Study on Vacancy Defect Concentration and Hybrid
Potential of Metal-based Epitaxial Graphene with
J H Gao, W Liu
, X X Ren and R L Zheng
Engineering Research Center of New Energy Storage Devices and Applications,
Chongqing Chongqing University of Arts and Sciences, Chongqing 402160, P.
Corresponding author and e-mail: W Liu, liuwei127@126.com
Abstract. This paper investigates the variation of the vacancy defect concentration and
hybrid potential of copper and nickel - based epitaxial graphene with temperature by
considering the existence of vacancy defects. Moreover, we discuss the impact of atomic non-
harmonic vibration on the metal - based epitaxial graphene. First, the concentration of
vacancy defects increases nonlinearly with increasing temperature, and the changing rate of
the vacancy defect concentration of the metal-based epitaxial graphene with temperature is
smaller than that of graphene; Second, the hybrid potential increases with increasing
temperature, but not much; Third, the hybrid potential is independent of temperature without
considering the atomic non-harmonic vibration which has an important influence on the
vacancy defect concentration and the hybrid potential. The higher the temperature is, the
more significant the non-harmonic effects are.
1. Introduction
Epitaxial graphene has attracted the attention of researchers worldwide for its application prospect
[1-4]. Conductivity is one of the most widely used and most important properties. Beside the
experimental research, many literatures have studied the conductivity of epitaxial graphene. In 2013,
Z Z Alisultanov studied the electrical conductivity of electron gas on metal-based and
semiconductor-based epitaxial graphene in Ref. [5]. In 2015, the variation of electrical conductivity
with temperature and thickness of little layer graphene and graphene nanosheets were studied,
indicating that the electrical conductivity gradually decreased with increasing temperature in Ref. [6].
However, these studies did not consider the existence of defects such as vacancies. In 2015, Davydov
made some discussions about the effect of epitaxial graphene vacancy defects on the density of
graphene in Ref. [7], nevertheless, neither the state density of epitaxial graphene on the specific
substrate, nor the relationship between the vacancy defect concentration and the temperature are
studied. At the same time, the physical model is established without taking the non-harmonic
vibration of the atom into account. Therefore, the hybrid potential of graphene is used as a constant
which is irrelevant to the temperature, and the experimental results of the electrical conductivity of
the epitaxial graphene with temperature cannot be explained well. Because of the preparation
Gao, J., Liu, W., Ren, X. and Zheng, R.
Study on Vacancy Defect Concentration and Hybrid Potential of Metal-based Epitaxial Graphene with Temperature.
In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Materials, Chemistry and Engineering (IWMCE 2018), pages 194-201
ISBN: 978-989-758-346-9
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