Formulas, sir.
L : can you write the symbol of displacement
and distance?
S : (writing symbol)
L : why the symbols of both are same?
S : is it same sir, I think.
L : how about the symbols of vector quantity
for displacement?
S : O yes sir (write add vector symbol on
L : ok thanks for your confirmation.
Based on test and interview, students have
assumed that displacement has equal meaning with
distance. This conception arises because the students
understood the concept from the book and other
source (teacher and learning community) partially.
They understand that the displacement is vector and
distance is scalar, but they have the same meaning if
implemented in case problem. Vector symbols on
displacement often ignored by them, so the
assumption of the displacement and distance have
same meaning same is getting stronger.
Based on responses test number 2 type 4, There
were 16.66% of students did not respond. Based on
the results of discussions with students they are
confused in response because they feel that their
conception is inappropriate. They realize that the
concept of displacement and distance must be
different, but they cannot explain the reason. The
lack knowledge of vector concepts is the main cause
of this incorrect conception.
The concept of physics must be comprehensively
understood. The concept of vector which is the basic
knowledge of kinematics must also be mastered.
Previous research presents graphic and image
presentations capable of uncovering student
conceptions in reading graphs and drawings (Yildiz,
2016; Antwi et al., 2011), but not being able to
simultaneously create cognitive conflict in question.
The emergence of cognitive conflict is characterized
by the presence of 16.66% of doubtful students (not
responding) in test number 2.
The concept of physics must be comprehensively
comprehended by students to overcome
misconception. Uncovering conception is not limited
to exposing concepts in various representations, but
the "meaning" of the concept must express as well.
The results of this study reinforce that there are still
students who equate the concept of the displacement
and distance, although they know the definition of
both concepts. From the results and discussion can
be concluded that incorrect conception arises
because (1) a little understanding about the concept
of scalar and vector, (2) The student only focusses in
solving mathematics problem (3) The students have
not knowledge about the magnitude of displacement.
Understanding the concept of vector and scalar
needs to be emphasized, both from the writing of
symbols (mathematics) and their use in physic.
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