Dynamic Key Distribution for Secure Group Communications
in Constrained Environments
Tobias Guggemos
MNM-Team, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit
at M
unchen, Munich, Germany
Group communication especially in form of multi-
cast – is a famous communication pattern in constrai-
ned networks, e.g. in the Internet of Things (IoT), Wi-
reless Sensor Networks (WSN) or Device to Device
(D2D) communication. However, it comes with man-
datory management overhead during the life-cycle of
a group, which is usually favored due to the potential
energy savings ones the connection is set up. The ma-
nagement paradigm worsens, if the connection within
and the management of the group has to be secure and
in turn requires security management. Security and
cryptography, however, need special attention when
used in constrained environments. The proposed the-
sis will connect group management, group commu-
nication and security management and apply them to
constrained environments.
Group communication has been discussed for deca-
des, mostly within computer networking and social
messengers. Nowadays, most smartphone messen-
gers offer the formation of groups in order to achieve
discussion of several people on a certain topic or in-
terest. Groups have members and administrators, the
communication itself is a 1:n communication pattern,
where one device is sending data to a group of recei-
vers, the so called multicast. In classical computer
networks, multicast is mostly used for streaming ap-
plications. Clients subscribe to and the server sends
data to a specific multicast address while the network
takes care of the distribution.
Other forms of group communication are the n:1
communication pattern, where a group of people
sends data to single receiver(s) outside the group.
A common example for this pattern are receiver
initiated MAC protocols (Sun et al., 2008). The
specification of n:m communication pattern is self-
explanatory, however, please note that 1:1 communi-
cation might be a valid form of group communication
as well.
Scenarios with networks of constrained devices
(like embedded systems) and network technologies
(like Internet of Things) can benefit from dynamic
formation of communication groups. First, this form
of communication often saves bandwidth and in turn
energy, increasing the life time of battery driven devi-
ces. Second, the existence of a communication group
eases distribution of data as the interested receiver re-
gisters beforehand and does not have to be discovered
ad-hoc, examples being the distribution of control in-
formation (e.g. in Smart Homes/Cities), but also firm-
ware updates for a certain group of devices.
The goal of this PhD thesis is to benefit from the
advantages of group communications in constrained
systems while preserving security. Thus, it will deve-
lop a system to evaluate the efficiency of secure group
communication and the inherent key management so-
lutions, covering the life-cycle of a communication
group. The methodology being used will present mo-
dels covering the key management during the diffe-
rent group management actions. The system will be
developed according to these models in order to ens-
ure its completeness and to produce reproducible re-
sults for the research community. Evaluated solutions
will either be optimized to achieve better efficiency
or shown impracticable for specific system or scena-
rio classifications. With this results at hand, recom-
mendation on scenario specific configuration for key
management can be developed.
A major difficulty of securing communication in con-
strained environments is the distribution of keys,
which is the main aspect of this thesis and mainly
touches the research areas of Security Management
(Section 1.4) and Cryptography (Section 1.5). In or-
der to understand the additional challenges for con-
strained group communication, there are three other
related research areas, which leads to the problem
Guggemos, T.
Dynamic Key Distribution for Secure Group Communications in Constrained Environments.
In Doctoral Consortium (DCETE 2018), pages 12-21
1.2 Group
1.1 Constraints
1.5 Cryptography
1.4 Security
1.3 Group
Figure 1: Connected research areas and their relation
to the presented PhD thesis.
space in Figure 1. The figure highlights the expected
influence of each of the areas to this PhD thesis and
the following subsections will briefly introduce each
of them.
1.1 Constrained Environments
The constraints considered are system limitation, in-
cluding device limitations (CPU, RAM, ROM) of the
used microcontroller and its attached hardware limita-
tions for power, and networking. Scenario limitation,
such as maximum execution time and minimum de-
vice lifetime are also considered.
1.1.1 System Limitations
System limitations are part of ongoing research
and standardization, resulting in the description of
RFC 7228 (Bormann et al., 2014) and its proposed
successor RFC 7228bis (Bormann et al., 2017). Both
documents define classes for the different aspects:
Device Classes currently range from Class 0 to
Class 19, although only up to Class 13 is of inte-
rest for this thesis (Class 14 - 19 classify smartp-
hones, desktop PCs and servers). The classifica-
tion ranges from < 10KiB up to 1MiB of RAM
and < 100KiB up to 2MiB of Flash (Class 0-
Class 2) and increases toward Class 10 with about
4 8MiB of RAM up to Class 13 with 0.5 1GiB
of RAM without significant limitation for Flash
Power Classes differentiate between the maximum
average power available during the lifetime (in
Watt) and the total electricity available until the
device runs out of energy (in Joule). Both require
different strategies in order to exploit the provided
power to the fullest.
For the available power, the RFCs define three
classes of devices, which are usually powered off
(Class P0), always on low power (Class P1) and
always on and connected (Class P9).
For the available energy, the RFCs define de-
vices being limited in the energy for a sin-
gle event (Class E0), limited for a specific pe-
riod (Class E1), limited for the whole lifetime
(Class E3) and not limited at all (Class E9).
Network classes mainly distinguish between the
available MTU size and the bit rate of the phy-
sical layer. Both factors are typical for but not
limited to wireless communication. Even though
the bit rate is important for choosing a suitable
network technology in a given scenario, the MTU
size turns out to be the major source of limitation.
It is the relevant factor for packet fragmentation,
which is avoided wherever possible. In constrai-
ned environments, where sending frames on the
physical layer is very expensive, packet compres-
sion turns out to be the weapon of choice (Kus-
halnagar et al., 2007). Sending an extra bit is as
energy consuming as 10-100 CPU cycles and sen-
ding an extra radio frame is even worse. In un-
constrained environments, fragmentation is usu-
ally tried to be avoided in order to preserve inter-
The network classes for MTU start from as low
as 3 12bytes (Class S0) and 12 127bytes
(Class S1), where compression is almost unavoi-
dable in order to prevent fragmentation. The clas-
ses continue from 128 1279bytes (Class S2) up
to >= 1280 (Class S3) where fragmentation turns
out to be negligible.
1.1.2 Scenario Limitations
Scenario limitations describe a set of systems with
a given set of system constraints having to meet mi-
nimum lifetime of a system or a maximum execution
time of one single task within the scenario.
minimum device lifetime. A scenario with a mini-
mum device lifetime, will highly affect the choice
of battery and the chosen energy strategy. This
may as well lead to a specific choice of net-
work technology, which on the other side could
be driven by the physical setting of the device
where only a certain low-power network techno-
logy might be available.
maximum execution time. A famous scenario
where maximum execution time applies, is the
Dynamic Key Distribution for Secure Group Communications in Constrained Environments
one of an industrial lightening system, where
thousands of light bulbs need to be turned on
within a certain time (e.g. 200 ms). In an extreme
case, this may change during the life-time of the
device which leads to an update of the energy
Summary of Challenges:
I. device strategies for energy / time optimization
II. scenario strategies for energy / time optimization
III. network overhead needs to be reduced
IV. network technologies with very low MTU
1.2 Group Communication
Most of the examples for group communication have
in common that they favor some management ef-
fort in order to simplify the actual communica-
tion/distribution of data. This is, however, controver-
sial for typical traffic in the internet, where manage-
ment tends to be more expensive, than data distribu-
tion. It happens that this makes group communication
a minority within today’s internet traffic.
This cost paradigm changes in scenarios with con-
strained resources, where managing a communication
channel might cost much less money than sending
a technician to replace a device because it ran out
of battery, caused by too much traffic. It is shown
in (Silva et al., 2008) that group communication in
form of multicast saves energy but also allows the mi-
nimization of the execution time as in the example for
an industrial lightening system. In that case, multicast
allows to send only one packet instead of thousands
and, thus, significantly reduces the execution time of
the system.
With the arrival of IoT, these scenarios may
even distribute over different administrative domains
(e.g. connecting devices of two independent smart ho-
mes), further worsen the management overhead.
Summary of Challenges:
I. minimizing management of multicast
II. group communication within different adminis-
trative domains
1.3 Group Communication
Misapplied, the management of a group channel
can pervert the advantages of group communication
and may even lead to higher energy consumption as
shown in (Djamaa et al., 2014). When connecting dif-
ferent administrative domains over a public network –
which is a common use case for IoT – this worsens as
it is impossible to ensure that every router in the pu-
blic network is capable or willing to forward multicast
packets. Several approaches, such as path discovery,
exist in order to overcome this issue but it leads to
bare acceptance of multicast in typical internet traffic.
In wireless sensor networks (WSN) it is easier to
solve the routing issue, mainly because ad-hoc rou-
ting was a very widely discussed topic 10 years ago.
The movement resulted in several quasi-standard rou-
ting protocols for different scenarios, of which some
include MAC layer multicasting. However, when le-
aving the local domain of WSN, the management is-
sues demand the necessity of efficient management
channels remains.
There are additional management issues, when
considering not only the communication, but also the
other phases of the life cycle of the group. Most com-
monly a group has four group relevant actions, being
create / delete group, member joining or leaving the
group, which needs to be performed and managed as
efficient as possible in order not to overburden devices
or networks.
Summary of Challenges:
I. cover the whole group life cycle
II. efficient management channels
1.4 Security Management
During the actual communication, the three security
properties of confidentiality, integrity and authenticity
turn out to be most valuable. Although, all of them
can be solved by applying cryptographic functions,
there are many issues to be solved in order to apply
them in a secure and trustful manner. This is especi-
ally true for the management of cryptographic (group)
1.4.1 Group Key Management
Group Key Management (GKM) is highly driven by
the security aspects during the actual group commu-
I. Confidentiality requires the parties to agree on a
symmetric encryption key, which is often done
with the Diffie-Hellman key exchange. Confiden-
tiality can also be ensured with asymmetric cryp-
tography, a technique which is often applied in e-
mail and mobile messenger communication. Ho-
wever, for group communication the distribution
of keys let it be symmetric or asymmetric is
a difficult task to be solved. The most common
symmetric approach has a central key server (so-
metimes called trusted third party), which distri-
butes a key to the participants of the group. There
has been and there is still various research, in-
vestigating in more efficient key distribution sche-
mes, such as logical key hierarchies (LKH). Ad-
ditionally, there are decentralized and distributed
key distribution approaches available, a recent one
has been proposed for mobile messaging (Omara
et al., 2018).
II. Integrity of messages is usually achieved by a
combination of a shared key and a message au-
thentication code (MAC), which is called Key-
Hashed MAC (HMAC). It comes with the same
challenges as confidentiality for key distribution.
If an integrity key is shared by all members in
the group, a message can be altered by any group
member. This allows integrity within the group,
meaning that a receiver can ensure that the mes-
sage was not altered outside the group. Additio-
nal security can be applied by individual sender
keys, so that the message cannot be altered, even
by valid group members, and thus enabling sender
III. Authenticity is achieved by asymmetric crypto-
graphic keys, as it offers the necessary fusion with
the sender’s identity – usually in form of certifica-
tes. The difficulties lie in the longer size of asym-
metric keys and a trustful mapping between the
identity and public key.
1.4.2 Trust Management
Trust Management is a highly controversial topic, es-
pecially in the world of IoT where objects, which are
physically vulnerable are interconnected, and need to
be considered violated at any time. Yan et al. surveyed
trust management in this specific area and laid one
focus on the trust of the physical system (Yan et al.,
2014). Multiple ideas exist to enhance physical secu-
rity (e.g. Trusted Platform Modules), but the trust pro-
blem remains. However, this could be overcome with
techniques of trust management and dynamic access
control for a communication group. If trust can be
built before any of the mentioned group actions is per-
formed (join, leave, etc.), it can also be revoked within
the group if a member is compromised. This in turn
requires key management (see above), enabling revo-
cation of identities and their corresponding keys.
Additionally, trust requires access control to the
communication group, allowing restricting, granting
and revoking rights to specific members.
Summary of Challenges:
I. efficient symmetric key distribution protocols
II. efficient key hierarchies (symmetric and asymme-
III. efficient public key infrastructure
IV. efficient public key revocation
V. access management
VI. identity management
1.5 Constrained Device Cryptography
All constraints in Section 1.1 can have significant and
independent impact to the maximum achievable level
of security. In combination they can even worsen the
security. The available RAM can significantly reduce
the maximum length of keys for confidentiality, inte-
grity and authenticity.
The choice of network technology or the form
of energy supply might be driven by the scenario
and cannot be altered significantly. Imagine a sce-
nario with a minimum device lifetime of many ye-
ars and a very low-powered network link (e.g. LoRa
(see RFC 8376 (Farrell, 2018)) with 50 bytes MTU).
Applying strong authentication algorithm (e.g. RSA
on top of X.509 certificates) with unoptimized secure
protocols will result in high packet fragmentation ra-
tes and many frames on the physical link. As this is
usually the most energy-expensive task, it directly in-
fluences the lifetime of the battery for energy supply
and, thus, the lifetime of the device.
Many encryption and integrity algorithms are sup-
ported by hardware acceleration (e.g. AES), but effi-
cient authentication algorithms remain a difficult task
on constrained devices. They not only require more
computation time, they also result in higher network
and management overhead (see previous subsection)
and tend to be more affected by the challenges rai-
sed by the potential arrival of quantum computers. A
very famous example for these challenges is the al-
gorithm of Shor (Shor, 1994), which will brake RSA
and ECDSA, the latter being very famous in constrai-
ned devices because of its efficiency and shorter key
lengths compared to RSA.
Summary of Challenges:
I. efficient asymmetric cryptographic algorithms
II. minimized security protocols
III. Post Quantum Security
Dynamic Key Distribution for Secure Group Communications in Constrained Environments
In order to achieve better efficiency when distributing
group keys in constrained environments, this thesis
will investigate 1.) efficient security solutions for con-
strained devices, 2.) improving the key management
for group communication and finally 3.) building a
scalable and interoperable framework for distributing
group keys. Each of these goals will be briefly discus-
sed in the following.
2.1 Evaluating Efficient Security
There is a variety of research for efficient security so-
lutions, in particular in form of new asymmetric cryp-
tographic algorithms, network protocols and certifi-
cate formats (including certificate revocation). This
work will not design yet another solution, but evalu-
ate the most promising solutions within the context
of constrained devices and group communication in
particular. This is of special importance, as many of
the solutions are not evaluated on current hardware
and state of the art network technologies, or not even
available as open source. The goal is a framework,
which can be used to evaluate existing and new solu-
tions with a special focus on their suitability in highly
dynamic environments.
An additional task will include the specific eva-
luation of algorithms proposed in the NIST call for
Post-Quantum Cryptography Standardization
2.2 Security Management
With the framework mentioned above, the work will
investigate in how to use existing security solutions
for efficient distribution of symmetric or asymme-
tric keys, but also their revocation. Identities neces-
sary for authenticity, tend to be (asymmetric) crypto-
graphic keys, making this similar to certificate revo-
cation. However, instead of being used for frequent
communication within the group, it is used to achieve
trust within the group, leading to stronger require-
ments on its (physical) security.
The goal is to develop a metric for comparing dis-
tribution schemes for given scenarios.
2.3 Scalability and Interoperability
The last goal is to design and implement an architec-
ture, which is able to dynamically establish commu-
nication groups, fitting defined security requirements
central GM
life-cycle Security Properties
System / Scenario Properties
Figure 2: Requirements for security management and
restriction, which are incorporated in the PhD thesis.
and evaluate the above goals. A special interest will
point on the scalability and interoperability, but also
on the level of distribution between different adminis-
trative domains. The solution should not be limited
to local or broadcast domains but should dynamically
scale over globally distributed domains.
2.4 Summary
The key aspects of this thesis, Security Management
and Cryptography, are influenced by certain require-
ments and restriction, as outlined in Figure 2. The red
line in the diagram marks the differentiation between
these two aspects.
Requirements. Above the red line, the diagram is
used to describe the requirements for a certain
scenario in order find a viable solution for the as-
pects of security management. As already menti-
oned, groups underlay certain actions during their
life-cycle. The management of each of these pha-
ses depend on 1.) Group Creation and 2.) Mem-
bership Behavior, directly influencing the secu-
rity management. Additionally, the Security Pro-
perties describe which aspects of security need to
be considered during a certain phase of the group
Restrictions. Below the red line the diagram is used
to describe the conditions, under which the re-
quirements have to be met. They mainly con-
sist of 1.) constraints of a certain scenario (see
Section 1.1) and 2.) the desired Security Level.
Constraints and Security are directly influencing
one another and describe which cryptographic
functions and keys can be used. Th constraints
and the required security level influence the pos-
sible / necessary options for key management pro-
The work at hand proposes an infrastructure, allo-
wing for dynamic key management of communication
group. Especially in the area of IoT, this is a widely
discussed topic, but dynamic approaches are rare.
3.1 Group Management
Named Data Networks (NDN) (Shang et al., 2017)
is one such approach, abstracting the typical proto-
col stack (IP, TCP/UDP, DNS) and naming the data
instead of the systems generating or consuming the
data. It can be seen as a follow-up of the idea of In-
formation Centric Networking (ICN) (Ahlgren et al.,
2012) making the communication infrastructure more
robust against mobility of devices, changes of ad-
dresses (e.g. IP-address) or names (e.g. DNS-names).
Both offer dynamic formation of groups being inte-
rested in certain data / information, but the security
management behaves static during the setup of the de-
vices. Device-to-device (D2D) is another approach,
where the data is not routed over central services, but
through a decentralized network (e.g. border routers,
mobile access points, etc.). D2D offers a solution for
dynamic communication groups and efficient networ-
king, but as outlined by (Haus et al., 2017) we have
yet to see suitable solutions for security management,
especially when talking about the constraints of some
of the devices.
3.2 Security Management
Group key distribution itself is an extensively studied
area and resulted in a couple of standardization acti-
vities. (Rafaeli and Hutchison, 2003) survey a set of
approaches for secure group key distribution (GKD).
According to their analysis, there are three different
types of GKDs: centralized, decentralized and distri-
buted GKD protocols. Most of them are rather Cryp-
tographic Key Schemes than networking protocols,
some of which are distributed within Group Key Ma-
nagement Protocols. Besides a practical evaluation
of G-IKEv2 for group key management, the work in
(gentschen Felde et al., 2017) gives a comparison of
the most recent proposals for distributing keys in con-
strained environments, however, the solutions are still
experimental and require further evaluation. There is
different work establishing group keys on different
layers of the OSI model (Singh et al., 2015; Tiloca
et al., 2017), but an analysis and solution covering the
whole life cycle is still missing.
There is recent research activity in group key ma-
nagement protocols for mobile messengers (Omara
et al., 2018). In contrast to the work of this thesis, it
is more focused on usability but offers strong security
proofs, which will need to be adapted to constrained
3.3 Cryptography
Cryptography in general and for embedded devices
in particular is widely discussed among different re-
search communities. There are studies on 1.) lig-
htweight cryptographic schemes (often based on el-
liptic curve cryptography), 2.) optimizations for se-
curity protocols (such as TLS or IPsec), 3.) accele-
rating cryptographic functions or secure storage and
generation of key material and 4.) new mathemati-
cal primitives. The latter recently gained attention
due to the previously mentioned NIST call for Post-
Quantum Cryptography Standardization.
All of these topics offer solutions for some parts of
the described problem space, but an integrated solu-
tion is missing. Especially the rapid progress in quan-
tum computing requires attention, as some constrai-
ned devices with life-time of 10+ years may still be
deployed when the first quantum computers appear.
The contributions of the work at hand can help
to overcome this issue, as it will provide solutions
how any compromised key of a compromised algo-
rithm can be replaced, even on devices where physical
accessibility may not be given.
Any given action in the group can require the distri-
bution of keys, especially when members join or le-
ave the group and security goals such as forward or
backward secrecy need to be met. This work will
first establish role, communication and information
models for the different parts of the life-cycle. With
these models at hand, a system instantiating the mo-
dels is developed and used to evaluate existing and
new group key distribution solutions in constrained
4.1 Role-, Communication- and
Information Model
The models were built by analyzing the group acti-
ons create, destroy, join and leave. Additionally, the
actions of sending a message within the group was
analyzed and it was found that in order to achieve
trust within the system (and in turn in the group) ad-
ditional action called registration is necessary. This
Dynamic Key Distribution for Secure Group Communications in Constrained Environments
action registers a member in the system and registers
its cryptographic material at a trust anchor.
Please note, that the author is fully aware that this
additional action does not solve the issue of trust in
general and results in a chicken-egg-problem in the
system. However, this is true for any other system
such as PKI or DNSSEC, which often combine simi-
lar actions and roles for registration. In fact, the follo-
wing models and actions were identified by analyzing
state-of-the-art systems, such as X.509, DNSSEC and
PGP when performed within a group keying manage-
ment system such as GKMP, GDOI or Kerberos.
In the following, the identified models are briefly
discussed and shown in Figure 3. However, the entire
model will be part of the PhD thesis itself.
4.1.1 Role Model
The analysis showed the following roles are necessary
during the different group actions:
Group Admin is registered to the system, perfor-
ming group actions create and destroy.
Client / Sender is registered to the system, perfor-
ming join and leave requests and sends messages.
Group is the role for all members of the group.
Identity Manager (IM) for assigning identities
and ensuring their reliability and uniqueness.
Key Manager (KM) for generating cryptographic
material for authentication, usually in form of
asymmetric key pairs. The instance of this role
can either be part of or attached to the client
(e.g. a TPM), or an external service. The genera-
ted key(s) are generated for the Identity. The same
or another instance of this role is in charge of ge-
nerating communication keys, distributing them
to the group and re-key on certain actions if re-
Trust Anchor (TA) connects the Identity (genera-
ted by the IM) with the (public) key (generated
by the KM). Analyzing the currently used systems
for trust management (e.g. X.509) showed that the
group life-cycle should start with a so-called re-
gistration phase, which leads to an entry of the
new client within the TA. Once registered, the TA
can be consulted by any role within the system to
proof authenticity (AuthN).
Group Manager (GM) is in charge of managing
groups with corresponding group ids/addresses
and their members. It also offers a service for ex-
ploring existing groups.
Access Manager (AM) is in charge of managing if
a client is authorized (AuthZ) for specific group
4.1.2 Information Model
The cryptographic information being exchanged prior
and during the group communication is as follows:
Identity the identity of the role initiating an action,
therefore either the User or the client performing
a group action or the sender sending a message.
Valid Ids are managed by the IM.
Private Key the cryptographic private key of the Id
Public Key the cryptographic public key of the Id
System Certificate the combination of Id and Pu-
blic Key, which is registered at the TA.
Cryptographic Primitives the information about
the algorithm being used for the different crypto-
graphic keys (e.g. RSA for authentication or AES
for confidentiality).
Current Communication Keys the cryptographic
keys used for securing the communication.
New Communication Keys keys used by the
group after join or leave
Old Communication Keys keys used by the group
before join or leave
Group Id the identity or address of the group.
Group Members mapping of Ids to group id, sto-
red at the GM
Access Control List mapping of identities to a se-
curity policy for a specific group action, stored at
the AM.
4.1.3 Communication Model
With the roles identified in the previous subsection,
the following communication paths are necessary
within the system.
Identity Request client/admin requests an Identity
from the IM, who returns a system unique Id.
Key Generation Request client requests an au-
thentication key-pair with its Id to the KM.
System Certificate Registration after generating
the key-pair, the KM requests the registration of
the corresponding Id and public key at the TA.
Verify Id KM or TA requests the IM to verify a gi-
ven Id.
Verify AuthN any member of the system can verify
a signature signed with a system certificate by re-
questing the TA.
III. verify
IV. group_action
V. authorize
II. generate_key
VI. message
I. register
III. register
III. verify
II. key
I. Id
VI. communication_keys
Figure 3: Roles and basic communication paths.
Verify AuthZ GM requests from the AM if an Id is
authorized to perform a given group action.
Group Action client/admin triggers a group action
including a signature signed with its private key
and Id.
Re-key GM triggers the KM to perform a re-key of
the communication keys of the group.
4.2 Evaluation
In order to provide a valuable evaluation for constrai-
ned systems, first a test infrastructure will be descri-
bed and set up, which will be used for practical mea-
surements. The security mechanism will additionally
be evaluated with formal security proofs.
4.2.1 Infrastructure
The infrastructure, which will be set up, is very clo-
sely related to the well-known evaluation platform
called IoT-Lab
. The major difference to the IoT-Lab
lies in the usage of different microcontrollers in com-
bination with different networking technologies.
The IoT-Lab currently supports three different mi-
crocontrollers based on ATMEGA MSP430, ARM
Cortex M3 and ARM Cortex-A8. Additionally, it
supports two networking technologies, one being ba-
sed on the IEEE 802.15.4 standard and the other one
being LoRa. The platform proposed in this paper will
supplement the platform with ARM Cortex M0 mi-
crocontrollers and the additional networking techno-
logies IEEE 802.3 (Ethernet), IEEE 802.11 (WiFi)
and IEEE 802.15.1 (Bluetooth). Furthermore, it will
be supplemented with an additional configuration
software, allowing the easy setup of communication
groups within the infrastructure. The communication
groups will support Broad- and Multicast on the Mac-
and IP-Layer. The hardware is selected to support a
multitude of state-of-the-art embedded operating sy-
stem, but a special focus will be put on the develop-
ment with RIOT-OS (Baccelli et al., 2013).
First and foremost, the evaluation will provide me-
asurements for execution time, memory footprint and
energy consumption. Additionally, the scalability will
be evaluated by increasing the testbed.
4.2.2 Formal Proof of Security
Formal correctness of security protocols is common
practice nowadays. However, these proofs usually
only consider the protocol itself and not the systems
implementing them. The main reasons for missing
formal definitions are the variety of systems using
such protocols and the potential complexity of the de-
finition itself.
With constrained systems, the device classifica-
tion could be used for a high-level formal description
of systems. Embedded firmware is less complex than
regular operating systems, making a formal definition
more valuable. The thesis at hand is going to evaluate
security of different networking protocols using the
aforementioned terminology for constrained systems
under a certain security goal with formal models.
The thesis is going to instantiate the necessary key
management actions during a group’s life cycle with
different networking protocols securing the process.
This allows the evaluation of different protocols /
technologies in each of the steps by formal and practi-
cal analysis. With this analysis at hand, optimizations
on the different aspect are expected to provide valu-
able results for research, especially in the following
I. Communication Protocols are numerous in IoT-
scenarios, but many of them lack security features be-
cause of restriction in packet sizes, etc.
Outcome: Optimizing state-of-the-art protocols of-
fering confidentiality, integrity and authenticity
during the communication, so that they can be
used by application developers without having to
deal with the security details. Special focus will
be put on the protocols IPsec/ESP, TLS and DTLS.
II. Group Key Management Protocols are often
inefficient, as the Key Manager is a very critical role
Dynamic Key Distribution for Secure Group Communications in Constrained Environments
for the security of the system. In order to provide se-
cure, but efficient solutions for constrained environ-
ments the key management protocols should not ge-
nerate unnecessary overhead. Additionally, it needs
to allow efficient key distribution, e.g. in form of key
hierarchies for all security aspects of the communica-
Outcome: Embedding efficient key distribution in
low-overhead key management protocols.
III. Trust needs to be built before the actual com-
munication happens. However, once established, the
trust should not come with high requirements for net-
working and storage capabilities of the devices, e.g. in
form of difficult key infrastructures (such as X.509).
Identity Based Signatures (IBS) is a technique, which
offers the minimization of overhead during the com-
munication if strong trust relationships are built be-
fore the communication.
Outcome: A solution how pre-build trust can be used
to improve the efficiency of the system, e.g. by
using and optimizing IBS schemes. Additio-
nally, these solutions are going to be embedded
in the previously evaluated Communication Pro-
tocols and Group Key Management Protocols.
IV. Provable Security the constraints of the consi-
dered system may allow to prove security by using the
terminology provided by (Bormann et al., 2017).
Outcome: A methodology to evaluate constrained
system security on a ,,per-scenario bases”.
Based on the expected outcome shown in Section 5,
the current state of research and the next steps are as
I. Communication Protocols: Work has been pu-
blished regarding the efficiency of cryptographic al-
gorithm combined with TLS and IPsec for constrai-
ned devices (Migault et al., 2015). Based on that,
recommendations and a new compression mode for
IPsec (called ,,Diet-ESP” or ,,ESP Header Compres-
sion, EHC”) was published in the research commu-
nity(Migault et al., 2017) and the latter was proposed
to the standardization body of the IETF. This goes to-
gether with another optimization called Implicit IV.
The IETF WG in charge for IPsec recently adopted
Implicit IV which will be published as an RFC this
year and accepted ESP Header compression as a
working item for the charter. Additionally, an eva-
luation of secure group communication protocols has
been published (Guggemos et al., 2017) different au-
thentication protocol are currently being implemented
for publication in the open-source community.
Next Steps are to include new authentication mecha-
nism into the existing protocols and evaluate their
II. Group Key Management Protocols (GKMP):
There are three active research tasks regarding this
aspect. First, a survey on key management protocols
has been started and a minimization for one of such
protocols (namely Group-IKEv2) has been publis-
hed (gentschen Felde et al., 2017). This effort is con-
sidered as part of the standardization of a new, IKEv2-
based, GKMP currently being proposed within the
IETF. Second, efforts on a key distribution scheme
being more efficient than the widely used Logical Key
Hierarchy (LKH) are about to be finished and will be
published soon (the corresponding paper is work in
progress). At last, a laboratory for researching effi-
cient group management is going to be finished soon
Next Steps are about the efficiency of the protocols
for the potential use case of updating firmware on
constrained devices.
III. Trust: Work evaluating IBS has started and first
results will be published soon. The first focus was on
practical advantages and disadvantages compared to
classical solutions such as X.509. With this at hand,
there is ongoing effort in researching hierarchical IBS
schemes in constrained group scenarios, focusing on
its efficiency for constrained networks.
Next Steps are a practical solution on how the key
hierarchy has to be managed and distributed.
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