3.2.1 Application Subject View Mapping
The application subject view mapping rule is used to
map from the application subject view to the
uniform access view; i.e., to mapping the object and
property in the application subject view to a virtual
table and field in the uniform access view.
When mapping the application subject view to
the uniform access view, the application subject
view maps the table to the corresponding view by
creating a database view. Additionally, the
application subject view accesses the information by
reading the corresponding field in the uniform
access view. Accessing the uniform view is different
from accessing the ordinary table because it is not a
major feature in the view. For example, there is an
object (O) that has three properties: x, y, and z, i.e.,
O(x, y, z). There are two virtual tables A and B in the
uniform access view, where A has N fields: a
, and B has M fields: b
, b
. Then we
will have the following mapping results: O.x→A.a
; O.z→B.b
From the above mapping results, we can see that
an object could correspond to several tables. So once
the application design corrects an object, it can
operate several tables through this object; the data
access then will be more convenient and effective.
3.2.2 Local Data Source Mapping Rule
The local data source mapping rule is used for
mapping from the uniform access view to the local
original data view; i.e., to mapping a virtual table
and field from the uniform access view to the actual
table and field in the local origin data view. For
example, for a virtual table A that has N fields: A
, … AN, there is an actual table a that has M
fields: a
, a
, … am. We then will get the following
mapping results: A.A
; A.A
From the above mapping results, we can see that
the mapping relationship between the tables in the
uniform access view and the tables in the original
data view is a one-to-one relationship. However, the
fields in the two views do not have a one-to-one
relationship. The uniform access view can hide
some protected fields in the original data from the
3.3 Information Description Methods
we consider the information description methods,
which include descriptions of the data source, the
application view mapping rules and the local data
source mapping rules.
3.3.1 Data Source Description Method
In this paper, we adopt a five-fold description of the
data source.
DataSource= {DBName, URL, Username,
Password, Driver},
where DBName is the name of the data source,
which is the unique identifier for the underlying data
source; URL is the universal resource locator access
address of the data source; Username and Password
are the name and the password used to access the
data source, respectively; Driver is the name of the
driver program that needs to be loaded to access the
data source. An example description is shown in
Figure 3.
Figure 3: Example description of the data source
3.3.2 Application View Mapping Rules
Description Method
For the application view mapping rules, we adopt a
three-fold description.
AppObject={ObjectName, ReferView,
where ObjectName is the name of the unique
application object; ReferView is the name of the
virtual table referred to by the application object in
the middle logic view; PropertyList contains the
names of the fields included in the application
< DBSource name=”ORACLE”>
<URL value="
<USER value=" qzdata”></USER>
<PSW value=" dataqz”></PSW>
<DRIVER value="
</ DBSource >