Analysis Strategy of Kadiri University
Yudiarto Perdana Putra, Ariadi Santoso, and Nindi Vaulia
Economics Faculty, Kadiri University, Jalan Selomangleng 1, Kediri City, Indonesia
{yudiarto, ariadi_santoso, nindi.vaulia}
Keywords: Strength, Weaknes, Opportunity, Threat Analysis, University.
Abstract: To face the more competitive situation from strong competitors, the institution must analyze its strength,
weakness, opportunity and threat. The method used is Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with the leaders of
institution as resource persons. Then the data obtained were analyzed by Strenght, Weaknes, Opportunity,
and Threat (SWOT) Analysis. The goal of this research is to evaluate the condition of Kadiri University by
using SWOT Anaysis. The research result showed that the strengths are consistency in applying organization's
vision and mission, the leadership of university, partnesrhip cooperation, community service, and the chance
of students to develop themselves/ skill. While the weakness is the less of lecturers' qualification, the threats
are the development of technology and the trust of society to private university. The benefit of this research
is that Kadiri University gets 4 strategies namely SO Strategy, WO Strategy, ST Strategy, and WT Strategy
which can be applied based on the situation and condition.
Kaplan and Norton (49:2008) stated that “Once the
external and internal analyses have been performed,
the strategic planning participants conduct a Strenght
Weaknes Opportunity Threat (SWOT) analysis”. To
increase competency of college in globalization era,
university as a pure institution for education changes
to be independent and has autonomy to manage its
own income by many ways such as build hotel,
hospital, business center, or open branch in other
cities to get more the students. Kadiri University
(UNIK) is one of private universities in Kediri City
East Java. It was founded in the first of October 1980
which is the oldest university in Kediri City.
However, with the tight competition the right strategy
is needed. So to know performance and quality of
university's activities such as identify strength and
weakness, threat and take advantage opportunity, it is
enabled by using SWOT (Daniela, 2017).
Nowadays, schools and colleges change fast, the
leader of institution deal with changes of recent
facilities, innovation, the development of
demography, wider conflicts, the increasing of cost
and finance etcetera (Ch, Ahmad, & Khalil, 2016).
Internal assessment to check all of organization
aspects which include human resources development,
facilities, location, study program and academic
service. To identify external analysis includes aspects
of politics, social-economy, environment, technology
and competition (Dyson, 2003). According to David
(2012:177) the goal of SWOT is to empower internal
factors, and also to develop limited opportunities of
company or organization.
Figure 1: Diagram of SWOT Analysis.
Daft (214:2012) states “Business-level strategy
pertains to each business unit or product line”. The
success or the failure in obtaining organization's goal
depends on strategy of business unit. Nowadays,
organization operates in unpredictable environment,
and the high demand to organization needs human
resources who can face the changes flexibly (Beltrán-
Martín, Roca-Puig, Escrig-Tena, & Bou-Llusar,
2008). This study will help the higher education
sector, in targeting the issues regarding the
institutional environments in public sectors.
Kadiri University is chosen as object of this
research because there are competitions in gaining
students. Based on the condition above, Kadiri
Putra, Y., Santoso, A. and Vaulia, N.
Analysis Strategy of Kadiri University.
In Proceedings of the Annual Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities (ANCOSH 2018) - Revitalization of Local Wisdom in Global and Competitive Era, pages 74-77
ISBN: 978-989-758-343-8
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
University needs to analyze many other things so the
next it can compete with other universities to get more
students. The tighter competition compels Kadiri
University to analyze its strengths and weaknesses by
considering external and internal situation. The
flexibel Strategy can anticipate the changes in the
future, different preferences of customers, the
competitor's movement, technology evolution, the
economic tendency and also self reposition of the
organization precisely (Santos-Vijande, López-
Sánchez, & Trespalacios, 2012). The goal of this
research is to evaluate the condition of Kadiri
University by using SWOT Anaysis.
The approach used in this research is qualitative
approach. Qualitative Method in SWOT Anaysis will
give the best perception about personal experience
and adminstration in managing university more
widely (Cordes, Dunbar, & Gingerich, 2013).
Primary data is the sources of data which give data
directly to data collector. The primary Data were
obtained directly by interview with key persons in
Kadiri University as follows: The head or university/
rector, Assistan I of the rector, Asstant II of the rector,
Assistang III of the rector, Assistant IV of the rector,
Director of LP3M, and the President of BEM
(Executive Board of Students).
Before doing interview, the researcher did
observation to Kadiri University. The approach to the
leaders to get assumption or prior data, and to explain
the benefit and research purpose to Kadiri University.
1) Analysis of Internal and External environment.
Identification internal and external factors of
Kadiri University is to analyze the result of
interviews with each source person deal with
internal and external condition of Kadiri
2). Focus Group Discussion (FGD)
In filling/evaluation of questionnair toward
indicators in internal and external factors use
Focus Group Discussion (FGD) in order the result
obtained will be more objective and will be equal.
A. Internal Factors which become strength :
Kadiri University makes cooperation with many
institutions such as government institutions, private
companies, and also the colleges and universities. The
variety of extracurricular through Student Activiy
Unit becomes opportunity of the students to develop
their selves esteem and skill. The available Job
Placement Center (JPC) can help the students and
alumni to get appropriate job. The application of
curriculum, teaching and learning process, and also
academic atmosphere in Kadiri University are always
updated with government rules via High Education
Research and Technology Ministry.
The strength of the university becomes the main
attraction to lure prospective students to determine
the university. Universities also have to manage the
power well, so the students can improve the quality
of education.
B. Internal Factors which become Weakness:
The weakness felt by the students is in academic
division, It is because the lack of employees, and
unsupported information system. The number of
lecturers are in line with ratio which is ruled by the
government. However, there are many lecturers who
haven't position in functional academic. The
availability of facilities and quality of library are the
weaknesses because the students sometimes have
difficulties to get the books needed.
Some of the things that become weaknesses and
should be improved by Kadiri University are provide
stimulation to lecture to continue their education and
take care of academic positions. Cooperate with the
company as an object of scientific research. Establish
cooperation in efforts to improve teaching and
learning facilities, procurement of books, laboratory
equipment, and technology updates. Improve
academic service through online process. Applying
for accreditation for University institutions.
C. External Factors which become Oportunities:
The opportunities owned by Kadiri University are
the strategic location and good transportation access.
Cooperation support from local companies deals with
foundation of education facilities. The increasing of
Economic fields also push people to get higher
education. The more media for promoting are very
helpful to introduce Kadiri University to public,
especially outside of Kediri.
The growth of MSMEs in addition to a positive
impact for the economy, but also raises the
increasingly tight competition for the perpetrators of
SMEs. In addition to the emergence of many
competitors, the competition becomes increasingly
tight with the emergence of the development of
information technology very quickly (Putra &
Heryanto, 2017). Such competitive conditions make
Analysis Strategy of Kadiri University
entrepreneurs want to increase their competence
through high education.
D. External Factors which become Threat :
External obstacles are the factors that cannot be
controlled. There are 16 colleges and universities in
Kediri which give many choices to the candidate of
students. The progress of Information and
Technology which develop faster than the institution
emerges the other problems. The output of
graduations can be absorbed by the companies in
Kediri and around, but it's still harder to compete with
the graduation from the bigger universities especially
state universities. The interest of society toward high
education is big, but the trust toward private
universities is still low. It often happens that private
universities are only reserve if they are not accepted
in state universities.
Similarly, Organizational Learning does not have
a strategic equivalent and is difficult to replace in
today's market. The inherent flexibility in
organizational-oriented learning also enables them to
rapidly re-allocate resources when detecting new
market opportunities (Santos-Vijande et al., 2012).
Kadiri University as providers of education services
must also be flexible to the changes that occur, so it
can still exist in the competition to get students
Based on changes in internal and external
conditions that occur, and especially to face
competition between universities in Kediri City in
particular, then Kadiri University should focus on
product development strategy. With product
development strategy, Kadiri University can seek to
increase interest and trust from prospective students
to continue their education at Kadiri University.
To decide strategies, the leaders have very
important roles. Competency of the leaders in
transforming process of the organization is needed
because it is to convince that individuals in the
organization can accept the changing asked
(Kavanagh, 2006). Negative feeling of employees
which caused by organization's changes can push
negative thought and then the intention to refuse
changes. That's why it is hoped that the employees
should think positively to push the company's
performance (Chung, Su, & Su, 2012).
Based on interview which is formulated into
SWOT Analysis, the leaders can decide a strategy
which can be applied in the organization. SWOT
Analysis is often presented as fast analysis method
toward strategy chosen. However, before the strategy
applied in organization, it is needed adequate test and
analysis (Dyson, 2003). With the cost grouping by
each study program, or faculty, it will be possible
making the university more competitive inside get
students through strategy acceptenece SPP (School
fees) or other fees to college student (Putra & Yuliari,
In applying strategy to face the changes, there will
be conflicts between the leaders and the staffs. So the
good communication between them is needed.
Knowing how to make good and right communication
as hope in certain contexts becomes one of reasons
why some leaders regarded as effective leaders
(Madlock, 2015). Here are some suggestions that can
be taken for further research: a) Use a more complete
strategy analysis tool. b) Increase the participation of
respondents from external parties in order to get more
objective information. c) Increase participation from
competitor companies, so that in the CPM assessment
more accurate. d) Adding another research object
(other PTS) located outside the city of Kediri, so it
can get a better comparison.
Kadiri University will face harder challenges in the
future. The result of SWOT Analysis can give some
alternative strategies to be applied. The leaders of
institution who have roles as decision makers must
manage the strengths to face external challenges. The
internal weaknesses of institution should be
minimized continously, so when there is a chance the
institution can use it well. On the other side, the
human resources also needs to be developed either in
quality or comptenecy in line with the government's
rules. If the university can recognize its condition
both internally and externally, then the university can
face competition easily. Strategic analysis has broad
interests in this regard.
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Analysis Strategy of Kadiri University