The obvious regular long trends in all eight
directions are not found in original data, calculated
spontaneous electric field and calculated telluric
field observed in FengNing station (Figure2). After
quality inspection, all observation data can be
classified as normal. They are the objective reflex of
geo-electric field in FengNing area, and the time
series long trend show anisotropy, which is
consistent with results obtained by Mota et al. (Mota
et al., 2004). About the geo-electric field
characteristics during calm period, Mogi et al. (Mogi
et al., 2000) have also studied the short-term and the
long-time variation of electric field. Short-term
electric field variations were found to correspond
mainly to geomagnetic activity, while long-term
variation was mostly gradual shift and was clearly
uncorrelated to precipitation and to ground water
level variations (Mogi et al., 2000).
From Figure 2 and 3, the amplitude of original
data and spontaneous electric field in 8 directions is
different. The telluric field in the middle of year is
high and is low in the beginning and by the end of
the year. The observation values in different
directions are nearly the same. These results are
consistent with the present research results (Qian
and Lin, 1995; Xi et al., 2013). In addition, Zhang et
al. (Zhang et al., 2012) think that the differences in
electric field variation amplitude and shapes
between different stations and among ground
observing data reflect the different response process
at stations with different underground
electromagnetic structures and the response
mechanism to current system in lithosphere. The
direction of anomalies may be affected and
controlled by regional stress state and the strikes of
fault belts (Zhang et al., 2012). Li et al. (Li et al.,
2014) researched the abnormal variations of geo-
electric field observed at three stations in the
Shanghai area and found that data in even very close
three stations can vary greatly. They pointed that the
huge differences of curve shape, amplitude and
phase are caused by different electrical properties
under the stations (Li et al., 2014). The different
laying way of the electrode, and the different
distance between the electrodes are other reasons,
which is also mentioned by Mogi et al. (Mogi et al.,
2000). So, the amplitude and shape of data in
different stations may be different due to the local
Earth’s surface, the underground layer conductivity,
and also the electrode. It is also why there is or is not
annual variation in long time series of geo-electric
The regular diurnal variations of telluric field can
be recorded using the multi-direction observation.
The dominant period of the original data and
telluric field is mainly 12, 24, 8 or 6 hours, which is
in accordance with the results of the previous
researches (Ye, 2006). Ye (Ye, 2006) studied the
spectrum characteristics of geo-electric diurnal
variation based on data from stations in China,
which showed that in geo-electric diurnal variation,
the amplitude of the 12 h semidiurnal wave is the
largest, followed in turn by the 24~25h diurnal wave
and the 8 h periodic wave (Ye, 2006). In general, the
diurnal variation and its frequency represent the
telluric electric field part in the data, which is
homogenous with the ionospheric electric field and
is correlated with the daily geomagnetic fluctuation
(Qian and Lin, 1995 ; Mogi et al., 2000; Ye, 2006).
However, the spontaneous electric field is in a slow
evolutionary process, there is no obvious period
found from two years data so far.
The spontaneous electric field is a stable electric
field formed on the Earth’s surface by the
underground medium under the effect of physical
and chemical processes, so the correlation is better
between different directions. For the telluric field,
there is a good correlation between two opposite
directions. With the increasing of observational data
amount, the correlation will be worse, showing that
the long time series of all directions are gradually
The geo-electric field characteristics of
experimental data in multi directions in FengNing
station was presented in this paper. The results of
calculated spontaneous electric field and the telluric
field in FengNing station are basically consistent
with the ones in theory. However, there are still
some phenomena that are not very consistent with
the theoretical basis, such as the telluric field that
didn’t display obvious seasonal variation, except on
the amplitude, which has high value in summer and
low value in winter. In fact, the telluric field is
caused by Sq current system. The long-term
seasonal and solar cycle variability and significant
day-to-day variability in the Sq current system are
found as early as 1960 (Hasegawa, 1960). The main
reason may be that there are a variety of other
components in the actual observation data, besides
the spontaneous electric field and the telluric field,
even undetected interference components in data
quality assessment. Therefore, sometimes the
objective processing result of the observation data
cannot fully reflect the real characteristics of the