Smart Health: Mobile Application for Booking Medical Appointments
Liliana Enciso
, Jonathan Castro
and Elmer Zelaya-Policarpo
Grupo Investigaci
on IoT - Network Communications on Smart Environment, Universidad T
ecnica Particular de Loja,
San Cayetano Alto, Loja, Ecuador
Departamento de Ciencias de la Computaci
on y Electr
onica, Universidad T
ecnica Particular de Loja,
San Cayetano Alto, Loja, Ecuador
Calendar, Reserves, Webservice, Smart Health.
The article describes the development and implementation of a web application developed in python through
django framework, whose main functionality is the reservation of appointments and the sending of them via e-
mail and text messaging to the recipients. The operational model indicates the infrastructure and the process of
use. In this work the device is oriented towards the field doctor, where work schedules are pre-established and
the interface is developed properly for doctors or professions related to medicine without previous or advanced
knowledge in computing. The frame views and the final interfaces of this application are also presented.
At present, we live an autonomous technology of re-
newal of wireless technologies and automatic com-
munication systems, with the passing of years thank-
fully for researching and technological development
(Gralla and Lindley, 2006).
The development of a web application for records
of clinical reserves, hospitals, private practices, solve
the problem of ordering apointments or forgetting
them, both at the personal level of the doctor and
or receptionist, as well as the patient (Hassan et al.,
This way of storing patients clinical reserves in a
hospital limits their attention because for different re-
asons a person can change the date or time of care,
thus, initiating in the new establishment another cli-
nical reserve, hindering their continuity in care, due
to The traditional systems that are used, in diaries,
books, that require a greater search time than an au-
tomated system with a patient search engine (Hassan
et al., 2004). Likewise there are other applications in
the health context that allow the geolocation of medi-
cal centers (Enciso-Quispe et al., 2018b) and others
customize medical alerts using DHIS2 tools (Enciso-
Quispe et al., 2018c).
In the case of the doctors and profesional people
Loja city, the archives represent an analogous case
where huge amounts of information are ordered, spe-
cifically in the case of appointments, it is clear how
effective, functional and practical the databases can
be in the administration of the reserves and the state
in which they are (Thompson and Antezana, 2015).
There are currently low reserve systems of annual
subscription of approximately 500 US dollars with
email sending, which does not allow to know the sta-
tus of the appointment, it is important to mention that
it also does not allow to store a database of patients,
these types of tools do not allow reminder to the Cell
phones, because there is no global mobile operator in
Ecuador. Also they are confusing tools without defi-
ned schedules that turn the process, slow for de user
ıquez et al., 2007).
Google calendar.- It is able to synchronize a mail tray
to place reservations confirmations, can create, edit
and delete events, send email and send text message
(McDonald et al., 2011).
Jorte Calendar.- This application is functional on
all mobile platforms, this organizes a real role with
an attractive and easy to understand appearance, has
the function and the possibility of adding photos to
It has a very special design with a great emphasis
on the color combinations and icons of the tasks, since
you know what you have 30 days a month, I can send
text messages and send mail. However, it does not
Enciso, L., Castro, J. and Zelaya-Policarpo, E.
Smart Health: Mobile Application for Booking Medical Appointments.
DOI: 10.5220/0007235104380445
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2018), pages 438-445
ISBN: 978-989-758-324-7
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
fit into the organizational model of a professional or
health entity (
ıa et al., 2011).
Today calendar.- It allows to visualize the events
of an easy, fast and understandable form for the user,
this calendar owns items for reservation of appoint-
ments this also allows only the sending of appoint-
ments by email way.
Business calendar 2.- It is one of the most complex
applications to organize daily diary, it is a calendar de-
signed specifically for business people, it has been de-
signed and improved for functionality, efficiency and
interface, through features for administrative functi-
ons, this application allows sending e-mail And text
messages. Previous acknoledgement in computing is
recommended because of its complexity.
Sol calendar.- It is one of the complete calendars
has an interface with 3 views available per month, per
day and year, shows the events by time slots distri-
buted throughout the hours, while the calendar shows
the events in the form of a list of tasks, It also allows
sending appointments via text message and email.
All the applications developed are of an interna-
tional nature, there is no local proposal for appoint-
ment booking that works through the web, in Ecua-
dor the only system of sending text messaging is from
banks, with private, non-commercial systems, That is
to say, they are not available to people whose offices
are small or people who need to make reservations
whose technological infrastructure is limited (Aren-
burg et al., 2010).
3.1 Web Applications
Until a few years ago the Web was just collections of
pages, documents and static and simple images that
people could consult but actually its posible to inte-
ract with them. An important step in the evolution
of the Web was the creation of CGI (Common Gate-
way Interface) which defines a mechanism where in-
formation can be passed between servers and certain
external programs (Erl, 2004).
The solution to this comes basically in 2 ways:
A. Module execution systems are designed that
are better integrated with the server, avoiding the in-
stallation and execution of several programs.
B. The servers are given to an interpreter of some
type of programming language that allows to include
the code in the pages in a way that the server executes
3.2 SCRUM Methodology
Scrum is a process in which a set of good practices
are applied on a regular basis to work collaboratively,
as a team (Enciso-Quispe et al., 2018a), and to obtain
the best possible result of a project. These practices
support each other and their selection originates in a
study of the way of working of highly productive te-
ams (Martel, 2014).
3.3 Data Base
From the computer point of view, the Database is a
system consisting of a set of data stored on disks that
allow direct access to them and a set of programs that
manipulate that data (Hammer and McLeod, 1978).
Each database is composed of one or more tables
that hold a dataset. Each table has one or more co-
lumns and rows, where each column stores a portion
of the information about the appointments, the hours,
the query reason, the status of the appointment (Doug-
las and Douglas, 2003).
3.4 Mobile Services
Nowadays, due to the great boom of mobile services
based on text messages, there are a large number of
reliable and useful solutions with remarkable featu-
res; Necessary to send text messages manually or au-
tomatically from a computer / server to provide noti-
fication services, news, etc (Gallardo et al., 2007).
SMS is connected to the cellular network with a
set of services or SMS applications, for which it usu-
ally provides a series of interfaces so that software de-
velopers can receive, process and send a high number
of messages. The systems that link an SMS gateway
can be seen better (Harb et al., 2008).
Through an Android API its posible to send text
messages, however, to retrieve data from the web to
the cellphone can do with queries in PHP through a
data retrieval in a JSON that will be broken down and
placed in fixes, For the sequential sending of messa-
ges, as well as scheduling the exceptions in case there
are incorrect numbers or lack of mobile balance in the
pone (Delegido, 2016).
3.5 Architecture
The reservation application is developed in the django
framework that allows programming with the python
programming language, it has by default an architec-
tural model which we will use as the model, view,
controller (Ross et al., 2006).
Smart Health: Mobile Application for Booking Medical Appointments
Figure 1: MVC Django Framework.
The model that uses the django framework Figure
1, composed of a database server, in addition, models,
views, which are based on a template, which is then
visualized through a web browser.
The browser sends a request. The view interacts with
the model to obtain data(Forcier et al., 2008).
The view calls the template. The template renders
the response to the browser request. (Condori Ayala,
3.6 MVC Djando Framework
3.6.1 Model
The Model represents the data structures where all the
information with which the application operates ma-
nagea behavior and domain data typically the model
classes will contain functions that help to return, in-
sert and update information from your database, re-
gardless of the database to use or possible changes
alez and Romero, 2012).
Encapsulating an application model into compo-
nents facilitates debugging, improves quality and en-
courages reuse of code, and for the changes that the
system might suffer in the future.
3.6.2 View
The information that is presented to the user, the
view manages the presentation of the information
of the application; Everything related to the user
interface, the data necessary for the user to con-
tinue interacting with the application (Gonz
and Romero, 2012).
A view will normally be a web page, the view re-
presents the presentation logic of the application.
The components of the view extract the current
system state of the model and provide the user in-
terface for the protocol being used.
3.6.3 Controller
It is the one that respond to the events invoked
from the view; And in turn will call the correspon-
ding methods the model to process and produce
the necessary answers with the data suitable for
the interaction of the application (Gonz
alez and
Romero, 2012).
The Controller serves as an intermediary between
the Model, the View and any other resources ne-
cessary to process the HTTP request and generate
a web page (Hendrix et al., 1993).
The controller is responsible for receiving the
events, determining the processor of the event, in-
voking the processor and finally causing the gene-
ration of the appropriate view.
The controller is responsible for receiving the
events, determining the processor of the event, in-
voking the processor and finally causing the gene-
ration of the appropriate view.
3.7 Location of the Application in the
TCP/IP Model Layer
OSI model suggests seven logical layers, may be de-
sirable for the modularity of the architectural imple-
mentation of a protocol. The TCP / IP architecture
normally consists of 5 layers, there have been multi-
ple discussions, however, it gained a number of ideas
even greater than the entire ISO protocols (Forouzan,
Typically, the top three levels of the OSI model
(Application, Presentation and Session) are simply
considered as the application level in the TCP / IP
suite. Because TCP / IP does not have a unified ses-
sion level on which higher levels are supported, these
functions are typically performed (or ignored) by user
applications. The most notable difference between
the TCP / IP and OSI models is the Application le-
vel, in TCP / IP some levels of the OSI model are
integrated into their Application level (Bentham and
Bentham, 2000).
In the Figure 3, you can see how the different lay-
ers interact for the execution of our application (Re-
cor), so that we identify which process is executed in
each layer, from the application layer until the sen-
ding of zeros and ones that are transmitted by a phy-
sical port destined to a local network, that connects
with the web.
In the application layer we have the data that is
sent by our application, which then passes to an appli-
cation layer, where you have TCP / IP protocol con-
firmations, which are then sent to the network layer,
which then passes to the Link layer in frames, which
are finally converted into the latter, in electrical pulses
(Handel and Sandford II, 1996).
ITSCO 2018 - Special Session on Internet of Things and Smart Communities
Figure 2: MVC Django Framework.
Figure 3: TCP/IP of the application.
The use of technologies that allow to separate the dif-
ferent layers present in a Web application and the un-
derstanding of its operation within the application to
be developed, deserves to be a subject of study. Cur-
rently the applications are composed of 3 main layers
distributed as follows:
It is a methodology with an iterative development pro-
cess that allows constant deliveries to the client, in
this case it is an appropriate methodology with a di-
rect collaboration with the user.
Sprints made for the execution of the project and
the hours proposed:
S1.- Book Appointments: The user requests the
reservation of appointments for his practice (12h).
S2.- User Management: Storage and search of pe-
ople admitted (15h).
S3.- Booking Block: If there is a previous appoint-
ment, block the hours and invalidate their availability
S4.- Projection of Appointments: To realize a pro-
jection interface in screen, for the waiting room (8h).
4.2 Data Modeling
Model.- The model layer that defines the business
logic. The database belongs to this layer, which
is why we present in the Figure 4, the database
modeling specific to a reservation system. Where
there is a role, so that it is projected in the future
that new roles are integrated, such as doctors or
patients so that they can access the system, as well as
accounting role. It is specified that the receptionist
can book one or several appointments and these in
turn may contain one or several hours, that is, several
periods when an appointment has an extended time
(Co-Requisitos and Aprob
o, ).
View.- The view is what users need to interact
with the application (the template managers and pa-
ges accessed by the user belong to this layer) In the
Figure 6 all the views are defined that will be occu-
pied for this model (Shaw and Garlan, 1996).
Smart Health: Mobile Application for Booking Medical Appointments
Figure 4: Data Modeling.
Figure 5: Operative Model.
Controller.- The controller is a block of code that
makes calls to the model to obtain the data and pas-
ses them to the view showing them to the user. These
front controllers actually delegate all work to the acti-
ons, and the logical groupings of actions are called
Once explained how our application is structured,
we proceed to detail, at the network level how the pro-
tocol used by our application in a conventional device.
4.3 Operative Model
The operational model of an application, allows us to
see the global picture of its operation, so that it can
determine if its operation is coupled with the objecti-
ves set at the beginning (Enr
ıquez et al., 2007).
In the Figure 5, it is observed in a general level
the operation of the application that once the TCP / IP
protocols are executed, until a router that then passes
to an antenna that connects to the network through
an http protocol, which allows us to connect to the
ITSCO 2018 - Special Session on Internet of Things and Smart Communities
Figure 6: Application.
internet and then access our server, where both the
customer data and the data of the professionals who
use the application are stored, as well as the data that
will be used for run the application processes.
It also explains that for text messaging, a web ser-
vice is used to retrieve information from the internet
with the http protocol through a standard format, such
as JSON that allows loading data into an android ap-
plication, in this case, For this to function as a text
messaging sender to proceed with sending the perso-
nalized message with the time and date of the next
appointment of the patient (Crockford, 2006).
Firewalls are defined, being a web application the
main protocol that is occupied is the http protocol,
with which it connects to the internet and later to the
server with the previously defined modeling (Ioanni-
dis et al., 2000).
The application is developed for reservation of ap-
pointments, through the web, which allows the secre-
tary of a specific office, manage patients, through a
crud to add / modify / remove patients, so that we can
make use Of these data for later reservation in the ap-
pointment calendar (L
opez, 2007).
In the Figure 6, the general functionalities of the
application, which quantitatively represent 5 functio-
nalities, are displayed: Add / Modify Patients, Patient
Finder, Appointment Management, Appointment Fin-
der and Control of appointments, so that each of them
facilitates and streamlines the work of a receptionist,
as well as a friendly and intuitive interface, which al-
lows patient management and appointment reserva-
tion, these functionalities are deployed later.
Figure 7: Creating Patients.
In the Figure 7, we can see how the application
presents an interface to add new patients with an au-
tomatically generated history number, where we can
store various data that can be used in other processes.
The application has a calendar (Figure 8), which
allows you to select the doctor to which the medical
Smart Health: Mobile Application for Booking Medical Appointments
Figure 8: Reserve Calendary.
appointment is to be added, so that they are stored in-
dependently for each doctor, This data can be sent via
text message and e-mail. It is important to note that if
there is already an appointment at a certain time it is
no longer possible to reserve another appointment at
the same time, as the application blocks the appoint-
ments picked already.
Figure 9: Daily Reserves.
The stored data is retrieved to store new citations
(Figure 9), through a search box that allows access to
this data, either by patient’s name or their ID number,
At the time of scheduling a new appointment this is
sent to the email and via text message.
Quotations can be easily removed through a quick
interface that immediately removes registered ap-
pointments with a single click (Figure 10), which al-
ters the database by deleting the records and returning
the availability Of that hour, so that new reserves can
be added. For visualization it can be done through the
Figure 10: Eliminar/Visualizar Citas.
same calendar, or through the application’s search ta-
bles, which allows you to search for citations by date,
edula number, names, which thanks to the combi-
nation of django with javascript, is allowed Perform
dynamic searches through tables.
Figure 11: Delete/Visualize.
The appointments finally arrive at the recipient,
through e-mail (Figure 11), and text messaging,
thanks to the backend work done by the application
at the time of reservations.
The web application for the online administration
of medical appointments has to provide in a fast,
transparent and secure way the administration of
medical appointments by correctly managing the
different user accounts according to the establis-
hed profiles increasing the security and integrity
of the information.
To send text messaging you have to standardize
the data either through json or xml so that you can
generate a webservice where you can retrieve this
Determining an operational model is essential, in
order to recognize the protocols through which the
data passes and are transferred and stored.
The use of Ubuntu in this case or any open source
operating system, is essential for the execution of
the project due to the freedom of permissions for
ITSCO 2018 - Special Session on Internet of Things and Smart Communities
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Smart Health: Mobile Application for Booking Medical Appointments