This means that if a respondent does not answer an
item, that data need not be discarded from a study.
Also, using the Rasch model permits construction of
different forms of a test, but all respondents can be
expressed on the same scale. Use of the model yields
great benefits, but researchers must thoroughly and
carefully evaluate whether or not the data fit the
model. When data do not appear to fit the model
expectations, some sort of divergence exists in
respondents’ answers to the items and the theory that
was used to generate items for the instrument along
a single variable (Boone et al., 2013).
Second, on item fit and item measure found 4
items that exceed the measurement criteria in Rasch
modelling. The four items are a set of items that are
considered the most difficult to be approved by the
respondents as a whole. Based on these findings, we
consider the four instruments to be dropped from
NES and no longer used in administering NES.
Based on the results of the analysis can be concluded
that the NES has met the criteria instrument with
good measurement property and internal
consistency. There is a change in the number of
items in NES of 21 items pre-validation to 17 items
The measured NES process can be completed until
the validity test with the help of various parties such
as respondents who become the participants in
conducting the development and validation this
instrument. Thanks to the Department of Guidance
and Counseling, Universitas Indraprasta PGRI to
have supported in the making of instruments and for
the cooperation made by the drafting team.
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