into three types: business to customer (B2C);
customer to customer (C2C); and business to
business (B2B). Besides that, social media is up-to-
date in the development of web technology that can
help people easily communicate, highly participate,
mutually share, and make an online channel.
This current research used a qualitative approach by
applying an ethnography method to gain descriptive
information about the marketing system in the Irama
Budaya group. The design of the current research is
adopted from the ethnography steps explained by
Cresswell (2012). The components of this current
research consist of twelve steps as follows:
1. Determining the informants by using five
minimum requirements in choosing them, i.e. 1)
full enculturation, 2) direct involvement, 3)
unknown cultural situation, 4) sufficient time,
and 5) non-analytics.
2. Interviewing the informants through paying
attention to three elements as follows: 1) explicit
purpose; 2) ethnography explanation; and 3)
ethnography questions.
3. Making ethnography notes that include field
notes, image recording devices, artefacts, and
other things in order to describe the cultural
situation. Besides that, the ethnography notes
contain a short report, an expanded report, field
research journals, and analysis and
4. Asking descriptive questions that can be chosen
from five types as follows: grand tour question,
mini tour questions, example questions,
experience questions, and original language
5. Analyzing the ethnography interview by
applying the sequences as detailed: 1) problem
choosing; 2) collecting cultural data; 3)
analyzing cultural data; 4) formulating an
ethnography hypothesis; and 5) writing
6. Making the domain analysis consisting of some
elements such as cover term, sematic
relationship, included terms, and boundary.
7. Asking structural questions that adopt some
principles like concurrence, explanation,
repetition, context, and cultural framework.
8. Making the taxonomic analysis by applying
some steps: 1) choosing the domain; 2)
identifying the substitute framework; 3)
searching the subset; 4) looking for the large
domain; and 5) making temporary taxonomy.
9. Asking the right questions in order to find the
different symbols.
10. Making the component analysis that is related to
cultural symbols.
11. Finding the cultural theme.
12. Writing an ethnography.
4.1 Determining the Informants
In this current research, we chose a purposive
sampling method to determine the informants. The
informants are:
1. Deden Irawan, the leader and the treasurer of
Irama Budaya group, who has the responsibility
in coordinating all players, determining the show
title and schedule, and marketing with external
parties about their Ludruk service.
2. Cak Eko, a Ludruk humanist, who has a role as a
facilitator to develop the marketing media.
Besides that, he is a freelance player.
3. The students of 45 National Junior High School
in Surabaya who followed an extracurricular
activity of Ludruk as a media to accommodate
the demand of current young generations.
4.2 Interviewing the Informants
In this phase of this current research, we selected
three related parties who have been actively
involved in Irama Budaya for the past five years.
The interview process can be explained as follows:
1. The first informant is Deden Irawan, who has
been interviewed three times: April 24 2016;
August 17
2016; and October 9
2016. The
interviews took place in the building of the
Irama Budaya group at Taman Hiburan Rakyat,
Surabaya to obtain information such as the
revenue information system, the accounting
information system, and the distribution process
of revenue to the players.
2. The second informant is Cak Eko, whose
interview process took place on November 28
2016 at pendopo of Taman Hiburan Rakyat,
Surabaya to get more information related to the
marketing media and products.
3. The third informant source is a group of students
of 45 Junior High School in Surabaya who
followed the extracurricular activity of Ludruk
from November 7 to November 8 2016 at