Duality for a Class of Multiobjective Semi-infinite Programming
Jie Zhao
and Xiaofeng Yan
College of Foreign Trade and Business, Chongqing Normal University, Chongqing,China
{Jie Zhao,Xiaofeng Yan}zhaojie42@126.com,da68da68@163.com
Keywords: Semi-infinite programming, multiobjective optimization, sufficient optimality condition, duality,
generalized convexity.
Abstract: In this paper, a class of multiobjective semi-infinite programming problems is considered. Sufficient
optimality condition is established for an efficient solution firstly. Furthermore, we formulate Mond-Weir
type dual for multiobjective semi-infinite programming problems and establish weak, strong and converse
duality theorems relating the problem and the dual problems under G-invex assumptions.
Generalized convexity has been playing a vital role
in mathematical programming and optimization
theory. A class of generalized convex functions
called G-invex functions was defined by Antczak
(2007) for scalar differentiable functions. Then, the
definition of a real-valued G-invex function
introduced by Antczak was generalized to the
vectorial case in (2009). They used vector G-
invexity to develop optimality and duality for
differentiable multiobjective programming problems
with both inequality and equality constraints.
A semi-infinite programming problem is an
optimization problem on a feasible set described by
infinite number of inequality constraints. Recently,
semi-infinite optimization became an active field of
research. Many scholars have been interested in
semi-infinite programming problem, especially their
optimality conditions and duality results(see
(Heettich R., 1993; Jeyakumar V., 2008; Lopez
M.2007; Shapiro A., 2009; Kanzi N., 2010) and the
references therein). S.K.Mishra et al. studied the
duality results of this nonsmooth semi-infinite
programming problem.
Motivated by the works of (T. Antczak., 2009),
(T. Antczak., 2009), and (Mishra S.K.), in this
paper, we study a class of multiobjective semi-
infinite optimization problems. We formulate Mond-
Weir type dual for multiobjective semi-infinite
programming problems. Furthermore, by using G-
invex assumption, related duality theorems are
Next, we first introduce some basic concepts
and results which will be used in the sequel. The
following convention for equalities and inequalities
will be used throughout the paper.
We define:
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