in education. These two are the main factors that
indicate the participation of the community in
community empowerment. The education level of
the Bongo village community is seen from the
number of learners ranging from the level of
kindergarten to the level of higher education in
which the dissemination is significant.
Based on the description of the potential of
natural resources and human resources owned by
Bongo Village, it shows that there are potential
resources to be empowered and developed, but
according to research Bambang Suharto et al (2015)
human resources have not been maximally
empowered, according to them it can be known from
the inclusion of human resources in the management
of natural resources in the form of involving the
community in the management of tourist attractions
other than that illustrated is the presence of family
involvement in the management of tourist
attractions. This also the researchers get from
information through forum group discussion which
was attended by the village head, community
leaders, female figures and youth cadets. In the
forum group discussion it was revealed that in fact
by looking at the natural conditions and the
existence of the village religious tourism village
Bongo in essence want to take part, they see that this
is a golden opportunity to involve themselves even
to improve the standard of living but this awareness
has not been accompanied by action real, therefore
the researchers offer a community empowerment
program through the language village, it reduces the
existing language village in Pare, Kediri.
According to Sutoro Eko (2002) Empowerment
as a process of developing, establishing,
menswadayakan, strengthening bargaining position
of underclass society to pressure forces in all fields
and sector of life while Permendagri RI Number
7 Year 2007 about Community Empowerment
Cadres, stated that community empowerment is a
strategy used in the development of society as an
effort to realize the ability and independence in
the life of society, nation and state (Article 1,
paragraph (8)).
From the above theoretical explanation can mean
that the empowerment of society is an effort to build
power itself, by encouraging, motivating and
awakening awareness of the potentials it has and
trying to develop it. These efforts are through the
provision of knowledge and skills and how to apply
them in the economic life of the community.
This study used a qualitative descriptive
approach which aimed to describe the object and
subject conditions of research based on fact or as it
was, in this to described a concept of community
empowerment through language program, especially
English with research subjects Head of Bongo
Village, young generations, students and
The techniques used in this research were observation,
forum group discussion, interview and documentation
with analysis data through stages namely data
collection, data reduction, data display and make
In data collection stage, the research collected
data that has already begun at the beginning of
the research, during the execution of the research to
the end of the study, in this phase the researcher
collected data through observation, interview,
documentation and forum group discussion.
In data reduction, the data collected through
observation, interview and documentation were
summarized and selected according to the focus of
the problems studied in this study, into a script that
will be analyzed. Unimportant data or unrelated to
the research focus is discarded. The data that has been
selected is then presented in the data presentation.
In the Presentation or display data stage, the
research presented the result of data reduction which
systematically easy to read or understood as whole
or parts in context as one unity and the last phase
was make conclusion.
The final stage was the conclusion, where the
researcher must interpret the data that has been
collected is made in the form of a brief
statement and easily understood with reference to the
problem under study.
Based on the data analysis, it found that Bongo
village which is located in Batudaa Pantai district,
Gorontalo regency, Gorontalo province, has a
natural resource to be empowered. The natural
resources is tourism object based on beach view and
Islam culture tradition. Even though, the tourism
object has been approved by the government as a
Religious Tourism Village, on May 9
, 2004, it
is still lack of attention mainly about the preparation
of supporting facilities of tourism. (Hartanto
&Boby, 2012). The visitors amount are around 150
people a