importance of flexibility and adaptability in the
implementation of Islamic business ethics and
proposed new frameworks and approaches to
implement Islamic business ethics. The example is a
multi-level halal certification approach are proposed
to facilitate the application of Islamic business ethics
in the contemporary world.
Further analysis results obtained sig value. 0.633
greater than 0.05 means that the family's economic
background (X2) failed to give a significant effect
on the readiness of the students of PPSQ Asy-
Syadzili (Y). The results of this study are not in line
with Baitu and Munadi (2014) and Zuhri (2010).
Above studies are not in line with the results of this
study because the condition of boarding schools that
require to stay in the cottage and live life
independently which of course students will be far
from parents. The santris in the cottage tend to be
independent and rarely communicate with the family
so that the mindset taught within the boarding school
is better able to be planted than the family mindset.
PPSQ Asy-Syadzili tends to teach to always seek
afterlife by searching hereafter, then the world by
itself will follow, thus making santris focus to
become graduates of memorizing Al-Qur'an than to
prepare the work.
The fundamental thing needs to be done so that
the potential of Pesantren really actualized become
the real power, then the management system should
be done self-improvement in carrying out its
education function, especially in matters relating to
the development / innovation of curriculum of
Pesantren education. This is in line with the results
of Priyanto (2006) stating that the curriculum
development efforts in boarding schools are
considered very urgent, especially to face the
challenges of changing times as well as in
anticipation of all the consequences. Moreover,
PPSQ Asy-Syadzili focuses santris on worship to
the God, study, and memorization of Al-Qur'an. It is
supported by the provision that "if one pursues the
Hereafter, then the world (sustenance) will follow",
so the santris are not confused with the future that
there will be a tough job competition.
To prepare for his work, a santri does not rely on
Pesantren education. Therefore, santris should also
take formal education in addition to pesantren
education so that between the science of religion and
general science will be obtained all by santri.
Working groups that have higher involvement in
global work to self-evaluate in terms of multicultural
personality characteristics, with a more positive
perception of organizational and climate change
processes, will be better prepared to change
(Caliskan and Isik, 2016). If a student has graduated
from boarding school and has also graduated from
formal education, then this will be a provision to
enter the world of work in the future. In addition, in
preparing for its work, a santri also does not depend
on the family's economic background. Students here
are educated to be independent and far from parents
so that the background of family economy here is
less so give effect considering the lack of interaction
between parents with santris.
Currently, Malaysia, Indonesia and Australia
have difficulties attract graduates with a portfolio of
qualifications, skills, and personal skills required.
The effects include: obstacles to national economic
growth, future production structures, and long-term
socio-economic development. It is assumed that the
graduates' readiness of work challenge can be
effectively addressed by HR professionals in
partnership with other key stakeholders. However,
there is no theoretical readiness of entrepreneurship
measurements, but may be the theoretical framework
of design and scale creation to measure readiness for
entrepreneurship, so the scale of measurement is
necessary. Complex tools able to identify and
measure readiness for entrepreneurship will be
applicable in a variety of situations including:
determining entrepreneurial skills, analyzing
entrepreneurial potential, organizational
transformation simulations, and evaluating
investment recommendations.
The conclusion can be made that the readiness of the
students of PPSQ Asy-Syadizili is not influenced by
the education of Pesantren and the family's
economic background. Other variables that are
suspected to affect the readiness of santri’s work
cannot be disclosed so that the limitations of the
research. This research can give a big influence and
benefit for Asy-Syadzili Boarding School which can
give description for Pesantren about the readiness of
the santri's work. This research can also provide
benefits in the form of further development for Asy-
Syadzili in the future to grow better.
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