reaction time, the peak intensity at 226 nm attributed to xanthate increased in the first 30 min and
then decreased continuously in line with that at 301 nm shown in Figure 2. Apparently the variations
of the peak at 301 nm and simulated peak at 226 nm show the same trend, implying xanthate is one
of the thermal decomposition products of metal xanthate. At the same time, the simulated peak at 238
nm attributed to dixanthogen increased at the first 300 min and then shown somewhat decreasing,
indicating dixanthogen is one of the thermal decomposition products. However, the simulated peak at
222 attributed to monothiocarbonate shown some different phenomena for ZnX
and CdX
system. In
suspension, it increased at the first 5h and then stabilized. In CdX
system, however, it
increased at the first 2h and then decreased irregularly, which may indicate to some extent different
intermediate thermal decomposition process for ZnX
and CdX
system. These phenomena may
reveal that the monothiocarbonate may be an intermediate thermolysis product, which then goes
through further decomposition.
Table 1. Variations of UV absorbance in ZnX
or CdX
suspension during the thermal decomposition process.
precursor Time/min Wavelength/nm Sum of
222 226 238
0 --- 0.35 ---
30 0.08 0.45 0.10 0.043
120 0.15 0.37 0.17 4.33E-4
300 0.32 0.04 0.19 1.03E-5
480 0.31 0 0.17 5.57E-5
0 -- 0.36 --
25 0.10 0.57 0.15 0.00862
75 0.15 0.53 0.27 0.0472
125 0.26 0.25 0.38 5.83E-4
185 0.13 0.22 0.47 0.010033
365 0.14 0.19 0.54 5.1E-4
395 0.06 0.12 0.53 0.00132
Whenever dealing with the thermolysis of xanthate, people naturally tend to consider it as a well
known Chugaev reaction. Efrima’s group has rationalized the thermal decomposition mechanism of
various metal xanthates in alkylamine solution using Chugaev reaction.
In order to test the
applicability of Chugaev reaction in explaining the reaction mechanism in our system, we made great
effort to find out the evidence of olefin, as the main thermal decomposition product of Chugaev
reaction is olefin and if it is there, it should be easily identified by gas chromatography in
combination with mass spectroscopy (GC-MS) and FTIR measurements. However, the
measurements results didn’t show any evidence of olefin, but different degradation products of
xanthate (supporting information, Figure S1-S2), which is consistent with the results of our UV
spectroscopic measurements. From the results of FTIR measurements, we can find a peak at wave
number of 2053 cm
, due to the asymmetric stretching vibration from the carbonyl sulfide. From the
results of GC-MS measurements, the peak at retention time of 1.428 min is assigned as that from CS
in which 76, 44, 32 corresponds respectively to the mass spectrum of CS
, CS and S. From the mass
spectra at retention time of 1.428 min, we can also see the mixed mass spectra of air and carbonyl
sulfide with m/z=60, 44, 32, 28, 16, 12, m/z=60 is COS and m/z=44, 32, 28 can be attributed to the
degradation products of COS and their mixture with CO
, O
and N
. The experimental results of this
GC-MS measurement can evidence the existence of COS, which is in consistence with the results of
FTIR measurements.