Readiness of Wor
Pesantren (Islamic Boarding School) Education and Family Economic
Endah Andayani
and Lilik Sri Hariani
Study Program of Social Studies, Postgraduate, Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang
Study Program of Social Studies, Faculty of Economic and Business, Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang
Keywords: Family Economic Background, Pesantren (Islamic Boarding School) Education, Readiness of Work.
Abstract: The purpose of this study analyzed the role of Pesantren (Islamic Boarding School) education and family
economic background to the Readiness of Work of the Santris (Student of Pesantren). The research method
using quantitative approach, with data collection techniques conducted by interviews and questionnaires
distributed in 77 Santris of Pesantren Asy-Syadzili (Qur'an) Pakis Malang. To process the data is done by
multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed no influence, either the role of Pesantren education
or family economic background to the readiness of graduate work. Santri’s mindset focused on Islamic
religious knowledge in Pesantren. Plus, Pesantren’s managers have not entered formal entrepreneurship
materials in the curriculum, so entrepreneurship training has been incidental. Based on this research can be
recommended that the entrepreneurial subject / lesson needs to be hidden curriculum of education in
Pesantren as an urgent matter to be reconstructed.
Readiness of Work is a set of skills and behavior
needed to work (Firdaus, 2012), usually called soft
skills. Readiness of Work can also be viewed as a
characteristic of maturity obtained by a person from
a learning experience that includes aspects of
knowledge, skills and attitudes to perform activities
(Gunawan, 2014). Thus, skills development and the
ownership of generic skills are of paramount
importance to one's life (Freudenberg et al., 2012)
Furthermore Andayani (2016) finds industry work
practices contributing to a change in mastery of
students' skills in the working world. Supported by
Philips et al (2012), the readiness of work can occur
through several channels including industrial work
practices so that effective preparation of work
requires personal characteristics and circumstances:
self-knowledge, choice and decision making, and
prior experience with career interventions (Sampson
et al., 2013).
Preparations prepared in work are formal and
non-formal education through hard skill and soft
skill. One form of non-formal education is Pesantren
(Islamic Boarding School). Pesantren (Indonesia’s
Islamic Boarding School) is one of the oldest
Islamic educational institutions in Indonesia (Nata,
2012). Pesantren is also a place to study the science
of someone who is considered "alim" or can be
called also has a deep knowledge. Pesantren is taken
up by a kyai (Pesantren’s main teacher or
headmaster) who is an example for his santris which
later there is transfer of knowledge both in the form
of lecture and teachings and behavior and Islamic.
The student of Pesantren is called santri which living
in cottage of Pesantren. Pesantren graduates are
expected to be a resource ready to work and have
effective capacity, Uyar and Deniz (2012).
Meanwhile, findings Kadochnikov and Fedyunina
(2017) that there is a higher positive effect of human
resources management.
Productive and effective human resources into
capital in development, then work becomes a
liability for those who step on the productive age to
meet the needs. By working, a person will produce a
useful value for himself, as well as for others, even
for a country that can increase income per capita,
foreign exchange income, taxes, and so forth.
Meanwhile, various patterns of education in
Pesantren are still conventional. Even thought, there
is a significant contribution from the Indonesian
Andayani, E. and Hariani, L.
Readiness of Work - Pesantren (Islamic Boarding School) Education and Family Economic Background.
In Proceedings of the Annual Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities (ANCOSH 2018) - Revitalization of Local Wisdom in Global and Competitive Era, pages 154-158
ISBN: 978-989-758-343-8
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Ministry's approach to the formulation of Islamic
Education policy in Indonesia (Roslan and Malim,
Currently, Pesantren is not only focused on
religious education, but some Pesantren have also
organized formal education, therefore the school
education in Pesantren is expected to run effectively
so as to increase human resources. Moreover,
santri’s parents want to protect their children from
liberalization and in other hand, they also want their
child to go to normal school. Meanwhile, Yuliani
(2013) found that the social environment of
Pesantren with the santris motivation to learn in
Pesantren is still low, because it revealed the low on
ambition, desire, the need for santris to learn and the
low expectation of the aspirations they want.
Furthermore, the observation in Pesantren is known
that 15% of santris have family background above
average have chosen education in Pesantren,
whereas santri’s have great academic ability and
good economic level.
Based on the above conditions, it causes the
researchers to understand and analyze what
underlies this behavior, whereas with the established
socioeconomic status of their parents, they will
usually choose the best educational institution in the
city or abroad. Thus, Pesantren has great potential to
become an ideal educational institution that can be
an educational alternative that increasingly sought
by the public.
This research uses hypothesis testing, the research
population used is all male Santris (Male Students)
of Pondok Pesantren Salaf Al-Qur'an (PPSQ) Asy-
Syadzili, amounting to 267 santris. Given the sample
has almost the same characteristics / homogeneous,
the sampling method is determined by proportional
sampling technique random sampling of 30% of the
population. Thus, the number of samples studied
was 81 santris.
The analysis used to answer the problem of
research used descriptive analysis and multiple
linear regression to know the influence of each
influence of education variable in Pesantren and
family economic background to Readiness of Work
and used F test to know the effect simultaneously
between pesantren education and economic
background family against Readiness of Work.
Researchers used survey methods by distributing
questionnaires as a means of data collection. The
number of questionnaires distributed was 81
questionnaires and 81 returned questionnaires were
returned. After examined there are 4 pieces of
questionnaires that can’t be processed because there
are respondents who fill incomplete and there are
answers from respondents who are not consistent,
the questionnaire that can be processed is as many as
77 pieces as samples in the study. To complement
the data, data collection techniques also use
interview methods.
Based on the incoming and processed data can be
explained, that so far, the pattern of Pesantren
(Islamic Boarding School) education has actually
contributed positively to the addition of insight into
religious knowledge, especially mastering Al-Qur'an
and Islamic studies. Santris are educated to have
Akhlakul Karimah (Islamic Ethic) of 4 Prophet
nature, namely Shiddiq (Righteousness), Amanah
(Trust), Tabligh (Communicate) and Fathonah
(Clever). The study found that Pesantren education
in Asy-Syadzili has not optimally contributed to the
formation and fostering of a work culture
characterized by business values, although it is
realized that seeking fortune is a manifestation of
worship to always make an effort and Allah SWT
who will determines. In order to work skillfully and
to earn a lawful fortune, it requires a variety of
knowledge and skills.
Family economic background is an economic
condition that is experienced by a family, especially
santris PPSQ Asy-Syadzili covering the level of
welfare, type of work, level of consumption, and so
forth. Lambing Frinces (2011) parents who are an
entrepreneur will naturally affect their children to do
business or business as well. From that, it is known
that family economic conditions can influence the
mindset that led to the readiness of the santris.
The response of santris to the management of
Pesantren of Asy-Syadzili, show satisfaction
amounting to 23 students (29,8%), system need to be
repaired amounting to 8 santri (10,39%), level of
problem arising between board and santris
amounting to 21 santris (27,27%), it is necessary to
develop amounting to 11 santris cottage quality
(14,29%), and lack of entrepreneurship training /
other training that can improve the quality
amounting to 14 santris graduates (18.18%). This
means that in addition to improving the facilities and
facilities of boarding schools, the curriculum
boarding schools need to get attention and can be
implemented according to the vision and mission of
Readiness of Work - Pesantren (Islamic Boarding School) Education and Family Economic Background
the Pesantren. Entrepreneurship training needs to be
routinely scheduled and extra curriculum in order to
provide additional skills for graduates.
Based on research data of socioeconomic
condition of guardian santris seen from parent's job
and predicted able to give contribution to job
opportunity as follows: Merchant amounting to 5
santris guardian (6,49%), Teacher amounting to 12
santris guardian (15,58%), farmer amounting to 11
guardian santris (14,29%), civil servant amounting
to 6 santris (7,79%), private amounting to 17 santris
guardian (22,08%), others amounting to 11 santris
guardian (14,29%). From these data, the follow up
with interviews can be seen that the majority of
guardians santris quite well established in economic
life and have enough income. This means that these
socio-economic conditions should be able to
contribute positively to open employment
opportunities for their sons / daughters. Variables
that explain variations in income levels are greater in
family size, market distance, land size, education
level and livelihood diversification status (Adunga,
On the economic side can be explained, if the
santris parents are an entrepreneur, it will affect
naturally to his son to do business or
entrepreneurship, then what about the child who is in
the Pesantren which majority a middle-class family
economic background, the problem faced becomes
more complicated and puts more pressure on the
psychology of the santris. Firdaus (2009) mentioned
that there are eleven distributions of subjective
economic pressures, namely: feeling dissatisfied
with family income; feel disappointed with the
inability of parents in earnings; feeling less satisfied
with the current parent's job; need financial help
from parents or parents' brothers; feel that family
income is not sufficient for family needs; thinking
that my parents or I need to find a side job; feel that
family income tends to be less than expenditure;
forced to indebted to meet basic family needs;
forced to indebted to meet material needs; feel the
need to save expenses; and experiencing financial
difficulties. In this condition, santris feel more need
entrepreneurship skill.
Jusmin (2012) suggests that family backgrounds
positively affect the readiness of entrepreneurship of
SMKN students in “Tanah Bambu” district of South
Kalimantan where the readiness of entrepreneurship
is one of the branches of work. In addition, Baiti and
Munadi (2014) also stated that the support of parents
(family background) either alone or together with
other variables, has a high influence on the readiness
of the vocational school students. Zuhri (2010) states
that there is a significant influence on the economic
level of parents on student learning motivation.
Student learning motivation is certainly also one of
the factors supporting students in entering the world
of work where the sciences needed in the world of
work need to be obtained at the time in school.
These matters need to further analyze the
contribution of education variables in Pesantren and
family economic background to the readiness of
work either partially and simultaneously.
Table 1: ANOVA.
Source: Primer Data (processed)
The result of the sig value. 0.000> 0,05 then Ho
accepted (Ha rejected) means that the variables of
boarding school education and family economic
background together (simultaneously) failed to give
effect to the readiness of the santris.
Table 2. Partial test.
t Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
Source: Primer Data (processed)
Based on t test, the analysis results obtained sig
value 0,155 greater than 0,05 meaning Pesantren
education (X1) failed to give a significant influence
to the readiness of the students of PPSP Asy-
Syadzili (Y). If the level of Pesantren education
increases, it does not affect the readiness level of
students of PPSQ Asy-Syadzili. The results of this
study are not in line with research Sanusi (2012) and
Wekke (2012).
Wekke (2012) and Sanusi (2012) suggest that
Pesantren education teaches independence to their
Santris. This form of self-reliance-independence in
this Pesantren education takes the form of daily
living, washing, cooking, etc. and indirectly
provides training on santris in the management of
agricultural lands, plantations, farms, or fisheries
owned by Kiai. In reality, independence is taught to
the santris through daily life in Pesantren, but
santris tend to focus on Pesantren education where
santris multiply worship and study the science of
religion. In addition, PPSQ Asy-Syadzili is also
considered to have less assets in the form of
livestock, agriculture, fisheries, and others which
can be a training ground for santris PPSP Asy-
Syadizili. Ismaeel and Blaim (2012) found the
Model Sum of
df Mean
F Sig.
1,137 ,326
ANCOSH 2018 - Annual Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities
importance of flexibility and adaptability in the
implementation of Islamic business ethics and
proposed new frameworks and approaches to
implement Islamic business ethics. The example is a
multi-level halal certification approach are proposed
to facilitate the application of Islamic business ethics
in the contemporary world.
Further analysis results obtained sig value. 0.633
greater than 0.05 means that the family's economic
background (X2) failed to give a significant effect
on the readiness of the students of PPSQ Asy-
Syadzili (Y). The results of this study are not in line
with Baitu and Munadi (2014) and Zuhri (2010).
Above studies are not in line with the results of this
study because the condition of boarding schools that
require to stay in the cottage and live life
independently which of course students will be far
from parents. The santris in the cottage tend to be
independent and rarely communicate with the family
so that the mindset taught within the boarding school
is better able to be planted than the family mindset.
PPSQ Asy-Syadzili tends to teach to always seek
afterlife by searching hereafter, then the world by
itself will follow, thus making santris focus to
become graduates of memorizing Al-Qur'an than to
prepare the work.
The fundamental thing needs to be done so that
the potential of Pesantren really actualized become
the real power, then the management system should
be done self-improvement in carrying out its
education function, especially in matters relating to
the development / innovation of curriculum of
Pesantren education. This is in line with the results
of Priyanto (2006) stating that the curriculum
development efforts in boarding schools are
considered very urgent, especially to face the
challenges of changing times as well as in
anticipation of all the consequences. Moreover,
PPSQ Asy-Syadzili focuses santris on worship to
the God, study, and memorization of Al-Qur'an. It is
supported by the provision that "if one pursues the
Hereafter, then the world (sustenance) will follow",
so the santris are not confused with the future that
there will be a tough job competition.
To prepare for his work, a santri does not rely on
Pesantren education. Therefore, santris should also
take formal education in addition to pesantren
education so that between the science of religion and
general science will be obtained all by santri.
Working groups that have higher involvement in
global work to self-evaluate in terms of multicultural
personality characteristics, with a more positive
perception of organizational and climate change
processes, will be better prepared to change
(Caliskan and Isik, 2016). If a student has graduated
from boarding school and has also graduated from
formal education, then this will be a provision to
enter the world of work in the future. In addition, in
preparing for its work, a santri also does not depend
on the family's economic background. Students here
are educated to be independent and far from parents
so that the background of family economy here is
less so give effect considering the lack of interaction
between parents with santris.
Currently, Malaysia, Indonesia and Australia
have difficulties attract graduates with a portfolio of
qualifications, skills, and personal skills required.
The effects include: obstacles to national economic
growth, future production structures, and long-term
socio-economic development. It is assumed that the
graduates' readiness of work challenge can be
effectively addressed by HR professionals in
partnership with other key stakeholders. However,
there is no theoretical readiness of entrepreneurship
measurements, but may be the theoretical framework
of design and scale creation to measure readiness for
entrepreneurship, so the scale of measurement is
necessary. Complex tools able to identify and
measure readiness for entrepreneurship will be
applicable in a variety of situations including:
determining entrepreneurial skills, analyzing
entrepreneurial potential, organizational
transformation simulations, and evaluating
investment recommendations.
The conclusion can be made that the readiness of the
students of PPSQ Asy-Syadizili is not influenced by
the education of Pesantren and the family's
economic background. Other variables that are
suspected to affect the readiness of santri’s work
cannot be disclosed so that the limitations of the
research. This research can give a big influence and
benefit for Asy-Syadzili Boarding School which can
give description for Pesantren about the readiness of
the santri's work. This research can also provide
benefits in the form of further development for Asy-
Syadzili in the future to grow better.
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ANCOSH 2018 - Annual Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities