earlier than or synchronized with the hydrocarbon
expulsion period a re the necessary conditions for the
formation of oil and gas reservoirs in Block A.
In Block A, the rift-sag boundary faults
developed from mid -Eocene continuously to the end
of Miocene. In the basin of Early Pliocene, faults
affected by the ext rusion, the strata overlying the
pre-Tertiary basement e xperienced tectonic
deformation and formed basement intrusive
extrusion anticlines during the Pliocene-Pleistocene.
With the continued extrusion, the structural
amp litude gradually increased. From the end of the
Ple istocene to the present, it entered the relatively
quiescent period of tectonic activ ity. W ith the
increase of burial depth, the anticline remains intact.
The Lower Talang Akar and Lahat strata in the
Tertiary a re the main source rocks, and oil
generation began in the late Miocene. The organic
matter in the Pliocene source rocks entered the
mature stage and began to enter hydrocarbon mass -
generation and e xpulsion periods (Yuan et al., 2012).
With the formation traps, oil and gas entered these
traps and formed reservoirs. As traps formed time
matcheed well with a large nu mber of hydrocarbon
expulsion stages and the post-tectonic structures
were well preserved, it p rovided favorable
conditions for the preservation of
hydrocarbons .Figure 2 shows the cross section of
Block A.
Figure 2: Cross section of block A.
3.2 Reversed Boundary Inversion
Thrusts Were Important Vertical
Transport Channel for
Hydrocarbon Migration
The reverse rift thrust faults developed fro m the
Eocene at the rift-semi-graben border run through
the strata from the lo wer Tertiary Lahat and the
lower Talang Akart source rock to the Upper Air
Benakat, and the reverse thrust reverse faults
became the most important vertical channel of
hydrocarbon mig ration, especially during the
Pliocene-Pleistocene period of hydrocarbon mass -
generation and expulsion. During these period the
reverse rift thrust faults were the reactivation of the
boundary faults and the vertical transport of
hydrocarbons to the Upper Talang Akar, Bata Raja
and Gumai reservoir.
3.3 NNE Faults Controlled the Local
Accumulation of Oil and Gas
The NNE fault developed mainly fro m the Talang
Akar to Air Benakat depositional stages and formed
different types of local traps with the boundary and
NEE faults. On the one hand, part of the faults in the
Lower Talang Akar source rock directly
communicate with the source rocks and reservoirs.
On the other hand, the oil and gas migrated fro m the
lower part to the upper part through the boundary
inversion thrust faults and further through the NNE
strike faults in the horizontal direction, and finally
formed different oil-gas contact and water-oil
contact hydrocarbon reservoirs.
3.4 Control of Fault Lateral Sealing on
Hydrocarbon Accumulation
The mechanis m of fault docking is that the two
layers of the two sides of the fault contact with each
other due to the relative movement of hanging wall
and footwall. At the same time, the mudstone
undergoes plastic deformat ion when the format ion
slides; the fault is blocked by mudstone, so that the
sandstone on both sides of the fault is in contact
with the cross-section mud ca ke, and form a lateral
seal (Fu et al., 1998; Yield ing et al., 1997; Allan,
1989; Lv and Fu, 2002; Zou et al., 1992; ith, 1996).
The boundary faults acted as a compressive reverse
faults and the strata on both sides of the faults differ
wide ly in their permeability, especially under the
action of the Miocene extrusion tectonic movement.
The fault surface was in a co mpressive stress state
and the fault has obvious sealing in the lateral
direction, so that oil and gas are ma inly enriched in
the upwelling trap of the faults. The vertical slide
distance of the NNE strike is generally 10-50m.
Both sandstones are basically ju xtaposed with the
mudstone facies of the plate. At the same time,
because the sandstone and mudstone are interbedded
thinly in this area, the mudstone was subjected to
shear during the sliding and was squeeze into the
Air Benakat
Bata Raja
Upper Talang Akar
Lower Talang Akar
IWEG 2018 - International Workshop on Environment and Geoscience