level processes need to be accompanied with higher-
level processes which deal with making use of
background knowledge, how to comprehend the
meaning of a passage better and synthesise passage
The present study utilizing repeated reading
concentrates more on fluency, accuracy, and
comprehension measurement than the general
reading comprehension. It involves reading aloud
and recording the voice in mobile phones done by
each participant. It is believed that it becomes the
enrichment to research of RR aloud and recorded.
Most studies reviewed in the previous study consider
that voice played during reading is either produced
by the teacher or audio model to guide reading
better. But in this study, the recorded reading audio
is used to measure the quality/score of accuracy and
fluency of the reading done by the students.
Therefore, this voice recorded can encourage more
students’ autonomy to read passages later on.
2.1 Reading
Reading passages in English, as stated by
Naghdipour (2015), is considered longer and harder
to process with the fact of bumping into novel
vocabulary meaning-content collection and formulas
in forming sentence or dealing with system of
reading manner (either from left or from right). The
challenge in reading in either EFL or ESL, is also
stated by Gorsuch and Taguchi (2008) that it is a
strenuous course of action due to weak ability in
identifying lexical items, to tackle this weakness
They urge the value for educators in L2 conditions
to enhance reading fluency by emphasising more on
prompt and precise way in identifying lexical items.
2.2 Extensive versus Repeated Reading
Taguchi, Takayasu-Maass and Gorsuch (2004)
clearly depict that in ESL as well as in EFL, there
are two nature of reading, namely Extensive
Reading (ER) and Repeated Reading (RR). For the
first, the nature of reading with certain time intention
by individual-driven in deciding what to read
especially those with abridged glossary coverage
and limited complexity of syntax composition. For
the next, namely Repeated Reading or later will be
referred to as RR, is novel nature of reading. RR is
done by repetitively reading the text somewhat
similar to the ones in ER with aim to swell lexis
identification. Moreover, they state that in terms of
upshot of practicing ER is to enhance glibness
(mechanically identify more and more numbers of
lexis), whilst for RR is to develop glibness (RR
makes scaffolding exclusively available to EFL and
ESL students by frequent practice and non-silent
nature of reading) and understanding (proficient in
retrieving deeper and greater information in grasping
texts narrative).
Taking into account of benefit, ER and RR
equally develop self-enthusiasm to read extended
texts, raise capacity to guess the meaning of
unfamiliar vocabulary, supply rich stimulus
functioning as input for L2 learners, and develop
glibness in both L2 and FL setting (Taguchi,
Takayasu-Maass and Gorsuch, 2004). They later
mention that RR vigorously aids ER to form
glibness thus encourage autonomous reading
activity, in the long run the reading can be done
more rapidly and pleasant (this pleasing condition
opens contact to input and give support to improve
2.3 Repeated Reading in EFL Settings
Repeated Reading or later will be referred to as RR,
is described by Gorsuch and Taguchi (2008) as
reading a passage that is made abridged over and
over again aiming in enhancing mechanical and
dynamic lexical items identification. As the
consequence, the property supporting a conscious
mental process can advance for upper array of
intellectual capacity course of action. They stated
that RR is few and far between engaged in the
teaching and learning of foreign language, however,
many researchers found that RR boosts reading
fluency in EFL condition except that it automatically
has similar effect to students’ grasp, the rationale is
weak way in measuring this later performance.
Moreover, Gorsuch and Taguchi (2008) also state
that in EFL settings, RR is capable to facilitate and
build readers to have own autonomy in learning.
They state that their study is proven to be
momentous that RR conduct (most is exclusively
characterised with repetition) effectually improves
the slickness and command of the readers, whilst
other studies are lacking success to prove so.
In addition, Gorsuch and Taguchi (2010) offer
additional evidence in the form of open-ended, post-
reading student reports written over the length of an
11-week RR treatment for 30 young adult EFL
learners in Vietnam. They highlighted their previous
findings that an assisted repeated reading had
positive effects not only on EFL learners’ reading
fluency but on comprehension as well which was a
bit distinctive from that of their 2004 research. The
evidence of Gorsuch and Taguchi (2010) indicated
that learners became more experienced at processing
FL texts and became better readers.