Analysis on Intelligent Manufacturing Transaction Cost in
Manufactuing Industry
Yiye Zhang
College of Management and Economics, Tianjin University, No. 92 Weijin Road, Tianjin, P.R. China
Keywords: Intelligent Manufacturing; Transaction Cost; Game Analysis.
Abstract: As Germany's Industry 4.0 program quickly swept the world, China also actively embraced the arrival of the
new era. The State Council of China officially announced "Made in China 2025" as a Chinese version of
Industry 4.0. This essay is based on the theory of transaction costs of new institutional economics. Through
further clarifying the connotation of intelligent manufacturing in manufacturing industry, and using
transaction cost theory to analyze the relationship between intelligent manufacturing and transaction costs,
and finally proposing suggestions to accelerate intelligent manufacturing in manufacturing industry.
Intelligent manufacturing refers to the establishment
of intelligent production in order to meet the
individual customization of the consumers, and get
rid of the labor-intensive production methods of
high-energy consumption, low efficiency, and less
innovation of traditional enterprises (Saridis, 1997).
It also improves company's modernization and
intelligent manufacturing process. The construction
of intelligent manufacturing in manufacturing
industry should include the following key elements:
strengthening quality technology research and
fostering independent brands, improving innovation
capability, realizing innovation to improve the
development of the national manufacturing industry,
upgrading the green manufacturing industry and
ecological civilization, optimizing the industrial
layout and promoting the coordination development
of enterprises in different scales (Miao, 2015).
The main factors affecting the manufacturing
intelligent transaction cost in manufacturing industry
consist of powerful big data collection and
processing technology, fast mobile payment
methods, and powerful industry association
supervision methods. These three factors play a
decisive role in reducing transaction costs and
improving transaction efficiency. Meanwhile, they
also affect the cost of obtaining information
exchange between the transaction objects, the
indirect costs from signing to completing the
contract, and monitoring cost whether the
transaction object trades follows the content of the
contract (Dahlman, 1979).
2.1 Analysis of the Relationship between
Intelligent Manufacturing and
Transaction Costs in Manufacturing
The integration of manufacturing industry and
modern information technologies such as big data
collection and processing and mobile payment
technologies has formed a brand-new intelligent
manufacturing model, which has resulted in lower
transaction costs and higher transaction efficiency.
Therefore, manufacturing industry has facilitated a
rapid development due to a series of methods and
technologies. First, big data collection and
processing technology effectively and accurately
position the sales market of manufacturing industry.
Second, online payment methods of mobile device
terminals build a convenient platform for the
transaction. Third, industry associations have strong
supervision for the enterprises to ensure the safety
and security of trading. The effective operation of
these three entities is an important embodiment of
transaction efficiency, which reduces information
costs, contracting costs, and supervision costs, and
promotes the individuality, efficiency, and
profitability of manufacturing production(Figure 2-
2.1.1 The Relationship Between Transaction
Costs and Personalization
The relationship between transaction cost and
personalization is mainly determined by the
collection and processing results of big data. It can
be considered that the big data collection and
processing technology is positively related to
transaction efficiency and the level of
personalization, and negatively related to transaction
costs. In specific, efficient big data collection and
processing technology can promote locating market
requirements accurately, personalising product, and
reducing transaction costs.
2.1.2 The Relationship Between Transaction
Costs and Profitability
The relationship between transaction cost and
profitability is mainly determined by the use of
mobile payment methods. It can be considered that
the application of mobile payment methods is
positively related to transaction efficiency and
profitability, and negatively related to transaction
costs (Yang, 2014). In specific, the rational use of
mobile payment methods can reduce transaction
costs, increase transaction efficiency, increase the
profitability of enterprises, and promote the rapid
development of the manufacturing industry.
2.1.3 The Relationship Between Transaction
Costs and Efficiency
The relationship between transaction costs and
efficiency is mainly determined by the strong
supervision of industry associations, which
positively related to transaction efficiency and high
efficiency, and negatively related to transaction
costs. In specific, powerful supervisory measures
can reduce transaction costs, improve transaction
efficiency, and promote efficient operation of
2.2 Analysis of the Influencing Factors
for the Transaction Cost in
Manufacturing Industry
The determinants of transaction costs include the
"contractor" factors, consisting of bounded
rationality and opportunism, and trading factors,
such as asset specificity, uncertainty, and transaction
2.2.1 “Contractor” Factors
When the limited rationality and opportunistic
behavior of the “contractor” is researched, it can also
be analyzed from the perspective of the game theory,
in specific, to analyze the emergence of price wars
among enterprises and the emergence of free riders
and opportunism(Williamson, 1981).
(1) Price Game
In manufacturing industry, since the competition
among enterprises is fierce, price wars are being
fought with each other, which disrupts the normal
market order and damaging the interests of
enterprises. This problem can be analyzed from the
perspective of game theory. In the price war of an
enterprise, it is assumed that each enterprise is
rational, and there exist a typical non-cooperative
game relationship between the enterprises. In the
course of the game, there are two main price
strategies for companies to choose from, i.e., price
reduction and fixed price. When only two companies
participate in the game and meet certain
assumptions, the following game payment matrix is
available (Table 2-1).
Table 2-1 Price game payment matrix.
Among them:
R means the equal returns obtained beforethe export
price reduction of the export products;
B represents the additional net income gained by the
enterprise who reduce the price;
A denotes the loss of price stability under the
condition of B;
C indicates the loss caused by both parties' price
The best strategy for this prisoner's dilemma
model is (price reduction, price reduction).
Specifically, the "price wars" of enterprises not only
damage their own interests, but also harm the
interests of other companies, and the results will
surely cause harm for both sides. The above
payment matrix just describes a game process, but in
actual economic life, the enterprises will paticipate
multiple games.
Together with a finite number of repeated games,
according to backward induction, each game player
will adopt the same strategy (price reduction, price
reduction) for each game. With consideration of an
infinite number of repeated games, it is necessary to
introduce the benefit of the latter stage into discount
, where
is the market
interest rate with one period as deadline.
When the discount coefficient δ is relatively
large, for the manufacturers, the future interests are
considered more important relate to the current
interests. They will not cause their long-term
interests to be damaged for the sake of the current
interests. However, assumed that more companies
participate in the game, the greater the ratio of net
income to loss of future profits in each company's
one-off opportunistic uncooperative behavior, the
greater the incentive for opportunistic behaviour
(Jiang, 2014). This situation is consistent with the
observation of social reality in China. If the
company's product price strategy is carried out in an
infinite number of repeated games, and in the case of
a large number of companies in a market, it happens
that a price drop, which will surely put the company
into a vicious cycle of great harm.
(2) The Game between Enterprises under
Intelligent Manufacturing
From previous analysis, the manufacturing
industry is gradually taking the path of intelligent
manufacturing. At present, the majority of
enterprises that are capable of intelligent
manufacturing are large-scale enterprises with
financial advantage. However, there still exist
numbers of companies that are not capable of
intelligent manufacturing. This will lead to the
problem that whether small businesses want to
establish intelligent manufacturing. From the
perspective of the game, it can be explained by using
Smart Pig Game Model.
It is assumed that there are two companies
involved in the game, and the players are rational.
One of them has a certain scale (enterprise A),
which can carry out intelligent manufacturing. The
other is smaller (enterprise B), and it cannot perform
R&D for intelligent manufacturing. Meanwhile,
assume intelligent manufacturing will increase the
revenue of the market by 10 units, and the cost of
intelligent manufacturing will be 2 units. If two
enterprises develop intelligent manufacturing
together, A can get 7 units of revenue, while B can
get 3 units. If cost of intelligent manufacturing is
removed, A gets 5 units, and B gets 1 unit. If A
develops intelligent manufacturing, A gets 6 units,
and net gains are 4 units, while B gets 4 units. If B
develops intelligent manufacturing, A gets 9 units, B
gets 1 unit, but after removing costs, A loses 1 unit.
If neither develops intelligent manufacturing, they
cannot gain profit. It is summarized as the following
game payment matrix (Table 2-2).
Table 2-2 Wise Pig Game Payout Matrix.
Enterprise B
prise A
5 1 4 4
9 -1 0 0
After analysis, the small-scale enterprise
(Enterprise B) will certainly choose not to develop,
so that the large-scale enterprise (Enterprise A) will
choose to develop intelligent manufacturing.
However, if we do not take the cost in account, we
found that the large-scale enterprise and small-scale
enterprise will share the revenue equally at last, and
there will exist free riders.
The above analysis just describes a game
process. In the real market, there will usually be
repeated games. Thus, from the long term
perspective, it is helpful for small-scale enterprises
to establish brands through independent R&D or to
learn from large-scale companies under certain
levels of supervision. Therefore, it can be found that
the limited rationality and opportunistic behavior of
“the contractor” will disrupt the competitive market
among enterprises and increase transaction costs.
2.2.2 Trading Factors
Trading factors mainly include asset specificity, and
transaction frequency. On the one hand, when the
existing old manufacturing equipment is eliminated
or improved in developing intelligent
manufacturing, it will lose all or part of the input
assets and increase transaction costs. On the other
hand, in the course of repetitive transactions,
transaction costs will decrease as the frequency of
transactions increases. However, transaction costs
will not be reduced indefinitely as the frequency of
transactions will increase(Williamson, 1979).
(Figure 2-2).
Figure 2-2 Relationship between transaction frequency
and transaction cost
According to the current situation of intelligent
manufacturing in manufacturing industry in China, it
can be proposed that in order to improve intelligent
manufacturing in manufacturing industry can be
conducted from three perspectives.
3.1 Formulating Production Capacity
and Eliminating Backward
Production Capacity Based on
Market Demand
At present, some enterprises in manufacturing
industry are still in a state of overcapacity and
backward production capacity. In order to deal with
the problem and improve enterprise’s performance,
on the one hand, large enterprises should reduce the
production of high-volume, low-quality products.
Moreover, customizing production capacity
according to market demand, increasing the
introduction of advanced production equipment and
technologies, and gradually optimizing product
quality is also necessary for large-scale enterprises
to achieve the reform. On the other hand, small
enterprises should not only reduce the production of
low-tech products, but also transform the
development target to technology research and
development. Therefore, the unique brand will be
3.2 Strengthen Innovation to Increase
Intelligent Manufacturing
Innovation is the driving force for companies to
move toward intelligent production. Enterprises
should accelerate the pace of innovation with the
support from government and higher education
institutions. Moreover, they can also increase the
introduction of technological talents, the use of
intelligent technologies, and the connection and
cooperation with other enterprises. Therefore, the
core competitiveness of the enterprises, and constant
upgrading and optimization of industrial structure
can finally be achieved.
3.3 Promoting Clean and Environmental
Friendly Production to Upgrade
Environmental protection is an issue that cannot be
ignored in the development of any industry. The
state’s requirements for cleaner production, energy
conservation, and emission reductions are
increasing. Enterprises should strictly control the
disposal and discharge of pollutants, increase
investment in wastewater and tail gas treatment, and
gradually realize intelligent upgrading of their
This essay clarifies the connotation and influencing
factors of intelligent manufacturing and transaction
costs in manufacturing industry. After analysing the
relationship between intelligent manufacturing and
transaction costs, we proposed suggestions to
accelerate intelligent manufacturing in
manufacturing industry, consisting of formulating
production capacity, strengthening innovation, and
promoting clean and environmental friendly
This research was financially supported by the
National Social Science Foundation of China
(16BGL138 ).
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Unpublished theses (MEc), Hunan Normal