Figure.3. Comparison of dynamic and static gain
Three static gain methods are proposed in the
reference (Sinopoli, 2004), and the Kalman filter
gain in this paper belongs to the dynamic gain. By
comparing the performance of these three kinds of
static gain, it is shown that the Kalman filter is still
the best when the measurement value is lost. Figure 3
compares the performance between the dynamic
Kalman filter gain and three kinds of static gain, the
star of red curve represents the average error
covariance of dynamic gain, with the actual
observation arrival rate increases, the most close to
the upper bound of convergence theory analysis. It is
shown that the steady-state error covariance is
minimum and the estimation algorithm is optimal.
This paper prove that there exists the critical arrival
rate of the measured value, and the average error
covariance changes from unboundedness to
boundedness with the arrival rate of the actual
measured value increasing and exceeding the critical
arrival rate. A numerical algorithm is proposed to
calculate the upper and lower bound of the critical
arrival rate and the boundary of the steady-state mean
error covariance. The simulation results show that the
average error covariance divergence and the clock
parameter estimation are unstable when the actual
measured value arrival rate is less than the
critical value. This theory can also guide the resource
allocation of wireless sensor networks. If the current
synchronization accuracy does not meet the
requirements, we can get better synchronization
accuracy by improving the communication resources.
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