The Role of Curriculum in The Student' Geography Learning
Outcome in SMA Sekadau Hulu, West Kalimantan Barat
Beti Munawaroh and Muhsinatun Siasah Masruri
Graduate Program of Geography Education, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia,
Keywords: Curriculum, Learning Outcome, Geography.
Abstract: Curriculum 2013 addresses the scientific approach to learning since it matches a scientific process. This
study aimed to compare the Curriculum 2013 and KTSP. This study was classified as a descriptive
quantitative study conducted by doing observations and tests. This study was conducted in two schools,
SMAN 1 Sekadau Hulu that implements Curriculum 2013, and SMA PGRI 05 Sekadau Hulu that
implements KTSP. The result of the study showed that SMA PGRI 05 Sekadau Hulu possessed higher
percentage on the students who passed the standard excellently; however, it also possesses higher
percentage on the students who failed to pass the standard. 26% of the students of SMA PGRI 05 Sekadau
Hulu failed to pass the standard, while in SMAN 1 Sekadau Hulu, only 9% of the students who failed to
pass the standard. This study concluded that Curriculum 2013 could increase the student' learning outcome
in Geography subject of Class 10.
The curriculum takes the vital role in the world of
education. It assists teacher managing the class,
planning the learning activities and achieving the
goal of the education. The purpose of Curriculum is
to improve the education quality in the national scale
to create a high-quality human resource
(Sukmadinata, 1988). Curriculum 2013 is the newest
Curriculum in Indonesia and is implemented since
2013/2014 academic year. Curriculum 2013
addresses the scientific approach to learning since it
matches a scientific process.
The implementation of scientific approach aims
to make the students recognize and understand
various materials anywhere at any time, they do not
rely on the teachers' one-way information
(Majid,2014). Through scientific approach, the
learning process becomes more meaningful for
children. They can directly understand and practice
the materials within the classroom by the stages of
learning in the scientific approach.
This study was classified as a descriptive quantiative
study conducted by doing observations and tests.
The subjects of this study were two different schools
to find out the effect of curriculum on the geography
learning outcome: (a) SMAN 1 Sekadau Hulu that
implements Curriculum 2013, and (b) PGRI 05
Sekadau Hulu that implements KTSP. The sample of
this study was the Class 10 of SMAN 1 Sekadau
Hulu and Class 10 of SMA PGRI 05 Sekadau Hulu.
The criteria of minimum mastery standard shall be
included within the Student Term Report as the
reference to respond the students’ learning outcome.
(Depdiknas,2008). The learning activities were
determined by the geography teachers of the school.
The function of determining learning activities is to
make the school/teacher/students have a clear
standard in determining the mastery. Further, its
purpose is to make the boundary of each subject for
parallel class similar (Depdiknas,2013). Table 1.1 is
the Minimum Mastery Standards based on the two
Table 1: The provision of minimum mastery standard.
< 75
75 - 79
80 89
90 - 100
Source: SMA PGRI 05 Sekadau Hulu and
SMAN 1 Sekadau Hulu
Munawaroh, B. and Masruri, M.
The Role of Curriculum in The Student’ Geography Learning Outcome in SMA Sekadau Hulu, West Kalimantan Barat.
In Proceedings of the Annual Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities (ANCOSH 2018) - Revitalization of Local Wisdom in Global and Competitive Era, pages 492-494
ISBN: 978-989-758-343-8
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
The results of the study found in SMAN 1 which
implements Curriculum 2013 and SMA PGRI 05
Sekadau Hulu which implements KTSP (Kurikulum
Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan) are displayed in figure 1
and figure 2.
Figure 1: Students’ learning outcome in SMAN 1 Sekadau
This study found that in SMAN 1 Sekadau Hulu,
9% of the students failed to pass the standard, 0%
passed the standard fairly, 91% passed the standard
well, and 0% of the students passed the standard
Figure 2: Geography learning outcome.
While in SMA PGRI 05 Sekadau Hulu, 26% of
the students failed to pass the standard, 39% passed
the standard fairly, 0% passed the standard well, and
35% of the students passed the standard excellently.
Figure 3: Comparison of the geography learning outcome
between two schools.
The figure above is the result of the comparison
between the two schools. SMA PGRI 05 Sekadau
Hulu possess higher percentage of the students who
failed to pass the standard than SMAN 1 Sekadau
Hulu by 17% difference. SMA PGRI 05 Sekadau
Hulu also possess higher percentage of the students
who passed the standard fairly than SMAN 1
Sekadau Hulu by 39% difference. While SMAN 1
Sekadau Hulu possess higher percentage of the
students who passed the standard well than SMA
PGRI 05 Sekadau Hulu by 91% difference. The last
result of this study showed that SMA PGRI 05
Sekadau Hulu possess higher percentage of the
students who passed the standard excellently than
SMAN 1 Sekadau Hulu by 35% difference.
To sum up, although the SMA PGRI 05 Sekadau
Hulu possess the highest percentage on the students
who passed the standard excellently by 35%, it also
possessed the highest percentage on the students
who did not pass the standard by 26%. In other
words, compared to the KTSP, Curriculum 2013
with scientific approach can increase the students'
learning outcome in Geography subject.
SMA PGRI 05 Sekadau Hulu possesses higher
percentage on the students who failed to pass the
standard (26%), It also possesses higher percentage
on the students who passed the standard fairly and,
on the students, who passed the standard excellently
than SMAN 1 Sekadau Hulu. Whereas SMAN 1
Sekadau Hulu possesses higher percentage of the
students who passed the standard well by 91%.
Although SMA PGRI 05 Sekadau Hulu possess
better result on the students who passed the standard
excellently, it also possesses worse result on the
students who failed to pass the standard than SMAN
1 Sekadau Hulu. In other words, compared to the
Fail Fair Good Excellent
Geography Learning
Outcomes in Class 10 of
SMAN 1 Sekadau Hulu
The Role of Curriculum in The Student’ Geography Learning Outcome in SMA Sekadau Hulu, West Kalimantan Barat
KTSP, Curriculum 2013 with scientific brings better
result on the students' learning outcome in
Geography subject.
Depdiknas. 2003. Model Penyelenggaraan Sekolah
Kategori Mandiri/Sekolah Standar Nasional. Jakarta:
Direktorat Pembinaan Sekolah Menengah Atas. Dirjen
Managemen Pendidikan Dasar Dan Menengah
Depdiknas. 2008. Penetapan Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal
(KKM) di SMA. Jakarta: Direktorat Pembinaan SMA.
Sukmadinata, Nana Syaodih. 1988. Prinsip Dan Landasan
Pengembangan Kurikulum. Jakarta: P2LPTK
Majid, Abdul. 2014. Strategi Pembelajaran. Bandung: PT
Remaja Rodaskarya
ANCOSH 2018 - Annual Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities