circuit and less creativity. So, the learning process
becomes less challenging and interesting. From both
of these learning process, it can be seen that learning
using Project Based Learning model can contribute to
vocational skills aspect. In accordance with research
Fatmawati, (2014) that the Learning-Based
Learning model can improve students' vocational
Completeness of learning and student skills
become more honed. Besides, students can apply their
knowledge in life. For example, when the electrical
circuit at home damaged, students already have
provisions to fix it. The Organization for Economic
Co-operation and Development (OECD) in 2012
suggests that vocational education and training have
advantages in improving life skills of the 21st
century, namely: (1) balancing knowledge between
concepts and practices in learners during learning, (2)
High Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) especially on 4C
aspects (Creativity, Critical thinking, Communication
and Collaboration); (3) character development of
learners; (4) developing meta-layered skills such as:
mastering concepts, building skills, fostering
creativity, connecting from different fields, which is
essential to cope with the development of an
increasingly complex world. This is in line with that
proposed by Bell (2010) that Project-Based Learning
is an innovative learning approach that teaches many
strategies for successfully dealing with life in the 21st
The main reason of Project Based Learning is
applied to the direct current flow circuit because it has
the potential to make the learning process interesting,
applicable, demands the students to be active in every
learning, and of course can improve life skill. In
accordance with the results of research (Wurdinger
and Qureshi, 2014; Meyer and Wurdinger, 2015)
states that Project-Based Learning can improve
student's life skills especially on aspects of
responsibility, problem solving, self-regulation,
communication and creativity. Students become more
actively encouraged in learning, while lecturer as a
facilitator for students more creative and more active.
In addition, teachers are also tasked with evaluating
the work of students to be more effective application
for their daily lives. During the learning process the
students deliver results that can be authentically
measured by the teacher. Project work contains
complex tasks based on very challenging questions
and problems, and requires students to design, solve
problems, make decisions, conduct investigative
activities, and provide opportunities for learners to
work independently (Wena, 2010). Project Based
Learning model is also able to train students' thinking
ability, more critical on every problem, and analyze
according to their experience. In accordance with
research (Pratama and Prastyaningrum, 2016; Savery,
that the model of Project Based Learning able
to improve the ability of critical thinking.
Learning Based Learning Model provides new
experiences and knowledge for learners because
it indirectly learns to be a scientist, performs a
scientific action in carrying out a project, starting
from formulating the problem, determining the
procedure, determining the required tools and
materials, conducting the investigation,
designing and create products, present or
communicate products as a result of the
investigation process, and conduct group
Student response to the application of project-
based learning model to life skill showed the positive
result. The projects can train responsibilities, work in
groups, collect information, and design projects
independently to the end. According to
Movahedzadeh, et al., 2012, project-based learning
can provide many opportunities for students to work
together. Wurdinger and Rudolph (2009) that a
project-based approach allows students to learn
essential life skills, instill confidence and desire to
become lifelong learners. Education is not limited to
the theory in the concept in the classroom, but more
important is to apply knowledge owned. Students
must begin to learn about future success and the
challenges they face in entering the workforce.
Teachers play the role of facilitator, mentor, fellow
learner, co-manager who creates a conducive learning
environment. The impact is seen that the students
become more understanding of the concept of
electricity, the proper installation of an electrical grid,
to the use of standard materials. For example, if all
this time the students only know that household
electrical circuits are still using a cable that has not
been standardized, then start applying the use of
standard cable based on PUIL 2000 like HIS or NYM
type. Students understand that with the use of non-
standard cables, the cables will be hot for long. This
heat will cause waste of electric energy and even fire.
Based on the results of research and discussion can be
concluded that the implementation of the model of
Project-Based Learning in Electric Circuits
Directional effect on student life skill. However, it is
recommended that the assigned project still consider
the learners' abilities. If in the case of product creation
is not matched by the ability of learners it can lead to
less optimal learning outcomes.