Developing EFL Learners’ Accuracy, Fluency, and Comprehension
Using Repeated Reading
Lasim Muzammil and Andy
Universitas Kanjuruhan, Jl. S. Supriadi No. 48, Malang, Indonesia
{muzammil_lasim, andy}
Keywords: Accuracy, Fluency, Comprehension, and Repeated Reading (RP)
Abstract: The present study examines the development of repeated reading (RR) on accuracy, fluency, and
comprehension for EFL learners. The participants getting involved in the study were 13 males and 14
females who took extensive reading in a regular class. They read similar type of passages ranges from 311
up to 564 words, with a mean length of 425.46 words for twelve weeks. Pre-test was conducted prior to the
treatment by reading out loud and answering the comprehension questions on the passage. Having done the
treatment, post-test was administered and the participants did the same way as it was in the pre-test. Data
were collected and analyzed using t-test for correlated samples since the data were obtained from the same
group. The result showed that there was significant difference between the first and the last post-test since
probability was lower than alpha (p < .05). There is a tendency in the development of EFL learners’ fluency
to be steady with slight increase. Yet, the accuracy increased sharply without having detrimental effect on
The ability of EFL learners to read text fluently and
accurately requires much time span to practice and
to do it constantly. To be more effective, they should
do the activity of reading over and over again.
Research on repeated reading has been conducted
from time to time and it was Samuels (1979) whose
first research pertaining to repeated reading which
includes such definition as rereading a short
meaningful passage until a satisfactory level of
fluency is reached (Samuels, 1979), reread several
times both silently and aloud until the reader is able
to do so easily (Taguchi et al., 2004), practice of
reading texts again and again until the learner can do
so easily, effortlessly and fluently (Wang and Kuo,
2011). In short, repeated reading is classified into
two category (i) Assisted Repeated Reading or
Repeated Oral Reading, whereby learners read
different pieces of text out loud while being guided
by the teacher or an audio-taped model; and (ii)
Unassisted Repeating Reading or Independent Silent
Reading, whereby learners read selected passages
silently and independently, both inside or outside the
To have sound English proficiency, EFL learners
need to develop their accuracy, fluency and
comprehension. Applying the formulas put forth by
Wang and Kuo (2011), accuracy was measured by
means of dividing the number of words read
correctly (WC) with the total number of words in
passage (Wds) or (WC/Wds). Fluency was measured
by multiplying the number of words read correctly
(WC) with 60 and divided by the total seconds (t
sec) or (WCPM= WC*60/t sec). Fluency, especially
in reading according to Naghdipour (2015) has many
levels of significance namely word reading fluency,
passage reading fluency, extensive reading, and
reading rate training glossary and reading
comprehension developments. Moreover, she
concludes that left to right reading manner affect
reading fluency of readers whose language has
distinct manner of reading. In her summary, learners
with similar L1 reading manner like English are able
to read faster with great accuracy and
comprehension, the rationale is that the two
languages have a lot in common with English
system, particularly way of reading that is from left
to right. The next is for comprehension, Chang
(2012) describes that to gain fluent reading
comprehension, the processes of word awareness,
‘syntactic parsing’, gaining the meaning and make
use of memory at work (all of which are considered
as lower-level processes) in chorus must be in action
mechanically and swiftly. For more fluent reading
comprehension, Chang (2012) adds that these lower-
Muzammil, L. and Andy, .
Developing EFL Learners’ Accuracy, Fluency, and Comprehension Using Repeated Reading.
In Proceedings of the Annual Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities (ANCOSH 2018) - Revitalization of Local Wisdom in Global and Competitive Era, pages 515-521
ISBN: 978-989-758-343-8
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
level processes need to be accompanied with higher-
level processes which deal with making use of
background knowledge, how to comprehend the
meaning of a passage better and synthesise passage
The present study utilizing repeated reading
concentrates more on fluency, accuracy, and
comprehension measurement than the general
reading comprehension. It involves reading aloud
and recording the voice in mobile phones done by
each participant. It is believed that it becomes the
enrichment to research of RR aloud and recorded.
Most studies reviewed in the previous study consider
that voice played during reading is either produced
by the teacher or audio model to guide reading
better. But in this study, the recorded reading audio
is used to measure the quality/score of accuracy and
fluency of the reading done by the students.
Therefore, this voice recorded can encourage more
students’ autonomy to read passages later on.
2.1 Reading
Reading passages in English, as stated by
Naghdipour (2015), is considered longer and harder
to process with the fact of bumping into novel
vocabulary meaning-content collection and formulas
in forming sentence or dealing with system of
reading manner (either from left or from right). The
challenge in reading in either EFL or ESL, is also
stated by Gorsuch and Taguchi (2008) that it is a
strenuous course of action due to weak ability in
identifying lexical items, to tackle this weakness
They urge the value for educators in L2 conditions
to enhance reading fluency by emphasising more on
prompt and precise way in identifying lexical items.
2.2 Extensive versus Repeated Reading
Taguchi, Takayasu-Maass and Gorsuch (2004)
clearly depict that in ESL as well as in EFL, there
are two nature of reading, namely Extensive
Reading (ER) and Repeated Reading (RR). For the
first, the nature of reading with certain time intention
by individual-driven in deciding what to read
especially those with abridged glossary coverage
and limited complexity of syntax composition. For
the next, namely Repeated Reading or later will be
referred to as RR, is novel nature of reading. RR is
done by repetitively reading the text somewhat
similar to the ones in ER with aim to swell lexis
identification. Moreover, they state that in terms of
upshot of practicing ER is to enhance glibness
(mechanically identify more and more numbers of
lexis), whilst for RR is to develop glibness (RR
makes scaffolding exclusively available to EFL and
ESL students by frequent practice and non-silent
nature of reading) and understanding (proficient in
retrieving deeper and greater information in grasping
texts narrative).
Taking into account of benefit, ER and RR
equally develop self-enthusiasm to read extended
texts, raise capacity to guess the meaning of
unfamiliar vocabulary, supply rich stimulus
functioning as input for L2 learners, and develop
glibness in both L2 and FL setting (Taguchi,
Takayasu-Maass and Gorsuch, 2004). They later
mention that RR vigorously aids ER to form
glibness thus encourage autonomous reading
activity, in the long run the reading can be done
more rapidly and pleasant (this pleasing condition
opens contact to input and give support to improve
2.3 Repeated Reading in EFL Settings
Repeated Reading or later will be referred to as RR,
is described by Gorsuch and Taguchi (2008) as
reading a passage that is made abridged over and
over again aiming in enhancing mechanical and
dynamic lexical items identification. As the
consequence, the property supporting a conscious
mental process can advance for upper array of
intellectual capacity course of action. They stated
that RR is few and far between engaged in the
teaching and learning of foreign language, however,
many researchers found that RR boosts reading
fluency in EFL condition except that it automatically
has similar effect to students’ grasp, the rationale is
weak way in measuring this later performance.
Moreover, Gorsuch and Taguchi (2008) also state
that in EFL settings, RR is capable to facilitate and
build readers to have own autonomy in learning.
They state that their study is proven to be
momentous that RR conduct (most is exclusively
characterised with repetition) effectually improves
the slickness and command of the readers, whilst
other studies are lacking success to prove so.
In addition, Gorsuch and Taguchi (2010) offer
additional evidence in the form of open-ended, post-
reading student reports written over the length of an
11-week RR treatment for 30 young adult EFL
learners in Vietnam. They highlighted their previous
findings that an assisted repeated reading had
positive effects not only on EFL learners’ reading
fluency but on comprehension as well which was a
bit distinctive from that of their 2004 research. The
evidence of Gorsuch and Taguchi (2010) indicated
that learners became more experienced at processing
FL texts and became better readers.
ANCOSH 2018 - Annual Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities
The assistance of RR is also exposed by Taguchi
et al. (2004) who prove that RR builds the
smoothness of EFL basic students, later they add
that it is also true to ESL students. This progress
takes place both during and subsequent to the
application of RR. Wang and Kuo (2011) classify
RR into two actions: reading with support that has
its starting point from matters related to human’s
nerves and reading with no support, namely self-
regulating reading. Wang and Kuo (2011) found that
these two reading actions by the same token succeed
to enhance the smoothness of learners’ reading
proficiency. They summarise the benefit of RR to
efficiently build lexical items which enrich their
wealth of glossary knowledge, and also, they show
evidence that RR in point of fact heighten reading
verbally (smoothness in speaking).
2.4 Fluency
Fujita and Yamashita (2014) categorises fluency
into: mechanical/ automaticity, ‘accuracy’, the speed
in reading and ‘prosodic structuring’. The first
relates to express action in handling, somewhat free
of resource, free of intervention issue, senseless, also
tough to hold back. The second deals with express,
mechanical, comprehensive and precise of ‘fluent’
lexical identification. Regarding the third, the speed
in reading is time in general spent in glib reading
with no difficulty in understanding the whole
passage. While, for the last, is being capable to
properly comprehend chunks in passage and such
skill is mastered as the basis of outcome of doing
reading with emotion sensitivity.
2.5 Automaticity and Accuracy
RR exceedingly is capable to build up automaticity,
exercise pace, and smoothness in spoken coaching
(Wang and Kuo, 2011). This mechanical capacity
has been accumulated by doing frequent
performance and is portrayed that this is so doing
with less effort. Moreover, they explain further
about the discrepancy between accuracy and
automaticity in terms of the time-span of the
memory storage. For the first, it is saved in transient
memory and for the next; it is saved in long-standing
According to Samuels (1979) in Wang and Kuo
(2011), there are three ranks of expertise in
automatic lexical identification in RR. The first rank,
namely the imprecise step, in which it is intricate for
students to detect lexical items even upon ample
time is allocated this problem continues. For the
second rank, namely the precise step, proficiency to
notice lexical items has been built up, with
numerous concentration and endeavour though. The
last rank, namely the mechanical step, in which no
exertion is required to spot lexical items.
Fujita and Yamashita (2014) mention
disagreement about whether text-scope reading
speed/fluency correlates to text-scope accuracy in
reading to be exact grasp in reading. This study, in
response to that argument, reveals that those three
aspects of reading, namely accuracy, fluency and
comprehension can be developed in synergy.
Eventually, it can fill the gap of the studies reviewed
above regarding the absence of those three variables
at once in a study. Moreover, little studies of
Repeated Reading (RR) in review earlier, involving
reading aloud and recording the voice in mobile
phones. This matter is the focus in this study, which
becomes enrichment to research of RR aloud and
recorded. Last but not least, all the studies reviewed
in this study consider that voice played during
reading is either produced by the teacher or audio
model to guide reading better. But in this study, the
recorded reading audio is used to measure the
quality/score of accuracy and fluency of the reading
done by the students. In the long run, this voice
recorded can encourage more students’ autonomy in
doing the reading of a passage.
Is there a significant difference between before
and after using repeated reading (RR) treatment
in terms of EFL learners’ fluency and
Do EFL learners have better English
comprehension after using repeated reading
(RR) than before using repeated reading (RR)
There is a significant difference between before
and after using repeated reading (RR) treatment
in terms of EFL learners’ fluency and accuracy.
EFL learners have better English
comprehension after using repeated reading
(RR) than before using repeated reading (RR)
The method used in the present study was
quantitative approach making use of pre-
Developing EFL Learners’ Accuracy, Fluency, and Comprehension Using Repeated Reading
experimental research design because there was one
group taking place to learn reading using repeated
model. Due to the existence of one group and the
comparison of two data (pre-test and post-test), the
test result of both data was analyzed using
dependent sample t-test since it compares the same
group by doing the test twice, pre-test before the
treatment and post-test after the treatment.
5.1 Participants
The participants involved in the present study were
13 males and 14 females ranging from 20 to 22
years old students taking regular extensive reading
class in one of Universities in Indonesia. The
rationale behind choosing these participants was that
they had taken integrated English class subject
which required learners to understand language
components such as pronunciation, vocabulary, and
grammar besides language skills such as listening,
speaking, reading, and writing. However, they still
got intricacy to master such linguistic features and
skills especially in reading texts more fluently,
accurately and having more comprehension about
them and therefore repeated reading was preferred to
5.2 Materials, and Treatment
The materials used for treatment were taken from a
collection of reading material website retrieved from for intermediate level.
This website contains graded readers from Beginner
to Intermediate level of English. We chose English
for Intermediate Learners (2) materials from the
passage. The text segments were from 311 to 564
words, with a mean length of 425.46 words. The
rationale behind choosing these materials is that they
provide not only texts but audio recordings which
were beneficial for learners as a model to listen to
English native speakers as well. Every student could
access on these materials easily since they were free
of charge.
EFL learners of English got treatment based on
the materials we chose from the website and the
activities were done as seen on Table 1.
Table 1: Treatment condition based on the materials
Meeting Activities Researche
1 Administering
Create the test of
Do the test
2-5 Giving
treatment of
Demonstrate and
give examples of
reading the
Produce the
sounds as
accepted as
6-10 Giving
treatment of
Demonstrate and
give examples of
listening to the
recording of the
Produce the
sounds as
accepted as
12 Administering
Create the test of
Do the test
5.3 Instruments
The instruments used in this study were (1) reading
comprehension test and (2) reading aloud test. The
reading comprehension test consisted of 25 question
and answer items containing five (5) multiple choice
comprehension items, ten (10) yes/no question
items, and ten (10) wh-question items. The reading
aloud test items was used to measure the EFL
learners’ fluency and accuracy. This test was
categorized as a test of measuring EFL learners’
accuracy and fluency producing sound and the sound
they produced were recorded and the results of the
recordings were measured using NCWM (number of
word correct per minute) to measure accuracy and
using NCWM (number of word correct per minute)
multiplied by 60 seconds to measure fluency.
Therefore, it was said to be valid in terms of
measuring reading aloud since it really measured
what learners supposed to be measured, reading
5.4 Data Collection and Analysis
The data were collected from the students’ reading
comprehension test and the students’ performances
were recorded using their android-based mobile
phone. The first test, reading comprehension test,
which consisted of 25 question and answer items
containing five (5) multiple choice comprehension
items, ten (10) yes/no question items, and ten (10)
wh-question items was then converted into 0 to 100
band score by dividing the Total Score from
Maximum Score and multiplied by 100. The latter
test, EFL reading fluency and accuracy, was
collected by means of reading while recording the
passage. The recordings were collected and it was
scored by ratters who were able to listen to the
participants’ performance at a later time after the test
was completed. Next, the result of the transcription
was scored to measure their fluency and accuracy
using NCWM (number of word correct per minute
ANCOSH 2018 - Annual Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities
divided by number of words multiplied by 100) to
measure accuracy and using NCWM (number of
word correct per minute) multiplied by 60 seconds
to measure fluency. The pre-test and post-test scores
were then stored in SPSS and analysed using
dependent sample t-test since it compared one group
performance twice or within-group comparison.
The results of the present study were explicated as
follows. First, Table 2 showed descriptive and
dependent samples t-test results of the participants’
mean scores on different variables of reading
fluency, accuracy, and comprehension. The results
indicated that there was a significant difference on
repeated reading for fluency measure after the
treatment in comparison with before the treatment
since probability due to chance was less than 5% and
therefore the null hypothesis was rejected. On
average, EFL learners as participants experienced
significantly greater fluency using repeated reading
(M = 118.54, SD = 15.54) than before using
repeated reading (M = 107.39, SD = 26.40), t (25) =
-2.880, p < .05.
Second, there was a significant difference on
repeated reading for accuracy measure after the
treatment compared to before the treatment since
there was less than 5% chance that the data was
random but greater than 95% chance that the data
was significant and therefore the null hypothesis was
rejected. The average scores of EFL learners as
participants performed significantly greater accuracy
after using repeated reading (M = 97.26, SD = 1.10)
than before using repeated reading (M = 90.65, SD =
3.99), t (25) = -9.798, p < .05.
Third, there was a significant difference on
repeated reading for measuring comprehension after
the treatment with respect to before the treatment
since probability due to chance was less than 5% and
therefore the null hypothesis was rejected. On
average, EFL learners as participants experienced
significantly greater comprehension after using
repeated reading (M = 78.31, SD = 15.62) than
before using repeated reading (M = 74.92, SD =
15.49), t (25) = -5.897, p < .05.
Table 2: The summary of Fluency, Accuracy, and
Comprehension on EFL learners before and after the
repeated reading (RR) treatment (N=26, df=25)
No Variables Scores Mean
t Sig.*
107.39 26.40 -2.880 .008
118.54 15.54
90.65 3.99 -9.798 .000
97.26 1.10
74.92 15.49 -5.897 .000
78.31 15.62
*Significant was set at .05 level.
The distance between pre-test and post on
Fluency as seen on Figure 1 was 10.93 NCWM after
being multiplied by 60 seconds (118.45 – 107.53 =
10.93). So EFL learners’ reading fluency was 10.93
words faster after having treatment on repeated
reading than before the treatment. It indicated that
their words recognition skills increased along the
way of the steady repetitions of the same text which
enabled them to read more words per minute.
Figure 1: The development of EFL learners on reading
Fluency before and after repeated reading treatment.
Accuracy measure as seen on Figure 2 showed
that the mean difference between repeated reading
treatment and before the repeated reading treatment
was 6.61. EFL learners produced more accurate
words after repeated reading treatment than before
the treatments (M-after > M-before; 97.25 > 90.65).
So, the indication of having larger percentage on
Accuracy (6.61%) was still on the more
understanding of word recognition read several
times by EFL learners so far.
Developing EFL Learners’ Accuracy, Fluency, and Comprehension Using Repeated Reading
Figure 2: The development of EFL learners on reading
accuracy before and after repeated reading treatment.
The distance between pre-test and post on
Comprehension as seen on Figure 3 was 3.38 (78.31
– 74.92 = 3.38). So EFL learners’ reading
comprehension was 3.38 better after having
treatment on repeated reading than before the
treatment. It indicated that it was not only learners’
words recognition skills increased but lexical and
syntactical development as well.
Figure 2: The development of EFL learners on reading
Comprehension before and after repeated reading
The results of the study are elaborated based on the
two proposed research questions. The first research
question asked, “Is there a significant difference
between before and after using repeated reading
(RR) treatment in terms of EFL learners’ fluency
and accuracy?” The results showed that there was a
significant difference for both Fluency t (25) = -
2.880, p < .05 and Accuracy t (25) = -9.798, p < .05
before and after using repeated reading. These
results were consistent with those of
Gorsuch &
Taguchi (2008; 2010), Wang and Kuo (2011), and
Naghdipour (2015) and they argued that learners
improved their reading fluency and accuracy after
the experiment of using repeated reading.
and Taguchi (2008) argued that
EFL learners read more
slowly on the post-tests than they did on their
treatment passages at the end of the study but
comprehended more than the control group. The
evidence of
Gorsuch and Taguchi (2010) indicated that
learners became more experienced at processing FL
texts and became better readers. Yet, Wang and Kuo
(2011) revealed that the large progress of fluency
was mostly gained from reading rate development
(81 WCPM increase) and undersized input deriving
from accuracy (2% accurate rate increase) which is
contradiction from the present study obtaining
6.61% of accuracy after the treatment. Somehow,
RR was the process leading to an accelerated speed
which led to automaticity contributing to oral
reading fluency as well. Moreover, Naghdipour’
study (2015) focusing on reading directionality
mode was reported that learners can read faster with
great accuracy and comprehension if their L1
language is in the same direction as in L2 language.
The second research question asked, “Do EFL
learners have better English comprehension after
using repeated reading (RR) than before using
repeated reading (RR) treatment?” The results
indicated that EFL learners have better English
comprehension after using repeated reading (RR) (M
= 78.31, SD = 15.62) than before using repeated
reading (M = 74.92, SD = 15.49), t (25) = -5.897, p
< .05. The difference between before and after
treatment was significant at .05 levels. So EFL
learners’ reading comprehension was 3.38 better
after having treatment on repeated reading. This
comprehension result was lower than fluency
measurement (6.61%) previously mentioned.
However, it did not affect detrimental effect on EFL
learners’ comprehension since the difference was
significant. The result of comprehension in the
present study was in line with Chang (2012) who
concluded that increasing the reading amount for the
time-reading (TR) group improved reading rates and
comprehension and increasing the reading rate for
the RR group did not have a negative impact on
reading comprehension. Thus, to gain fluent reading
comprehension, learners gain the meaning and make
use of memory at work (lower-level processes)
which was necessary accompanied with higher-level
processes which deal with making use of
background knowledge, how to comprehend the
meaning of a passage better and synthesise passage
content. However, Fujita and Yamashita (2014)
ANCOSH 2018 - Annual Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities
diverge whether text-scope reading speed/fluency
correlates to text-scope accuracy in reading to be
exact grasp in reading. They suggested that reading
rate can be improved independently from reading
comprehension, but the comparison between the two
variables showed that some students are in either of
the two kinds of in-between groups before reaching
full development of these skills. Therefore, students
should be instructed how to read both accurately and
The result of the present study showed that there was
significant difference between before and after the
treatment of using repeated reading. EFL learners’
fluency and accuracy increase sharply after applying
repeated reading seen from the results of the study.
Also, EFL learners’ comprehension boost
tremendously after the treatment indicated by not
only the development of learners’ word recognition,
but lexical and syntactical improvement as well.
Therefore, repeated reading is effective to be used in
teaching learning process either outside or inside the
classroom. So, making use of this method in order to
develop EFL learners’ reading fluency, accuracy,
and comprehension simultaneously is worthwhile for
teachers as a foreign language.
The authors of the present study send their great
thanks to their students of English Education
Department who are willing to take part during the
study. Their willingness to record their reading texts
is very much appreciated as well.
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Developing EFL Learners’ Accuracy, Fluency, and Comprehension Using Repeated Reading