The Effectiveness of Using Picture to Teach Vocabulary at
Elementary School
Jatmiko Jatmiko and Tontowi Jauhari
Kadiri University , Jalan. Selomamgkleng No. 01, Kediri, Indonesia
(Jatmiko; Tontowi Jauhari)
Keywords: Effectiveness, Picture, Teaching Vocabulary.
Abstract: The objective of this research was aimed to find out whether teaching vocabulary using picture better than
teaching vocabulary without picture (conventional) at Students of Elementary School. The Method of this
study was a quasi-experimental design. The samples were 60 students. Meanwhile, there were some
instruments used by the researcher to help him to collect data such as pre-test, treatment, and post-test result.
The data were described based on the planning, implementation of process standard in teaching and the
assessment as planned in the lesson plan. The data analysis found out that an F-value of the effect of teaching
method was 10.781 and significance value was .002 where it is less than 0.05 and the mean score of post-test
for experimental group was 87.60 and for control group was 80.80.The result of the research shows that
experimental method has significance value and more better than conventional method. From the findings,
the researcher applied that picture be one alternative used in teaching vocabulary and it can effectively
influence the students’ confidence. Finally, the researcher was support and encourage students to learn English
better than before.
The objective of this research was aimed to find out
whether teaching vocabulary using picture better than
teaching vocabulary without picture (conventional) at
Students of Elementary School. The Method of this
study was a quasi-experimental design. The samples
were 60 students. Meanwhile, there were some
instruments used by the researcher to help him to
collect data such as pre-test, treatment, and post-test
result. The data were described based on the planning,
implementation of process standard in teaching and
the assessment as planned in the lesson plan. The data
analysis found out that an F-value of the effect of
teaching method was 10.781 and significance value
was .002 where it is less than 0.05 and the mean score
of post-test for experimental group was 87.60 and for
control group was 80.80.The result of the research
shows that experimental method has significance
value and more better than conventional method.
From the findings, the researcher applied that picture
be one alternative used in teaching vocabulary and it
can effectively influence the students’ confidence.
Finally, the researcher was support and encourage
students to learn English better than before.
1.1 Statement of the Problem
The main problem of this study is,do thestudents
taught using picture have better vocabulary mastery
than the students taught without picture
1.2 Hypothesis
Hypothesis (Hi): The students who are taught using
picture have better vocabulary mastery than those
who are taught using conventional method
Null Hypothesis (Ho): The students who are taught
using picture have worse vocabulary than those who
are taught by using conventional method.
2.1 The Concept of Teaching
Teaching is a profession conducted by using a
combination of art, science, and skill. It is an art
because it relies on the teacher’s creative provision of
the best possible learning environment and activities
Jatmiko, J. and Jauhari, T.
The Effectiveness of Using Picture to Teach Vocabulary at Elementary School.
In Proceedings of the Annual Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities (ANCOSH 2018) - Revitalization of Local Wisdom in Global and Competitive Era, pages 366-371
ISBN: 978-989-758-343-8
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
for his/her students. It is a science since it is a system,
an ordered set of ideas and methods used by the
teachers in doing their main jobs: planning a lesson,
implementing the plan in the classroom and
evaluating the outcome of the activities. While Brown
(2004) states teaching is showing or helping someone
to learn how to do something, giving instructions,
guiding in the study of something, providing with
knowledge, causing to know or understand.
Base on the definition above, the writer can
conclude that the meaning of teaching is a process of
a transferring knowledge from someone to another
one in order to make people know or understand
about something.
2.2 Pictures as Media
Picture is used by teacher to stimulate student
memory and it is one of strategy to attract students
attention in learning vocabulary. From experts
opinion written previously, the researcher can
conclude that picture has fulfill edits functions
educative media, for example; it can improve
students’ motivation and it also provides stimulus that
may upgrade students’ memory and attention. Picture
can be classified into visual aid and picture is also
material that easy to find.
Pictures are found everywhere. They can be
drawn either on the blackboard or chart paper or even
cut-outs (Nagaraj, 1996). Through pictures, learners
can be shown people, places, and things from areas
for outsides their own experiences. Pictures can also
represent images from ancient time or portray the
future. We will support this statement if we realize
that every time we see pictures, there must be
something we want to say about the pictures.
For most people, Brown (2007) stated, pictures
provide feeling that they make contacts with the real
world. Perhaps, there are millions of individuals all
over the world who have never seen an ocean except
in some kind of pictures. The picture may be used to
clarify their imagination about ocean.
2.3 Advantages of Using Pictures
Pictures are one kind of media that can help the
teacher draw the students’ interest and rise up their
motivation. If the students are motivated, they will
participate actively and will earn seriously during the
teaching-learning process.
According to Gerlach and Ely (1980), there are
advantages of the pictures as follows:
Pictures are in expensive and widely available;
They provide common experiences for an
entire group;
The visual detail makes it possible to study
subjects which would otherwise be impossible;
Pictures can help to prevent and correct
Pictures offers stimulus to further study,
reading and research. Visual evidence is a
powerful tool;
They help to focus attention and to develop
critical judgment;
They are easily manipulated.
From the explanation above that pictures have
an important role and advantages in teaching learning
process in order to make the students be more active
in teaching learning process, especially vocabulary,
so that the teaching-learning process can be reached.
2.4 The Concept of Vocabulary
Types of vocabulary that may be encountered by
readers in their reading:
2.4.1 General Vocabulary
Refers to the words that comprise the major portion
of one’s vocabulary used in everyday
communication, such as table, house and chair.
2.4.2 Specialized Vocabulary
Refers to the words with multiple meanings that
change from one content area to another, such as
mass, root, and rise.
2.4.3 Technical Vocabulary
Refers to the words that are essential for the
understanding of specific content area. These words
relate to only one content area and are crucial for
understanding of its concepts, such as gene (science)
and embargo (social studies).In this study, the writer
focused on general vocabulary because according to
Suyanto (2007) states that teaching vocabulary is
better one if the materials are used still in children
world contexts in order to make them easier in
practice for communication. Based on the statements,
the writer assumes that study about the word that used
in everyday communication plays an important role
to make the communication be fluently.
The Effectiveness of Using Picture to Teach Vocabulary at Elementary School
2.5 The Concept of Countable and
Uncountable Noun
2.5.1 Countable Noun
Countable nouns are individual people, animals,
places, things, or ideas which can be counted.
Countable nouns are for things we can count using
numbers. They have a singular and a plural form. The
singular form can use the determiner "a" or "an". If
you want to ask about the quantity of a countable
noun, you ask "How many?" combined with the
plural countable noun.
Singular Plural
One dog two dogs
One horse two horses
2.5.2 Uncountable Noun
Uncountable nouns are not individual objects, so they
cannot be counted.
Uncountable nouns are for the things that we
cannot count with numbers. They may be the names
for abstract ideas or qualities or for physical objects
that are too small or too amorphous to be counted
(liquids, powders, gases, etc.). Uncountable nouns are
used with a singular verb. They usually do not have a
plural form. Examples: tea, sugar, water
2.6 Related Previous Study
The previous study which has been read by the writer
and related to writers’ study is written by Icuk
Harjuno. He concludes that it is effective using
pictures to teach vocabulary about objects around
school environment of SDN Manyaran 03 Semarang.
He found that picture can improve the students’
vocabulary mastery based on the result analysis data
in the cycle 1, there was an increase or improvement
of the students English vocabulary ability in cycle 2.
In the cycle 1 the students were active was 67.23%
and in the cycle 2 the students were active was
85.29%. There are some similarities between Irzawati
study and the writer study. The similarities related to
the media of teaching and method research namely:
The differences can be found in the kind of theme
which are used in the study Irzawati applies picture
on the “fruits and animals theme, there is significant
difference grades between students who are taught
by using pictures and the student who are taught not
using pictures. The difference of the development
meaning that pictures was effective as teaching media
in improving students’ ability in vocabulary. So, it is
suggested for English teacher to teach using pictures
in improving the students’ ability in vocabulary.
In this research, the purpose of the study is to find out
whether the using picture in teaching countable nouns
and uncountable nouns is effective to the students’
vocabulary achievement, the research design used in
this research is a quasi-experiment design. This
research carried out at Sixth Grade Students of
Elementary School and the sample of this study was
only60 students. They were grouped into classes. The
experimental group (Class A) consisted of 30 students
while the control class (Class B) consisted of 30
The techniques of collecting data were pre-test,
treatment and post-test to get a clear data of the effect
of learning vocabulary using pictures. In pre- test the
students given a test and he test consisted 25 items in
the form of fill in the blank and choices provided. The
time allocated to accomplish the test was 30 minutes.
This test was aimed at knowing the students’
vocabulary background knowledge toward the
material that they were going to learn.
After the student did the pre-test, there was a
meeting for every group to get treatment. The
materials were taken from some sources such as
books, worksheet or internet related to the topic to be
discussed. For experimental group taught by using
picture but for the control group was taught by using
conventional method or the researcher only explained
the topic without picture as the treatment in the
teaching learning process in the classroom.
The researcher just gave a text that has correlation
with the topic of discussion then the students asked to
read and then underlined the difficult/unfamiliar
words and the last answered the questions. After
giving treatment to each group, the researcher gave a
post-test to the each group to know how the teaching
using picture is more effective. The test consisted 25
items in the form of fill in the blank and choices
provided. The time allocated to accomplish the test
was 30 minutes. Moreover, the result of this test used
as the data to measure that picture is more effective in
teaching vocabulary.
In analyzing the data, a kind of the data analysis
was applied; it is Analysis of Covariance or
ANCOVA. It was used to know significant
differences between the students’ vocabulary
achievement in the experimental group than in the
control group. Test is examination or trial of
something to find it quality, volume, and completion.
ANCOSH 2018 - Annual Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities
The objective of giving a test in this study is to see or
find out whether or not it is effective to use picture in
teaching countable noun and uncountable noun.
3.1 Validating the Test
Validity is the most important consideration in
developing and evaluating measuring instruments.
Historically, validity was defined as the extent to
which an instrument measured what it claimed to
measure (Ary et al., 2002).
There are 3 types of validity: construct validity,
content validity and criterion validity. For the purpose
of this study only content validity is used as an
achievement test (Ary et al., 2002). In this case, the
test was justified in term of (1) the relevance of the
test items of the purpose of the study, (2) the
relevance of the items to the developing rubrics or
scoring procedures, (3) the appropriateness of the test
items to the level of the students. In this research, the
researcher used the test consist of 25 multiple choices
and the technique of scoring is easy so it’s not
consuming the time. In each item scores 4 points, so
the total score is 100. The test had done 30 minutes to
know the test how easy or difficult the test items, they
were calculated by using difficulty index. The result
of the difficulty index can be seen below:
I =
I = Difficulty index
B = Students that have right answer
N = Students follow the test
The Range of Values
0 0.30 = Difficult
0 0.70 = Medium
0.71 1.00 = Easy
3.2 Developing and Constructing the
The researcher constructs his own test to take make it
tailored to the specific research question. There are 25
items for pre-test and post-test. The researcher
selected instructional material to develop and
construct the test and in taking the score it is used
Kuder-Ricardson procedures.
Online statistics helps you in estimating the test
reliability using Kuder-Richardson Formula 21
k : Number of questions
μ : Population mean score
: Variance of the total scores of all the people
ρKR21: Reliability of the test
Here are a few explanatory notes for the
Reliability uses only cases with complete data
on the item variables. ScoreA is computed here
only for cases with such complete data so that
the KR21 is based on the same cases as the
Reliability output.
The KR21 formula uses the population
("biased") estimate of the scale score variance,
whereas Aggregate computes the sample
("unbiased") estimate. Also, Aggregate will
save the standard deviation of a variable to the
new data set, but does not have a function to
save the variance. Therefore the standard
deviation is saved by Aggregate as scoreA_sd
and this value is squared and then multiplied by
(N-1)/N in the Compute command to get the
population variance estimate for ScoreA in the
KR21 formula.
A Break variable does not need to be
designated in current versions of SPSS
Statistics when the aggregation is performed
over the full data set. If the reliability analysis
was performed within subgroups of the data as
defined by a split file variable, then that
variable would be the Break variable in the
Aggregate procedure. You would not need to
turn on the Split File structure when working in
the KR21_info data set.
All of the steps in the KR21 calculation can be
performed in the menu system, or graphic user
interface (GUI).
The Aggregate procedure is available under Data-
After running Aggregate, the KR21_info data set
will be listed in the Windows menu of SPSS Statistics
and can be activated by clicking that item.
The Compute command operation is available
under Transform->Compute Variable. Type the
resulting variable (ScoreA) into the Target Variable
Box and the transformation expression into the
Numeric Expression box.
The IF command operation is also available in the
Transform-> Compute Variable dialog by entering
the Target Variable and Numeric Expression box and
then clicking the IF button. In the "If cases" dialog,
click the radio button beside "Include if case satisfies
condition" and enter the conditional expression
("(nmissing(item1 to item6) = 0) " in this example)
The Effectiveness of Using Picture to Teach Vocabulary at Elementary School
into the box below that radio button. Click Continue
and OK.
Based on the techniques of collecting data above,
the researcher gave a pre-test on the first meeting to
know the students’ vocabulary background
knowledge toward the material that they were going
to learn. After that the researcher gave treatment to
the students on the second meeting. For the
experimental group, the researcher gave picture
where as the control group, they got a kinds of picture
and answer the questions based on the picture given.
And, in the last meeting the researcher gave a post-
test to the students to know how the teaching of
vocabulary using picture is more effective to the Sixth
Grade Students of I Elementary School. Finally, the
researcher makes analysis from the result of the test
to answer the research question and validate his
This chapter discusses about the result of the
descriptive statistics of students’ vocabulary mastery.
The difference in the effectiveness of picture and
conventional teaching vocabulary and testing
hypothesis which is considerable as:
4.1 Pre-test Score
Table 1: The descriptive Statistics of Students’ Pre-test
Valid N
The table of descriptive statistics shows that mean
score of experimental group (in this case using
picture) is 84.53 (s.d = 13.925) and the control group
(in this case without picture) is 85.73 (s.d = 10.221).
It mean that, the control group is actually higher than
experimental group.
4.2 Pre-test Score
There are some points of the description analysis of
post-test score.
Table 2: The Descriptive Statistics of Students’ Post-test
Valid N
The table of descriptive statistics of post-test
shows that mean score of experimental group (in this
case using picture) is 87.60 (s.d = 10.627) and the
increase of mean score from pre-test mean score is
3.07 while the mean of control group (in this case
without picture) is 82.80 (s.d = 13.010) and the mean
score from the pre-test was decreasing 1.93. It means
that, the mean of experimental group is actually
higher than control group.
4.3 The Difference in the Effectiveness
of picture and Conventional
Teaching in Teaching Vocabulary
Here, some points of the description analysis of
Table 3: The description analysis of Covariance Dependent Variable: Post-test.
Type III Sum of
Mean Square
Partial Eta
Corrected Model
Corrected Total
a. R Squared = .488 (Adjusted R Squared = .470)
b. Computed using alpha = .05
ANCOSH 2018 - Annual Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities
Based on the table of tests of Between-Subject
effects we can see that line the independent variable
(in this case teaching method finds an F-value of the
effect of teaching method 10.781 and column
labeled Sig the value is .002 where it is less than 0.05
(an alternative alpha level). It means that two groups,
experimental and control groups differ significantly.
In pre-test line found an F-value of the effect of
pre-test 45.674 and column sig, the value is 0.000.
This is less than 0.01, therefore the covariate is
significant. This value also indicates 44.5% of
variance in the dependent variable (partial eta squared
of 0.445 multiplied by 100).
The result of students’ vocabulary progress could
be seen from pre-test and post-test from each group.
The computation of control group pre-test and post
test scores using test of Between-Subjects Effect
showed that there is significant difference between
two groups in the post test scores. Meanwhile, the
result showed that the students in the experimental
group achieve better result in the post test. The
improvement was statistical significant if it was
compared their pre-test scores. The statistical
computation results exhibited a significant fact that
picture is effective in improving students’ vocabulary
The computation of mean scores in the
experimental showed that the pre-test score was 84.53
and after treatment using picture with 50 vocabulary
was given the post test score was 87.60, the
improvement reached 3.07. while in the control
group the mean of pre-test was 84.73 and after
treatment using conventional method (read a text)
was given, the post test score was 82.80, it means that
the post-test score was decreasing 1.93 from the pre-
4.4 Testing Hypothesis
For testing hypothesis, the writer want to know
whether Ho was accepted or rejected. To meet the
hypothesis above, the statistical analysis of ancova
was applied in this research to decide how far the
mean of pre-test score is different from the post test
score; both in group itself and between groups with
the level of significance of 0.05. The significance of
the test was analyzed by using computer program
In table of tests of between-subject effects line
teaching method shows that the value of F-value is
10.781 and the significant value is 0.002. Thus, it can
be concluded that both of experimental group and
control group different significantly. It means that the
researcher hypothesis (Hi) is accepted and the (Ho) is
rejected. Thus, it is concluded that using picture is
more effective than conventional method in teaching
vocabulary at elementary school.
After the researcher gave the pre-test, treatment and
post-test to the students, it is concluded that the
students who taught using picture have better
vocabulary than the students who taught without
picture (conventional teaching). But, to reach the
purpose of this research, we must give all the
vocabularies (the words about countable and
uncountable noun) to the students, because it will give
influence in students’ post-test. So it made the
teaching is more effective in teaching vocabulary.
They teaching vocabulary using picture will be
success if the researcher is required to follow the
general specific procedures, such as: specifying the
topic, defining the students’ group and pairs and the
rules to treatment.
I would like to thanks to God “Allah SWT” for
blessing and mercy and Rector of Kadiry University,
so this Research can be finally finished. I get idea on
conducting this Research to fullfill the requirement
for the International Journal presented by Kanjuruhan
Ary, D., Jacobs, L. C., Sorensen, C., Razavich, A., 2002.
Introduction to Research in Education, Wadsworth
Group. United States of America.
Brown, H. D., 2004. Language assessmentPrinciples and
Classroom activities, Pearson Education. Inc. U.S.A.
Brown, H. D., 2007. Teaching by principles: an interactive
Approach to Language Pedagogy, San Fransisco State
University. U. S. A.
Gerlach, V. S., Ely, P., 1980. Teachingand Media: A
Systematic Approach, Prentice Hall. New Jersey.
Nagaraj, G., 1996. English Lanuage Teaching: Approaches,
Methods, and Technique, Orient Longman, Ltd.
Suyanto, K. K. E., 2007. English for Young Learners, Bumi
Aksara. Jakarta.
The Effectiveness of Using Picture to Teach Vocabulary at Elementary School