Modelling and Simulation of the Opening Process for the Aircraft
Engine Starter Valve
Yitao Liu, Chao Liu, and Zhenbo Yang
School of Aircraft Maintenance Engineering, Guangzhou Civil Aviation College, Guangzhou, China,
Keywords: Engine, Starter Valve, Butterfly Valve, Pneumatic, Modelling, Simulation.
Abstract: The structure and principle of the aircraft engine starter valve with dual pneumatic actuators are introduced.
Characteristics of the valve, in particular the opening behaviours are analysed using mathematical models.
The butterfly valve opening process under different inlet pressure is simulated on AMESim simulation
environment. By comparing with test data, the model is proved to be accurate and reliable. The simulation
results show that inlet pressure plays an important role in the opening process. The variables of primary
interest are the rotating angle and time of the butterfly valve. In the dual actuators architecture, the valve
requires less inlet pressure to rotate the butterfly disc full open and has higher reliability during aircraft
operational cycle.
When starting a gas turbine aircraft engine such as
turbojet, turboshaft and turbofan, rotation of the
compressor to a speed is required to provide
sufficient air to the combustion chamber. The
starting system of the engine often utilizes
pressurized air to drive a turbine at high speed. This
turbine applies a torque to the engine high pressure
rotor system through a reduction gear in the (starter)
turbine and through the engine accessory drive
system. The air which is necessary to drive the
starter comes from the built-in auxiliary power unit
(APU) or the second engine or a ground power unit.
In most cases, the first engine needs be started using
the APU or ground pneumatic power unit. Then the
remaining engine(s) can be started using cross-bleed
air from the running engine.
The starter air supply is controlled by a starter
valve, which closes and removes pneumatic power
from the starter when the N2 speed reaches 50
percent. The turbine and reduction gears slow and
the clutch disengages when N2 speed is higher than
50 percent. The starter output shaft then turns with
the gearbox and engine. While the turbine and
reduction gears continue to slow until they stop.
The starter valve usually is a butterfly type,
pneumatically operated and electrically controlled.
The civil industries offer a wide range of pneumatic
valves usually equipped with a spring and driven by
pneumatic-based actuators. There have been many
research and development activities, including
mathematical modelling, numerical simulation and
experimental analysis, are undertaken in order to
design and develop an advanced valve (J.T. Ahn,
2011; F. Danbon, 2000; N. Gulati, 2009; ZHU Su,
But there is a very limited amount of research on
accurate dynamic modelling of butterfly valve used
on aircraft engine. The airline maintenance records
indicate that typical failure of the starter valve is
abnormal opening, including too small open angle
and too long open time (P. Naseradinmousavi,
2011). This paper conducts an investigation of the
valve behaviour in the opening process. The
influence of the inlet pressure on the open angle and
the open time is emphatically analysed.
Figure 1 shows a starter valve with dual actuators,
which is a pneumatically operated and electrically
controlled shutoff valve. The valve is composed of
two major sections, the valve flow body section and
the pneumatic actuator and control section. The
valve flow body section consists of the flow body,
butterfly plate shaft, bearings and seals enclosed in