observation English teacher teach their students with
autism base on teacher’s book and they don’t have
any specific plan for their student’s. According to
Hastuti (2014) the purposes of teaching English to
student’s with autism are to increase self-esteem to
support skills learning program (Computer, fashion,
catering, automotive, screen printing and so on) to
develop the competence of communicating in the
form of oral and written to achieve the level of
functional literacy, to have an awareness of the
essence and importance of English to enhance
competitiveness as part of the global community and
to develop an understanding of the interest between
Language and culture.
Teaching English to students with autism
especially to autism students in Senior High School
also have scope of teaching. Hastuti (2014), the
scope of teaching English for Senior High School of
School with Special Need focus on the ability to
understand and produce oral and written text are
realized in the four language skills of listening,
speaking, reading and writing in an integrated
manner to achieve the level of functional literacy
and the ability to understand and create a variety of
short functional text and monologue and essay
shaped procedure, descriptive, recount, narrative and
report that appears in vocabulary, grammar and
rhetorical steps.
The purposes and scope of teaching English to
students with autism will create Main competences.
According to Hastuti (2014) Main competence in
teaching English for Senior High School of School
with special need are to appreciate and practice the
teachings of their religion in accordance with the
ability of children with special needs, to appreciate
and practice honest behavior, discipline,
responsibilities, care (Mutual cooperation,
cooperation, tolerance, peace), polite, responsive and
proactive and demonstrate behaviors as this part of
the solution various problems in interacting
effectively with the social and natural environment
as well as in putting themselves in accordance with
ability of children with special needs, the
understanding of factual knowledge conceptually
and procedurally in accordance with the ability of
children with specifically need by curiosity about
science, technology, art, culture, and humanities
with human insight, national, state and civilization-
related causes of phenomena and events as well as
applying procedural knowledge in a specific field of
study according to their talents and interests to solve
the problem and the last one is to manage, reasoning
and presents it in the realm of the abstract realm rill
and appropriate the abilities of children with special
need which is associated with the development of
learned at school independently and is able to use
the method according to the rules of science.
Main competences will create basic
competences. According to Hastuti (2014) to
appreciate and practice the teachings of their religion
in accordance with the ability of children with
special needs which is the first main competences of
the students with autism when the teacher develops
their lesson plan they need to must pay attention
about how the students can grateful for the
opportunity to learn English as a language of
international communication embodied in the spirit
of learning.
It is also same with the second main
competences. The English teacher should be
considered about how the students can show their
politeness behaviour and care in carrying out the
interpersonal communication with teachers and
friends, shows their honest behaviours, discipline,
confidence and responsibility for implementing a
communication transactional with teachers and
friends and also how the students can exhibit a
responsible, caring, cooperation, and peaceful in
implementing functional communication which is
include in basic competences.
In addition to complete the third main
competences when the develop their lesson plan the
English teacher need to pay attention about how the
students can understand about social function, the
structure of the text and the elements of language in
the expression greeting, farewell, thanks and
apology and the response within the context of its
use, the students understanding about the social
function, the structure of the text and elements in the
text linguistic identity exposure in accordance with
the user context, the language element in the
expression of interest (care) as well as the
appropriate response to the user context, the students
understanding about the social function, text
structure and language elements on text to express
and ask for the name and number of people, animals
objects (tools skills) and label the goods are close to
students' lives every day and how the students can
understand the social functions, text structure and
elements of the language of the notification text
(announcement) in accordance in the context of its
use and the language function of the descriptive text
to express and inquire about the description of
people, animals and objects are very short and
simple according to the context.
The last one in addition to cover the last main
competences there are some basic competences that
need to get more attention when English teacher
develop their lesson plan to teach students with
autism are how to prepare the spoken text is simple
to say and respond greeting, farewell, thanks and
apology by observing the function and elements of
language are correct and appropriate to the context,
how to arrange spoken text and simple inscription to