2. Analysis performed on quantitative data to solve
the second problem formulation: How to use
Benford’s Law Model method as an alternative
method of BBM as a tool for identifying tax
payer’s non compliance. Based on the Benford’s
Law guidance, The analysis is conducted on the
income post, purchasing of goods/merchandise
post, salary cost, transportation cost and rent cost
from the data of SPT Annual Corporate Income
Tax of 1771 fiscal year 2015. The first analysis is
quantitative test against existing data set criteria.
Further analysis by testing the data type which is
the nominal data, through Chi-Square test and
Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD). The last stage
is to perform a quantitative test consisting of 3
(three) stages: First-Digits Test (FD), Second-
Digits Test (SD), First-Two Digits Test (F2D)
and Z-Statistic test. The output of the test above
is the list of taxpayers who are potentially
disobedient in reporting the annual tax return.
The next step is to compare the results of data
referred to the data of taxpayers who follow the
Tax Amnesty program based on Law No. 11 of
The overall working area of the Regional Office of
DGT South Jakarta II consists of 6 (six) sub-districts
namely Kebayoran Baru, Kebayoran Lama,
Pesanggrahan, Cilandak, Pasar Minggu and
Jagakarsa. The working area of the DGT Regional
South Jakarta II has unique characteristics because it
consists of residential areas, offices, trade and
business. In 2016, the DGT Regional South Jakarta
II managed to reach a total revenue of 102.12% or
Rp25.28 trillion beyond the 2016 target of Rp23
trillion. This achievement placed the DGT Regional
South Jakarta DJP II at the 1st rank nationally, well
above the national rank of DGT Regional South
Jakarta I at rank 21st. The highest revenue
percentage in 2016 derived partly from the
contribution of tax amnesty in period I and II with a
percentage of 25 % or Rp. 6.3 trillion. In 2016, the
government launched a tax amnesty program
through Law Number 11 of 2016 on July 1st. Tax
Amnesty is a government policy that eliminates
taxes that should be owed, not subject to tax
administration punishment and criminal
punishments in the field of taxation. This facility can
be obtained by the taxpayer who disclosing the
assets (either inside or outside the country that has
not been/not reported in SPT) and by paying number
of money to the treasury state in accordance with the
tariff that has been determined during this period of
Tax Amnesty.
The overall realization of tax revenues at the
DGT Regional South Jakarta II, which includes
periodic revenues and extra effort (tax amnesty) in
2016, provides some fundamental risks that need
special attention. Those are:
1. The slowing growth of routine revenue base
(excluding revenue from tax amnesty) from
17.22% in 2015 to only 5.42% in 2016 or a
decrease of 11.8%;
2. The high number of tax refund in 2016 which
reached Rp1. 677 trillion. This amount is the
largest refund numbers in DGT and has created
deficit for routine revenue realization. To
overcome deficit revenue realization because of
this refunds, various extra efforts must be taken
to ensure the revenue target by conducting more
intensive supervision
of taxpayer compliance
fulfillment obligations. Increasing tax payer’s
compliance especially material compliance is the
key success to achieve tax realization.
BBM method is a tool that can be used in
intensification activities to increase material
taxpayer’s compliance. The process of BBM is
undertaken at DGT Regional South Jakarta II
(Kanwil). The ouptput of this process is a
nominative list of risky corporate taxpayers that
shall be followed-up by AR. In practice, AR
rarely/never uses the nominative list of risk taxpayer
data based on this BBM method as a basis for
issuing tax assessment and for the proposed material
of special risk analysis examination to the Tax
Auditor. According to the results of interviews with
several AR in the Small Tax Office from DGT
Regional South Jakarta II, these things occurred due
to several reasons as follows:
a. The data based on the BBM method analysis is
merely an early indication of non-compliance
which still needs to be comprehensively analyzed
and proven whereas AR authority is limited to
only publish SP2DK and conduct visit;
b. Most of AR do not fully have ability and
knowledge to understand what it is BBM
Method. They rely more on data sources that are
concrete data types because they no longer need
to do analysis and prove the origin of the truth;
c. Most of Taxpayers refuse the contents of SP2DK
on postings that are identified unreasonably