 2 3 2 4
E4 3 3 2 2 3
E5 2 2 2 2 1
Table 4: Final evaluation of the work teams - Case study
with dynamics and game mechanics.
Characteristics of the collaboration
Definition of
Work of the
5 4 4 3 4
4 4 5 3 5
4 3 5 2 5
5 5 5 5 5
3 4 5 3 3
The leaders of the teams said that the dynamics and
game mechanics were a great tool to motivate their
work teams to stay united, and concentrated during
the development of the challenges.
It is worth noting that the motivation for self-
learning was also evidenced, because the desire to
win the challenges to the children to see the teacher
busy answering doubts of other groups, seek help in
video tutorials, forums and other pages of Scratch,
not to depend so much of the teacher and to be able
to advance in the search of its objectives.
The dynamics and game mechanics were
fundamental for children's teams to see the software
development process as a game. Gamification
improved the performance of the equipment and the
collaboration between its members.
One of the key elements to improve the
characteristics of collaborative work during the
software in different devices, was the task board that
allowed the follow-up and evaluation of tasks to be
performed, tasks in progress and Tasks done. In the
same way, gamification through the allocation of
points motivated students throughout the
development of their programming challenges.
For this type of activities, it is fundamental that
teachers and researchers make a correct definition
and planning of the dynamics and mechanics of
play, because the learning process is accelerated
when a team starts to earn points and others are
motivated not to stay behind.
Working in the strengthening of the collaborative
component of the Childprogramming model, it is
possible to consolidate a software development
model that, in addition to contributing to the
development of children's computational thinking,
Analyzing Collaboration in the Gamification Process of Childprogramming
improves communication, self-learning,
participation, and commitment among members of
the teams.
As future work in Childprogramming - C, we
will continue in the design and mode-ling of the
process from the collaboration engineering, in the
same way we will follow the collaborative processes
generated when the children program in different
devices such as laptop, mobile devices and smart
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IDEE 2018 - Special Session on Interaction Design in Educational Environments