less observed by researchers. Levasseur, Dean, and
Pfaff in De Grez, Valcke, and Beringgs (2010: 1786-
1789.), stated that oral presentation skill recognized
as a major professional skill, but the learning process
and skill about the presentation is ever researched by
another researcher.
This research is aimed to evaluate the students’
ability in presentation. This is very important to
understand the effect given by Problem-Based
Learning method in students’ understanding and
mastery of the material through presentation. Other
skills promoted by the use of PBL in teaching and
learning such as communication, teamwork and
group discussion can also be analyzed through
presentation easily.
This research is carried out by descriptive method,
which describes the application of the problem-based
learning to develop students’ achievement and
presentation skill. The subjects of the research are 45
sample students of the Accountant Education Study
program out 0f 96 student who are taken by quota
sampling technique. The overall students initially
have quite low of presentation abilities and most are
using monotonous slides and paper based
presentation. Their ability in mastering the material
was very poor and their presentation was not
interesting and alive.
2.1 Measurement of Variables
The measurement of problem-based learning
collisions is 3 dimensions and 18 indicators are
learning independence with the indicator code
KMB1, KMB2, KMB3, KMB4, KMB5, KMB6 and
KMB7, Learning Motivation with MOB8, MOB9,
MOB10, MOB11, MOB12, MOB13 indicator code,
and teamwork with code indicator KRT14, KRT15,
KRT16, KRT17, KRT18.
The measurement of presentation capacity is 12
indicators with the code KRT15, KRT16, KRT17,
KRT18, PRE19, PRE20, PRE21, PRE22, PRE23,
PRE24, PRE25, PRE26, PRE27, PRE28, PRE29,
2.2 Data Analysis Technique
The technique of analyzing the questionnaire data is
using structural equation modeling (SEM) analysis
with partial least squares (PLS) or smartPLS 2 tools,
to know the effect of problem-based learning model
on presentation ability. The reason for using SEM
analysis is, because of the latent and the first order
and second order constructs.
3.1 Evaluation of Measurement Model
(Outer Model)
Outer model is a step to know the validity and
reliability that connects with latent variables. To see
the validity is measured by using outer loading and
AVE. Requirements to meet validity must be above
0.50. Measuring the outer loading if there is one
invalid indicator that is PRE20 on variable Ability
presentation. On the AVE measurement, all contracts
and dimensions meet the criterion of the criterion of
0.5 is declared valid.
Measurement reliability using composite
reliability with criterion 0.7. The result of smartPLS
shows that all the constants and dimensions have met
the requirements, so it is declared reliable all the
constants and dimensions. Here are the AVE tables
and composite reliability.
Table 1: AVE and composite reliability.
Source: Results of Data Processing SmartPLS 2 (2018).
3.2 Model Structure (Inner Model)
The structural model is evaluated by using R-square
(R²) for the dependent construct, and the T-test as
well as the significance of the structural path
parameter coefficients. R² can be used to assess the
effect of independent latent variables on latent
dependent variables whether they have substantive
results. In Table R-Square shows that the lowest R-
Square 0.049065 is included in the weak category and
the highest 0.945921 is included in the stable
Does Problem-Based Learning Work on Presentation Skills?