Verification of a Numerical Solution to a Collocation Problem
Hjortur Bjornsson and Sigurdur Hafstein
Science Institute and Faculty of Physical Sciences, University of Iceland, Dunhagi 5, 107 Reykjav
ık, Iceland
Numerical Computation, Lyapunov Function, Radial Basis Functions.
In a recent method to compute Lyapunov functions for nonlinear stochastic differential equations a subsequent
verification of the results is needed. The theory has been developed but there are several practical difficulties in
its implementation because of the huge amount of function evaluations needed during verification. We study
several different methods and compare their accuracy and efficiency.
We will discuss numerical solutions to Partial Dif-
ferential Equations (PDE) that arise when computing
Lyapunov functions for Stochastic Differential Equa-
tions (SDE) and, in particular, how the validity of the
computed Lyapunov functions can be verified numer-
ically. In a novel numerical method (Bjornsson et al.,
2018) we obtain a numerical solution to a PDE, and
that solution is supposed to be a Lyapunov function
for a certain SDE. To guarantee that the numerical so-
lution is in fact a Lyapunov function, we have an error
estimate which states that if the value of the numerical
solution on a certain grid of points is lower then some
constant, then the numerical solution is indeed a Lya-
punov function for the system. The theory support-
ing this novel method was developed in (Gudmunds-
son and Hafstein, 2018; Hafstein et al., 2018), and in
(Bjornsson et al., 2018) the method is developed and
it is shown that it converges to a true Lyapunov func-
tion if the collocation grid used for the numerical so-
lution of the PDE is sufficiently dense. However, one
must verify a posteriori on an evaluation grid that the
collocation grid was indeed adequate. An issue with
the method is that the evaluation grid is so dense that
we need to evaluate the computed Lyapunov function
at typically 10
, and even up to 10
, points. Note
that the Lyapunov function is computed using Radial
Basis Functions (RBF) and to evaluate it at a point,
one must sum over all the RBFs used in the compu-
tation, i.e. the sum contains a number of terms that
is equal to the number of the collocation points used.
Here we will compare the numerical errors and per-
formances of various methods used for this nontrivial
and involved evaluation.
For completeness we give a quick background with
many of the details omitted. For full details see (Gud-
mundsson and Hafstein, 2018; Hafstein et al., 2018;
Bjornsson et al., 2018). We consider a d-dimensional
SDE of the form
dX(t) = f (X(t))dt + g(X(t))dW (t), (1)
where f : R
→ R
, g : R
→ R
, f (0) = g(0) = 0,
and W (t) is a Q-dimensional Brownian motion. We
are specifically interested in the stability of the trivial
solution X = 0 of the system.
Let Ω ⊂ R
be a bounded domain with a smooth
boundary Γ = ∂Ω. We solve numerically the bound-
ary problem of the PDE given by:
LV (x) = r(x) for x ∈ Ω,
V (x) = c(x) for x ∈ Γ,
where L denotes the following differential operator
associated with the system given in equation (1):
LV (x) =
i, j=1
i j
(x) +
where (m
i j
i, j
= g(x)g(x)
. For suitable functions
r(x) and c(x) the solution to this PDE will be a Lya-
punov function asserting the asymptotic stability in
probability of the trivial solution and we can use it to
estimate its probabilistic basin of attraction.
To solve this PDE numerically we use the RBF
method similar to (Giesl, 2007; Giesl, 2008; Giesl
and Wendland, 2007), where Lyapunov functions are
computed for deterministic ordinary differential equa-
tions (ODEs), but adapted to SDEs. Given a set
Bjornsson, H. and Hafstein, S.
Verification of a Numerical Solution to a Collocation Problem.
DOI: 10.5220/0006945405870594
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2018) - Volume 1, pages 587-594
ISBN: 978-989-758-321-6
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