Collective Responsibility and Mutual Coercion in IoT Botnets
A Tragedy of the Commons Problem
Carolina Adaros Boye, Paul Kearney and Mark Josephs
Birmingham City University, B4 7XG, Birmingham, U.K.
Internet of Things, DDoS, Botnet, Mirai, The Tragedy of the Commons, Cyber Security.
In recent years, several cases of DDoS attacks using IoT botnets have been reported, including the largest
DDoS known, caused by the malware Mirai in 2016. The infection of the IoT devices could have been
prevented with basic security hygiene, but as the actors responsible to apply these preventative measures are
not the main target but just “enablers” of the attack their incentive is little. In most cases they will even be
unaware of the situation. Internet, as a common and shared space allows also some costs to be absorbed by
the community rather than being a direct consequence suffered by those that behave insecurely. This paper
analyses the long term effects of the prevalence of a system where individual decision-making systematically
causes net harm. An analogy with “the tragedy of the commons” problem is done under the understanding
that rational individuals seek the maximization of their own utility, even when this damages shared resources.
Four areas of solution are proposed based on the review of this problem in different contexts. It was found
necessary to include non-technical solutions and consider human behaviour. This opens a discussion about a
multidisciplinary focus in IoT cyber security.
Botnets are considered to be a significant cyber secu-
rity threat (Mansfield-Devine, 2016). The typical me-
chanism consisted on taking control of a number of
computers which are known as bots or zombies used
for different purposes such as sending spam, perfor-
ming distributed denial-of-service attacks, harvesting
user credentials, committing financial fraud, hosting
phishing sites, or performing click fraud on adverti-
sing networks (Asghari et al., 2015). In the past years
a new modality of botnet has become frequent which
uses insecure IoT devices to perform Distributed De-
nial of Service (DDoS) attacks to a third party. This
sort of attack takes advantage of the fact that IoT de-
vices are growing in number and many of them have
an insecure design or are configured insecurely. Also,
most of them are kept connected 24x7 and left unat-
In 2016 two consecutive DDoS attacks were re-
gistered that involved a malware called Mirai. This
malware consists on a set of exploits that search for
insecure devices in the internet taking control of them
to build a botnet. Mirai works sending TCP SYN pro-
bes to large numbers of IP addresses to scan for vul-
nerable devices and attempt to establish a connection
through dictionary attacks using a list of 62 typically
used default credentials. After each successful login
the IP address and corresponding credentials are sto-
red in a server and a separate program is used to do-
wnload and execute the malware in the device, ena-
bling communication with the command and cont-
rol platform (Antonakakis et al., 2017). Once this
is done, the attacker can send commands to the de-
vices making them send connection requests to the
target victim. The first attack was in September 2016
and the victim was the web-page of Krebs on secu-
rity. The second attack was in October and it has been
one of the biggest botnets ever registered. The victim
was the DNS service provider Dyn and the attack af-
fected several of its clients in Europe and USA inclu-
ding Twitter, Amazon, Tumblr, Reddit, Spotify and
The code of Mirai has been made publicly availa-
ble and a number of variations have been developed,
targeting IoT devices from different brands which
have a Linux-based OS. This makes it a latent threat
at the present. Furthermore, Mirai attacks have been
launched the past couple of years to several targets
including Deutsche Telekom, game servers and other
sites (Antonakakis et al., 2017). It has to be noted that
this is not the first malware designed to perform this
sort of attack. Another example is Bashlite which also
infects a variety of systems that use Linux.
Boye, C., Kearney, P. and Josephs, M.
Collective Responsibility and Mutual Coercion in IoT Botnets - A Tragedy of the Commons Problem.
DOI: 10.5220/0006944704700480
In Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications (ICETE 2018) - Volume 1: DCNET, ICE-B, OPTICS, SIGMAP and WINSYS, pages 470-480
ISBN: 978-989-758-319-3
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All r ights reserved
According to the report released on March 2018
by F5 Labs, there is evidence pointing towards IoT
devices becoming the attack infrastructure of the fu-
ture (Boddy and Shattuck, 2018). This is not surpri-
sing since it is expected that the amount of connected
devices will continue to grow (Gartner, 2017) and new
threat actors and attack mechanisms are continuously
arising (Boddy and Shattuck, 2018). Figure 1 shows
that there was an important increase of telnet attacks
since the development of Mirai with a peak at the be-
ginning of 2017.
The analysis done on this paper will be mostly ba-
sed on Mirai botnets, but this does not mean that the
approach cannot be useful to study other threats to IoT
or to be applied to other cyber-security problems.
One remarkable thing about the infection of IoT
devices with Mirai is that, in theory, they are fairly
simple to avoid. It is only required to change the
default password. Also, if the device is already in-
fected, it can be cleaned by rebooting the system to
erase the malicious code. Then, the password needs
to be changed to avoid it getting infected again. This
is very likely since the rate of infection of Mirai has
proven to be in the order of the hundreds of thousands
of devices per hour (Antonakakis et al., 2017). Ho-
wever, in practice, changing the password, might not
be easy or even possible, even though it should be
considered a basic hygiene measure. For example, it
was detected that, many of the devices involved in the
Dyn attack were from a specific electronics manufac-
turer who had the credentials hard-coded in the firm-
ware, making them unfeasible to be changed (Krebs,
2016a). Also, even in the case of devices that allow
changing the password, there is currently no practical
way to ensure that the device owners do it.
This paper makes use of a well-studied econo-
mic predicament named as “the tragedy of the com-
mons” to make an analogy with the problem of the
IoT botnets from a non-technical perspective. The
fact that manufacturers and users are neither motiva-
ted nor compelled to improve their security was the
main driver for doing an analysis from a social beha-
viour prism. The idea is to develop a better understan-
ding of a scenario where the benefits are distributed
individually and the costs are shared by a community
and to discuss potential solutions. The main points in
which the analogy is based are explained in section
2. Section 3 reviews previous work done where “the
tragedy of the commons” is referred in the context
of availability and cyber-security problems, including
botnets. Sections 4 and 5 suggest possible solutions,
and section 6 provides the conclusions and recom-
mendations for further study.
The tragedy of the commons is an economic problem
which was for the first time addressed in 1833 by Wil-
liam Foster Lloyd (Lloyd, 1833) who exposed what
has become a well-studied economic problem. The
“commons” where shared areas where herd belon-
ging to different owners could graze freely. Therefore
while each owner had a benefit that was proportional
to the number of animals they owned, the costs of fee-
ding them would be shared by all the herdsmen in the
common. As long as the common is big enough to
feed all the animals (as well as having a buffer for re-
generation) there is no problem. However, each mem-
ber of this community, as a rational decision maker,
will try to maximise their utility by increasing their
number of animals. Eventually this will reach the
point that the common, having finite resources, will
not be sustainable to feed all the animals. In 1968,
Garrett Hardin published a paper under the name The
tragedy of the commons using an analogy of this pro-
blem to analyse overpopulation (Hardin, 1968). Har-
din also introduces an in-depth analysis of situations
where individual decisions, which are based on pur-
suing personal gain, can affect the common interest
and explains. In other words, how the benefits of a
few can cause detriment to a community.
When the rules of the game are established in a
way that rational individual decisions harm the so-
ciety as a whole, the only possible solution is to
change the rules. Furthermore, Hardin introduces the
idea that certain problems have no optimal technical
solution, for which, in certain scenarios, to preserve
freedom there is a necessity to establish laws and re-
gulations. This is based in a basic economic principle
that establishes that the needs are unlimited but the re-
sources of the planet are not. Another example used
in this same publication is the damage to the envi-
ronment where companies and individuals, as a con-
sequence of activities that mostly benefit themselves
harm the ecosystem through pollution. So this is also
a case where the benefits are individual but the costs
are shared.
According to Hardin’s essay, the tragedy of the
commons has two, fairly equivalent, scenarios, the
first scenario is when individuals extract something
from the common resource compromising its availa-
bility, and the second scenario is when the individuals
introduce something harmful to the environment. In
this paper, it will be explained how in the cyber space,
this problem can be seen from both sides, by using the
particular case of IoT botnets. On one hand, the cyber
space is based on a physical infrastructure that is limi-
Collective Responsibility and Mutual Coercion in IoT Botnets - A Tragedy of the Commons Problem
Figure 1: Telnet attack volume by month according to F5 Labs threat report (Boddy and Shattuck, 2018).
ted and therefore its availability depends on this limit
not been reached. On the contrary of what some could
intuitively think, the major constraint is not related to
the capacity of the channels but to the processing li-
mitations of network devices, such as routers. Anot-
her problem that affects availability is the not optimal
use of the routing resources and channels (Lutu and
Bagnulo, 2011). (den Hartog et al., 2017)(Cole et al.,
2006). On the other hand, users can either, malici-
ously or unknowingly, introduce pollution to the net-
work such as hurl traffic, and malware (Cerf, 2013).
In general, availability issues are not frequently
applicable for the normal use of internet due to its abi-
lity to increase its capacity in respond to demand. Ne-
vertheless, in certain cases, traffic congestion levels
can result in the unavailability of a service for certain
period of time(Cerf, 2013). This is the main princi-
ple of a DDoS attack. In an IoT botnet also malicious
traffic is injected to the network making a clear paral-
lel with the pollution example since the misuse of the
internet leads to increase different risk factors in the
environment, making it insecure for all the users. This
last applies not only to botnet malware, but also to all
sorts of malicious activity. If all the security efforts
are focused in the malicious agents that launch the
attacks, and in the main victim, we are forgetting im-
portant actors who enable the attack. In the rest of this
paper, these actors will be called “enablers” or “botnet
enablers”. These actors are a key part of the success
of the attack, meaning that they could also be key in
preventing it, or stopping it. For this, it is important
understanding what drives their actions. The case is
that “botnet enablers” will not intentionally mean to
provoke harm. They just limit themselves to seek the
maximisation of their own utility, which usually is a
natural human behaviour.
There will be three types of actors considered as
“botnet enablers”: the IoT manufacturer, the IoT ow-
ner, and the Internet Service Provider (ISP). Each one
of these three actors would try to maximise their uti-
lity function by reducing their costs.
The IoT manufacturer would be allegedly the ac-
tor that has the main responsibility since is the one
producing an unsafe device in the first place. The IoT
devices susceptible to attacks based on Mirai have the
characteristic of allowing software to be downloaded
and installed without requiring higher level privileges.
Also not only they do not enforce changing default
passwords, but a particular brand that was involved in
the two big cases of 2016 did not even allow the user
to change it because credentials were hard-coded.
The second actor, the IoT owner, represents the
roles of administrator and user. The IoT owner also
enables the attack by performing selfish actions which
are in the first place, purchasing an insecure device,
by connecting it directly to the internet without any
network protection, and by not changing the default
credentials (in the cases that this is possible). In the
ideal situation, the user should have as little freedom
as possible to behave insecurely which is achieved by
having security by default and privilege separation.
Users will often lack security awareness and it should
be responsibility of IoT vendors to provide guidance.
The third actor, the ISP, despite not having legal
obligations towards security, several security experts
agree that they are in a suitable position to protect the
BASS 2018 - International Workshop on Behavioral Analysis for System Security
internet (Usman, 2013). Therefore it is believed that it
should become a common best practice that ISPs have
responsibility for traffic coming from their network,
and this includes IoT-bots (Smith, 2017).
Not having the knowledge or the technical capa-
bilities for playing their part in avoiding a DDoS at-
tack of this scale can be at some extent an excuse (or
maybe not) for the “enablers”. This would bring a
fourth player to the game which is the type of actor
that is called to help solving both the awareness and
the tragedy of the commons problem: regulatory enti-
ties. This includes industry standards, as well as mar-
ket, and legal regulations. If the regulatory entities
only focus on the attacker and ignore the role of the
“botnet enablers” it will be an endless quest since they
will be missing out the big picture.
Finally there is a fifth actor, which is the victim.
Basically the victim is all the internet community.
This includes the direct victim of the DDoS attack,
as well as everybody that is affected directly or indi-
rectly for the lack of availability of their services. Fi-
gure 1 shows a diagram with the different actors and
their current roles in a DDoS botnet of the type caused
by Mirai.
So lets see how the different elements involved in
a botnet relate to the tragedy of the commons problem
by doing the following analogy:
The commons: they are a shared space in which
the actions of individuals affect either the availa-
bility or the quality of the resources in it. This cor-
responds to the cyber-space which clearly has the
characteristic of been susceptible to be affected in
its availability and quality of service by individual
decisions of its users.
The herdsmen: they are the individuals that share
the commons whose decisions have an effect in
the community as a whole. As much as they get
affected themselves, as this effect is shared bet-
ween the members of the community, the herds-
men will not always perceive the harm as a direct
consequence of their actions. And even if they
do, they will not have the necessary incentives to
change their behaviour. In this case, the herdsmen
are the “botnet enablers” which are the first three
actors: the manufacturer, the IoT owner, and the
“Grazing cattle”: is the action of making use of
the common space. This can be done either in a
sustainable or in an abusive way. It would be con-
sider sustainable when the resources are far to re-
ach their limits in the foreseeable future or when
there is a sense of collective responsibility to pre-
serve the resources of this space. As this sense of
“collective responsibility” cannot always be gua-
ranteed for all individuals, different sorts of incen-
tives and deterrents can be allocated to compel the
herdsmen to limit their number of animals. It is
understood that “limiting the number of animals”
represents having a responsible behaviour towards
the sustainability of the resources.
When the herdsmen are free to graze their cattle
as they wish, they will try to maximise their own uti-
lity in detriment of the commons good which is the
preservation of the resources’ availability and quality.
The scenario of grazing cattle in a sustainable manner
represents making use of the cyber space in a secure
way. In the botnet example, this means manufactu-
ring, deploying, and using IoT devices securely, plus
ongoing monitoring and control of network traffic in
the Internet. All of which can be done by the different
“botnet enablers”. The scenario of grazing cattle in an
abusive manner is the one that allows the development
of the botnets. The omission of actions to prevent the
IoT devices getting infected and used as bots, presu-
ming that this will not have any direct consequences,
could inflict as much damage to the community as the
malicious action itself.
On a nutshell, there are two main characteristics
of the IoT DDoS botnets, namely botnets based on
Mirai, which support doing the analogy with the tra-
gedy of the commons. First that there is a space that is
shared, and so are the resources that this space offers.
Second, that individual decisions made with the goal
of maximisation of the utility function of each stake-
holder is opposed to the goals of the common good. In
this case, keeping the internet as a safe place is consi-
dered to be for the best interest of society, reason why
cyber attacks are considered among the most relevant
risks that humanity faces at the moment (World Eco-
nomic Forum, 2018). So the whole society is the one
that suffers as a consequence of too many individuals
ignoring their social responsibility.
Two actors in the botnet that are not considered
explicitly in the tragedy of the commons analogy are
the perpetrator of the attack and the direct victim of
the DDoS. In the case of the attacker, since this player
is not likely to follow any rules, he is not invited to the
game. On other words, there is no control over their
actions. So for the scope and purpose of this analysis
the attackers behaviour will be assumed as constant
rather than variable. The direct victim, although not
explicitly represented, they belong to the fifth group
of actors: the community. This actor constitutes a par-
ticular case, which might require a separate subdivi-
sion in a future expansion of this model, since in a
single event they will be paying a much bigger pro-
portion of the costs than the rest.
Collective Responsibility and Mutual Coercion in IoT Botnets - A Tragedy of the Commons Problem
Figure 2: Roles and responsibilities of different actors in a Mirai IoT botnet.
It has to be noted, as well, that as much as the
last actor was named as the internet community,
actually there is an increasing amount of services
that rely on IT that serve people that might not
even use internet, such as elderly people. Banking,
health-care, utilities, retail, and public services are
example of services that highly depend on IT. On
other words, a denial of service can affect mostly
any ambit of human endeavour and this dependency
should be expected only to increase with the boom
of IoT and industry 4.0. In the long run, everybody
will suffer the consequences at some extent. If not in
the next botnet, in the consecutive or at some point
in the future. It is just a matter of big numbers and
probabilities, in which having this situation going on
for an extensive period of time makes likely that, at
some point, every member of the community will
become a victim.
According to this, for a period of time “t” we could
consider the following statement to be true:
If (t )
The total costs of DDoSs will be distributed
among all Internet users
This is rather theoretical and probably in a finite
period of time the share of the consequences of a bot-
net will never be equal among all members of the
community. To make a consensus, we can agree that
in the long term, most members of society will at least
suffer some sort of consequences, although these will
not be equally distributed. While cannot demonstrate
an equal proportion of consequences among the com-
munity, we can still agree that the actors whose de-
cisions can make the difference are not significantly
affected by the DDoS in a different way than any
random member of the community. Actually, an ex-
perimental study done to estimate the cost for an in-
dividual IoT owner to have their devices infected by
Mirai and used as bots in a DDoS attack showed these
costs are negligible (Fong et al., 2018). The analy-
sis demonstrated that while the overall cost for these
actors as a whole was significant, the costs for each
individual IoT user was not that big, and could easy
remain imperceptible by them. They estimated 1.08
USD of cost per device in the attack against the Krebs
BASS 2018 - International Workshop on Behavioral Analysis for System Security
on security website and less than 0.01 USD. This cor-
responds to a direct cost which is electricity consump-
tion. They estimated also a higher cost attributable
to bandwidth consumption, but this is usually not di-
rectly payed by owners since it is very common to
have unlimited broadband contracts. So again the
whole community is the one that absorbs this cost.
Other consequences for IoT owners such low per-
formance of the device can be harder to measure and
were not included in the study just mentioned. It has
to be taken in consideration that many users might
not even notice issues with performance, especially
if they are not using the device at all moments during
the attack. And even if they did, this does not change
the fact that this impact is out of proportion compared
to the overall damage.
The unintended damage caused by the “botnet
enablers” could be also defined as “economic exter-
nality” which is a direct effect of the activity of an
actor on the welfare of another (Asghari et al., 2015).
This is what can happen when in an interconnected
world free agents make selfish decisions. DDoS bot-
nets produced by bots hosted in IoT devices threaten
to be a prevalent issue with the continuous growing
trends of the IoT market (Gartner, 2017). This me-
ans that if no practical and widely applicable solution
is implemented there are chances that this will be an
increasing problem.
There is apparently no technical solution to ensure
that the appropriate preventative measures are put in
place, which is one of the characteristic of the tragedy
of the commons dilemma. The typical conclusion that
is reached in these cases is that there is a need for ot-
her nature of solutions (Hardin, 1968). It could be
argued that, technically, it is very easy to prevent an
IoT device to get infected with Mirai: having a secure
password. Also, to clean an already infected device it
is a matter of rebooting it and changing the password.
But the real problem relies in the lack of incentives for
owners to do this and, even more important, for ma-
nufacturers to build security by default (e.g. enforce a
secure password). Therefore we are facing an econo-
mic and social problem which needs to be tackled as
The “botnet enablers” perceive no benefit from an
attack, as the herdsmen do by exploiting the com-
mons. But the tragedy of the commons is not al-
ways about benefits but about maximising the utility
function, which is what rational decision makers tend
to do. This does not mean necessarily to obtain a be-
nefit, but can be also to avoid a cost. Taking action
to avoid a botnet has a cost for all the three enablers.
Even if for the IoT owner the cost is just some minutes
of their time, they do not see any benefit in doing so.
If they also happen to own a device that does not allow
to change the default password, then the responsible
action would be getting a more secure one. In this
case the cost of security would appear to be bigger
for this actor. Of course, this is only in the case that
they knew the risk of connecting an unsafe device in
the first place.
Another factor that matters in this problem is awa-
reness. Not necessarily all “botnet enablers” are in
purpose causing damage. There is a question here re-
lated to what if creating awareness and educating in
the matter will result on them making a different deci-
sion making process. This is another issue that is co-
vered in the tragedy of the commons analysis done by
Hardin. He states that “education can counteract the
natural tendency to do the wrong thing”, but he also
explains that this is neither a definitely nor can be the
only solution to this sort of problem. It is of common
knowledge that, once given all the relevant informa-
tion, some people will act in a responsible way, but
others will not. In the second case is when incentives,
deterrents, and coercive measures are brought to the
conversation which will be discussed further in secti-
ons 4 and 5.
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first acade-
mic paper that analyses IoT botnets explicitly from
this angle. Nevertheless, the idea of a link between
IoT botnets and the tragedy of the commons pro-
blem has been suggested in some articles written
shortly after the high coverage of the Mirai attacks
of 2016 (Smith, 2017)(Krebs, 2016b). Also a num-
ber of published papers (Roy et al., 2010) (Herley
and Flor
encio, 2009) and articles (Cerf, 2013)(Ian-
nela, 2017)(Davidow, 2012) relate this economic and
social dilemma with cyber-security.
While the overuse of the internet is not a typi-
cal scenario of the tragedy of the commons, a limi-
ted number of papers have been written relating it
with network traffic (den Hartog et al., 2017)(Lutu
and Bagnulo, 2011)(Cole et al., 2006). In this case,
more than bandwidth, the resources that appear to act
as a bottleneck are network devices such as routers,
which have limited processing and memory capabili-
ties (Lutu and Bagnulo, 2011). Also anarchy in rou-
ting (Cole et al., 2006) or in assignation of Wifi chan-
nels (den Hartog et al., 2017) is a cause of these bott-
lenecks. In neither of these cases the individual de-
cisions are motivated for a gain but rather for avoi-
ding the cost of investing energy to reduce entropy
Collective Responsibility and Mutual Coercion in IoT Botnets - A Tragedy of the Commons Problem
levels. The solutions proposed in these cases were re-
lated to algorithms for collaborative channel selection
(den Hartog et al., 2017) and to introducing a tax me-
chanism (Lutu and Bagnulo, 2011). While the first
approach appeals to a sense of collective responsibi-
lity, the second introduces a deterrent to prevent an
unwanted behaviour. What both cases have in com-
mon is that they solved the problem by introducing
new rules to the game in order to motivate a change
in individual decisions. If the application of deter-
rent measures such as paying royalties, fines or taxes
is agreed within the community for the greater good,
this is called “mutual coercion” (Hardin, 1968).
An important issue yet to be solved in cyber se-
curity is the allocation of incentives and deterrents
among the stakeholders that are well positioned to ap-
ply defence measures. Speaking about botnets, crimi-
nal incentives are only one side of the problem and
the other side is that there is no incentive for defen-
ders (Asghari et al., 2015). This lack of incentives
is the same that makes the utility function of the IoT
owners to remain almost the same either the take or
not action. Therefore, leading them to do nothing,
which is at the end some sort of decision. A decision
that has consequences for society as a whole. Ge-
nerally speaking, poor security levels in IT and IoT
systems have a social cost, due to the fact that most
of the society benefits one way or another from the
ICT ecosystem meaning that cyber-security has si-
milar characteristics of a public good. The problem
is that the fact that defences are put in place mostly
as a decision made by privates (e.g. individuals and
companies) provokes that costs and benefits are not
evenly distributed among the different actors (Bauer
and Van Eeten, 2009). When an actor does not di-
rectly perceive all the consequences of their choices
cyber-security problems become more complicated.
Therefore, this asymmetry is an important cause of
this tragedy. And it is not just the problem of availa-
bility but that this situation can lead to the risk that at
some point the internet could become too unsafe for
reliable use (Cerf, 2013).
The consideration of the economic and the human
factor in the search of cyber security solutions is ba-
sed on the fact that technology has no moral value by
its own but it reflects human intentions having the po-
wer, as well, to amplify them (Iannela, 2017). Botnets
are, in fact, a good example of using technology to
amplify a malicious intent. It is then necessary to find
the means to facilitate collaboration within different
actors to counteract this situation, concerting efforts
within the public and private sectors, including legal
measures, if necessary (Bauer and Van Eeten, 2009).
The literature suggests that the tragedy of the com-
mons analogy, as well as game theory can be promi-
sing in providing perspectives, insights, and models
to address cyber-threats (Roy et al., 2010).
In October 2016 an US senator who also called the
Mirai botnet a tragedy of the commons problem ex-
pressed his worry that in this case security which is
“so vital to all internet users remains the responsibi-
lity of none”(Krebs, 2016b). It is important to notice
that speaking of collective responsibility can imply
that it is everybodys problem but, at the end of the
day, nobody is accountable for it. This would be like
a famous Spanish play called “Fuenteovejuna” where
a whole village takes blame for a murder to cover the
murderer. The idea behind was that if the fault was
committed by the whole village, nobody would pay
the consequences. In the case of an IoT botnet the
“murder” is, indeed committed by the village of the
“botnet enablers”. It is true that they are mostly guilty
by omission rather than by action and it appears as
quite unfair to attribute the condition of “criminal” to
these actors, for been merely unintentional enablers
of a cyber-crime. But what if they knew about the
risk? Can we still defend their cause as an unintenti-
onal sort of complicity with the cyber criminals?
So the first step for collective responsibility should
be creating awareness of the role that each actor plays
and what they can do to prevent a DDoS attack. This
would mean to trust that, having all the facts, they
will have no choice but change their behaviour, dri-
ven by moral principles. But Hardin does not totally
supports this hypothesis in his theory. If we accept the
analogy between the commons and the cyber space to
be truth, then the security of the internet can no longer
depend on self-regulation (Davidow, 2012). Knowing
that some components of the utility function of each
actor are individual and others are shared the logical
action would be to take concrete actions to balance the
equation. The same as is in the case of solving over-
population, environmental pollution, and the tragedy
of the commons.
According to Hardin, “the social arrangements
that produce responsibility are arrangements that cre-
ate coercion of some sort”. Examples of this are taxes,
payed parking spaces, and punishment for crimes.
The validity of these kind of measures would be based
on the agreement among the majority of the people
affected (aka “mutual coercion”). This is because to-
BASS 2018 - International Workshop on Behavioral Analysis for System Security
tal freedom is not possible when this will affect the
common good (Hardin, 1968). Another example of
how individuals will not act against what they believe
to be their self interest in favour of collective interest
unless there is an explicit agreement is the prisoners
dilemma. Taking this back to cyber security, it means
that there should be some sort of agreement in place
rather than having actors deciding independently. The
ideal outcome of this agreement will be that manufac-
turing, selling, and connecting insecure IoT devices
becomes intolerable.
The use of “altruistic punishment” can be demon-
strated as an effective way to solve the tragedy of the
commons dilemma through a zero sum game simu-
lation experiment (Greenwood, 2016). Altruistic pu-
nishment means that some player will support the ap-
plication of punishment to players that act against the
common interest even if they do not perceive any di-
rect gain for it and even if the punisher has to pay a
cost. The reasons of this result is that the punishment
acts as a deterrent and after a few rounds of the game
the transgressors would change their behaviour.
Another interesting quote from Hardin’s paper
is when he states that “the morality of an act is a
function of the state of the system at the time it is
performed”. Therefore, as much as using a default
password for a connected printer cannot be stigmati-
sed as “immoral” by itself; how this changes if you
know that it can be part of a DDoS attack targeting a
critical service, such as a hospital?
Finally, the realisation that a resource is in dan-
ger reveals an urgent need for regulations to be put
in place (Davidow, 2012). At the beginning of ti-
mes, when the resource is safe from been corrupted
and appears to be unlimited, there is room for free-
dom. There are several examples of this such as fis-
hing, hunting, agriculture, environment pollution, and
of course, the herd grazing in the commons. The in-
ternet seems no different to these other economic acti-
vities in the sense that it is becoming unsafe to be used
freely (Cerf, 2013).
While several regulations are currently active re-
lated to behaviour in the internet including the re-
cent enforcement of the General Data Protection Ru-
les (GDPR) in the European Union, there is a lack
of such regulations regarding IoT. Examples of con-
crete but isolated actions regarding coercive measures
that involve IoT have been cases of smart toys for-
bidden in Germany in 2017 for threats to privacy and
drug pumps pulled off the market by their manufac-
turer due to be found vulnerable to hacking. Similar
measures should be taken regarding devices that are
easily hacked to be used as bots.
The present paper does not aim to provide a defini-
tive answer but to propose possible areas of solution.
Specific ways to apply these solutions require to be
developed in more detail, adding an in-depth analysis
that takes in consideration the multiple disciplines in-
volved. The fact that this is a complex problem that
involves several actors, requires an analysis that inclu-
des the technological, economical, social, and legal
points of view. It is suggested to integrate different
types of solution rather than looking for some sort of
silver bullet.
In order to provide material for further discus-
sion, four areas of solution where identified, based on
the premise that either consciously or unconsciously
every rational decision maker will seek to maximise
their utility function (Hardin, 1968). The four groups
are: solutions that change the utility function, soluti-
ons that change the inputs of the utility function, so-
lutions that involve coercive measures, and solutions
that involve providing a better information about the
variables of the utility function.
1. Solutions that Change the Utility Function:
This means introducing moral values to the equa-
tion by creating awareness about the problem and
the major social implications, appealing to the
consciousness of the different actors. Examples
of this are doing campaigns that, one hand serve
for education and, on the other, can make appear
as “socially unacceptable” to connect devices in-
securely to the internet.
There are several examples of behaviours that
were considered acceptable in the past, like thro-
wing litter in the street or smoking inside a buil-
ding which are currently no accepted anymore.
This is also known as “blame and shame”. Un-
der this order of values, for manufacturers to pro-
duce an insecure IoT device would be the equi-
valent of selling toys with lead paint: not only a
transgression to regulations but also a reason to
appear in the newspapers. On other words, ma-
king a threat of serious damage to brand reputa-
tion could be used as a deterrent for “bad beha-
viour”. Making public which vendors sell secure
devices and which ones do not is another form of
“blame and shame” or positive reinforcement, de-
pending on the case.
2. Solutions that Change the Inputs of the Utility
These solutions imply introducing incentive and
deterrents to change the utility value of the “ena-
blers” in order to induce rational decision making.
Collective Responsibility and Mutual Coercion in IoT Botnets - A Tragedy of the Commons Problem
This should produce the same outputs that col-
lective responsibility would, but it adds measures
for assurance of “good behaviour”. Examples of
this are taxes, fines, or other sort of mutually coer-
cive measures that add to the costs of the utility
function of individuals. This can also be used as
adding to the benefit part of the equation. For ex-
ample by public recognition and good publicity
for manufacturers that do “the right thing” as an
incentive for secure design in IoT.
ISPs besides been an actor themselves, can also be
an agent of change of the utility function inputs by
identifying device owners that have insecure devi-
ces connected and applying them a fine or additi-
onal charge in their service bill. This additional
charge, in fact, would be totally justifiable in the
sense that these users are in fact more costly for
the system than the responsible ones.
3. Solutions that Involve Coercive Measures:
In this case, rather than trying to guide the actors
behaviour by modifying their utility function, the
solutions are oriented to put restrictions. On other
words, they would be “compelled to do the right
thing” by putting in place laws and regulations.
For example, not allowing insecure IoT devices to
be sold in the market.
An extreme example would be to prosecute botnet
enablers for criminal offence. An analogy to jus-
tify such a radical coercive measure is the case of
a person that legally owns a gun and does not keep
it in a safe place. As a result of this it is found by
somebody and used to commit a crime. The ow-
ner of the gun will be certainly brought into jus-
tice and in the best scenario will need to provide
a good explanation. In the worst, they will have
to serve in prison. The situation is very clear, this
person is facilitating the perpetration of a crime
by been oblivious to a known risk. Therefore they
have to respond for this. Then performing a de-
nial of service attack is a crime, and IoT owners
are enabling this crime.
This solution points to, rather than making “ena-
blers” collectively responsible for an attack, to
make them individually accountable. Of course
bringing hundreds of thousands of users around
the world to a court will present some logistic pro-
blems, but maybe there are other possible measu-
res that are less extreme like making them pay an
extra fee for their internet service.
ISPs also have an important role due to been well-
positioned to regulate traffic and detect offenders,
reason why some authors defend the idea to create
laws that bring them into the chain of responsibi-
lity (Usman, 2013).
4. Solutions that Involve Informing about the Va-
riables Involved in the Utility Function:
This area of solution differs from the first one be-
cause it does not bring the moral speech to the
table; it provides the decision maker with infor-
mation about different variables that should be
present in their utility function which might have
been either omitted or miscalculated because of
having incomplete information.
If IoT owners are informed that it is a wrong as-
sumption to believe that connecting insecure IoT
devices to the network has no direct impact to
them, they might change their behaviour. Actu-
ally, having insecure devices also exposes them to
other threats such as data theft and ransomware at-
tacks. For manufacturers, there can be also other
consequences like been forced to take products
out of the market and bad brand reputation. They
also can have wider benefits if they can make an
effective marketing campaign and build a reputa-
tion for selling secure devices.
Trust of the customers should be considered as a
valuable asset because consumers have the power
to affect the market with their purchase decisions.
Thus, IoT owners should be better informed about
which brands are more reliable. To do this last bit,
it will be necessary to have standards that allow
developing some sort of labelling for IoT devices
analogue to the one that domestic appliances have
for power consumption efficiency. An example
of this is the IoT Security Foundation User Mark
which can be used by organisations that imple-
ment their latest security compliance framework
(IoT Security Foundation, ).
It must be considered that although some soluti-
ons and analogies might seem extreme, it is not me-
ant to do a moral judgement of the so called “botnet
enablers”. The main purpose of the examples is to
bring on a debate of how responsibilities could be as-
signed according to the capabilities of each actor to
apply preventative measures. The only actors that ac-
tually have the intention to perform the attack, are the
ones who infect the devices and launch the DDoS at-
tack and, as it was explained in section 2, they were
on purpose left out of the analysis.
While ISPs already offer DDoS mitigation servi-
ces to potential DDoS victims amongst their custo-
mers, they also could clean traffic of malware and
hence help prevent infection. They could, as well, no-
tify and provide support to owners of insecure IoT de-
vices and sources of DDoS traffic and penalise those
who, after been warned, do not disconnect or con-
BASS 2018 - International Workshop on Behavioral Analysis for System Security
figure securely their device. For example, by extra
The involvement of ISPs could present technical
difficulties due to the need to process big amounts of
data in near real time. Also, there might be constraints
regarding privacy. Particularly, the General Data Pro-
tection Regulations of the European Union (GDPR)
establishes conditions for consent regarding data pro-
cessing (The European Parliament and the Council of
the European Union, 2016). Possible ways to over-
come these challenges are using advanced data ana-
lytics and that the internet consumers sign specific
forms of consent for this purpose. Ideally, solutions
should be oriented to look into suspicious characteris-
tics in the heading, IP address, and size of the packa-
ges, rather than looking into the payload.
While avoiding an IoT botnet has fairly simple techni-
cal solutions, there is no simple way to enforce the
relevant actors to apply them. The analysis presented
in this paper does not see the botnet as a technolo-
gical problem but as a behavioural problem. A “tra-
gedy of the commons” approach can give clues of the
nature of possible solutions, by studying how similar
problems have been solved in other contexts such as
over population, pollution, and network bottlenecks.
Most of these problems have technical solutions that
depend on the collaboration between different stake-
holders which ends up becoming by itself a problem.
This analysis reveals that IoT botnets can be easily
seen as an economic problem in the sense that diffe-
rent actors have the freedom to decide in favour of
their individual utility even if this brings harm to the
society as a whole. Therefore, there will be no realis-
tic solution if human behaviour and economic princi-
ples are not taken in account. It is recommended to
do a deeper study on the different areas of solution
proposed and how it is the best way to combine them.
The solutions proposed are not meant to be re-
stricted to control IoT botnets but also can apply to
a number of cyber security issues and consider, as
well, other risks introduced by IoT such as propa-
gation of malware and privacy threats. Other actors
should be considered such as Cloud and Software as
a Service (SaaS) providers. The example developed
is only an simplification of the problem to illustrate
the analogy with the “tragedy of the commons” and
to discuss how current cyber-security challenges can
be faced introducing non-technical solutions.
Because it is known that people are the weakest
link of the security chain, it should be understood
that the amount of preventative measures that depend
on the user should be minimised. The manufacturer
should ship the products secure by default and pro-
vide appropriate guidance to users on how to connect
and operate securely their IoT devices. Nevertheless,
users still should be given the necessary information
to develop, at least, a basic level of security aware-
As humans are the cause of many cyber secu-
rity problems, and not technology, human behaviour
should be under consideration to find solutions for
IoT security. It is, as well, important to consider a
multi-disciplinary approach. The disciplines should
include, but not necessarily be limited to the follo-
Technology: To create and implement techni-
cal solutions. This should consider different per-
spectives such as software and firmware design,
hardware design, software and hardware integra-
tion, network security, cloud security, and physi-
cal security, in order to include all aspects of IoT.
Processes: To identify key activities during deve-
lopment, deployment and operation where secu-
rity aspects need to be considered. It is important
to have experts that can identify the proper stan-
dards and sets of good practices, as well as secu-
rity certification mechanisms.
Economics: To understand how the market might
react to the different types of solutions suggested,
and to changes in consumers behaviours.
Human Behaviour: To understand the decision
making process of individuals, what are their dri-
ves and what is the potential effect of incentives,
deterrents, and coercive measures.
Law and Regulations: To define pertinent coer-
cive measures and appropriate legal mechanisms
for compliance.
Communication and Marketing: To spread the
message in an effective way.
The introduction of mechanisms of “mutual coer-
cion” appears like a plausible alternative to ensure
that there would be accountability, not only for per-
petrating a cyber-attack, but also for facilitating it. It
has to be noted that coercion and education are not
mutually exclusive. Enhancing security awareness is
still an important issue to consider in order to create
consciousness in “botnet enablers” and induce them
to adopt secure behaviours. We believe that a good
start point is developing standards to categorise and
label IoT devices according to their level of security.
This is because, the rest of the solutions can be then
more effectively applied once there is a benchmark of
Collective Responsibility and Mutual Coercion in IoT Botnets - A Tragedy of the Commons Problem
what is understood as “secure” in IoT, and what it is
not. When education fails, the application of coer-
cive measures should serve as a valid mechanism to
preserve cybersecurity, as it does in other spheres of
common interest such as traffic laws, environmental,
health, and public safety affairs.
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