audit result of the 2016 regional government's
finance by BPK Jatim, there are still many cities and
districts in eastern Java whose financial performance
has decreased and cannot be said good and needs to
be improved again, such as Madiun, Tulungagung,
Probolinggo, Sampang, Sumenep, Nganjuk district,
and others because they get the WDP predicate (fair
with exceptions) (BPKP, 2012). This is in line with
the economic growth of East Java which recently
also experienced instability.
Based on the phenomenon that occurred in East
Java Province above and previous research is diverse
then researchers want or are interested in doing a
study on "Analysis of the Effect of Financial
Performance on Regional Economic Growth in
Regency and City Region East Java Period 2012 -
The formulation of problem in this research are:
(1) How is the effect of financial performance to
economic growth in East Java (2) How is the effect
of financial performance in the form of
independence ratio to economic growth in East Java
(3) How is the effect of financial performance in the
form of dependency ratio to economic growth in
East Java (4) How is the influence of financial
performance in the form of ratio of effectiveness to
economic growth in East Java (5) How is the
difference of economic growth between city and
district in east java (6) How is the difference of
financial performance between city and regency in
East Java.
The purpose of this study is to determine: (1) the
effect of financial performance on economic growth
in East Java and how much influence. (2) the effect
of financial performance in the form of
independence ratio to economic growth in East Java
and how big the effect is. (3) the influence of
financial performance in the form of dependency
ratio to economic growth in East Java and how big
the effect is. (4) the effect of financial performance
in the form of ratio of effectiveness to economic
growth in East Java and how big the effect is. (5) the
difference of economic growth in city and district in
East Java. (6) the difference of financial
performance between city and district in East Java.
Based on the theory and the results of previous
research, it can be formulated hypothesis as follows:
H1: Financial performance simultaneously
affects regional economic growth;
H2: Ratio of regional autonomy positively
affects regional economic growth;
H3: Regional financial dependency ratio
negatively affects regional economic growth;
H4: PAD Effectiveness Ratio positively
affects regional economic growth.
This study used secondary data sources with data
collection techniques documentation that is data
collection techniques in the form of local financial
statements of 2013-2016 obtained from the website
BPKAD city districts respectively While the report of economic
growth district city area East Java can be seen at
The samples used are 9 districts / cities, 6 of
them are districts and 3 cities. The sample is chosen
based on sampling criteria with probability sampling
method with purposive sampling technique from the
population of 38 districts / cities, so the data are
examined for five periods for about 45 data.
This study used multiple linear regression
analysis to determine the effect of financial
performance in the form of independence ratio,
dependency, and effectiveness on regional economic
growth. Meanwhile, to know the difference of
economic growth and financial performance
between city and district, technique of T-test
analysis with Mann-Whitney and Kruskall-Wallis
type were used. Operational definitions of variables
used are variable (X) of financial performance
consisting of several ratios:
2.1 Ratio of Regional Financial
Independence (X1)
2.2 Regional Financial Dependency
Ratio (X2)
2.3 Ratio of Local Original Income
Effectiveness (X3)
Variable (Y) regional economic growth can be
calculated by the formula: