Modern School Financial Management
Tutut Sholihah
Islamic State Institute of Palangka Raya
Keywords: Financial management, modern school.
Abstract: Finance in schools is an urgent thing for school progress. It should be managed in efficient management,
effective, efficient and proportional so that the school operational activities, infrastructure, facilities and
overall welfare school staffs can be fulfilled. Every Modern school should implement a concept of school
financial management systematically, easy to access, programmed and supported by professional treasurer,
capable and having integrity. The purpose of the study is to analyse and offer a concept of model financial
management. The method of the study uses descriptive qualitative approach. The data are collected through
in-depth interviews, field observation and documentation. The main subjects of the study are the school
principal, treasurer, and Division informants are education foundations, head of committee, head of
administration, teachers and parents. The results of the study reveal: 1) the source of funds received by schools
is obvious and transparent; 2) School expenditure budget plan is set up professionally and legalized by
principal, committee and foundation; 3) implementation of the financial budget is used according to plan in
RAPBS; 4) Financial accountability is reported to the central government, provincial government online
agencies; funds from parents are reported to the committee and foundation; and 5) the concept of a financial
management model is systematized with backing up data and cooperation with the bank in the process of
payment, storage, and managed by a treasurer that honest, trustful, capable and having integrity to establish
a successful modern school in progressing school.
Finance and financing is one of the resources that
directly support the effectiveness and efficiency of
education management. According to National
Education Department, financial management is an
action management and financial administration
covering recording, planning, implementation,
accountability and reporting (National Education
Department 2002). Funding that comes to school
either from government, or society, especially
student-parents should be prepared by school system
students for its management. A school that cares
about the administrative order must have a school
financial management system, to ensure that its
financial management is conducted orderly, effective,
efficient, transparent, and accountable. This
professional school financial management system
will later be expected to be able to avoid misusing
funds, manipulation, corruption and misusing budget
in schools.
2.1 System
The word ‘system’ comes from the Latin (systēma)
and the Greek (sustēma). It is a unity composed of
components or elements that are connected together
to make easier the flow of information, materials or
energy to achieve a goal. According to Raymond
Mcleod: "System is a set of interrelated elements to
form a unity intact and integrated ". (http://
restisanggraini. This means
that system emphasizes on two approaches:
procedures and elements. Procedural approach refers
to related mutual networking, gathering together to
perform an activity or to accomplish a particular goal.
Sholihah, T.
Modern School Financial Management.
In Proceedings of the Annual Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities (ANCOSH 2018) - Revitalization of Local Wisdom in Global and Competitive Era, pages 196-200
ISBN: 978-989-758-343-8
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
2.2 Financial Management
Etymologically, the word ‘management’ comes
from Old French menagement,’ which means the
art of implementing and managing. In English, the
word ‘management comes from the word to manage,
which means to order, manage, guide and supervise.
Management is also defined as a systematic effort to
organize and mobilize people involving in the
organization in order that they work with all their
might and possessed ability (Lecturer Team of the
Department of Education Administration UPI, 2001,
p.16). Another definition is that management is the
process of planning, organizing, leading, and
controlling efforts for organization with all its aspects
to achieve organizational goals effectively and
efficiently. (Nanang Fattah, 2009, p.1). This means
that financial management is a process of doing
activities to manage finances effectively and
efficiently by mobilizing skills of others, starting
from digging financial resources, planning,
implementing, up to reporting and accountability.
2.3 Sources of Finance and Funding in
Educational Institutions /School
Mulyasa argues that the source of funding in a school
basically can be grouped into three sources (Mulyasa,
2006, p.177):
Government (central and regional government).
Student Parents / learners (tuition fee,
committee fees and development costs).
Societies (donations of individuals, institutions,
groups of businessmen).
Sulistyorini states that the source of funds at an
institution Islamic education or public school
basically can be grouped into three sources: the
government, both central and regional, student -
parents and learners, the society that is the donator
(2006, p.132-133). Therefore, schools are required to
manage these finance effectively and efficiently,
transparency and honestly accountably to the funders.
2.4 Planning and Implementation of
Institutional Budget Education
Institution/ School
According to Romayulis, planning includes priority
determination in order to make the implementation of
education run well and effectively. The priority needs
involve all components involving in the education
process, society, and even students. Goal setting is as
guidelines and as an evaluation of the implementation
and outcomes of education (2008, p. 271). In order to
make effectively the school financial budget, then
those who are very responsible as the executor is the
school principal. The school principal must be able to
develop a number of dimensions administrative
developments. Designing of RAPBS requires past
period of analysis and the external environment
including strength, weakness opportunities and
threats (Nanang Fattah, p.54).In the same case related
to the implementation of financial management, there
are some ways to make the funder trust to an Islamic
educational institution. The school is obliged to
maintain the trust such as:
The use of the budget should be completely in
accordance with the planned program.
The budget should be used as efficiently as
Avoid image that the use of funds just spend all
the budget.
Disbursements are only made by authorized
officers. (Mujamil, 2007, p.169)
It means that to achieve goals in financial
management at the education institution, it is strongly
needed regulation in budget planning and also in
carrying out what is already planned. This means that
it needs transparency, accountability, effectiveness,
and efficiency.
2.5 Reporting and Accountability of
School Financial
The financial accountability of school includes all
school financial expenditure related to what has been
achieved in accordance with determined goals; the
process of accountability acceptance, storage, and
payment or transfer of funds to the parties having
right to know it. (Mulyasa, 2006, p.178).All financial
expenses in schools from any sources should be
accounted for. Accountability becomes a form of
financial management transparency. Basically,
accountability is done by following regulation of the
source budget. Nevertheless the principle of
transparency and honesty within financial
accountability of schools/ Islamic education
institutions should be consistently upheld. Dealing
with the financial management, which needs to be
noticed by the treasurer of the educational institution
is as follows: 1) At the end of each fiscal year, the
treasurer shall make financial statements to
committees / assemblies of institutions to be matched
with RAPBS, 2) The financial statements must be
attached with evidence of the available report,
including proof of tax deposit (Income Tax) if any, 3)
Modern School Financial Management
Receiptor proof of purchase or receipt of a signature,
acceptance of honorarium / assistance / proof of other
legal expenses, 3) Balance Sheet finances should also
be shown to be checked by liability finance from
institute committees. (Mulyasa, 2006, pp. 267-268).
2.6 Concept of Modern School
Financial Management Model
Concepts are a number of theories pertaining to an
object. Concepts are created by grouping and
classifying certain objects having the same
characteristics. (Umar, 2004, p.51). According to
Indonesian Big Dictionary (KBBI), model is a pattern
which is used as a reference, variety, of something to
be created or produced. The concept of modern
school financial management models a systematic
theory having a unique pattern in school financial
management by mobilizing human resources having
capability and being integrated, both in the process of
planning, execution, supervision, and reporting.
School finance management having modernized
system mechanism with IT systems, easily accessible
online. All data are computerized and systematized
by giving ease of satisfaction service by bank as
partner of school cooperation in terms of funding,
storage, and security funds. Therefore, it avoids from
any form of manipulation, leaking and misuse of
If compared with previous studies, this study is
different from them. The study analyses the financial
management system of modern schools, which are
effective, efficient, and transparency, starting from
the clarity of funding sources, the planning system
and system of funds usage, financial management
systems, reporting and evaluation systems and system
of financial accountability of schools and finding the
concept of the modern school financial management
The research method used in the study is descriptive
qualitative approach. The data are collected through
in-depth interviews, field observations and
documentation. The main subjects of the study are the
principal, treasurer, and chief of division. The
informants are foundations, head of committees, and
head of administration, teachers and student- parents.
A concept of school management model is also
applied on a concept of a school's financial model,
especially in financial management, which is sourced
from student- parents. Since, in private schools, the
biggest source of fund comes from student-parents. A
concept can be defined as a preparation of an activity
based on the procedure. Meanwhile, model can be
defined as a simplified design of an activity system.
Therefore, it is necessary to design a concept of a
school's financial management model, as follows:
Service Satisfaction is providing satisfactory
Transparency is to provide open and honest
financial information.
Accountability is able to account for financial
Effective is the achievement of the desired goal.
Efficient is the best comparison between input
and output or between power (including energy,
mind, time, cost, and result).
Facilitating the function of supervision or
Facilitating reporting and accountability
Based on the experts’ opinions on financial
management and as the results of field research in the
management system finance, it can be said that in
general, it is in good management. The government
funding sources comes from BOS funds,
management of funding sources from student-
parents, and fund management comes from the
regional government, that is, routine funds, as
described as follows:
a) Planning appropriate to technical guidance,
b) Matching with national education standards,
c) Arranged by a capable team,
d) Completed details by divisions,
e) Careful and covers all school activities
Realization / the use of funds
a) In accordance with the planning,
b) Right on target,
c) Reached accordingly to the objectives,
Mobilized human resources (Treasurer)
a) Managed by human resources (treasurer)
having capability in accounting,
b) Having ability to operate system,
c) Having ability to manage finances,
d) Not wasteful,
e) Careful and efficient,
ANCOSH 2018 - Annual Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities
f) Quality improvement (Treasurer) is internally
conducted with training program schools
(Smart Saturday), involved in school
external training held by national and
regional government, always keep up with
developments, if there is a change of system
then the school will send the treasurer for
joining training.
Document archiving
a) Completely archive, whether archived in
administration section or recorded in
b) Complete transaction evidence for income,
withdrawal, and spending
Carry out effective management, because the
right goal of use and achieved in accordance
with the goals and target.
Efficient, as seen from spending time, energy
and cost. Activities can be said to be efficient
when spending time, effort and cost can be
reduced minimally to achieve determined goals.
If it is seen from the output, activities can be said
to be efficient if the use of time, energy and
certain costs provide as many outcomes both
quantitatively and qualitatively.
Reporting / accountability always on time using
online systems (all data are computerized) for
BOS funds and routine funds from the
government. Meanwhile, the accountability of
fund sources coming from student parents is
directly reported to institution and school
According to the researcher, the process of
school financial management involving Banks in
terms of receiving funds, storage, funding, systematic
data, and security, if it is then supplemented by the
theory of some experts on school financial
management, as well as management finance
principle, it can be concluded that in managing
school financial having effective, efficient,
transparent, accountable, there should be provided
satisfactory service, easy process of controlling, and
of course, this will have implications for the
successful school management to achieve goals,
vision and mission of the school.
Skilled financial managers, professional,
innovative, creative, having brilliant ideas,
Source of funds clearly comes from anywhere,
so it will be clearly in the process of
School cooperates together with bank, in the
process of receiving funds, storage, transactions
in and out of funds,
Planning is mature by the team who has ability
to design program plans, activities, financing
based on goals and vision-mission of school,
Human resources or treasurer has ability and
expertise in accounting process, able to operate
the system, and having high integrity,
The realizing process on the budget use is in
accordance with the planning, right targets, and
Running control system from school as well as
from government agencies,
Reporting and accountability, which are
accurate, punctuate, complete and accountable,
Online system, data are backed up,
systematized, computerized.
The concept of modern school financial management
model will be achieved to effectiveness, efficiency,
transparency, accountability, facilitating school,
satisfactory service for student parents, facilitating in
control system. All of them will be achieved and run
well in the presence of cooperating together between
school and bank.
School management, which is effective, efficient
and transparency can be implemented with the
concept of modern school financial management
This research can be conducted with cooperation
among Islamic Integrated elementary school staffs
such as the school principal, the board of teachers,
and all those who help this study. The researcher also
thanks to IAIN Palangkaraya, since this study is
funded by DIPA 2017.
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