opinion from Hapsah, et al. (2017), which stated that
the incorrect problem understanding will lead to
incorrect representation. Errors in understanding the
problem also cause the modelling process from one
representation into other representation to be
incorrect (Murniasih, 2016). After understanding the
problem, the right strategy is needed to solve the
problem (Risalah, et al., 2016).
The researchers conducted an interview with the
pre-service teachers who made errors in doing the
representation translation in number sense problems.
The interview was not conducted on all of the pre-
service teachers, but it was classified based on the
characteristics of errors from the answers. From
each group, one person was chosen to be
interviewed. 3 subjects was chosen for the interview,
namely X1, X2, and X5. A break was given in every
interview so that the subjects could give the
complete answer. This is in line with the opinion
from Juairiyah et al. (2014). Based on the interview
with subject X1 on the first problem, subject X1 was
able to translate the decimal representation into
fraction representation, but he found difficulties in
finding the final answer. Subject X1 was confused
because the addition was infinite, so he could not
write down the final answer. Subject X1 stated that
the denominators were distinct, thus he did not know
how to add them. On the second problem, subject
X1 stated that he was confused because the area was
unknown; therefore, he could not find the final
answer. Based on the interview with X2, on the first
problem, subject X2 did not know the procedure;
therefore, he directly gave the incorrect final answer.
On the second problem, subject X2 stated that the
area was unknown, so he could not find the final
answer. Based on the interview with X5, on the first
problem, subject X5 could not solve the problem
because he forgot the steps. The researchers asked
whether he had done similar problem before, and he
answered that he had, but he could not recall the
steps at all. On the second problem, subject X5
stated that he had difficulties with fractions. Based
on the interviews, we can see that the learning for
the pre-service teachers is still not effective.
Ineffective learning is the cause of the students’
inability to solve non-routine problems (Whittle and
Pacaya, 2007; Heath, 2010; Wright, 2016).
Based on the result and discussion, the
representation translation in number sense is still a
problem for the pre-service math teachers. The pre-
service math teachers made more mistakes in
translating the decimal symbols representation into
written language representation and fraction symbols
representation. On the other hand, they made less
mistakes in translating the pictures representation
into written language representation, fraction
symbols representation and decimal symbols
representation. Further research are recommended to
study about the obstacles in representation.
We would like to express our gratitude to all parties
who had helped us in completing this article:
Universitas Kanjuruhan which sponsored us
financially; Prof. Dr. Cholis Sa’dijah, M.Pd, M.A. as
advisor I; Dr. Makbul Muksar, S.Pd., M.Si. as
advisor II; Dr. Susiswo, M.Si. as advisor III; and
State University of Malang for providing us with a
comfortable place to study and learn.
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