selected European countries. For the purpose of this
analysis in the data for the biomass are considered
those related to investments and electricity
generated, but not related CO
emissions, since the
biomass is assumed as CO
neutral. The average
values of CO
generation per unit of energy for
different fuels are accepted according to (Kather,
2011), what is the same approach as in calculations
of previous diagram. All assets are assumed as new
one, i.e. no repayments of the investments are
considered since there was lack of available data.
Costs of the assets correspond to prices in 2016,
according to (U.S. Energy Information
Administration 2016; Breeze, 2010). In the case that
partially write-off of the asset is included in
assessment of 3E indicator, its numerical value will
be lower. Data on electricity generating capacities,
as well as the generated electricity in considered
countries are taken from references
(;;; The data are
valid for the year 2015. The meaningful differences
in the numerical values of 3E Indicator among
considered countries can be recognized in Figure 3.
This fact confirms previously introduced hypothesis
that 3E Indicator has enough high sensitivity on the
actual data in different countries, and thus is
applicable for comparison of the actual situation in
them, as well.
Much bigger value of 3E Indicator for Germany
can be understood as that there is a big amount of
electricity generating capacities, that cost a lot and
that this fact has stronger impact on the 3E indicator
than achieved CO
emissions. It looks as an
“overinvestment” in the assets that operate
producing energy in average of small number of
hours per year. According to our calculation it is
slightly under 3000 hours of work in full capacity
per year. In contrary, small level of 3E Indicator for
France points out that high participation of NPPs in
residual load domain of about 80% enable better
effect in CO
emissions with smaller amount of
investments, resulting in longer average operation
hours per year of the installed capacities. According
to our calculation it amounts about 4450 hours of
work in full capacity peer year. The other three
countries do not have any NPP. However, the values
of their 3E indicators are comparably good due to
considerable amount of carbon free electricity
generated by hydro power plants and i-RES. In
Serbia about 28 percent of overall electricity
generation comes from hydropower plants, in
Austria such generation exceeds 63% percent, while
in Greece carbon-free electricity amounts slightly
over 40%. In these countries calculated average
hours of work in full capacity peer year amount
4330, 3100 and 2944, respectively.
The paper presents the results of technology options
research on the paths towards the carbon free
electricity generation. For that three different
technology mixes are considered. Each mix
comprises i-RES and nuclear thermal power plants
technologies as carbon free technologies, lignite
fired technology in the base part, and CCGT
technology which is aimed for pick part of the
annual electricity load diagram. In addition first mix
has existing hard coal fired technology without CCS,
second mix in addition has advanced hard coal fired
technology without CCS, while the third one has in
addition advanced hard coal fired technology with
In order to enable quantitative measurements of
the considered technology mixes, 3E Indicator is
introduced. The Indicator comprises annual part of
the investments in all electricity plants of the
respected mix, annual amount of CO
emitted, as
well as the annual amount of electricity generated.
The principal application of the concept is described
by appropriate model calculations for the general
European conditions.
The results show that introduced 3E Indicator is
sensitive on the types of technologies from which
each mix is composed, as well as on the
participation of carbon free technologies in overall
electricity generation. This characteristic makes 3E
Indicator suitable for analysis of the technological
solutions within considered electricity generating
system, and/or the country regarding investments in
asset, CO
emissions and energy produced.
The analysis is exemplified by estimation of 3E
indicator for the installed capacities and electricity
generated in 2015 in the group of five European
countries. The results show that the country with
highest participation of NPPs and/or hydro power
plants, and low participation of i-RES in electricity
generation has the best i. e. the lowest value of 3E
Indicator. On the other hand the country with highest
participation of i-RES and low to moderate
participation of NPPs and/or HPPs has the
conceivably highest value of 3E Indicator. Two of
the rest three countries have good values of 3E
indicator due to high participation of hydro power in