The Suitability between Outdoor Study Environment Matters and
Learning Theory in Senior High School
Damhuri Damhuri, La Ode Amaluddin and Andri Estining Sejati
Halu Oleo University, Kendari, Indonesia,,
Keywords: Outdoor Study, Learning Theory.
Abstract: Outdoor study is one of method being developed around the world, including Indonesia. National
curriculum that is student centered make teacher not only teaching in the classroom but also in the outdoor.
Outdoor study makes students more active and capable to learn objects at around environment or contextual.
The structure of learning plans in curriculum is not included learning theory points. Learning theory is also
often forgotten in educational research bachelor and master's degree level, both classroom actions research
and quasi-experiment. That condition makes the learning essence should be strengthened become weak or
even disappear. This paper aim is to discuss the suitability between outdoor study environment matters and
learning theory in senior high school. Paper prepared by qualitative methodology. Data collected by
observation during implementation of outdoor study and interviews with teacher of geography. Data were
analyzed with descriptive qualitative. The results show that the application of outdoor study is suitable with
the psychological theories of intelligence and meaningful learning. The suitability is reflected in the learning
activities, there are: before, during, and after working in the outdoor. The teacher ability to implement the
basic of psychological theories of intelligence and meaningful learning makes learning more easily to
understood and meaningful for students.
Education aim to increase student skills in all
domains, there are: cognitive, affective, and
psychomotor. Domain that has been formulated
Bloom (1976) and perfected by Krathwohl (2002)
can be achieved through the application of a variety
of learning methods. One of method being
developed around the world such as: United
Kingdom, Germany, Australia, United States of
America, and Indonesia are outdoor study.
Outdoor study in United Kingdom according to
Rickinson (2004) initially all subjects are teaching in
the classroom. Botanical subjects began to make
field observations because a lot of weakness if it
does not direct interact with the object. Field
observations developed by Clark (South London)
into school gardens from 1896-1926 in which there
is outdoor study. School gardens then developed into
school journey that adopts the Jenkins (1980)
concept from Germany. School journey is study of
the field around students both observe and discuss
geography, history, biology, and aesthetic. School
journey evolved into outdoor study.
Australia is closely connected with the United
Kingdom because it is one of the commonwealth
countries. It causes learning in Australia is also
developed and implementing outdoor study.
According to Thomas (2005) one of the outdoor
study application in Australia relating with
environment matters in traditional adventure in
outdoor environmental education.
Outdoor study programme in United States of
America is outward bond. This program became
forerunner to outdoor study implementation in
Indonesia. According to Purnomo (2012) Indonesia
first implemented outdoor study in 1990 with
outward bound Indonesia programme based in
Jatiluhur-Purwakarta-West Java.
Curriculum in Indonesia (national curriculum) is
student centered. The way to develop the student’s
activity makes the teacher not only applying the
learning in the classroom. Outdoor study is one of
alternative learning makes students more active,
enthusiastic, and motivated in the learning process.
According to Sudjana and Rivai (2010) the
advantages learn environment in learning process
that is more attractive, so student motivation higher.
Damhuri, D., Amaluddin, L. and Sejati, A.
The Suitability between Outdoor Study Environment Matters and Learning Theory in Senior High School.
In Proceedings of the Annual Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities (ANCOSH 2018) - Revitalization of Local Wisdom in Global and Competitive Era, pages 361-365
ISBN: 978-989-758-343-8
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
According to Johnson (1990) observation makes
students learn very well when involved in an
experience and a willingness to learn are higher
when students can freely and actively during
learning. According to Tuula and Martin (2013)
outdoor in tourism matter makes students actively
participate in learning activities so that they are
more understanding on tourism activities which
reflected the current practice of serving tourists.
Outdoor study also makes learning more
contextual as direct observing the surrounding
environment. Direct observation makes students
understand and appreciate the neighbourhood
environment. According to Sumarmi (2012),
contextual learning is a blend matter that is
understood in class with daily activity or outside the
classroom. According to Vera (2012) that outdoor
study could construct the person familiar with their
surroundings environment and can direct the respect
for nature and sustainability.
The learning plans structure in curriculum is not
included learning theory point. Learning theory only
has been studied by teachers in subjects the
development of learners and or educational
psychology. After graduated they no develop or
linking learning theory with the teaching profession
again. Learning theory is also often forgotten in
educational research bachelor and master's, both
classroom research action and quasi-experiment.
That condition make learning essence should be
strengthened become weak or even disappear.
According to Sumarmi (2012) the learning
application must understand the basic or theoretical
for example geography learning with mind maps
must understand the noted methods that developed
by Tony Buzan since 1970s.
Outdoor study in this paper is practiced on
environment matter. The environment in this case is
the Kendeng karst hills zone near the student school
location in Babat City-Lamongan. According to
Bemmelen in Forestier (1998) one of the seven
physiographic units in Java is the central anticlinal
zone (Kendeng hill). According to Sumarmi (2012)
the basic competencies that can be done with field
study one of which is describes environment use in
relation to sustainable development.
The authors are linking learning theory with
outdoor study in every step of learning. Outdoor
study learning steps according to Sumarmi (2012)
include: class preparation, selecting area, group
dynamics, managing equipment in the field, working
in the outdoors, back in the classroom, and student
final report. That steps accordance with
Abdurrahman (1995) include: preparation,
implementation, and evaluation. This paper aim is to
discuss the suitability between outdoor study
environment matters with learning theory in senior
high school.
This research used quantitative methodology with
kind of case study. Subjects were teachers and
students of grade XI IIS Senior High School
Muhammadiyah 1 of Babat, Lamongan second
semester of 2015/2016 academic year, which
consists of XI IIS 1 Class. That class was got the
application using the outdoor study (observation,
interviews, and map media).
The data collected in this research is to get the
learning theory underlying outdoor study are
reflected in the outdoor learning activities. Data
obtained by observations and interviews on research
subject. Implementation of the data collection
carried out for six weeks. Data was analized using
descriptive quantitative. Quantitative descriptive
means data collected described by the sentence and
confirmed by literature sources. According to
(Fatchan, 2013) one of data collection on qualitative
research is observation and interviews, then
analyzed by descriptive ways.
3.1 Results
The results showed that outdoor study learning
suitable with the psychological theories of
intelligence by Piaget and meaningful learning by
Ausubel. Suitability reflected in the learning
activities through before, during, and after working
in the field. The teacher ability to implement the
basic psychological theories of intelligence makes
learning easy to understand because it appropriates
the student cognitive development. Students
cognitive development grade XI (aged between 16-
17 years) this case include the formal operational
stage. This stage, students are able to experience the
outdoor study learning with scientific paper as a
student report.
Students are also directed by teachers to
experience assimilation and accommodation process.
The assimilation process is obtained by students
before, during and after working in the field. The
accommodation process is obtained by student after
ANCOSH 2018 - Annual Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities
working in the field step. The step before working in
the field (preparation) includes: class preparation,
selecting area, group dynamics, and managing
equipment in the field. The step during in the field
(implementation) includes the step of working in the
outdoor. The step after the field (evaluation)
includes back in the classroom and final student
In step preparation class, students learn the
matter. Students also understand and able to fill out
instruments and also using the equipment. This step
student experience assimilation process, in this case
the students begin to understand the object generally
like prior knowledge they have. Selecting area step,
the students know the location will be observed:
karst hills districts Babat-Lamongan (damage) and
District Baureno-Bojonegoro (preservation).
Students also understand the focus of the observed
(physical and social). This steps students experience
assimilation process, in this case the students
understand the object in specific location, including
focus observed.
Group dynamics step, the students divided into
11 groups of three to four for the interview process.
This step students experience assimilation process,
in this case the students understand the object study
in groups. Managing equipment in the field step,
students understand and practice using the
instrument to be used to collect data. Students also
determine the equipment to be used (HCl, pipettes,
and cameras). This stages students experience
assimilation process, in this case the students
understand the object and relate it to the way data
Working in the outdoor step, students take the
data and observe the facts on the field. This stages
students experience assimilation and
accommodation process. Assimilation process
occurs when students understand the object directly
by observation and interviews. The accommodation
process occurs when students know the changes that
occur on the object.
Back in the classroom and final student report
step, students make scientific paper related to
damage and preservation karst hills environment.
Teachers provide guidance at the same time
observing the students' activity in the working
scientific paper process. This step students
experience the assimilation and accommodation
process. The assimilation process occurs when
students understand the object after processing data
from the field and link it with the literature. The
accommodation process occurs when students know
the object changes from the field were examined in-
depth by the literature.
The teacher ability to implement meaningful
learning makes learning more meaningful for
students, in the sense that students are able to apply
the benefits of learning in daily activity. Students
experience two dimension of meaningful learning.
The first dimension is obtained by students before
and after working in the field. The second dimension
obtained by student after working in the field and
during working observations report.
In class preparation step students enter in first
dimension, in this case the students prepare to get
information input individually. Selecting area step
students enter the first dimension, in this case the
students prepare and obtain information object
location to visit. Group dynamics step students enter
the first dimension, in this case the students prepare
to receive input information in group.
Working in the outdoor step, students enter the
first and second dimensions. The first dimension
when students get information in the form of data
and facts on the field. The second dimension when
students collaborate the information with temporary
knowledge that obtained class preparation step. Back
in the classroom and student final report step
students enter on the first dimension, in this case the
students collaborate information with a
comprehensive knowledge through discussion and
literature study.
3.2 Discussion
The suitability between outdoor study with the
psychological theories of intelligence by Piaget.
Piaget is a cognitive psychological scientist from
Switzerland who became one of the pioneering
constructivistic learning theories. Piaget's theory
begins from disagree against empiricism and
rationalism. The empiricism theory or seen from the
biology view that the knowledge gained from the
senses activity on the surrounding environment. The
rationalism or general view is knowledge comes
from logical reasoning. According to (Piaget, 1951)
It is therefore natural that the psychological theories
of intelligence should come to be placed among
biological theories of adaptation and theories of
knowledge in general. Piaget theorized that the
process of gaining knowledge is a combination of
empiricism and rationalism view is referred to as the
psychological theories of intelligence.
Outdoor study is observation process with senses
directly and also conducting logical reasoning.
Direct observation of geography objects in the field
The Suitability between Outdoor Study Environment Matters and Learning Theory in Senior High School
involves many senses experienced by students,
rather than just in the classroom. Student reasoning
process can be obtained on all of outdoor learning
steps. That reasoning there are when before to the
field, during working in the field, and after from the
field. The activities related to karst hills environment
matter. This indicates that the outdoor study in
suitable with the psychological theories of
intelligence. According to Dahar (2011) "Piaget
found observation and logical reasoning is important
because one does not happen without the other
Observation and logical reasoning according to
Piaget (1951) through two processes namely
assimilation and accommodation. Assimilation is a
process to understand the object. Accommodation
means that the student thought process against the
object changes. This is consistent with the student
aim doing the outdoor study in odrer to understand
the real environment directly and observe the
change. According to Gunarsa (1982) "that
assimilation and accommodation occur together and
complement each other, each time the child
adaptation with environment". According to Paisley
et al. (2008) outdoor study makes students more
familiar with the environment well.
The psychological theories of intelligence is also
discusses the cognitive or intellectual development
stages or namely construction of operations. The
first stage at age <2 years, second aged 2 to 7-8
years, the third 7-8 to 11-12 years, and the fourth>
11-12 years. Each stage has a certain ability to
acquire knowledge. The higher stage, the child
receives knowledge of more complexs (Piaget, 1951;
Dahar, 2011; Rahyubi, 2012).
These research subjects age between 16-17
years, or enter the four stages of intellectual
development. The fourth stage or the formal
operational stage, children have the ability to think
hypothetically, logical, and based on the theoretical.
That ability consists at the making scientific paper
elements. This is shown that learning by Piaget
theory at this stage suitable for training student
writing ability scientific papers. According to
Rahyubi (2012) at this stage (four) children are able
to think logically, with the formal theoretical
thought based on the proportions, hypotheses, and
can draw conclusions. According to Sumarmi (2012)
outdoor study has the power to test the hypothesis
with empirical methods.
The suitability between outdoor study with
meaningful learning theory by Ausubel. Meaningful
learning has two dimensions. The first dimension is
knowledge input gained byself or with the teachers
guidance. The second dimension, student linking
input on existing cognitive structure. According to
Dahar (2011) for Ausubel, meaningful learning is
process of linking new information on the relevant
concepts in person cognitive structure.
The suitability this theory with outdoor study is
currently at two learning dimension. The first
dimension is information input (observations and
interviews) obtained byself and with little teacher
guidance while working in the field. The
information is then processed by student at second
dimension, meaning students collaborating
information with geography material in the school
(concepts that already exist). The second process can
be put in the form of scientific paper. Both of these
things make student field observations process
meaningful for students self. According to Gunarsa
(1982) that Ausubel and Sullivan in 1968 are show
interactional relation between concept and basic
structurally development. According to Arsyad
(1997) that direct observations provide the most
complete impression and meaningful on existing
information and ideas.
Outdoor study makes students learning more
meaningful. Meaningful learning is because students
can understand the importance of knowledge to real
life after observing the phenomenon on the field.
Knowledge in this case the importance of the karst
hills environment to life. According to Sudjana and
Rivai (2010) that the many benefits can get from
field study activity (specialy environment), one of
which is the essence of learning more meaningful
because the students are faced with the situation and
the real situation. According to Vera (2012) that the
outdoor study could form person that familiar with
their surroundings environtment and can direct
attitude respect for nature and sustainability.
Meaningfulness of learning is reflected in the
student scientific paper, especially in the
preservation solution. Students write alternative
solutions that demonstrate concern and awareness of
their surroundings karst hills environtment. Giving
solutions according to what is observed in the field
(contextual) to be more value in student scientific
paper. According to Prasetya (2014) the process of
learning in outside the classroom can provide direct
experience so that lessons more concrete and real,
means of learning more meaningful. According to
Özdilek (2011) environtmental outdoor education
learning can raise awareness and positive attitude
towards the environment.
Based on observations by author that Piaget and
Ausubel is the most powerful learning theory that
underlying the outdoor study. In addition to the two
ANCOSH 2018 - Annual Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities
theories, small linked especially behaviorism
learning theory. Figures such as: Watson, Pavlov,
Thorndike, Hull, Guthrie, and Skinner. The theory of
these figures generally say that learning comes from
changes in behavior of children (students)
committed by an adult (teacher). The theory is
obtained mostly from testing on animals first.
According to Rahyubi (2012) that the behaviorism
theory children tend to be passive, response only
using habituation method, and can be more powerful
if there is an attempt reward-punishment.
Teachers knowledge to effort suit the learning
theory with learning process make learning more
structured and leads to a clear purpose. In fact,
teachers tend to ignore the theoretical basis of
existing learning and doing teaching activities as
usual. This makes the learning process tends to be
routines activity and dominated memorize. The
history of education is important and should be the
basis for learning. According to Rickinson (2004)
school gardens later developed into school journey
which adopted the Jenkins concept (1980) from
Germany. This means that the development of
education today should not forget the concept of the
past which it is based.
The results showed that outdoor study
implementations suitable with the psychological
theories of intelligence and meaningful learning. The
suitability is reflected in the learning activities
before, during, and after working in the field. The
teacher ability to implement the basic psychological
theories of intelligence and meaningful learning
makes learning more easily to understood and
meaningful for students. Teacher when
implementing learning models or method should
consider the basic theory underlying the study. It
aims to learn more structured and leaded to the clear
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The Suitability between Outdoor Study Environment Matters and Learning Theory in Senior High School