columns and rows to the right of the diagonal. Eigen
vector, calculate by completing the pair-wise
comparison matrix on the left side of the diagonal
with the reciprocal value of the pair comparison
matrix. Weight calculation determined by
normalizing the eigen vector (by summing each
column and then dividing each cell with the sum of
each column). The weight is the right-hand column
which is the average of the sum of each line in the
normalized eigen vector (Saaty, 1993).
To be proof the consistency of assessment, by sum
the weight, if equal to 1, then we can declare that the
matrix is consistent.
4.11 Management Decision Making
Sort the weight of each alternative strategy on the
matrix, the greatest value is the best alternative value.
To determine the best competition strategy is through
discussion among managers and top management in
FGD forum by use the QFD output becomes AHP
By making Pareto analysis of contribution value
priority, got 14 attributes that have over 80%
contribution. Then management selected 14 priority
to mapping the alternative strategies by pair-wise
comparison. From the results of AHP analysis we get
the weight of the alternative strategy for each attribute
can be seen in Appendix 3.
The conclusions that the authors take as the answer to
the research question are: The biggest focus of
customer attention is on the attributes of technical
services such as commissioning, technical services,
technical training, response time, and help desk.
Looking at customer satisfaction goals, almost all of
BCD’s attributes has outperformed its competitors,
except for the brand image, the competitor is superior.
Thus, BCD Management needs more serious to
improve Brand Image. Brand image becomes
important after being given a technical response by
management, although the customer places this
attribute on the order of the 16 priority interests, but
management gives the significant value for long-term
strategy, that’s why the priority of this attribute
contribution becomes second priority after
commissioning. In line with the value of
contributions from priority of customer needs, there
is eleven priority actions that need to be the concern
for PT. BCD to improved. From the results of data
analysis with AHP method, it concluded that the most
appropriate strategy to implement by PT. BCD is
Differentiation strategy by the focus on the
company's advantage. The second alternative
strategy is Cost Leadership by a focus on improving
product quality, functionality, and reliability, and an
optimizing process efficiency.
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ANCOSH 2018 - Annual Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities