Development of Communicative Character through Mathematics
A Monopoly Game Based
Rahaju Rahaju
and Rahutami Rahutami
Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang, Indonesia, Jl. S. Supriadi No. 48 Malang 65148, Indonesia
, mamik
Keywords: Communicative characters, learning mathematics, game monopoly.
Abstract: This study aimed to apply Indonesian monopoly game which could develop communicative character in
mathematics learning. The method descriptive was used with the subject of 40 students of grade IV
elementary school. The results showed that the development of communicative character listening
attentively occured at the stage of reading questions, determining answers, presenting answers, teacher
explanations, and reading information’s. The character expressing opinions was developing at the stage of
determining answers and presenting answers. The development of a character communicating to provide
information took place at the stage of reading questions and information in the certificate. The factor that
encouraged willingness growth in listening attentively was an element of competition in the game, while the
encouragement in expressing an opinion was a fun and non-stressful learning environment. The character
communicating well was due to curiosity. A good learning process through the game was not just as
entertainment, but also developing aspects of cognitive, psychomotor, and even affective. Through a game,
students learned mathematics in good shape. This eliminated fear, raised curiosity, and affected the
development of communicative characters.
Character development as the focus of education in
elementary school is the Indonesian government
policy. Communicative is one of the characters that
needs to be developed so that students will be able to
live and overcome the problems in the global era
(Keane, Keane, and Blicblau, 2013). The
communicative characters include: (1) articulating
ideas or opinions effectively, (2) listening
effectively, (3) using communication for various
purposes, (4) using media and technology, and (5)
using communication effectively in various
environments (Pasific Policy Research Center,
2010). The development of communicative
characters can be integrated into learning. However,
communicative characters are difficult to develop in
mathematics learning. Many students just listen even
sometimes do not pay attention to teacher
explanation. Only certain students dare to write
answers on the board, but have not dared to explain
their work. Therefore, innovation is needed in
learning mathematics, which is using game to
discuss problem or exercise, so that communicative
character can be developed.
Previous research has shown that game-based
learning can improve learning achievement (Ke,
2008; Ke and Grabowski, 2007; Kebritchi, Hirumi,
and Bai, 2010; Owston, Wideman, Ronda, and
Brown, 2009; Papastergiou, 2009; Suh, Kim, and
Kim, 2010), especially for students with low ability
(low achievers) (Ku et al., 2014). Game-based
learning also improves learning motivation (Dickey,
2011; Kebritchi et al., 2010; Papastergiou, 2009;
Park, 2012) and shapes a positive attitude (Ke,
2008). In addition, the game helps students learn
naturally (Li and Tsai, 2013) and can be used to link
the materials with everyday problems, so students
will understand the benefits of learning math and are
able to use it to solve problems around it (Ucus,
So far, there are no research findings that discuss
the role of game-based learning to develop
communicative characters, especially in learning
mathematics. Therefore, this study aims to apply the
Indonesian monopoly game which can develop
communicative characters. The results of this study
are expected to be useful for developing game steps
Rahaju, R. and Rahutami, R.
Development of Communicative Character through Mathematics Learning - A Monopoly Game Based.
In Proceedings of the Annual Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities (ANCOSH 2018) - Revitalization of Local Wisdom in Global and Competitive Era, pages 344-347
ISBN: 978-989-758-343-8
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
that can be integrated in learning in order to develop
communicative characters.
This research method was descriptive qualitative.
The research subjects were 40 fourth graders of
elementary school who had been accustomed to
follow conventional mathematics learning, which
was listening to teacher explanation then solve
mathematical problems contained in worksheets or
books. Subjects had also never followed game-based
learning. However, the subject had known and
played a monopoly. In this study, monopoly game
based-math learning was done as much as six times
to know the consistency of the communicative
characters’ emergence. Data were collected by
means of direct observation techniques, indirect
observation, and interviews. Direct observation was
done towards monopoly game based-math learning
process by using instruments in the form of
observation sheet and field note. To observe the
learning process, indirect observation through the
learning process video that had been done was
conducted. Semi-structured interviews aimed at
exploring information regarding the communicative
character driving factors. Interviews were imposed
on two different subject groups. The first group of
interview subject were passive students on
conventional learning but dared to express an
opinion on a monopoly game based-learning.
Interview on this subject was intended to obtain
information about the factors driving the emergence
of courage to express opinions. The subjects of the
second interview were students who were less
concerned about conventional learning activities but
were willing to hear or pay attention to teacher or
friend explanations on monopoly-based learning.
Interviews on this subject aims to explore
information about the causes of willingness to listen
or hear opinions of friends or teachers. Data analysis
was done by steps: (a) describing the result of
observation towards the appeared communicative
characters, (b) making transcript of interview result
about the students’ reasons in performing
communicative characters, and (c) linking
observations with the interview results.
Monopoly game-based learning was designed with
stages that gave rise to the development of
communicative characters. Monopoly game-math
based learning was conducted on the school yard
(outside the classroom) with the steps described in
Figure 1.
Figure 1: Stages of monopoly games.
Based on Figure 1, it could be explained that the
development of communicative characters were
found in the shaded area, i.e. the activity (a) reading
the questions, (b) discussing the answers, (c)
presenting the answers, (d) reading the information
on the certificate, and (e) explaining or consolidating
answers. Mathematics learning activities started
from the presentation of mathematical problems or
questions in the card. The material was read by the
Development of Communicative Character through Mathematics Learning - A Monopoly Game Based
players (group representatives). After that, all the
groups discussed to determine the answer to that
question. Next, the player presented the group's
answers. If the answer was correct, then the player
would get additional capital and was eligible to buy
the property. The players read the information
contained on the property's (ownership) certificate.
However, if the player’s response was wrong, then
another group would be eligible to answer the
questions. If all groups could not answer the
question, the teacher explained how to find the
correct answer. The communicative characters that
developed at each stage of the monopoly game are
presented in figure 2.
Figure 2: The communicative character of monopoly game
based learning.
Figure 2 shows that in reading questions the
player must communicate the questions well so that
all students could understand the question. The
teacher would ask the player to repeat the questions
if the other students had not understood the purpose
of the questions. In this way, students learned to
communicate through reading activities for the
purpose of informing them. When a player was
reading a question the whole students tried to listen
to questions attentively. All students wanted to know
the question to be discussed so that each group could
participate in finding the answers. In this case, the
presentation of questions through the game posed
challenges to students (Frossard, Barajas, and
Trifonova, 2012; Ke, 2008), thereby increasing
student activity or involvement in learning, for
instance: expressing opinions and listening to friends
or teachers' explanations.
After reading the question, students tried to find
answers through group discussions. Each member of
the group dared to express an opinion. As long as
there was a group member who expressed an
opinion, the other members would listened
attentively. Group members were very concerned
about their friend’s opinion, then considered
earnestly to get the right answer. Each group hoped
to find the most appropriate answer, so that they
would be able to get additional capital and buy
property. At this stage there was a development of
listening character with great attention and
expressed opinions well. Providing additional capital
and property buying rights was a unique form of
reward and did not occur in conventional learning.
The reward was adjusted to the rules of monopoly
game. Thus, the game provided uniqueness both in
the learning process and in the provision of
reinforcement. The thing was that it raised the
motivation to participate or engage actively in game
based learning (Ke, 2008; Ucus, 2015).
Furthermore, players dared to express opinions
or answers that had been agreed by the group, while
the other students listened to the player's answers
with a great care. Bravery was due to the emergence
of student self-confidence in mathematical
performance. Students believed that the answers
conveyed were the result of shared thinking with
group members. In a nut shell, game-based learning
can be used to increase confidence in mathematics
(Ku et al., 2014). A playful, relaxed, and not-
stressful atmosphere of play also encourages
students to be more courageous in expressing their
opinions (Ke, 2008).
When a player presented an answer, all students
listened attentively. There were two reasons why
students paid attention to the player's answer. First,
students wanted to match the answers they had.
Secondly, each group wanted to know the player's
answer and hoped that the player’s response was
wrong, so they had an opportunity to answer
questions and get additional capital. Each group
tried hard to get additional capital to win the game.
The needs of knowing the correct answers (the
material learned) and the desire to win a game or an
element of competition encouraged students to listen
attentively. This suggested that the game raised the
motivation to compete and indirectly increased
involvement in learning (Park, 2012).
Players who answered correctly would get
additional capital and were able to purchase property
in the form of land, house or hotel. Property
ANCOSH 2018 - Annual Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities
ownership proof was certified. The property owner
read the information contained in the certificate. In
this case, property owners learned to communicate
for the purpose of telling. Other students listened to
the reading of information attentively because the
information was very interesting and was a new
knowledge for students. Very interesting
information arouse curiosity, so students would be
willing to listen attentively. Curiosity encouraged
increased interest and motivation to follow learning
(Ucus, 2015).
Furthermore, if all groups were failed to answer
the question, the teacher explained or gave
instructions on how to get the correct answer.
Teachers did not answer directly. This triggered the
students to listen to the teacher's explanation in order
to find out the correct answer. The role of teachers in
game-based learning was different from
conventional learning. Teachers acted as a mentor
and also facilitator and helped students to reflect on
what was being learned (Park, 2012).
Monopoly-based math learning is conducted for
review sessions or training students to solve
problems related to the material being studied. By
and large, the use of monopoly games creates a
pleasant learning situation, eliminating fear and
boredom and generating interest in the learning
process. Competition elements in the game also
build the spirit of learning, thus motivating students
to engage in learning, for example: listening, express
opinions, and communicate well.
Thanks to Kemenristek Dikti who had funded this
research. Thanks also to the principals and teachers
who had facilitated and supported the
implementation of this research.
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Development of Communicative Character through Mathematics Learning - A Monopoly Game Based