The Principal Leadership Style of Madrasah Ibdaiyah in the Views of
Structural-Functionalism Analysis
Desi Erawati
Institut Agama Islam Negeri Palangka Raya, Jl. G.Obos Komplex Islamic Center kota Palangka Raya, Central Kalimantan,
Keywords: Leadership style, principal of madrasah, structural-functionalism theory.
Abstract: The principal of madrasah Ibtidaiyah (Islamic elementary school) has an important role to maintain a balance
both academic and social roles, due to his/ her duty as a policy maker. Accordingly, the principal leadership
style of madrasah is a main factor to realize school’s vision dan mission. This study is aimed at analyzing the
principal leadership style of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah in structural-functionalism analysis approach as an effort to
improve teacher’s discipline. The method of this study is explorative descriptive qualitative method. The
samples are some teachers (the principal of madrasah ibtidaiyah, three classroom teachers, and one
administrative staff), and some students. The data are collected using observation, in-depth interview and
documentation. The finding of this research is that the principal leadership style of madrasah ibtidaiyah has
been implemented with situational leadership style which is relevant to Parsons’s structural-functionalism
theory. The principal of madrasah positions himself not only as a policy maker but also a facilitator and a
mediator to his subordinates. In this case, he puts social awareness forward and emotional/situation and
condition to create a comfortable psychology of workers.
The principal leadership style of the madrasah,
according to functional structural analysis, is how the
leadership of the madrasah principal be analyzed
based on the theory of Talcott Parsons functionalist
structuralism "AGIL". A school institution is a social
system in which all elements are existed, namely the
principal of madrasah, teachers, administrative staffs,
learners and parents. All elements are interrelated and
dependent. School has a system of vision, mission,
goals and achievements in order to create social order
in school environment. Therefore, it is needed the
leadership. In this case, the principal of madrasah
becomes as an administrator, a mediator, a facilitator
and a good motivator. As stated Nurkholis in his book
"School Based Management: Theory, Models,
Applications,” leadership is usually defined as the
power to move and influence people. Leadership is
simply a tool or process to persuade people to be
willing to do something voluntarily. Related with the
willingness of others to follow the leader's wish, there
are some forces (powers) that must be owned by the
leader in order that the driven person follows his
wishes. They are threats, rewards, authority, and
persuasion (Nurkholis 2003).
As a leader, in this case, the principal of Madrasah
is the figure leader who organizes all activities in the
school. The importance of the position is in
accordance with the research finding conducted by
Sinha and Hanuscin entitled "Development of
Teacher Leadership Identity: A Multiple Case
Study.” He said that being a leader requires several
stages, since in this study a teacher can be a leader.
He has a lot of teaching experience both as a
classroom teacher and school administravie staff. The
figure of the teacher or his identity becomes very
important as the expected leader (Hanuscin, n.d.).
Similarly, Hua Sun et al in his article "Exploring The
Interaction between Vertical and Shared Leadership
in Information Systems Development Project", states
that joint leadership is less effective in managing
information systems of development projects,
especially when it is developed with the role theory.
That is, the vertical leadership is better since the
model of top-down supervision becomes more
effective and more guided (Sun, n.d). From the two
findings of this study, it indicated that a good leader
must have special skills in terms of good leadership
Erawati, D.
The Principal Leadership Style of Madrasah Ibdaiyah in the Views of Structural-Functionalism Analysis.
In Proceedings of the Annual Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities (ANCOSH 2018) - Revitalization of Local Wisdom in Global and Competitive Era, pages 59-63
ISBN: 978-989-758-343-8
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
and guided. This is achieved with the authoritarian
style so that subordinates can be controlled. Other
researches found that successful leadership is
achieved when it was built on a shared based as stated
by Wiil entitled "Flock Leadership: Understanding
and Influencing Emergent Colletive Behavior", The
finding is that the group leadership is better than
individual leadership. Through group leadership, it
can develop, and has challenges. Group leadership
becomes the basis for mutual understanding and
influence of each group. Group leadership becomes
an opportunity in establishing an organization (Will,
n.d.). Similarly, Mohamed et al., state that in a school
or college institution, it is needed to have a
transformational leadership style. It is preferred since
of the synergy between leaders, subordinates
(teachers, administrators), and learners (Mohamed,
n.d). The purpose of this study is that the dynamics of
transformational leadership is well-established in
terms of human resources and others. In contrast to
Erziko’s views, leadership as seen when dealing with
society in terms of cultural perspective is to become
a reliable leader when he can develop himself in
society, school and others, interact with various
community and able to take strategic decisions
(Erzikova, n.d). The result of this study is seen from
cultural studies, a good leader must have a social
sensitivity to the environment.
Some studies conducted are, of course, different
from this study. The focus is on how is the principal
leadership style of madrasah ibtidaiyah when
analyzed using the social theory of Talcott Parsons,
where the principal of madrasah as a leader in the
school. The school is also a social system, where the
social system is the AGIL theory proposed by Parsons
to examine how the principal leadership style of
madrasah ibtidaiyah in managing and organizing a
school. Some concepts on leadership styles are
categorized as task-oriented and employee-oriented
style. Terminologically, style is a typical way of
behaving from a leader to the members of his group.
Therefore, what the leader tries to do, when he does
it, and the way he acts, will shape his leadership style
(Indonesia, 2010). This study refers to situational
leadership style. Situational leadership style is the
style of leadership, in which a leader adopted to the
situation (situational approach), because leadership is
basically faced with a number of situations within the
various characteristics of the group.
In other words, the situational leadership style
depends on the situation (Hidayat, 2012). One
example of situational leadership style within the
scope of madrasah is that when there is a teacher
violating the rule or non-discipline in work. Then the
principal of a madrasah may be harsh or authoritarian
to the teacher. The reason is that the teacher will no
longer repeat his actions. Regarding to the situational
leadership style, there is a bit similar with the result
presented by Yun Du et al. The research conducted
by principals both at the primary and secondary
levels, assuming there is a professional change in
schools by conducting comparative studies in some
schools, in terms of interested, school system
structure and classroom management. Leaders with
international experience, there are opportunities and
challenges to address needs can be resolved, teacher
involvement, policy and financial supports (Ulla et
al., N.d.). The more experience and insight, the more
skills a leader has, especially in the school
environment. The term functionalism is derived from
the theoretical approach used in sociology.
Functionalism refers to a consensus, or equilibirium
theory pioneered by Emile Durkheim (1858-1817).
He was the first person to advocate education in
sociology. The sociologist uses this theoretical
approach begins with the assumption that the society
and the social institutions in it, such as education is a
part of society that is interdependent with each other.
Each contributes to the other in operating its activities
in accordance with its owned functions in society
(Abdulhak, 1998). The concept of AGIL Parsons also
emphasized in his theory of the importance of role-
status in a system. The principal of madrasah is not
seen as the internal side of the individual but more
visible on the status attached to him. To see his role
of course seen first is whether the status is properly
implemented in accordance with the expected role
(Goodman, 2007).
This study applies descriptive explorative approach
which identifies the reason for the occurrence of a
thing. This study was conducted in 2017 at one of the
Islamic primary schools in Palangka Raya, Central
Kalimantan, Indonesia. The data are collected using
purposive sampling technique, in-depth interview
techniques. The informants in this study were the
principal (simple personality, prioritizing the
progress of education on the basis of religion), three
teachers (teachers having long experienced in the
field of education), and one administrative staff and
some learners as supporting data.
ANCOSH 2018 - Annual Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities
3.1 Principal Leadership Style of
Madrasah Ibtidaiyah with
Functional Structural Approach
An opponent stream to empirical sociology that
dominated the postwar United States of America,
Talcott Parsons (1902-1979) built a general theory of
society. Society, in his view covers a broad system,
and its elements fill four basic functions: adaptation,
continuing goals, integration and maintaining norms.
Society produces agreements, changes and common
interests, in which Parsons declares that coexistence
is not only selfish or submissive to the law but it is
determined by values and norms. In The Social
System (1951); systemic and functional society
figure. This theory is directed to understand the
existence of an organized social order within a free
state, in which people freely choose their own
activities (Forse, etc, 2009). Parsons sees that social
interaction is not a fundamental unit in the study of
social systems. Hemphasized on status and role as the
basic unit in the system. Status refers to the structural
position in the social system, and the role is what the
actor does in his position (Goodman, 2007). The
status and role of the madrasah principal in this case
determines whether or not a school is advancing.
Targeted socialization because those who provide
policies, regulations and rules or norms developed in
schools can run in accordance with what is desired.
All components in the school are teachers,
administrators, learners and parents who participate
in them following the rules in force at the school. The
Madrasah Ibtidaiyah is one of the private schools that
are boarded with pesantren, but administratively
accountable directly to the local religious ministry, so
that the recruitment of teachers and administrators is
partly civil servant status (PNS). The AGIL concept
of Parsons being the primary target in the analysis of
the leadership style of the Ibadidaiyah madrasah
principal, such as the analysis on adaptation, the part
of the external and the instrumental functions of the
system. It is said externally because it is related to the
system with its environment. It is called instrumental
because it is not the purpose of the environment that
the system wants to achieve but as a means of
achieving goals and tools to create dynamic
conditions supporting the achievement of the goals in
the future. The findings of this study are the policy of
the madrasah principal by applying finger print, and
CCTV (instrument or surveillance machine /
supervisor) is the instrument used to achieve the goal
of creating discipline both in quantity and quality.
Then the second is goal attainment. It is a
prerequisite as an effort to meet the objectives of the
system and the implementation of priorities among
those goals. In order for the system to take place, it is
required a goal formulation, and those who can
achieve that goal. The key word is "effectiveness".
Effectiveness as a determinant. One example is that
the principal of madrasah ibtidaiyah socializes in
various community both senior and junior teachers,
both civil servants (PNS) and the honorary workers.
The information given is those considered important
and up to date such as curriculum socialization,
learning tools, rules of teacher performance as
classroom teachers, teachers of study, and so forth.
This activity usually includes in weekly or monthly
meetings conducted on Saturday. Mr. AA, said that
the information provided does not have to be in
formal but also non-formal. It depends on the
situation and conditions. The most important thing is
that the message given can be received well and
smoothly. One evidence of time efficiency is that to
convey information, advice, suggestion or input from
subordinates. It does not have to be in a formal
condition.The third condition is integration. The
purpose of integration is the ability to establish
relationships with each other, among the constituent
units of a system. The principal of the AA madrasah
always communicates and accepts the inputs from
bottom to top. It is assumed that it is easy to accept
aspirations from subordinates. It makes easy to
achieve what is desired together. In addition,
communication from top to bottom is usually policy
or regulation that must be implemented.
The last requirement is Latent Pattern
Maintenance (Maliki, 2012). It is a prerequisite
refering to how to ensure continuity of action within
the system in accordance with some rules or norms,
so that it can be matched through a cultural system.
The principal of AA madrasah always performs
evaluation both weekly, monthly, semester and
yearly. In order to monitor, evaluate the performance
or what programs are implemented or vice versa.
Starting from the program of teaching and learning
activities in schools, and all programs from
improving the quality of teachers, infrastructure and
so forth. The principal of madrasah in this case
strongly supports to all teachers to follow self-
development by following the workshop, training or
mentoring. In addition, there should be monitoring to
class visits. Although not intense because it is
supported the presence of CCTV installed throughout
the study room. This makes it easier for madrasah
The Principal Leadership Style of Madrasah Ibdaiyah in the Views of Structural-Functionalism Analysis
principal to monitor, control and evaluate the learning
process in the classroom.
This analysis, if it is seen from the figure of the
principal of madrasah ibtidaiyah, from the
observations made, AA wants the school he leads
should be in accordance as instructed by the regional
ministry of religion of Palangka Raya city, creating
the young generation who has good behavior. The
performance of AA is simply, punctuate, easy to get
friend along with anyone, not limit himself to all the
citizens of the school. He also has a high spirit to
improve the quality of learning in Madrasah
Ibtidaiyah. One of them is not yet conveyed the
subject of local content in the form of classical
Islamic studies such as nahwu, sharaf and the like.
AA wishes that the teaching materials are made like
a module, concise and understandable and
measurable in accordance with the existing
curriculum. Because of something, the intention is
only a discourse. Some teachers and learners say that
the profile of the principal AA madrasah is typically
simply, punctuate, has a strong vision and mission to
advance the madrasah. The existence of CCTV is
very helpful for AA in controlling or supervising
teachers who teach in each class.
3.2 The Efforts of the Madrasah
Ibtidaiyah Principal to Improve
Teacher's Discipline
The Enthusiastic teachers and administrative staff
make it easy for AA to apply discipline at the school.
Assuming that all elements have the same
commitment, then the learners will follow and obey
what is set at the school. Finding from Parsons theory
is that socialization and social control is the main
mechanism that allows the social system to maintain
its balance. Individuality and deviation are
accommodated, but more extreme forms must be
dealt with by a rebalancing mechanism (Goodman,
2007). Socialization is part of the AGIL process,
where social processes through mediation
intercultural patterns (values, beliefs, languages and
symbols). All values, beliefs, languages, and symbols
are embedded in the personal system. Through this
process, individuals receive and have a commitment
to the existed norms. Second is social control; through
the process of status and role existed in the society,
which is organized into the social system. The
purpose of this mechanism is to reduce the emerging
tensions (Wirawan, 2014). Monitoring to the
evaluation of activities in schools, socialization and
social control are always done in the form of monthly
meetings, semesters and even years, to evaluate each
program which is implemented or vice versa.
This study reveals that the situational leadership style
of madrasah ibtidaiyah principal can improve the
discipline of teachers, administrative staff and
learners. The ability of madrasah ibtidaiyah principal
in responding to environmental, cultural, and social,
resource and other conditions becomes a necessity for
the creation of a good functional structural in the
educational environment, especially in schools.
This research can be conducted for cooperative work.
Thanks to good participation of madrasah ibtidaiyah
such as principal of madrasah, teachers, and all
parties that help this study. Also grateful to the
Institut Agama Islam Negeri of Palangka Raya,
because this research is funded by DIPA IAIN
Palangka Raya in the year of 2017.
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The Principal Leadership Style of Madrasah Ibdaiyah in the Views of Structural-Functionalism Analysis