modernization. Besides Huma Betang in Central
Kalimantan also known slogan Isen Mulang which
from the word Ela Buli Manggetu Hinting Bunu
Panjang Isen Mulang Manetas Rantai Kamara Ambu
means “do not return before winning a long struggle,
never retreat before deciding property, ignorance and
squalor”. The words of Isen Mulang in the right text
above is a text which is written by using Sangiang
Language, that is the old Language of Dayak
Language in Central Kalimantan. “Sangiang”
Language still widely used by people who are
Kaharingan in Central Kalimantan to perform
religious rites and to communicate with the God.
Manakir Petak (menumiti bumi) and tied a red cloth
folded (lawung bahandang), the spirit of Isen Mulang
(persistant) if not successfully carry out their mission
they will not return. Isen Mulang also used to be a
motto for province of Central Kalimantan and also
known as “Bumi Isen Mulang” (The Earth of Isen
Mulang) it is mean let the name back if they fail to
complete the mission (Riwut, 2003, p. 96).
Philosophically, Isen Mulang is not mean
physical war is to kill each other but Isen Mulang
means fighting poverty, ignorance, and deliberately
taken as a symbol of the spirit of the society’s Central
Kalimantan to develop the region in order to move
forward and evolve endlessly in many areas of life,
such as education, social, cultural, political, economic
and others to close the age and the last drop of blood.
Isen Mulang is the spirit used to be motto for the
community in Central Kalimantan to reach the vision
and mission. Based on the description above,
according to the authors through local wisdom
approach the Huma Betang culture comes to the
intrinsic value of life and maintained by the
community of Central Kalimantan. The intrinsic
value of Huma Betang is the essence of culture so it
is called “the philosophy of Huma Betang or Belom
Bahadat (habitual life)” by Provincial Regulations in
Central Kalimantan number 10 year 2010 concerning
amendments to the Provincial Regulations in Central
Kalimantan number 16 year 2008 on Institutional of
Dayak in Central Kalimantan is behavior uphold
honesty, equality, solidarity and tolerance as well as
obey the law (the law of state, local law, and natural
law) (Kusni, 2011, p. 116). In Huma Betang, there are
four pillars of the philosophy of the main life is
honesty, Equality, Solidarity, And Uphold customary
law and national law by upholding the principle of life
“Belom Bahadat” means to live manners and civilized
and “Belom Penyang Hinje Simpei” (live in peace,
unity, equality, harmony, tolerance, respect high law
and cooperation to achieve common prosperity (the
article 96 Kasukup Singer Belom Bahadat Hukum
Adat Dayak Ngaju). So, the philosophy of Huma
Betang in Central Kalimantan is togetherness in
diversity means there is a spirit of unity, work ethic
and a high tolerance for jointly manage those
differences and competing honestly, so there will not
be a gap that separates and destroys them.
3.2 The Relationship of the Values in
Huma Betang with the Philosophy
of Pancasila
Pancasila is not only as the basic state but also it is a
way of life, soul and personality of the nation, the
ideals and goals of the nation, the philosophy of life
that unites the nation which needs to be interpreted in
a sensible and wise both the government and the
entire community. Pancasila if viewed in
interconnection with the values of Huma Betang, it
can be seen from the foundation of life or a pillar of
community life in Central Kalimantan, namely garing
hatungku tungket langit, isen mulang, hupungkul
lingu nalatal hapangajan karendem malempang, and
belom bahadat.
Garing hatungku tungket langit, means “three
lifeline of someone who can be a leader.” Kayu
Gamalang Nyahu, (religious people believe in God)
in accordance with the precept of Pancasila to 1. Kayu
Erang Tingang, (should have customs or manners) in
accordance with the precept of Pancasila to 2). Kayu
Pampang Seribu, (smart living harati) in accordance
with the precept of Pancasila to 2 (Riwut, 2003, p.
210). Isen mulang, means “Ela buli manggetu hinting
bunu panjang, Isen Mulang Manetes Rantai Kamara
Ambu”. Means “do not come back before winning a
long struggle, never retreat before deciding rope
poverty, ignorance and poverty of the spirit of
togetherness and unity. This is in accordance with the
percept 3 on Pancasila (Riwut, 2003, p. 212).
Hupungkul lingu nalatal hapangajan karendem
malempang Means united in resolving a problem with
the way of consensus so that everything can reach an
agreement. This is in accordance with the percept 4
on Pancasila (Riwut, 2003, p. 213). Belom bahadat,
means habitual life. The provision of Belom Bahadat
applies to every citizen in Central Kalimantan. This is
in accordance with the percept 5 on Pancasila (Riwut,
2003, p. 213).
Based on the description above, according to the
authors through the approach of the local wisdom of
the values embodied in live of people in Central
Kalimantan is the philosophy of Huma Betang which
are the pillars of life in the community in Central
Kalimantan are closely related and in accordance with
the philosophy of Pancasila which is as the ideology