The Interconnection of Philosophy Huma Betang Central Kalimantan
with Pancasila
Local Cultural Heritage with Spirit Nationalism
Ibnu Elmi Achmat Slamat Pelu and Jefry Tarantang
IAIN Palangka Raya, G. Obos st., Islamic Center area of Palangka Raya, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia
Keywords: Interconnection, huma betang central Kalimantan, local cultural heritage, spirit of nationalism.
Abstract: This study aims to see the relationship and its relevance is the relation of Dayak values of Huma Betang
Central Kalimantan with Pancasila philosophy that has the spirit of togetherness in the diversity (jointness in
diversity) of Bhineka Tunggal Ika in the life of nation and state with the spirit of nationalism. The method
used is library research and field research. The results of this study indicate that the relationship and
interrelationship is the relation of Dayak Huma Betang Kalimantan Tengah with Pancasila philosophy about
harmonious and peaceful life view although there are many differences, work together, settle disputes
peacefully and kinship, and respect ancestors. The philosophy of Huma Betang that upholds the values of
peace and nonviolence as well as a life of high tolerance among religious people. The values contained in
Huma Betang include four pillars of togetherness, honesty, equality, and mutual respect for each other
Betang’s House or Huma Betang is a traditional
house of Central Kalimantan which is located in
various part of Central Kalimantan, especially in
upstream that are usually used as the settlement of the
Dayak community. Here, river is a main of
transportation for the Dayak to do daily mobility such
as go for work to the fields which far from their home
and also for trading (In earlier times, the community
of Central Kalimantan used barter’s system for
trading. Barter’s system is exchanging to the crop
from fields, plants, and livestock). In various places,
Huma Betang has differences in size and shape. There
has length of 150 meter and width of up to 30 meters.
Generally, Huma Betang is built in stilts by height of
three to five meters. Its height is to avoid flooding
when rainy season which threatened the areas of
upriver in Central Kalimantan. Some of residential
units could have more than one depending on the size
of the members’ household.
Every household occupying rooms which have
boundaries of Huma Betang. In addition to the
general people of Central Kalimantan also have single
houses built temporally for carrying out agriculture
activities. This is because the distance between the
fields and their settlement is far. Beside as a house,
actually Huma Betang is the heart of the social
structure in life. Betang’s culture is a reflection of the
unity in the daily life of the people of Central
Kalimantan. Each individual life in the household and
society are arranged systematically by mutual
agreement as outlined in customary law.
Indonesia recognizes the custom in Indonesia,
including the custom prevailing in Central
Kalimantan with philosophy of Huma Betang that
apply in the community and legally based on Local
Regulation of Province of Central Kalimantan No. 10
year 2010 on the Amandement of Local Regulation in
Province of Central Kalimantan No. 16 year 2008 on
the Institutional of Dayak in Central Kalimantan.
Custom or habit that occur in the Dayak community
and apply based on life experience (Rahardjo, 2010,
p. 7). The Dayak community establish norms or rules.
The enactment of a norm can always be returned to
the enactment of a higher norm, so the next, and
finally reached the ground norm (Riyanto, 2000, p.
56) with the philosophy of Huma Betang. The
Philosophy of Huma Betang regulates the life of the
Dayak community and set up a way of life and also
connected with the philosophy of Pancasila as the
national and state outlook of life.
Pelu, I. and Tarantang, J.
The Interconnection of Philosophy Huma Betang Central Kalimantan with Pancasila - Local Cultural Heritage with Spirit Nationalism.
In Proceedings of the Annual Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities (ANCOSH 2018) - Revitalization of Local Wisdom in Global and Competitive Era, pages 306-310
ISBN: 978-989-758-343-8
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Research on the philosophy of huma betang and
Pancasila philosophy by using literature study
methods in the form of books written by community
leaders and field study data obtained from interviews
with people like damang who understand the text
huma betang in Central Kalimantan. The
introduction, and the anthropology used by scholars
to discuss the relationship and interconnection
between huma betang philosophy and Pancasila
philosophy which has a spirit of togetherness in
diversity of Bhineka Tunggal Ika in the life of nation
and state with the spirit of nationalism. Which were
analyzed qualitatively.
3.1 The Philosophy of Huma Betang in
the Dayak Community of the
Central Kalimantan
According to the author, in understanding the values
of Huma Betang we should know what philosophy is.
The philosophy is the truth that is assumed to be true.
As we know that the philosophy of Huma Betang in
Central Kalimantan upholds peace and non-violence
as well as live high tolerance among religious
(Excerpts Interview with Epep Tuah Rawai, 69 Year
(Figures Indigenous Dayak/Damang Former Bukit
Batu subdistrict), housed in Tangkiling city of
Palangkaraya, an interview Thursday, June 6, 2015).
Specifically, the values of Huma Betang covers four
pillars; they are togetherness, honesty, equality and
mutual respect of each other/tolerance (Darlan,
The four pillars of Huma Betang are first, the
value of togetherness as a reciprocal work. Second,
the value of honesty is a good attitude, meaning there
is no lie or in other words, not lying to others about
everything. Third, the value of equality is the same
attitude in terms of equality between each other.
Fourth, the value of tolerance is the attitude of
respecting the differences or background of others.
The values of Huma Betang can be seen in
philosophy of Belom Bahadat (habitual life) and the
spirit of Isen Mulang. Belom Bahadat is the
understanding the daily life of people in Central
Kalimantan, especially for Dayak Ngaju community,
the custom teaches everyone should live “Belom
Bahadat” it is means Habitual Life. The definition of
Belom Bahadat applies to every human who is
starting in childhood, adolescence and adulthood.
Belom Bahadat also requires to adults or to the rich
or to the poor or to the person who held rank or
ordinary citizens (Riwut, 2003, p. 35-38).
In addition to the function as a traditional house,
Huma Betang has a philosophy of life that is very
deep and fundamental. The philosophy as follows,
harmonious and peaceful life although there are many
differences. Huma Betang inhabited by a large family
consisting of various religions and beliefs, but they
always live in harmony and peace. There is no
difference between them as a toll solver. Times to
times, the Dayak people have started to abandon their
traditional home and switch to a more modern shelter.
Nevertheless, harmony is not only in Huma Betang.
The entire community in Central Kalimantan always
keeps the harmony through mutual respect and also
tolerance. Worked together. The differences do not
make the occupant of Huma Betang think about their
own group. They always cooperate in doing
something. Example, if there a malfunction in Huma
Betang, they fix it together, irrespective of religion or
tribe. Not only in Huma Betang, the whole
community in Central Kalimantan is expected to
work together to build there are and they do not look
at religion or ethnic. Resolve the problems in a
peaceful and familial. Basically, every occupants
want peace and kinship. If there is a dispute will be
solved by peaceful and kinship. As well as in Huma
Betang, Dayak people love peace and have a high
sense of kinship. The incident of Sampit which
happened on year 2001 ago was a bad period for this
province. The incident was among the Dayak
community and the clan of migrants from the Java
Island, namely Madura’s tribe. The dispute made this
province insecure, fights happened everywhere,
including the massacre. The disputes occurred very
tough until the two tribes decided to make peace.
Honor the ancestors. After the entry of new religions
like Hindu, Christian, and Islam, many Dayak
Community changes their beliefs. However, there are
still some of those who practice their ancestors that is
Kaharingan. For respecting their ancestors, the Dayak
Community do the traditional ceremonial. The
traditional ceremonial consist of ritual ancestral
graves dismantle and clean the bones to be stored
within “Sandung” that has been created together.
The philosophy of Huma Betang is the values that
is always be inherent in every community in Central
Kalimantan in the sense of the word, the values of
Huma Betang is not only a legacy but to be managed
by the community in Central Kalimantan. Although,
it cannot be denied that Huma Betang will become
extinct over time and globalization and
The Interconnection of Philosophy Huma Betang Central Kalimantan with Pancasila - Local Cultural Heritage with Spirit Nationalism
modernization. Besides Huma Betang in Central
Kalimantan also known slogan Isen Mulang which
from the word Ela Buli Manggetu Hinting Bunu
Panjang Isen Mulang Manetas Rantai Kamara Ambu
means “do not return before winning a long struggle,
never retreat before deciding property, ignorance and
squalor”. The words of Isen Mulang in the right text
above is a text which is written by using Sangiang
Language, that is the old Language of Dayak
Language in Central Kalimantan. “Sangiang”
Language still widely used by people who are
Kaharingan in Central Kalimantan to perform
religious rites and to communicate with the God.
Manakir Petak (menumiti bumi) and tied a red cloth
folded (lawung bahandang), the spirit of Isen Mulang
(persistant) if not successfully carry out their mission
they will not return. Isen Mulang also used to be a
motto for province of Central Kalimantan and also
known as “Bumi Isen Mulang” (The Earth of Isen
Mulang) it is mean let the name back if they fail to
complete the mission (Riwut, 2003, p. 96).
Philosophically, Isen Mulang is not mean
physical war is to kill each other but Isen Mulang
means fighting poverty, ignorance, and deliberately
taken as a symbol of the spirit of the society’s Central
Kalimantan to develop the region in order to move
forward and evolve endlessly in many areas of life,
such as education, social, cultural, political, economic
and others to close the age and the last drop of blood.
Isen Mulang is the spirit used to be motto for the
community in Central Kalimantan to reach the vision
and mission. Based on the description above,
according to the authors through local wisdom
approach the Huma Betang culture comes to the
intrinsic value of life and maintained by the
community of Central Kalimantan. The intrinsic
value of Huma Betang is the essence of culture so it
is called “the philosophy of Huma Betang or Belom
Bahadat (habitual life)” by Provincial Regulations in
Central Kalimantan number 10 year 2010 concerning
amendments to the Provincial Regulations in Central
Kalimantan number 16 year 2008 on Institutional of
Dayak in Central Kalimantan is behavior uphold
honesty, equality, solidarity and tolerance as well as
obey the law (the law of state, local law, and natural
law) (Kusni, 2011, p. 116). In Huma Betang, there are
four pillars of the philosophy of the main life is
honesty, Equality, Solidarity, And Uphold customary
law and national law by upholding the principle of life
“Belom Bahadat” means to live manners and civilized
and “Belom Penyang Hinje Simpei” (live in peace,
unity, equality, harmony, tolerance, respect high law
and cooperation to achieve common prosperity (the
article 96 Kasukup Singer Belom Bahadat Hukum
Adat Dayak Ngaju). So, the philosophy of Huma
Betang in Central Kalimantan is togetherness in
diversity means there is a spirit of unity, work ethic
and a high tolerance for jointly manage those
differences and competing honestly, so there will not
be a gap that separates and destroys them.
3.2 The Relationship of the Values in
Huma Betang with the Philosophy
of Pancasila
Pancasila is not only as the basic state but also it is a
way of life, soul and personality of the nation, the
ideals and goals of the nation, the philosophy of life
that unites the nation which needs to be interpreted in
a sensible and wise both the government and the
entire community. Pancasila if viewed in
interconnection with the values of Huma Betang, it
can be seen from the foundation of life or a pillar of
community life in Central Kalimantan, namely garing
hatungku tungket langit, isen mulang, hupungkul
lingu nalatal hapangajan karendem malempang, and
belom bahadat.
Garing hatungku tungket langit, means “three
lifeline of someone who can be a leader.” Kayu
Gamalang Nyahu, (religious people believe in God)
in accordance with the precept of Pancasila to 1. Kayu
Erang Tingang, (should have customs or manners) in
accordance with the precept of Pancasila to 2). Kayu
Pampang Seribu, (smart living harati) in accordance
with the precept of Pancasila to 2 (Riwut, 2003, p.
210). Isen mulang, means “Ela buli manggetu hinting
bunu panjang, Isen Mulang Manetes Rantai Kamara
Ambu”. Means “do not come back before winning a
long struggle, never retreat before deciding rope
poverty, ignorance and poverty of the spirit of
togetherness and unity. This is in accordance with the
percept 3 on Pancasila (Riwut, 2003, p. 212).
Hupungkul lingu nalatal hapangajan karendem
malempang Means united in resolving a problem with
the way of consensus so that everything can reach an
agreement. This is in accordance with the percept 4
on Pancasila (Riwut, 2003, p. 213). Belom bahadat,
means habitual life. The provision of Belom Bahadat
applies to every citizen in Central Kalimantan. This is
in accordance with the percept 5 on Pancasila (Riwut,
2003, p. 213).
Based on the description above, according to the
authors through the approach of the local wisdom of
the values embodied in live of people in Central
Kalimantan is the philosophy of Huma Betang which
are the pillars of life in the community in Central
Kalimantan are closely related and in accordance with
the philosophy of Pancasila which is as the ideology
ANCOSH 2018 - Annual Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities
of the nation of Indonesia is Bhineka Tunggal Ika.
These are the connectivity of the values of Huma
Betang with the philosophy of Pancasila.
3.3 The Interconnection of the Values
of Huma Betang with the
Philosophy of Pancasila
Pancasila is a unifying ideology that is excavated
from the nations cultural of Indonesia which is
containing the noble values is upheld by people until
now; they are the values of religion, tradition,
togetherness, equality, justice, and the struggle to
break away from all colonialism. These noble values
crystallizes in the formulation of Pancasila as the
embodiment of the philosophy of humanity that
reflects man’s relationship with the God, man to man,
and man with the surrounding natural environment.
The philosophy of Pancasila is a way of life that has
been believed to be the nation of Indonesia as a truth;
therefore it is used as a philosophy of life of the
nation. As well as the philosophy of life of the Dayak
community that is Huma Betang, there are some
relationships that can be actualized and establish the
relationship between the values of Huma Betang with
the philosophy of Pancasila with their interconnection
(Abdullah, 2007, p. vii-ix) includes the value of
helping each other to live or spirit of mutual
cooperation, in harmony, mutual security and defense
as well as mutual respect and give freedom of religion
(Nugrahaningsih, 2013), in the context of life of
society and state, namely:
Belief in the one and only God, the first principle
requires each citizen of Indonesia to recognize the
Almighty God as the creator and the ultimate goal in
both the liver and in everyday behavior. The
consequence is Pancasila demanding respective
religious communities and faiths to live in harmony
and mutual respect, although the different belief. This
is a divinity and civic values that should be
manifested in everyday of life. Example: Fostering
harmony among faiths and belief in God Almighty.
The Dayak community of Central Kalimantan
upholds tolerance of religious diversity; it is seen with
the adjoining house of worship and respects the
practice of religion respectively. Does not impose a
religion and belief in God Almighty. In accordance
with the foundation of life in Central Kalimantan,
namely Kayu (Wood) Gamalang Nyahu, (mankind
must be religious, believe in God). The Dayak
community in Central Kalimantan embrace various
religions (pluralism), such as Islam, Christian,
Hinduism, Catholic, Kaharingan (ancestral religion),
and other recognized religions.
Justice and civilized humanity, the second
principle invites the public to recognize and treat each
person as a human being who has a noble dignity, and
the rights and obligations of human. In other words,
the attitude to uphold the dignity and the rights of
humanity and equality values indicating the absence
of discriminatory treatment in spite of ethnic,
religious, racial, and different factions. In this case,
the man should be seen in terms of humanity instead
of symbols of its. As like: Develop an attitude of
tolerance. Upholding the values of humanity. Should
be brave to stand for the truth and justice. In
accordance with the foundation of life in Central
Kalimantan, namely Kayu Pampang Seribu (to be
The unity of Indonesia, the third principle
cultivates people’s attitudes to love homeland, nation
and state of Indonesia, participated in promoting the
interests of national and loyal to each other as citizen.
This precept contains the value of unity, the value of
struggle, and the spirit of Nationalism (Indonesian).
Examples of behavior that is accordance with this
precept such as: Be able and willing to sacrifice for
the sake of the state and the nation if required.
Develop a love for the homeland and the nation.
Develop an attitude of unity on the basis of Bhineka
Tunggal Ika (national unity). In accordance with the
motto of life in Central Kalimantan that is Isen
Mulang (persistence).
Populist led by wisdom in consultative/
representative, the fourth principle invites the public
to be sensitive and to participate in political life as
well as the state government, at least with the citizen
on an equal basis in accordance with the
responsibilities of each position. This percept
contains social value, deliberation, and mutual
respect among fellow to serve the nation and the state
based on its position and profession. Example: As
citizens and residents, every human being of
Indonesia has the position, rights, and obligations. In
the preferred deliberation common interest above
personal or group interests. Should not impose the
will of others. In accordance with the foundation of
life of Central Kalimantan is Hapungkal Lingu
Nalatai Hapangajan Karendem malempang, (united
in resolving a problem with the way of consensus, so
that everything can reach mutual agreement).
Social justice for all the people of Indonesia, the
fifth principle invites the public to contribute actively
in reasonable accordance with the capabilities and
position each people in order to achieve common
prosperity, namely inner and outer well-being that
can be felt by all citizens of Indonesia. These precepts
contain of the values of justice and solidarity which
The Interconnection of Philosophy Huma Betang Central Kalimantan with Pancasila - Local Cultural Heritage with Spirit Nationalism
reflects the greatness of the nation’s culture.
Example: Hard work. Respecting the rights of others.
Maintaining a balance between the rights and
obligations. In accordance with the motto of Central
Kalimantan is Isen Mulang and the foundation of life
is Belom Bahadat.
The spirit of Isen Mulang and the culture of
Belom Bahadat which embedded in people of Central
Kalimantan is a form of interconnection the values of
Huma Betang of the Dayak community in Central
Kalimantan with the philosophy of Pancasila which is
ideology of the Indonesian nation in unity behind the
different blends multicultural in Central Kalimantan.
By connectivity, it can be said that the philosophy of
Pancasila is a miniature living in Central Kalimantan.
In other word, there is interconnection the values of
Huma Betang of the Dayak community in Central
Kalimantan with the philosophy of Pancasila and the
spirit of togetherness in diversity of Bhineka Tunggal
Ika, even be able to resist the flow of globalization
and counteract understand radical, and foster the
values of Huma Betang in the national and state.
The philosophy of Huma Betang in Central
Kalimantan is a behavior that upholds honesty,
equality, solidarity, and tolerance as well as obeys the
law (the law of the state, local law and natural law).
In huma Betang there are four pillars of the
philosophy of life that is: Honesty, equality,
solidarity, and uphold customary law and national
law by upholding the principle of life “Belom
Bahadat” (means life manners and civilized) and
“Belom Penyang Hinje Simpei” (live in peace, unity,
equality, harmony, tolerance, respect for the law and
cooperation to achieve mutual prosperity). The
philosophy of Huma Betang is a local cultural
heritage that becomes the pillar of life of Dayak
community of Central Kalimantan closely related and
in accordance with Pancasila philosophy which is the
ideology of Indonesian nation that is Bhineka
Tunggal Ika (Unity in Diversity). The interconnection
of the values of Huma Betang with Pancasila
philosophy includes the value of helping each other,
in harmony, mutual security and defense, as well as
mutual respect and give freedom of a religion in the
context of national and state.
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ANCOSH 2018 - Annual Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities