Children-Friendly Learning Management Model to Shape Low Class
Learners’ Independence and Interpersonal Skills
Ngurah Ayu Nyoman Murniati
, Listyaning Sumardiyani
and Alfiah Alfiah
Post Garduate of PGRI Semarang University, Lingga Street, Number 8 Semarang, Indonesia
FPBS, PGRI Semarang University, Elephant Street, Number 40 Semarang, Indonesia
Keywords: Model, Management of child-friendly learning, Independence and interpersonal skills.
Abstract: The challenge of the age brings about a shift in educational paradigm. The preparation of Indonesia's gold
generation requires decent and child-friendly education services in Indonesia. The formation of intelligent,
independent, and dignified personality requires a variety of readiness to perform work / action to be a major
achievement of learning from an early age. Independence and the ability to communicate should begin to be
an educational goal from the ground up. The study aimed to describe the model of child-friendly learning
management as an effort to form self-reliance and interpersonal skill of students in low grade elementary
school. Research method using Mixed Method with Sequential Exploratory strategy. Sequential Exploratory
research, with subjects limited to low grade elementary school in Semarang. Model 70% achievement
indicator. The results show that the model is feasible to be used based on the average of 82% expert validation
result, which is bigger than the model achievement indicator. In addition the model can be implemented based
on practitioners' validation of 87%> 70%. The more specific indicator of achievement that appears in the test
group is limited to the dimension of independence is the ability to serve its own needs (80%). Indicator of
achievement more specific on interpersonal skill is courage to express opinion (85%). The final result of the
study is expected to be a foothold of further model implementation and can be recommended to the related
parties of class teachers, KKG, principals, etc., in improving the quality of child-friendly learning in low grade
elementary school.
The global age has led to a paradigm shift in
education. Emerging challenges such as the rapid
advancement of science and technology, a shift in the
world economy, the environment, and the impact of
technology are the background of this shift.
Preparation of educational human resources
(educators, and students) has not been maximized in
the face of the 21st century. The competencies that
should be there are not well-owned. The preparation
of communication skills, the ability to think smart,
independent, critical, creative, innovative and have
the readiness to work / action is still very low.
The change in paradigm that prioritizes
integrated attitudes, knowledge and skills is basic and
must be contained in the formal or non-formal
education curriculum. Deepening and expanding
content, preparing educational facilities and
infrastructure, as well as developing the potential of
educators and students are the main priorities.
The results of TIMSS and PIRLS reflection
(Noah, 2013) show that more than 95% of Indonesian
students are only able to intermediate level (level
applying). These results show that the depth and
expansion of the material is still lacking. The content
of learning emphasizes higher level thinking is still
lacking. Learning that produces integrated skills
needed by the global era is still not visible. This is a
challenge for future learning.
2.1 Independence and Interpersonal
Dyers, J.H. et al (2011) in Gultom (2013) describes
two-thirds of a person's critical, creative, and
innovative abilities obtained through education.
Whereas one third comes from genetics. Supporting
Murniati, N., Sumardiyani, L. and Alfiah, A.
Children-Friendly Learning Management Model to Shape Low Class Learners’ Independence and Interpersonal Skills.
In Proceedings of the Annual Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities (ANCOSH 2018) - Revitalization of Local Wisdom in Global and Competitive Era, pages 537-543
ISBN: 978-989-758-343-8
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
factors include the ability to express in activity and
the ability to communicate / interact.
Kinesthetic abilities in expressing themselves are
often missed by teachers as educators in the
classroom. Self-expression through interest, care,
responsibility, often still not become the emphasis of
learning. The ability of students to control self-
movements is considered all the same. And this
becomes wrong when the behavior that appears
through expression is not in accordance with the
teacher's expectations in learning. Self-reliance
planting is intended to show the balance of
coordination between readiness, willingness and
responsibility in life span, especially in learning.
The ability to interact with other people both
individually and in groups is the basis of whether a
person is accepted in his relationship in the field of
education and other areas of life. Communication and
interaction that is built with the teacher, fellow
friends, other people within the scope of education,
society and the environment affect the success of the
individual personally. Because communication skills
are very effective in supporting success and this
ability is also a challenge for the 21st century
generation. Interpersonal skills are not only
transformed into mere intelligence, but are more of a
primary need that must be possessed by everyone.
The formation of skills that support creativity
becomes very important in learning. Learning does
not only look at learning outcomes as the final
achievement but more on life skills. Modification of
learning activities will have a major effect on the
assessment of learning that affects the retention and
motivation of students (Roof and Kreuitter, 2010).
Globalization is an era that must be faced.
Diversity that arises and develops in society becomes
something that cannot be rejected. This requires being
able to be part of the existence of others on the one
hand, and letting others take part in life on the other
side. Humans live as a whole. This according to
Sitorus (2013) is a characteristic of humanity that is
the capital for the development of innovation,
initiative, and creativity.
Some forms of ability that support the
development of innovation, initiative, and creativity
include independence and the ability to communicate
/ interact (Interpersonal Skill). Independence
according to Mustari (2011) is an attitude and
behavior that is not easy to depend on others in
completing tasks. According to Aunillah (2011),
children's independence means they are able to meet
their own needs while being responsible for
themselves. Independence according to Desmita
(2009) will be characterized by the ability to
determine self-determination, creative, and initiative,
regulate behavior, be responsible, be able to hold
back, and be able to make their own decisions,
overcoming problems without the influence of others.
Based on a theoretical study of independence, the
indicators set are 1) having a strong desire to learn for
their own sake, 2) the ability to serve their own needs,
and 3) having high self-confidence in completing the
tasks for which they are responsible.
Interpersonal skills are increasingly needed in
supporting interaction effectiveness. Interpersonal
skills are life skills used to communicate and interact
with others, both individually and in groups. Personal
character development through the development of
positive social relationships that individuals be
associated with the community, develop a sense of
belonging and learning to live and work with others.
According to Johnson (2002) that the process of
interpersonal skills consists of 4 things. These four
things are to know and trust someone through
openness, communicate with each other precisely and
clearly, accept and support and respond and pay
attention to other people's problems and communicate
acceptance and support appropriately, and resolve
conflicts in dealing with others constructively.
Interpersonal skill indicators set out in this study
include 1) responding and attention to the focus of
conversation / communication, 2) the courage to
express opinions, and 3) the ability to interact.
Independence and Interpersonal Skills are
tangible habits, attitudes, behavior, appearance, and
behavior around others that affect how to move and
how to get along with others. These skills are
indicators to prepare yourself to be successful and
productive in life.
2.2 Child Friendly Learning
Schools must develop a climate and culture that is full
of friendliness, tolerance and mutual respect among
fellow civitas, education staff and the community.
Various activities created make students still feel
happy, comfortable, and safe learning in school.
Sharing of academic and non-academic activities is
designed and implemented to shape the characters
and personality that are superior and resilient in the
face of changing times. Academic and non-academic
activities should not be separated from the conditions
of the surrounding environment. Students are trained
to have a good sense of conscience towards others and
the environment.
The creation of child-friendly learning must be
supported by various parties, including teachers,
students, school environment, and community
ANCOSH 2018 - Annual Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities
environment. Learning is carried out by paying
attention to matters related to the Convention on the
Rights of the Child. The principles contained in the
Convention on the Rights of the Child according to
Eddyono (2007): 1) the principle of non-
discrimination, 2) the best principle for children, 3)
the principle of the right to life, continuity and
development, and 4) the principle of respect for
children's opinions.
The implementation of the four principles in
learning includes that learning must be able to present
a pleasant atmosphere for children. The world of
"playing" appears in every learning process. Learning
must create healthy competition.
Various things that are expected to influence
child-friendly learning, are 1) the final achievement
of the best learning according to the needs and
conditions of the child, 2) the low-grade learning
curriculum that is child-friendly, 3) preventing
violence during the learning process. Forms of
violence include physical, sexual, emotional
violence, and neglect of opportunities. 4) interactive,
inspirational, and fun learning process, 5) active,
effective, and creative learning, 6) learning that is
best for children with various models, strategies, and
approaches that are appropriate to needs, 7) learning
that pays attention to children's potential growth, 8)
learning that rewards children's opinions, 9) learning
that is supported by appropriate facilities and
infrastructure for children. 10) the creation of a
conducive learning environment.
To achieve these 10 indicators, the teacher's
ability to package materials is needed. Packaging
materials is very important in the management of
child-friendly learning. The results of Yohafrinal's
research, et al. (2015) showed the low ability of
teachers in packing material. This is evident from the
7 aspects of Pedagogic Content Knowledge that must
be mastered by the teacher, it turns out that only 4
aspects are mastered, namely knowledge of learning
strategies, knowledge of learning and learning
materials, knowledge of students' communication,
and knowledge of assessment and evaluation. While
the other 3 aspects such as knowledge about students
and their characteristics, knowledge of curriculum
development, and knowledge about the development
of potential students have not been well mastered.
According to Hj. Rahman (2013) that teachers
must be able to improve their performance, optimize
roles in an effort to optimize the potential of students.
Learning approaches and strategies conducted by the
teacher must aim at developing the potential of
students. Innovations that involve the active role of
students in interesting learning. The form of creating
a conducive learning atmosphere is still too low
especially in learning in basic education. Ira
Retnaningsih and Rahmat Hidayat (2012) explained
that there is a gap in the role of peers in the
development of individuals in the classroom towards
the ability of their social representation. Furthermore
Ira Retnaningsih and Rahmat Hidayat (2012)
explained that education is very instrumental in the
development of social representation because of the
thinking of students who have self-concept.
Learning packages that can develop social
behavior in the role of peers are found in vocational
clinic models (Murniati, 2014). Other supporting
studies are the research of Agustiantoro, A and
Nuvitalia, D (2015) which states that the formation of
students' creativity in vocational clinics is supported
by attitudes and social interaction.
This research method is Mixed Method with
Sequential Exploratory strategy. Sequential
Exploratory research according to Sugiyono (2014)
combines sequential qualitative and quantitative,
where the first stage uses qualitative methods and the
second stage uses quantitative methods.
Qualitative methods function to find hypotheses
while quantitative methods function to test
hypotheses. Qualitative stages include 1) research
settings where there are problems or potential
problems, 2) researchers conduct a perspective theory
study that serves to guide researchers into the
research setting, 3) data collected through
observation, questionnaires, interviews, and
documentation, 4) data collection activities , data
analysis, and data credibility testing through
triangulation techniques are carried out
simultaneously. The stages of data collection and
analysis use the Spradley or Miles and Huberman
models (Sugiyono. 2014): namely description,
reduction and selection. This last stage was
followed by a draft conceptual model and validation
of the model for hypothetical preparation steps. 5)
The hypothesis is defined as the final conclusion of
the stages of qualitative research.
The quantitative stages include 1) determination
of population and sample in child-friendly learning in
low grade elementary schools. The population
determined was all elementary schools in Semarang
city. While the sample is determined using Purposive
Random Sampling technique. 2) Collecting and
analyzing quantitative data, according to the
established hypothesis. Data is collected through
Children-Friendly Learning Management Model to Shape Low Class Learners’ Independence and Interpersonal Skills
observation, experiments, and documentation. 3)
Compile conclusions and recommendations as
recommendations for research results.
Observations of low-grade learning were carried out
in 2 schools that were the subject of research. School
selection is based on the characteristics of the school
and the learning environment of students. The results
of identification were obtained by religious
elementary schools and public elementary schools
with different facilities and students. Interviews and
documentation were carried out in these two
elementary schools. Observation results can be seen
in Table 1.
Table 1: Results of research subject observation.
Learning final output
The final learning output is found on the lesson plan and
some are in the learning process. However, the feedback
of the learning is not yet based on the output.
The output is not found either on the lesson plan or on
the learning process.
Curriculum in the lower
graders of elementary school
Curriculum 2013 (the latest curriculum in Indonesia)
KTSP (the older curriculum in Indonesia) and
curriculum 2013
Interactive, inspiring, and fun
learning process
There is a student-centered learning process which is
interactive and fun, but not inspiring yet.
There learning process is still teacher-centered. The
interaction only occurs between teachers and students;
there is no interactive activities among students and
interaction between students and the environment. The
learning is also not yet fun and inspiring.
Learning which focuses on
the development of children
Well-planned, but not yet in a maximum way.
Not implemented yet. Teachers still treat all the students
Learning which is supported
by child-friendly facilities
Facilities are complete and with good quality; they meet
school facility standards.
Facilities are not complete, not meeting the school
facility standards.
Creating conducive learning.
Learning is constantly conducive.
Learning is sometimes conducive.
The findings of further observations can be seen
in the results of the interview. Interviews are
conducted with principals, teachers, and parents.
The Headmaster stated: "The teacher designs a
learning program based on the achievements that
have been set. Steps and strategies are designed in the
RPP. I’m always check RPP readiness a week before
the start of the semester. The teacher receives
feedback from the results of the monitoring and
evaluation and supervision. Infrastructure facilities
are prepared to support conducive and enjoyable
learning "(W-KS1 / 10102017).
Meanwhile, another Principal stated: "The teacher
designed the RPP and implemented it according to the
plan. Changes often occur according to the child's
condition in the field. My school has not fully used
K13 so that things related to learning, learning
outcomes have not been fully understood.
Supervision is carried out once a semester. Standard
facilities and infrastructure according to school needs
"(W-KS2 / 12102017).
An interview with the first school teacher who
became the subject said "I carry out learning
according to planning, even though it is not yet
maximal. Because K13 is a new curriculum that is
very different from the previous curriculum. I have to
study more optimally to improve the quality of
learning in the classroom. I am sometimes still hard
to educate children to be obedient and obedient. "(W-
G1 / 12102017).
Interview with the second teacher said “Learning
is carried out according to the curriculum, even so,
ANCOSH 2018 - Annual Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities
my class is a large class, so to carry out the maximum
class is very lacking and requires great energy. Low-
class children must be trained in discipline in
learning. I have the control of learning to achieve the
maximum goal ". (W-G2 / 12102017).
Interviews with parents of students in the School
who became the subject of the study: "Learning in
school is very good, children are very communicative
and teachers patiently guide children". (W-O1.1 /
16102017). Another statement shown by parents of
students in the same school: "Learning now does not
leave homework for children at home. This is my
concern to raise the spirit of learning at home "(W-
O1.2 / 17102017).
Meanwhile, parents of students at other schools
stated 'I am not too meddling in learning at school,
what I know is that my teacher in my child's school is
a senior and smart teacher. The teacher guides
students slowly and patiently, the problem is
infrastructure that is less supportive. "(W-O2.1 /
17102017). Another opinion shows that "Learning is
not optimal, because teachers always leave
homework and assignments that are not suitable for
the child's age” (W-O2.2 / 19102017).
Documentation results obtained 1) Learning
Tools, 2) teaching experience and teacher assignment
letters, 3) results of monitoring and supervision.
Triangulation method shows that there is a match
between the method of observation, interview, and
The findings show that there is a difference
between learning in first and second schools. The
willingness of teachers to learn and adapt to changes
in curriculum is the key to learning success. The 2013
curriculum is a new curriculum paradigm that takes
into account the convention of children's rights in
every academic and non-academic activity. Learning
management is carried out not yet maximally. The
planning, organizing, actuating, and controlling
management functions according to Terry (2000)
have not been implemented optimally. Planning
stages, not based on needs analysis. This will impact
planning changes when in the field. Learning
organizations based on material management, time
management, and classroom management have not
been maximally arranged. The results of monitoring
and supervision have not been seen as controlling
learning programs.
Triangulation results show the need to build a
child-friendly learning model. This model is based on
the arrangement and management of material, time,
and class through vocational clinics arranged in the
form of planning, organizing, actuating, and
controlling. The essence of the model lies in mapping,
structuring, planning and organizing material, time
and class. The model can be seen in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Child friendly learning management model.
Model validation is carried out as a form of
scientific responsibility for experts and practitioners
of education management experts, and basic
education experts. Whereas practitioners are carried
out at Teacher Work Group (KKG) in schools that are
not subject to research. Validation results obtained by
the percentage of 80% and 84% indicate the model is
feasible to use because of the specified achievement
indicator. While the results of the assessment of the
KKG administrators who were also elementary
school teachers were 85%, 90% and 86%. This shows
that the model can be implemented because > of the
achievement indicators specified.
The child-friendly learning management model is
applied to improve students' independence and
interpersonal skills. Further Table 2 shows the views
of experts and practitioners on the achievement of the
model in shaping students' independence and
interpersonal skills.
Table 2: Learning model to enhance self-independence and
interpersonal skill.
Percentage (%)
Having strong willingness
and determination to learn
Having an ability to serve
Having self-confidence in
finishing tasks with
Interpersonal Skill
Giving positive response
and focus to the topic of
Having courage to deliver
Having good interaction
According to Loughran Berry & Mulhall (2006)
that PCK (pedagogic content knowledge) is an
academic idea that presents ideas that are rooted in
the belief that teaching requires more than just
Children-Friendly Learning Management Model to Shape Low Class Learners’ Independence and Interpersonal Skills
providing subject matter knowledge to students and
learning not just absorbing information but more than
its application . Learning packaging is not the same
single form for all teachers who teach the same
subject area, but special expertise with individual
features and influenced by the context / atmosphere
of teaching, content and experience. So that it can be
the same for some teachers and different for other
teachers, but at least it is a meeting point for teacher
professional knowledge and teacher expertise. The
quality of packaging material in learning is still low.
This affects the success of students. Teachers who are
weak in knowledge of pedagogical content will cause
difficulties for students to be able to understand the
subject matter delivered.
The role of the structure of science in the
knowledge of pedagogical content according to
Schulman (1987) consists of aspects of content,
substantive aspects, and synthetic aspects. Content
aspects include subject matter content. The
substantive aspect consists of theoretical concepts as
a reference to the process or identity that is a key idea,
a logical structure that connects the theoretical
concepts in equations or statements, operational
definitions that are referred to from theoretical
concepts with observations, and theoretical models
which are mental images, analogies, or mathematical
relationship visualized. Synthetic aspects are needed
to facilitate the operationalization of the definition of
intellectual skills according to cognitive actions
applied to the subject matter. Intellectual skills are
needed in realizing specific functions when
structuring knowledge.
The model of child-friendly learning is feasible and
can be implemented to form the independence and
interpersonal skills of low-grade students. Feasibility
and feasibility is evidenced by the average value
greater than the achievement indicators specified.
Further research hypotheses are set to test the
widespread use of models in the class. The alternative
hypothesis set is an effective child-friendly learning
model to shape the independence and interpersonal
skills of low-grade students. Other findings of the
study can be implemented in special classroom
learning management or marginalized groups of
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Children-Friendly Learning Management Model to Shape Low Class Learners’ Independence and Interpersonal Skills