exchange rate did not because a change in the value
of the firm since the company in Thailand used the
bath currency in its operations. The results support
the study of Taoulaou (2014).
GDP does not affect the capital structure and
firm value in SET. If economic growth rises / high,
then an indication that the prospect of investment is
good. Economic growth with firm value will move
in the same direction as increasing economic growth
will be caught as a signal of increased investment
activity so that the firm value will increase. This
study supports Ekstrom's research (2015).
ROA in IDX and SET shows that ROA has the
negative and significant effect on capital structure.
The results of this study are consistent with the
Packing Order Theory, Myers (1984) states that in
conducting a funding policy the company prioritizes
the use of retained earnings, then the use of debt and
new stock emissions. This study supports the
research of Pendy (2001), Nagano (2003),
Deesomsak, (2004), Delcoure (2006), Huang &
Song (2006), Eni Safitri (2012), and Md Faruk H
(2012). ROA has a positive and significant impact
on the firm value in IDX and SET. The greater the
profitability, the higher the stock price in the firm
value. This study supports the research of Titman
and Tsyplakov (2005).
Non-Debt Tax Shields have no significant effect
on capital structure in IDX. Not influencing NDTS
shows that the value of depreciation and
amortization of existing companies in Indonesia is
not enough to increase the company's cash flow so it
is not taken into account in reducing the proportion
of debt. This study supports the research of Chen
(2004) and Akhtar (2005). The results of the SET
study show that NDTS has a positive and significant
effect on capital structure. This indicates that the
increase in NDTS can be used as a substitute for
debt. This study supports the research of Delcour
(2006), and Md Faruk H (2012). NDTS has a
negative and significant effect on the value of the
company in IDX. This indicates that the greater the
depreciation and amortization the greater the tax
savings so that the greater the accumulation of
resources will increase the firm value. This study
supports Deesomsak's research (2004), and Anshu
Handoo (2014). NDTS has no significant effect on
firm value in SET. This indicates that the amount of
depreciation and amortization is not significant
enough to increase the company's cash flow so as
not to affect the firm value.
The result of research in Indonesia shows that
CAPEX has the significant effect on capital
structure. The bigger the CAPEX the greater the
capital requirement of the company to meet its
needs, so that the company will seek funds from
outside that is by adding debt. This study supports
the research of Boodhoo Roshan (2009). The result
of research in SET shows that CAPEX has no
significant effect on capital structure. This is
because in Thailand in enlarging its fixed assets
using internal funds of the company. The results of
research on IDX and SET shows CAPEX has a
significant influence on firm value. The more long-
term investments (fixed assets) that provide benefits
in the future will increase the stock price or firm
value. This research supports the research of Coles,
et al (2004), Desak and Ni Wayan (2007), Sarpi
(2009), Rahmiati and Sari (2013).
The asset structure has no significant effect on
capital structure in IDX and SET. No effect on the
structure of assets on the capital structure because of
manufacturing firms in Indonesia and Thailand
because most of the fixed assets except land is
already on the watch in insurance or companies
prefer margins to minimize risk. So the size of the
company's asset structure does not affect the debt.
This study supports Nagano's (2003) and Taou you
(2014) research. The results of the research on IDX
show that the asset structure has no significant effect
on firm value. This result is not in accordance with
the hypothesis that predicts the greater the asset
structure the higher the value of the firm. This
research supports Solechan's research (2009). The
number of tangible fixed assets is not a prospect to
increase the firm value but stock holders in investing
capital will look at the prospect of companies that
earn a promising profit, thereby increasing the firm
value. While in Thailand, the asset structure has a
significant influence on the firm value. This research
supports the research of Fama (1978) and
Harmuningsih (2013).
The results of research on IDX and SET shows
CFD has no significant effect on capital structure.
This indicates that with the use of debt in the capital
structure is not affected by financial risk, it can be
said that debt to manufacturing companies in
Indonesia and Thailand is still at a level that can be
controlled by the company. This study supports the
research of Chen (2004), Teddy (2005). The results
of the research at IDX and SET show that CFD has
no significant effect on firm value. This indicates
that the use of debt can still be controlled with the
benefits obtained by the company so as not to affect
the firm value.
The results of the research on IDX and SET
shows the capital structure has a negative and
significant effect on firm value. Negative influence