For the value of e (error) shown in the
hypothesis test, the results obtained a value of 3.305.
This value will be compared with the standard
deviation of tax compliance variables (Y). If the
value of e is smaller than the standard deviation of
the tax compliance variable, then the regression
model is good. The standard deviation value of the
tax compliance variable obtained a value of 4.362,
so the regression model used is good because the
standard deviation value of the tax compliance
variable is greater than the value e.
4.2 Discussion
The first hypothesis stated that subjective norms
affect taxpayer compliance in KPP Pratama
Surabaya Mulyorejois and is accepted. This is
proven by the results of the linear regression test that
shows a significant value on the partial test of 0.005
with a positive coefficient direction. According to
Ajzen (1991), the subjective norm is the individual’s
perception of social influences in shaping certain
behaviors. Subjective norms are also a function of
perceived individual expectations where one or more
people around them agree to a particular behavior
and motivate the individual to obey them. Subjective
norms are formed from normative beliefs and
motivations from the influence of the referent group.
Therefore, each individual can be affected or not
affected by another, this depends on the personalities
involved and the will of others. The results of this
study are in accordance with research conducted by
McGraw and Scholz (1991) who state that taxpayer
compliance has an important influence on predicting
the behavior of each taxpayer.
The second hypothesis states that taxation
knowledge affects the compliance of individual
taxpayers in KPP Pratama Surabaya Mulyorejo; this
is accepted. This is seen by the results of the linear
regression test that shows a significant value in the
partial test of 0.001 with a positive coefficient
direction. An understanding of the regulations and
obligations of each taxpayer affects the compliance
of each taxpayer. Taxpayers who do not know or
understand the tax laws tend to become disobedient
taxpayers so that they need an understanding of the
tax regulations. According to Ajzen (1991) the fully
functional in individuals is to process available
information like behavioral traits such as social
attitudes, knowledge, and personality traits. It plays
an important role in predicting and explaining
human behavior. The results of this study are in
accordance with research conducted by Hardiningsih
and Yulianawati (2011), which states that
knowledge about taxation is a process of changing
attitudes and taxpayer behavior through teaching and
The third hypothesis states that the perception
of the financial condition affects the compliance of
individual taxpayers in KPP Pratama Surabaya
Mulyorejois; this is accepted. This is proven by the
results of the linear regression test that shows a
significant value on the partial test of 0.007 with a
positive coefficient direction. The financial
condition is the financial ability of taxpayers that is
measured from their profitability. Profitability is one
of the factors that influence the taxpayers’ intention
to comply with the applicable tax laws. According to
Ajzen (1991), performance is the most influential
factor, at least for some non-motivational degree
such as the availability of the necessary
opportunities and resources (e.g. time, money, skills,
and cooperation of others). Collectively, these
factors represent people who actually have control
over their behavior. The results of this study are in
accordance with research conducted by Bradley
(1994). Taxpayers who have a high level of
profitability tend to report their taxes honestly and
vice versa.
Simultaneously, the independent variables,
namely the subjective norms, taxation knowledge,
and perceptions of financial condition, have a
significant positive effect on the tax compliance
variable. This is because these three independent
variables interact and become determinants of each
individuals’ behavior. The subjective norm is shaped
by the expectations of others and the motivation to
act. Lack of knowledge about taxes means every
individual can be easily influenced by information
from outside. The financial condition of each
individual who has a low level of profitability will
also affect the level of taxpayer compliance.
5 Conclusions
Based on the analysis, the following conclusions are
1. Subjective norms have a positive and significant
effect on taxpayer compliance in KPP Pratama
Surabaya Mulyorejo. This shows that taxpayer
compliance has an important influence on
predicting the behavior of each taxpayer.
2. Tax knowledge has a positive and significant
effect on taxpayer compliance in KPP Pratama
Surabaya Mulyorejo. This shows that knowledge
about taxation is a process of changing attitudes
The Influence of Subjective Norms, Taxation Knowledge, and Perception of The Financial Condition of The Personal Taxpayer on Personal
Taxpayer Compliance in KPP Pratama Mulyorejo Surabaya