we considered 121 sequences from same unknown
and activity and 154 sequences from different
unknown and activity for each class, in order to ba-
lance activity classes a nd unk nown class. In this way,
dataset has 12177 sequences. This is the input for Sia-
mese n etwork (Koch et al., 2015) that con sists of twin
networks which accept distinct inputs but the weig-
hts are shared. During training the two sub-network s
extract features from two inputs, while the jo ining
neuron m e asures the distance between the two feature
In our experime nt, euclidean metrics is used to
calculate the distances between inputs. Th e contras-
tive loss f unction has been used. Three convolutio-
nal layers are considered with numbers of filters 32,
64 and 2, respectively, all of size 3 × 1 and a relu
activatio n function. The output of each convolutional
layer is reduced in size using a max-pooling layer that
halves the number of features. A k-nearest-neig hbor
classification algorithm (K-NN) and a support vector
machine (SVM) are used on features for classification
Our preliminary results prove that we can pred ict
daily activity from multim odal data. In particular,
Stanford-ECM Data set has bee n considered and we
implemented a siamese network to build an embe d-
ding space. The performance of the experiment has
been evaluated with a SVM for different kernels and
a K -NN for different values of K.
In fu ture works, we want to improve our pipeline
and test its o n other datasets. The result that I expect
and that should validate the problem an d the approach
is to overcome the values of accuracy in classification
I would like to thank my advisors Prof. Sebastiano
Battiato (University of Catania), Prof. Giovanni Ma-
ria Farinella (University of Catania) and Ing. Vale-
ria Tomaselli (STMicroelectronic s, Catania) for their
continued supervision and support.
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