Multimodal Systems for Public Speaking: A Case in Support of a Positive
Computing Approach
Fiona Dermody and Alistair Sutherland
School of Computing, Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland
Multimodal Interfaces, Positive Computing, HCI, Public Speaking, Real-time Feedback.
Positive Computing involves the utilisation of digital technology to foster psychological wellbeing and human
potential. We will present an overview of Positive Computing and what it implies for multimodal systems
for public speaking. The position of this paper is that a Positive Computing approach can make such systems
more effective and improve user experience. We will focus on three of the tenets of Positive Computing viz.
awareness, autonomy and stress-reduction. We will discuss different existing multimodal systems for public
speaking within the context of Positive Computing.
People who experience fear of public speaking tend
to practise avoidance when it comes to communica-
ting to or speaking in front of a group of people (Har-
ris et al., 2002). A number of digital systems have
been designed to help people with this fear and to
enable them to get feedback on their public spea-
king before going in front of a live human audience.
The position of this paper is that Positive Compu-
ting is an appropriate paradigm for multi-modal pu-
blic speaking systems and we will make some re-
commendations based on it. In this paper, the follo-
wing three tenets of Positive Computing will be pre-
sented, namely, self-awareness, autonomy and stress
reduction. These tenets will be illustrated with re-
ference to a multimodal positive computing system
for public speaking (Dermody and Sutherland, 2016)
and to other systems that have been developed in
the field of computer-mediated communications (Ba-
trinca et al., 2013; Schneider et al., 2015; Bubel et al.,
Many researchers have developed multimodal sys-
tems for public speaking. The term ‘multimodal’ re-
fers to the fact that these systems can detect multiple
speaking modes in the speaker such as their gestures,
voice and facial expressions. These systems typically
use a 3D body sensor such as the Microsoft Kinect to
detect human body poses and motion. Most systems
give feedback to the user on their performance. Feed-
back can be provided in different ways such as visual
icons, text, haptic devices or through the reactions of
a virtual audience. Feedback can be in real-time or
retrospective, interruptive or continuous. The rest of
this paper will discuss examples of these multimodal
systems for public speaking to demonstrate the appro-
priateness of using Positive Computing as a paradigm
for their development.
A number of multimodal public speaking systems
have focused on awareness in the context of public
3.1 Haptic Feedback
AwareMe utilises a wristband that provides speakers
with haptic and visual feedback as they are speaking
on voice pitch, speaking rate and filler words (Bu-
bel et al., 2016). Feedback is provided to the speaker
through a vibrating wristband and through a coloured
display as per Figure 1.
Dermody, F. and Sutherland, A.
Multimodal Systems for Public Speaking: A Case in Support of a Positive Computing Approach.
DOI: 10.5220/0006961401700175
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications (CHIRA 2018), pages 170-175
ISBN: 978-989-758-328-5
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
3.2 Virtual Audience
Cicero:Virtual Audience Framework utilises a virtual
audience comprising of avatars to convey non-verbal
feedback to speakers (Batrinca et al., 2013; Chollet
et al., 2015a; Chollet et al., 2015b). As can be seen in
Figure 2, feedback is relayed to the speaker by enga-
ged or disengaged body poses of the virtual audience
and through a coloured bar at the top of the screen.
3.3 Video
Presentation Trainer, see Figure 3 represents the user
using video and provides them with real-time feed-
back on one nonverbal speaking modality at a time
with a gap of at least six seconds between feedback
displays (Schneider et al., 2015). The feedback pro-
vided by these systems can make users aware of their
speaking behaviour and this awareness can aid in the
development of communication skills.
Figure 1: AwareMe. Haptic feedback is provided to the
speaker using a wristband (Bubel et al., 2016).
Figure 2: Cicero - Virtual Audience Framework. The au-
dience responds to the speaker’s performance using either
engaged or disengaged body poses (Chollet et al., 2015a).
Figure 3: Presentation Trainer. Interruptive, textual feed-
back is provided to the user and the user is represented using
live video (Schneider et al., 2015).
The primary objective of Positive Computing is to
foster psychological wellbeing and human potential
(Calvo and Peters, 2015). Positive Computing can
be described as the positive application of computing
to real-world problems using a fusion of knowledge
(or in conjunction with) theoretical frameworks from
the humanities and the social sciences (Calvo et al.,
2014; Calvo and Peters, 2015). There are three sphe-
res of experience in which technology can impact on
wellbeing-viz. external activity, technology environ-
ment and personal development, see Figure 4.
Figure 4: The Spheres of Positive Computing (Calvo and
Peters, 2014).
In the context of this research, the external acti-
vity is the user’s speaking ability, the technology en-
vironment is the system and personal development is
the increased sense of competence at speaking and re-
duction in stress experienced when speaking. The ob-
jective of the system is to reduce the anxiety which a
user experiences when speaking in public. From this
objective, it follows that the system itself must not add
Multimodal Systems for Public Speaking: A Case in Support of a Positive Computing Approach
Figure 5: System Avatar with indicative visual feedback on
gaze direction, agitation and hands touching.The avatar re-
presents the user (Dermody and Sutherland, 2016).
to any anxiety already experienced by a user. Using
the system should be an enjoyable experience. Furt-
hermore, users should feel that using the system is be-
neficial for them in addressing any speaking anxiety.
Feedback displayed by the system should be assimi-
lated with minimum cognitive load on the users. If
users are stressed trying to assimilate feedback from
the system, they are unlikely to either react to it or
find the system pleasant to use.
Public speaking involves the interaction between the
different speaking modalities voice, gestures and eye
contact (Toastmasters International, 2008; Toastmas-
ters International, 2011). The interaction between
these modalities determines the level of engagement
that a speaker forms with an audience. Multimodal
feedback systems for communication skills develop-
ment such as (Dermody and Sutherland, 2016; Chol-
let et al., 2015a; Schneider et al., 2015), provide users
with feedback that gives them a choice to potentially
adapt their communication behaviour as they speak.
The assimilation of this feedback by a speaker could
alert the user to any ineffective speaking traits that
they may be exhibiting.
Prior to the development of digital systems for pu-
blic speaking, the only way for a speaker to gain in-
sight on their speaking was either to practise in front
of a human mentor or in front of a mirror. Both of
these can cause stress or anxiety for the user. The
objective of multimodal systems for public speaking
is to allow the user to gain this awareness in private
without being exposed to stress or anxiety.
Figure 6: System Video Stream with visual feedback on
gaze direction and hands-touching. The user is represented
in the video (Dermody and Sutherland, 2016).
We will now present the tenets of Positive Computing
that are particularly relevant for Public Speaking.
6.1 Positive Computing and
The central premise of Positive Computing is de-
signing for wellbeing which, includes freedom from
stress and pressure. The objective of a Positive Com-
puting system is to make it enjoyable for users to use.
Users should not feel pressurized or dictated to when
interacting with the system. Feedback presented by a
system can impact on the levels of stress experienced
by users.
6.1.1 Feedback Intensity
There have been investigations on how public spea-
king performance has been impacted by a speaker’s
sensitivity to feedback (Smith and King, 2004). They
found that speakers, who were sensitive to feedback,
displayed more positive speaking behaviours when
feedback messages were of low intensity. By ’low in-
tensity’, (Smith and King, 2004) meant feedback that
is ’worded in a manner that was less likely to be ta-
ken as a direct personal criticism’. They claim that
feedback, which is focused on the task, results in im-
proved performance. Conversely, harsh feedback that
could be interpreted as severe or as a threat to self
impedes performance. They differentiate between the
two levels of feedback intensity using these examples.
CHIRA 2018 - 2nd International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications
’Your eye contact needs improvement. You don’t
appear to be looking out toward the audience as fre-
quently as you should or maintaining the eye contact
when you do look up. In your next speech, try to in-
crease your eye contact’. This is an example of low-
intensity feedback. The high-intensity feedback was
worded thus: ’Your eye contact was bad in the speech.
You rarely look up and when you do glance toward the
audience, it’s only for a moment. Your next speech re-
quires significant improvement in eye contact’.
They found that speakers who had a high sensiti-
vity to feedback modified their speaking more when
the feedback was of lower intensity. The authors posi-
ted that highly negative feedback causes the feedback
sensitive learner to make negative attributions, to fo-
cus on meta-task issues, such as seeing feedback as
punishment and to fail to modify behaviour (Smith
and King, 2004). During a review of the multimodal
system for public speaking, Presentation Trainer, ex-
perts found that the system should ’shift focus and be-
come a tool to develop awareness of nonverbal com-
munication, instead of correcting it’ (Schneider et al.,
6.2 Positive Computing and Autonomy
One of the core issues within the framework of Po-
sitive Computing, is developing and supporting au-
tonomy (Calvo and Peters, 2016; Calvo and Peters,
2014). In the context of multimodal applications, au-
tonomy is an important consideration in relation to
the display of real-time feedback. A key design prin-
ciple in Positive Computing ’has been to provide re-
flective rather than directive feedback ’consider this
rather than do this’ (Calvo and Peters, 2014, p. 71).
For instance in (Dermody and Sutherland, 2016) users
are given real-time feedback on their performance
while they are rehearsing a speech. Real-time feed-
back is useful as it makes the user immediately aware
of their speaking behaviour. It also links to the Posi-
tive Computing principle of autonomy which centres
on the idea of a user having control over which feed-
back they choose to react to. As can be seen in (Der-
mody and Sutherland, 2018), real-time visual feed-
back is displayed to users in proximity to the area
of the user’s body it relates to. We can see some of
these visual feedback icons in Figures 5 and 6. They
make the user aware of their gaze direction and if they
have been clasping their hands for a long period of
time. However, the user has the autonomy or choice
to adapt their speaking behaviour in response to the
feedback displayed.
6.3 Public Speaking and Awareness
Making individuals aware of their behaviours, specifi-
cally habit behaviours, has been effective in reducing
the behaviour. Studies examining the effectiveness of
awareness training on tics and nervous habits suggest
that a directive approach may be an unnecessary com-
ponent to reverse the habit (Wiskow and Klatt, 2013).
The effectiveness of awareness training for reducing
vocal dysfluencies in public speaking with university
students has been evaluated (Mancuso and Miltenber-
ger, 2015). The study consisted of awareness training
and competing response training. All the participants
showed an immediate decrease in their use of vocal
dysfluencies. The results indicate that nervous habits
in public speaking can be effectively addressed redu-
ced and reversed using awareness training. Moreo-
ver, the authors reported that the participants greatly
decreased the nervous vocal habits during awareness
training even before the competing-response training
had commenced. They suggest that awareness trai-
ning alone may be sufficient for decreasing distracting
nervous behaviors in public speaking.
6.4 Positive Computing - Awareness and
User Representation
In the Positive Computing framework, self-awareness
is explained in the context of reflection and getting
to know oneself. In regard to public speaking, this
implies an awareness of how we appear to an au-
dience while speaking. For instance, some speakers
may not be aware of the importance of using gestu-
res to engage an audience (Toastmasters Internatio-
nal 2011a). In the context of Positive Computing, a
key design principle has been to provide reflective rat-
her than directive feedback (Calvo and Peters, 2014).
This principle is pertinent to the way in which the
user’s body pose and movements are represented in
multimodal systems.
Different approaches have been taken to repre-
sent users in multimodal systems for public speaking.
Some use live video and others use either 2D or 3D
6.4.1 Avatars and Awareness
An avatar presents an abstract representation of the
user and this form of abstract representation allows
the user to see their body pose, gestures and facial ex-
pressions in 3D. (Kistler and Andr
e, 2015) surveyed
users reactions to 2D avatars as shown in Figure 7.
They found that the 2D avatars did not give a sense of
depth and the users were not able to gauge their full
Multimodal Systems for Public Speaking: A Case in Support of a Positive Computing Approach
3D poses. For this reason, we would argue that a full
3D avatar is necessary.
Figure 7: Different levels of representing the user’s body
(Kistler and Andr
e, 2015).
Avatars have been utilised in a mentor role for so-
cial skills training, for instance in (Gebhard et al.,
2014). In their system, it was found that users re-
sponded more favorably to an avatar that was more
understanding than one that made demands on them.
Studies of fear of public speaking have shown that
people do respond favourably to virtual agents ‘even
in the absence of two-way verbal interaction, and
despite knowing rationally that they are not real’ (Ga-
rau, 2006; Pertaub et al., 2002). Virtual agents have
been used effectively in multimodal systems for pu-
blic speaking, most notably, (Chollet et al., 2015b). In
the aforementioned system, virtual agents were used
to represent an audience that responded to the user’s
speaking performance. In (Dermody and Sutherland,
2016; Dermody and Sutherland, 2018), the avatar re-
presents the user themselves .
6.4.2 Video and Awareness
Video can also be used to represent a user. Howe-
ver, not everyone reacts well to seeing themselves on
video. ‘The cognitive dissonance that can be genera-
ted from the discrepancies between the way persons
think they come across and the way they see them-
selves come across can be quite emotionally arou-
sing and, occasionally, quite aversive’ (Dowrick and
Biggs, 1983). Also they may become distracted by the
physicality of their appearance. Their perceived level
of physical attractiveness or lack thereof may become
their focus, as they observe themselves on video, as
opposed to their behaviour. If the person has a nega-
tive self-perception of themselves on video, then their
reaction to the video will not be positive (Dowrick,
1999). An avatar’s abstract representation could be
advantageous because the user is less likely to be dis-
tracted by details of their physical appearance (Der-
mody and Sutherland, 2018). Dermody and Suther-
land did a comparison of live video and 3D avatar.
Nine out of ten users preferred the avatar because they
found it less distracting and less stressful. However,
one user said she preferred live video because the ava-
tar made her feel ”disembodied” (Dermody and Su-
therland, 2018).
Our conclusions based on the argument above, is that
an ideal system for public speaking would have the
following characteristics.
It would have a full 3D avatar because this allows
the user to gauge their full 3D body pose but does
not distract them with details of their personal appea-
It would give the user the option to use live video,
if they choose, because some users have expressed a
preference for this.
It would use reflective rather than directive feed-
back because this increases the user’s self-awareness
but gives the user the autonomy to choose whether to
respond to the feedback or not.
It would use visual feedback displayed around the
avatar because this is easier to assimilate than textual
feedback and reduces the cognitive load and stress on
the user.
These are consistent with the tenets of Positive
Computing: self-awareness, autonomy and stress-
reduction. Users could also potentially gain auto-
nomy in a wider sense from developing a skill such
as public speaking using a Positive Computing sy-
stem. For instance, they may increase their success in
education or enterprise by overcoming any speaking-
related anxiety (Dwyer and Davidson, 2012; McCro-
skey et al., 1989; Harris et al., 2002).
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Multimodal Systems for Public Speaking: A Case in Support of a Positive Computing Approach