to {hkl} <110> orientation, and at this time it has reached the deformation limit that the grains can
bear. Meanwhile, the content of {111} <uvw> oriented grains decreased gradually. Thus, in the
transverse pre-stretching process [12], the content of {hkl}<110> and {hkl}<112>grains decreased
and increased respectively along the rolling direction because the stretching and the cold rolling
directions were perpendicular. Also, {111} <uvw> oriented grains were easily to slide and rotate
continuously in the process of stretching, so the texture distributed wider and more uniformly, and
the content of γ fiber decreased.
However, after rolling, both the intensity of α and γ fiber textures increases, that is, both the
{hkl}<110> and the {111}<uvw> textures increases. In this experiment, after transverse rolling (the
rolling direction perpendicular to the original cold rolling direction), the {111} <uvw> texture raised
slightly, the {111} <112> texture raised significantly (caused by the increase of {hkl}<110> texture
along transverse direction), and the {111}<110> texture decreased a little.
The quantities of {111} <uvw> oriented grains were measured by EBSD. When the deviation
angle was 15°, no matter transverse stretching or transverse rolling, the quantities of the oriented
grains were increased. When the deviation angle was 10°, the quantities of the grains were decreased
and increased after transverse stretching and transverse rolling respectively, as shown in Figure 9.
Transverse stretching make the distribution of the γ texture more uniform in ODF map, that is, the
grains of γ fiber texture gradually shift to other orientations, so the typical {111} oriented grains
decrease. With the increase of deformation, both the γ fiber texture and the deflection angle to the
{111} orientation line changed obviously, the deflection range of main texture component increased
along Φ in ODF map. On the contrary, transverse rolling made the γ texture distribute more compact
along Φ in ODF map, it was more focused on the typical {111} orientation line. In the analysis of
macro texture results by ODF, the texture strengths of 0# and 1# were located in {334}<483> and
{554}<225>, and with the reduction of transverse rolling increased, the texture strengths of 3# had
already moved to the standard position {111}<112> of γ fiber texture. Some studies [11, 14] have
indicated that the two factors mentioned above would enhance the ridging phenomenon of ferritic
stainless steel.
Therefore, it can be seen that the opposite influence on the ridging phenomenon of ferritic
stainless steel by transverse stretching and transvers rolling, is due to that the intensity and strengths’
position of α and γ fiber texture change differently after transverse stretching and transvers rolling.
Figure 9. The content of {111}<uvw> oriented grains in the test site.